Machine control software (2)

Stills store

This works in a very similar way to the capgen. A reference number is put into the running order that matches the stills store memory. During the programme a list is built up of the stills, and you simply hit a button to call up the next one when you are ready.

Laser disk

This works well. Laser disks have been used primarily for keeping regular graphics and stings required for programmes. The quality of the pictures remains permanently high, and the ENS can cue up requested segments very quickly.

Non-linear systems

This is the direction in which most news studios are heading. Ultimately, instead of using VT machines, all edited packages will either be loaded into, or cut directly on, a non-linear device.

Instant access means changes can be made very quickly without leaving the director in the lurch. Be aware that there are difficult issues to be faced with large non-linear systems, primarily to do with housekeeping. Someone has to decide what stories to chuck out to make space for the new ones.


There is no reason why robotic cameras could not be connected to an ENS. Few have found this to be beneficial.


Lighting changes (typically at the beginning or end of a show) can be programmed into an ENS, as long as the lighting controller has a method of receiving instructions. Note that this is not the same as automatically setting levels, and an ENS will generally be unaware of the skin colour of a presenter or guest, and the implications for lighting levels.


If information typed into newsroom systems is one letter wrong, the machine control software will not work. Tape/disk recorders will not line up the right stories, captions will not appear, stills stores will offer the wrong picture, directors will get very upset.

If there is any part of the above sentence that you do not understand, please get clarification from someone who does. Before it’s too late.


Displays like this will become more and more commonplace for directors. This one shows VT clips being automatically offered up by a disk recorder in the order demanded by an electronic newsroom system.

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