Chapter 11
Collections, Comparisons, and Conversions Code Downloads for this Chapter

You can find the code downloads for this chapter at on the Download Code tab. The code is in the Chapter 11 download and individually named according to the names throughout the chapter.

You've covered all the basic OOP techniques in C# now, but there are some more advanced techniques that are worth becoming familiar with. These techniques relate to certain problems that you must solve regularly when you are writing code. Learning about them will make it much easier to progress and allow you to concentrate on other, potentially more important aspects of your applications. In this chapter, you look at the following:

  • Collections — Collections enable you to maintain groups of objects. Unlike arrays, which you've used in earlier chapters, collections can include more advanced functionality, such as controlling access to the objects they contain, searching and sorting, and more. You'll learn how to use and create collection classes and learn about some powerful techniques for getting the most out of them.
  • Comparisons — When dealing with objects, you often want to make comparisons between them. This is especially important in collections, because it is how sorting is achieved. You'll look at how to compare objects in a number of ways, including operator overloading, and how to use the IComparable and IComparer interface to sort collections.
  • Conversions — Earlier chapters showed you how to cast objects from one type into another. In this chapter, you'll learn how to customize type conversions to suit your needs.


In Chapter 5, you learned how to use arrays to create variable types that contain a number of objects or values. Arrays, however, have their limitations. The biggest limitation is that once arrays have been created, they have a fixed size, so you can't add new items to the end of an existing array without creating a new one. This often means that the syntax used to manipulate arrays can become overly complicated. OOP techniques enable you to create classes that perform much of this manipulation internally, simplifying the code that uses lists of items or arrays.

Arrays in C# are implemented as instances of the System.Array class and are just one type of what are known as collection classes. Collection classes in general are used for maintaining lists of objects, and they may expose more functionality than simple arrays. Much of this functionality comes through implementing interfaces from the System.Collections namespace, thus standardizing collection syntax. This namespace also contains some other interesting things, such as classes that implement these interfaces in ways other than System.Array.

Because the collection's functionality (including basic functions such as accessing collection items by using [index] syntax) is available through interfaces, you aren't limited to using basic collection classes such as System.Array. Instead, you can create your own customized collection classes. These can be made more specific to the objects you want to enumerate (that is, the objects you want to maintain collections of). One advantage of doing this, as you will see, is that custom collection classes can be strongly typed. That is, when you extract items from the collection, you don't need to cast them into the correct type. Another advantage is the capability to expose specialized methods. For example, you can provide a quick way to obtain subsets of items. In the deck of cards example, you could add a method to obtain all Card items of a particular suit.

Several interfaces in the System.Collections namespace provide basic collection functionality:

  • IEnumerable — Provides the capability to loop through items in a collection
  • ICollection — Provides the capability to obtain the number of items in a collection and copy items into a simple array type (inherits from IEnumerable)
  • IList — Provides a list of items for a collection along with the capabilities for accessing these items, and some other basic capabilities related to lists of items (inherits from IEnumerable and ICollection)
  • IDictionary — Similar to IList, but provides a list of items accessible via a key value, rather than an index (inherits from IEnumerable and ICollection)

The System.Array class implements IList, ICollection, and IEnumerable. However, it doesn't support some of the more advanced features of IList, and it represents a list of items by using a fixed size.

Using Collections

One of the classes in the Systems.Collections namespace, System.Collections.ArrayList, also implements IList, ICollection, and IEnumerable, but does so in a more sophisticated way than System.Array. Whereas arrays are fixed in size (you can't add or remove elements), this class can be used to represent a variable-length list of items. To give you more of a feel for what is possible with such a highly advanced collection, the following Try It Out uses this class, as well as a simple array.

Defining Collections

Now that you know what is possible using more advanced collection classes, it's time to learn how to create your own strongly typed collection. One way of doing this is to implement the required methods manually, but this can be a time-consuming and complex process. Alternatively, you can derive your collection from a class, such as System.Collections.CollectionBase, an abstract class that supplies much of the implementation of a collection for you. This option is strongly recommended.

The CollectionBase class exposes the interfaces IEnumerable, ICollection, and IList but provides only some of the required implementation — notably, the Clear() and RemoveAt() methods of IList and the Count property of ICollection. You need to implement everything else yourself if you want the functionality provided.

To facilitate this, CollectionBase provides two protected properties that enable access to the stored objects themselves. You can use List, which gives you access to the items through an IList interface, and InnerList, which is the ArrayList object used to store items.

For example, the basics of a collection class to store Animal objects could be defined as follows (you'll see a fuller implementation shortly):

public class Animals : CollectionBase
   public void Add(Animal newAnimal)
   public void Remove(Animal oldAnimal)
   public Animals() {}

Here, Add() and Remove() have been implemented as strongly typed methods that use the standard Add() method of the IList interface used to access the items. The methods exposed will now only work with Animal classes or classes derived from Animal, unlike the ArrayList implementations shown earlier, which work with any object.

The CollectionBase class enables you to use the foreach syntax with your derived collections. For example, you can use code such as this:

WriteLine("Using custom collection class Animals:");
Animals animalCollection = new Animals();
animalCollection.Add(new Cow("Lea"));
foreach (Animal myAnimal in animalCollection)
   WriteLine($"New { myAnimal.ToString()} object added to custom " +
             $"collection, Name = {myAnimal.Name}");

You can't, however, do the following:


To access items via their indices in this way, you need to use an indexer.


An indexer is a special kind of property that you can add to a class to provide array-like access. In fact, you can provide more complex access via an indexer, because you can define and use complex parameter types with the square bracket syntax as you want. Implementing a simple numeric index for items, however, is the most common usage.

You can add an indexer to the Animals collection of Animal objects as follows:

   public class Animals : CollectionBase
      public Animal this[int animalIndex]
         get { return (Animal)List[animalIndex]; }
         Set { List[animalIndex] = value; }

The this keyword is used along with parameters in square brackets, but otherwise the indexer looks much like any other property. This syntax is logical, because you access the indexer by using the name of the object followed by the index parameter(s) in square brackets (for example, MyAnimals[0]).

The indexer code uses an indexer on the List property (that is, on the IList interface that provides access to the ArrayList in CollectionBase that stores your items):

return (Animal)List[animalIndex];

Explicit casting is necessary here, as the IList.List property returns a System.Object object. The important point to note here is that you define a type for this indexer. This is the type that will be obtained when you access an item by using this indexer. This strong typing means that you can write code such as


rather than:


This is another handy feature of strongly typed custom collections. In the following Try It Out, you expand the previous Try It Out to put this into action.

Adding a Cards Collection to CardLib

In the last chapter, you created a class library project called Ch10CardLib that contained a Card class representing a playing card, and a Deck class representing a deck of cards — that is, a collection of Card classes. This collection was implemented as a simple array.

In this chapter, you'll add a new class to this library, renamed Ch11CardLib. This new class, Cards, will be a custom collection of Card objects, giving you all the benefits described earlier in this chapter. Create a new class library called Ch11CardLib in the C:BegVCSharpChapter11 directory. Next, delete the autogenerated Class1.cs file; select Project 1 Add Existing Item; select the Card.cs, Deck.cs, Suit.cs, and Rank.cs files from the C:BegVCSharpChapter10Ch10CardLibCh10CardLib directory; and add the files to your project. As with the previous version of this project, introduced in Chapter 10, these changes are presented without using the standard Try It Out format. Should you want to jump straight to the code, feel free to open the version of this project included in the downloadable code for this chapter.

If you decide to create this project yourself, add a new class called Cards and modify the code in Cards.cs as follows:

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Ch11CardLib
   public class Cards : CollectionBase
      public void Add(Card newCard)
      public void Remove(Card oldCard)
      public Card this[int cardIndex]
         get { return (Card)List[cardIndex]; }
         set { List[cardIndex] = value; }
      /// <summary>
      /// Utility method for copying card instances into another Cards
      /// instance—used in Deck.Shuffle(). This implementation assumes that
      /// source and target collections are the same size.
      /// </summary>
      public void CopyTo(Cards targetCards)
         for (int index = 0; index < this.Count; index++)
            targetCards[index] = this[index];
      /// <summary>
      /// Check to see if the Cards collection contains a particular card.
      /// This calls the Contains() method of the ArrayList for the collection,
      /// which you access through the InnerList property.
      /// </summary>
      public bool Contains(Card card) => InnerList.Contains(card);

Next, modify Deck.cs to use this new collection, rather than an array:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Ch11CardLib
   public class Deck
      private Cards cards = new Cards();
      public Deck()
         // Line of code removed here
         for (int suitVal = 0; suitVal < 4; suitVal++)
            for (int rankVal = 1; rankVal < 14; rankVal++)
               cards.Add(new Card((Suit)suitVal, (Rank)rankVal));
      public Card GetCard(int cardNum)
         if (cardNum >= 0 && cardNum <= 51)
            return cards[cardNum];
            throw (new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("cardNum", cardNum,
                   "Value must be between 0 and 51."));
      public void Shuffle()
         Cards newDeck = new Cards();
         bool[] assigned = new bool[52];
         Random sourceGen = new Random();
         for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++)
            int sourceCard = 0;
            bool foundCard = false;
            while (foundCard == false)
               sourceCard = sourceGen.Next(52);
               if (assigned[sourceCard] == false)
                  foundCard = true;
            assigned[sourceCard] = true;

Not many changes are necessary here. Most of them involve changing the shuffling logic to allow for the fact that cards are added to the beginning of the new Cards collection newDeck from a random index in cards, rather than to a random index in newDeck from a sequential position in cards.

The client console application for the Ch10CardLib solution, Ch10CardClient, can be used with this new library with the same result as before, as the method signatures of Deck are unchanged. Clients of this class library can now make use of the Cards collection class, however, rather than rely on arrays of Card objects — for example, to define hands of cards in a card game application.

Keyed Collections and IDictionary

Instead of implementing the IList interface, it is also possible for collections to implement the similar IDictionary interface, which allows items to be indexed via a key value (such as a string name), rather than an index. This is also achieved using an indexer, although here the indexer parameter used is a key associated with a stored item, rather than an int index, which can make the collection a lot more user-friendly.

As with indexed collections, there is a base class you can use to simplify implementation of the IDictionary interface: DictionaryBase. This class also implements IEnumerable and ICollection, providing the basic collection-manipulation capabilities that are the same for any collection.

DictionaryBase, like CollectionBase, implements some (but not all) of the members obtained through its supported interfaces. Like CollectionBase, the Clear and Count members are implemented, although RemoveAt() isn't because it's a method on the IList interface and doesn't appear on the IDictionary interface. IDictionary does, however, have a Remove() method, which is one of the methods you should implement in a custom collection class based on DictionaryBase.

The following code shows an alternative version of the Animals class, this time derived from DictionaryBase. Implementations are included for Add(), Remove(), and a key-accessed indexer:

public class Animals : DictionaryBase
   public void Add(string newID, Animal newAnimal)
      Dictionary.Add(newID, newAnimal);
   public void Remove(string animalID)
   public Animals() {}
   public Animal this[string animalID]
      get { return (Animal)Dictionary[animalID]; }
      set { Dictionary[animalID] = value; }

The differences in these members are as follows:

  • Add() — Takes two parameters, a key and a value, to store together. The dictionary collection has a member called Dictionary inherited from DictionaryBase, which is an IDictionary interface. This interface has its own Add() method, which takes two object parameters. Your implementation takes a string value as a key and an Animal object as the data to store alongside this key.
  • Remove() — Takes a key parameter, rather than an object reference. The item with the key value specified is removed.
  • Indexer — Uses a string key value, rather than an index, which is used to access the stored item via the Dictionary inherited member. Again, casting is necessary here.

One other difference between collections based on DictionaryBase and collections based on CollectionBase is that foreach works slightly differently. The collection from the last section allowed you to extract Animal objects directly from the collection. Using foreach with the DictionaryBase derived class gives you DictionaryEntry structs, another type defined in the System.Collections namespace. To get to the Animal objects themselves, you must use the Value member of this struct, or you can use the Key member of the struct to get the associated key. To get code equivalent to the earlier

foreach (Animal myAnimal in animalCollection)
   WriteLine($"New {myAnimal.ToString()} object added to custom " +
             $"collection, Name = {myAnimal.Name}");

you need the following:

foreach (DictionaryEntry myEntry in animalCollection)
   WriteLine($"New {myEntry.Value.ToString()} object added to " +
      $"custom collection, Name = {((Animal)myEntry.Value).Name}");

It is possible to override this behavior so that you can access Animal objects directly through foreach. There are several ways to do this, the simplest being to implement an iterator.


Earlier in this chapter, you saw that the IEnumerable interface enables you to use foreach loops. It's often beneficial to use your classes in foreach loops, not just collection classes such as those shown in previous sections.

However, overriding this behavior, or providing your own custom implementation of it, is not always simple. To illustrate this, it's necessary to take a detailed look at foreach loops. The following steps show you what actually happens in a foreach loop iterating through a collection called collectionObject:

  1. collectionObject.GetEnumerator() is called, which returns an IEnumerator reference. This method is available through implementation of the IEnumerable interface, although this is optional.
  2. The MoveNext() method of the returned IEnumerator interface is called.
  3. If MoveNext() returns true, then the Current property of the IEnumerator interface is used to get a reference to an object, which is used in the foreach loop.
  4. The preceding two steps repeat until MoveNext() returns false, at which point the loop terminates.

To enable this behavior in your classes, you must override several methods, keep track of indices, maintain the Current property, and so on. This can be a lot of work to achieve very little.

A simpler alternative is to use an iterator. Effectively, using iterators generates a lot of the code for you behind the scenes and hooks it all up correctly. Moreover, the syntax for using iterators is much easier to get a grip on.

A good definition of an iterator is a block of code that supplies all the values to be used in a foreach block in sequence. Typically, this block of code is a method, although you can also use property accessors and other blocks of code as iterators. To keep things simple, you'll just look at methods here.

Whatever the block of code is, its return type is restricted. Perhaps contrary to expectations, this return type isn't the same as the type of object being enumerated. For example, in a class that represents a collection of Animal objects, the return type of the iterator block can't be Animal. Two possible return types are the interface types mentioned earlier, IEnumerable or IEnumerator. You use these types as follows:

  • To iterate over a class, use a method called GetEnumerator() with a return type of IEnumerator.
  • To iterate over a class member, such as a method, use IEnumerable.

Within an iterator block, you select the values to be used in the foreach loop by using the yield keyword. The syntax for doing this is as follows:

yield return <value>;

That information is all you need to build a very simple example, as follows (you can find this code in SimpleIteratorsProgram.cs):

      public static IEnumerable SimpleList()
         yield return "string 1";
         yield return "string 2";
         yield return "string 3";
      static void Main(string[] args)
         foreach (string item in SimpleList())

Here, the static method SimpleList() is the iterator block. Because it is a method, you use a return type of IEnumerable. SimpleList() uses the yield keyword to supply three values to the foreach block that uses it, each of which is written to the screen. The result is shown in Figure 11.3.

Command prompt window of displaying three codes: string 1, string 2, and string 3.

Figure 11.3

Obviously, this iterator isn't a particularly useful one, but it does show how this works in action and how simple the implementation can be. Looking at the code, you might wonder how the code knows to return string type items. In fact, it doesn't; it returns object type values. As you know, object is the base class for all types, so you can return anything from the yield statements.

However, the compiler is intelligent enough that you can interpret the returned values as whatever type you want in the context of the foreach loop. Here, the code asks for string type values, so those are the values you get to work. Should you change one of the yield lines so that it returns, say, an integer, you would get a bad cast exception in the foreach loop.

One more thing about iterators. It is possible to interrupt the return of information to the foreach loop by using the following statement:

yield break;

When this statement is encountered in an iterator, the iterator processing terminates immediately, as does the foreach loop using it.

Now it's time for a more complicated — and useful! — example. In this Try It Out, you'll implement an iterator that obtains prime numbers.

Iterators and Collections

Earlier you were promised an explanation of how iterators can be used to iterate over the objects stored in a dictionary-type collection without having to deal with DictionaryItem objects. In the downloadable code for this chapter, you will find the code for the next project in the DictionaryAnimals folder. Recall the collection class Animals:

public class Animals : DictionaryBase
   public void Add(string newID, Animal newAnimal)
      Dictionary.Add(newID, newAnimal);
   public void Remove(string animalID)
   public Animal this[string animalID]
      get { return (Animal)Dictionary[animalID]; }
      set { Dictionary[animalID] = value; }

You can add this simple iterator to the code to get the desired behavior:

      public new IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
         foreach (object animal in Dictionary.Values)
            yield return (Animal)animal;

Now you can use the following code to iterate through the Animal objects in the collection:

         foreach (Animal myAnimal in animalCollection)
            WriteLine($"New {myAnimal.ToString()} object added to " +
                      $" custom collection, Name = {myAnimal.Name}");

Deep Copying

Chapter 9 described how you can perform shallow copying with the System.Object.MemberwiseClone() protected method, by using a method like the GetCopy() one shown here:

public class Cloner
   public int Val;
   public Cloner(int newVal)
      Val = newVal;
   public object GetCopy() => MemberwiseClone();

Suppose you have fields that are reference types, rather than value types (for example, objects):

public class Content
   public int Val;
public class Cloner
   public Content MyContent = new Content();
   public Cloner(int newVal)
      MyContent.Val = newVal;
   public object GetCopy() => MemberwiseClone();

In this case, the shallow copy obtained though GetCopy() has a field that refers to the same object as the original object. The following code, which uses this Cloner class, illustrates the consequences of shallow copying reference types:

Cloner mySource = new Cloner(5);
Cloner myTarget = (Cloner)mySource.GetCopy();
WriteLine($"myTarget.MyContent.Val = {myTarget.MyContent.Val}");
mySource.MyContent.Val = 2;
WriteLine($"myTarget.MyContent.Val = {myTarget.MyContent.Val}");

The fourth line, which assigns a value to mySource.MyContent.Val, the Val public field of the MyContent public field of the original object, also changes the value of myTarget.MyContent.Val. That's because mySource.MyContent refers to the same object instance as myTarget.MyContent. The output of the preceding code is as follows:

myTarget.MyContent.Val = 5
myTarget.MyContent.Val = 2

To get around this, you need to perform a deep copy. You could just modify the GetCopy() method used previously to do this, but it is preferable to use the standard .NET Framework way of doing things: implement the ICloneable interface, which has the single method Clone(). This method takes no parameters and returns an object type result, giving it a signature identical to the GetCopy() method used earlier.

To modify the preceding classes, try using the following deep copy code:

public class Content
   public int Val;
public class Cloner : ICloneable
   public Content MyContent = new Content();
   public Cloner(int newVal)
      MyContent.Val = newVal;
   public object Clone()
      Cloner clonedCloner = new Cloner(MyContent.Val);
      return clonedCloner;

This created a new Cloner object by using the Val field of the Content object contained in the original Cloner object (MyContent). This field is a value type, so no deeper copying is necessary.

Using code similar to that just shown to test the shallow copy — but using Clone() instead of GetCopy() — gives you the following result:

myTarget.MyContent.Val = 5
myTarget.MyContent.Val = 5

This time, the contained objects are independent. Note that sometimes calls to Clone() are made recursively, in more complex object systems. For example, if the MyContent field of the Cloner class also required deep copying, then you might need the following:

public class Cloner : ICloneable
   public Content MyContent = new Content();
   public object Clone()
      Cloner clonedCloner = new Cloner();
      clonedCloner.MyContent = MyContent.Clone();
      return clonedCloner;

You're calling the default constructor here to simplify the syntax of creating a new Cloner object. For this code to work, you would also need to implement ICloneable on the Content class.

Adding Deep Copying to CardLib

You can put this into practice by implementing the capability to copy Card, Cards, and Deck objects by using the ICloneable interface. This might be useful in some card games, where you might not necessarily want two decks with references to the same set of Card objects, although you might conceivably want to set up one deck to have the same card order as another.

Implementing cloning functionality for the Card class in Ch11CardLib is simple because shallow copying is sufficient (Card contains only value-type data, in the form of fields). Begin by making the following changes to the class definition:

   public class Card : ICloneable
      public object Clone() => MemberwiseClone();

This implementation of ICloneable is just a shallow copy. There is no rule determining what should happen in the Clone() method, and this is sufficient for your purposes.

Next, implement ICloneable on the Cards collection class. This is slightly more complicated because it involves cloning every Card object in the original collection — so you need to make a deep copy:

   public class Cards : CollectionBase, ICloneable
      public object Clone()
         Cards newCards = new Cards();
         foreach (Card sourceCard in List)
         return newCards;

Finally, implement ICloneable on the Deck class. Note a slight problem here: The Deck class in Ch11CardLib has no way to modify the cards it contains, short of shuffling them. There is no way, for example, to modify a Deck instance to have a given card order. To get around this, define a new private constructor for the Deck class that allows a specific Cards collection to be passed in when the Deck object is instantiated. Here's the code to implement cloning in this class:

   public class Deck : ICloneable
      public object Clone()
         Deck newDeck = new Deck(cards.Clone() as Cards);
         return newDeck;
      private Deck(Cards newCards)
         cards = newCards;

Again, you can test this with some simple client code. As before, place this code within the Main() method of a client project for testing (you can find this code in Ch11CardClientProgram.cs in the chapter's online download):

Deck deck1 = new Deck();
Deck deck2 = (Deck)deck1.Clone();
WriteLine($"The first card in the original deck is: {deck1.GetCard(0)}");
WriteLine($"The first card in the cloned deck is: {deck2.GetCard(0)}");
WriteLine("Original deck shuffled.");
WriteLine($"The first card in the original deck is: {deck1.GetCard(0)}");
WriteLine($"The first card in the cloned deck is: {deck2.GetCard(0)}");

The output will be similar to what is shown in Figure 11.5.

Command prompt window after executing the code displaying codes with the specific names of cards.

Figure 11.5


This section covers two types of comparisons between objects:

  • Type comparisons
  • Value comparisons

Type comparisons — that is, determining what an object is, or what it inherits from — are important in all areas of C# programming. Often when you pass an object — to a method, for example — what happens next depends on the type of the object. You've seen this in passing in this and earlier chapters, but here you will see some more useful techniques.

Value comparisons are also something you've seen a lot of, at least with simple types. When it comes to comparing values of objects, things get a little more complicated. You have to define what is meant by a comparison for a start, and what operators such as > mean in the context of your classes. This is especially important in collections, for which you might want to sort objects according to some condition, perhaps alphabetically or according to a more complicated algorithm.

Type Comparisons

When comparing objects, you often need to know their type, which enables you to determine whether a value comparison is possible. In Chapter 9 you saw the GetType() method, which all classes inherit from System.Object, and how this method can be used in combination with the typeof() operator to determine (and take action depending on) object types:

if (myObj.GetType() == typeof(MyComplexClass))
   // myObj is an instance of the class MyComplexClass.

You've also seen how the default implementation of ToString(), also inherited from System.Object, will get you a string representation of an object's type. You can compare these strings too, although that's a rather messy way to accomplish this.

This section demonstrates a handy shorthand way of doing things: the is operator. This operator allows for much more readable code and, as you will see, has the advantage of examining base classes. Before looking at the is operator, though, you need to be aware of what often happens behind the scenes when dealing with value types (as opposed to reference types): boxing and unboxing.

Boxing and Unboxing

In Chapter 8, you learned the difference between reference types and value types, which was illustrated in Chapter 9 by comparing structs (which are value types) with classes (which are reference types). Boxing is the act of converting a value type into the System.Object type or to an interface type that is implemented by the value type. Unboxing is the opposite conversion.

For example, suppose you have the following struct type:

struct MyStruct
   public int Val;

You can box a struct of this type by placing it into an object-type variable:

MyStruct valType1 = new MyStruct();
valType1.Val = 5;
object refType = valType1;

Here, you create a new variable (valType1) of type MyStruct, assign a value to the Val member of this struct, and then box it into an object-type variable (refType).

The object created by boxing a variable in this way contains a reference to a copy of the value-type variable, not a reference to the original value-type variable. You can verify this by modifying the original struct's contents and then unboxing the struct contained in the object into a new variable and examining its contents:

valType1.Val = 6;
MyStruct valType2 = (MyStruct)refType;
WriteLine($"valType2.Val = {valType2.Val}");

This code gives you the following output:

valType2.Val = 5

When you assign a reference type to an object, however, you get a different behavior. You can see this by changing MyStruct into a class (ignoring the fact that the name of this class isn't appropriate now):

class MyStruct
   public int Val;

With no changes to the client code shown previously (again ignoring the misnamed variables), you get the following output:

valType2.Val = 6

You can also box value types into interface types, so long as they implement that interface. For example, suppose the MyStruct type implements the IMyInterface interface as follows:

interface IMyInterface {}
struct MyStruct : IMyInterface
   public int Val;

You can then box the struct into an IMyInterface type as follows:

MyStruct valType1 = new MyStruct();
IMyInterface refType = valType1;

You can unbox it by using the normal casting syntax:

MyStruct ValType2 = (MyStruct)refType;

As shown in these examples, boxing is performed without your intervention — that is, you don't have to write any code to make it possible. Unboxing a value requires an explicit conversion, however, and requires you to make a cast (boxing is implicit and doesn't have this requirement).

You might be wondering why you would actually want to do this. There are two very good reasons why boxing is extremely useful. First, it enables you to use value types in collections (such as ArrayList) where the items are of type object. Second, it's the internal mechanism that enables you to call object methods on value types, such as ints and structs.

It is worth noting that unboxing is necessary before access to the value type contents is possible.

The is Operator

Despite its name, the is operator isn't a way to determine whether an object is a certain type. Instead, the is operator enables you to check whether an object either is or can be converted into a given type. If this is the case, then the operator evaluates to true.

Earlier examples showed a Cow and a Chicken class, both of which inherit from Animal. Using the is operator to compare objects with the Animal type will return true for objects of all three of these types, not just Animal. This is something you'd have a hard time achieving with the GetType() method and typeof() operator shown previously.

The is operator has the following syntax:

<operand> is <type>

The possible results of this expression are as follows:

  • If <type> is a class type, then the result is true if <operand> is of that type, if it inherits from that type, or if it can be boxed into that type.
  • If <type> is an interface type, then the result is true if <operand> is of that type or it is a type that implements the interface.
  • If <type> is a value type, then the result is true if <operand> is of that type or it is a type that can be unboxed into that type.

The following Try It Out shows how this works in practice.

Value Comparisons

Consider two Person objects representing people, each with an integer Age property. You might want to compare them to see which person is older. You can simply use the following code:

if (person1.Age > person2.Age)

This works fine, but there are alternatives. You might prefer to use syntax such as the following:

if (person1 > person2)

This is possible using operator overloading, which you'll look at in this section. This is a powerful technique, but it should be used judiciously. In the preceding code, it is not immediately obvious that ages are being compared — it could be height, weight, IQ, or just general “greatness.”

Another option is to use the IComparable and IComparer interfaces, which enable you to define how objects will be compared to each other in a standard way. This technique is supported by the various collection classes in the .NET Framework, making it an excellent way to sort objects in a collection.

Operator Overloading

Operator overloading enables you to use standard operators, such as +, >, and so on, with classes that you design. This is called “overloading” because you are supplying your own implementations for these operators when used with specific parameter types, in much the same way that you overload methods by supplying different parameters for methods with the same name.

Operator overloading is useful because you can perform whatever processing you want in the implementation of the operator overload, which might not be as simple as, for example, +, meaning “add these two operands together.” Later, you'll see a good example of this in a further upgrade of the CardLib library, whereby you'll provide implementations for comparison operators that compare two cards to see which would beat the other in a trick (one round of card game play).

Because a trick in many card games depends on the suits of the cards involved, this isn't as straightforward as comparing the numbers on the cards. If the second card laid down is a different suit from the first, then the first card wins regardless of its rank. You can implement this by considering the order of the two operands. You can also take a trump suit into account, whereby trumps beat other suits even if that isn't the first suit laid down. This means that calculating that card1 > card2 is true (that is, card1 will beat card2 if card1 is laid down first), doesn't necessarily imply that card2 > card1 is false. If neither card1 nor card2 are trumps and they belong to different suits, then both of these comparisons will be true.

To start with, though, here's a look at the basic syntax for operator overloading. Operators can be overloaded by adding operator type members (which must be static) to a class. Some operators have multiple uses (such as -, which has unary and binary capabilities); therefore, you also specify how many operands you are dealing with and the types of these operands. In general, you will have operands that are the same type as the class in which the operator is defined, although it's possible to define operators that work on mixed types, as you'll see shortly.

As an example, consider the simple type AddClass1, defined as follows:

public class AddClass1
   public int val;

This is just a wrapper around an int value but it illustrates the principles. With this class, code such as the following will fail to compile:

AddClass1 op1 = new AddClass1();
op1.val = 5;
AddClass1 op2 = new AddClass1();
op2.val = 5;
AddClass1 op3 = op1 + op2;

The error you get informs you that the + operator cannot be applied to operands of the AddClass1 type. This is because you haven't defined an operation to perform yet. Code such as the following works, but it won't give you the result you might want:

AddClass1 op1 = new AddClass1();
op1.val = 5;
AddClass1 op2 = new AddClass1();
op2.val = 5;
bool op3 = op1 == op2;

Here, op1 and op2 are compared by using the == binary operator to determine whether they refer to the same object, not to verify whether their values are equal. op3 will be false in the preceding code, even though op1.val and op2.val are identical.

To overload the + operator, use the following code:

public class AddClass1
   public int val;
   public static AddClass1 operator +(AddClass1 op1, AddClass1 op2)
      AddClass1 returnVal = new AddClass1();
      returnVal.val = op1.val + op2.val;
      return returnVal;

As you can see, operator overloads look much like standard static method declarations, except that they use the keyword operator and the operator itself, rather than a method name. You can now successfully use the + operator with this class, as in the previous example:

AddClass1 op3 = op1 + op2;

Overloading all binary operators fits the same pattern. Unary operators look similar but have only one parameter:

public class AddClass1
   public int val;
   public static AddClass1 operator +(AddClass1 op1, AddClass1 op2)
      AddClass1 returnVal = new AddClass1();
      returnVal.val = op1.val + op2.val;
      return returnVal;
   public static AddClass1 operator -(AddClass1 op1)
      AddClass1 returnVal = new AddClass1();
      returnVal.val = -op1.val;
      return returnVal;

Both these operators work on operands of the same type as the class and have return values that are also of that type. Consider, however, the following class definitions:

public class AddClass1
   public int val;
   public static AddClass3 operator +(AddClass1 op1, AddClass2 op2)
      AddClass3 returnVal = new AddClass3();
      returnVal.val = op1.val + op2.val;
      return returnVal;
public class AddClass2
   public int val;
public class AddClass3
   public int val;

This will allow the following code:

AddClass1 op1 = new AddClass1();
op1.val = 5;
AddClass2 op2 = new AddClass2();
op2.val = 5;
AddClass3 op3 = op1 + op2;

When appropriate, you can mix types in this way. Note, however, that if you added the same operator to AddClass2, then the preceding code would fail because it would be ambiguous as to which operator to use. You should, therefore, take care not to add operators with the same signature to more than one class.

In addition, if you mix types, then the operands must be supplied in the same order as the parameters to the operator overload. If you attempt to use your overloaded operator with the operands in the wrong order, the operation will fail. For example, you can't use the operator like,

AddClass3 op3 = op2 + op1;

unless, of course, you supply another overload with the parameters reversed:

public static AddClass3 operator +(AddClass2 op1, AddClass1 op2)
   AddClass3 returnVal = new AddClass3();
   returnVal.val = op1.val + op2.val;
   return returnVal;

The following operators can be overloaded:

  • Unary operators+, -, !, ˜, ++, --, true, false
  • Binary operators+, -, *, /, %, &, |, ^, 1, 1
  • Comparison operators==, !=, <, >, <=, >=

You can't overload assignment operators, such as +=, but these operators use their simple counterparts, such as +, so you don't have to worry about that. Overloading + means that += will function as expected. The = operator can't be overloaded because it has such a fundamental usage, but this operator is related to the user-defined conversion operators, which you'll look at in the next section.

You also can't overload && and ||, but these operators use the & and | operators to perform their calculations, so overloading these is enough.

Some operators, such as < and >, must be overloaded in pairs. That is, you can't overload < unless you also overload >. In many cases, you can simply call other operators from these to reduce the code required (and the errors that might occur), as shown in this example:

public class AddClass1
   public int val;
   public static bool operator >=(AddClass1 op1, AddClass1 op2)
          => (op1.val >= op2.val);
   public static bool operator <(AddClass1 op1, AddClass1 op2)
          => !(op1 >= op2);
   // Also need implementations for <= and > operators.

In more complex operator definitions, this can reduce the lines of code. It also means that you have less code to change if you later decide to modify the implementation of these operators.

The same applies to == and !=, but with these operators it is often worth overriding Object.Equals() and Object.GetHashCode(), because both of these functions can also be used to compare objects. By overriding these methods, you ensure that whatever technique users of the class use, they get the same result. This isn't essential, but it's worth adding for completeness. It requires the following nonstatic override methods:

public class AddClass1
   public int val;
   public static bool operator ==(AddClass1 op1, AddClass1 op2)
          => (op1.val == op2.val);
   public static bool operator !=(AddClass1 op1, AddClass1 op2)
          => !(op1 == op2);
   public override bool Equals(object op1) => val == ((AddClass1)op1).val;
   public override int GetHashCode() => val;

GetHashCode() is used to obtain a unique int value for an object instance based on its state. Here, using val is fine, because it is also an int value.

Note that Equals() uses an object type parameter. You need to use this signature or you will be overloading this method, rather than overriding it, and the default implementation will still be accessible to users of the class. Instead, you must use casting to get the required result. It is often worth checking the object type using the is operator discussed earlier, in code such as this:

   public override bool Equals(object op1)
      if (op1 is AddClass1)
         return val == ((AddClass1)op1).val;
         throw new ArgumentException(
            "Cannot compare AddClass1 objects with objects of type "
            + op1.GetType().ToString());

In this code, an exception is thrown if the operand passed to Equals is of the wrong type or cannot be converted into the correct type. Of course, this behavior might not be what you want. You might want to be able to compare objects of one type with objects of another type, in which case more branching would be necessary. Alternatively, you might want to restrict comparisons to those in which both objects are of exactly the same type, which would require the following change to the first if statement:

   if (op1.GetType() == typeof(AddClass1))

Adding Operator Overloads to CardLib

Now you'll upgrade your Ch11CardLib project again, adding operator overloading to the Card class. Again, you can find the code for the classes that follow in the Ch11CardLib folder of this chapter's code download. First, though, you'll add the extra fields to the Card class that allow for trump suits and an option to place aces high. You make these static, because when they are set, they apply to all Card objects:

   public class Card
      /// <summary>
      /// Flag for trump usage. If true, trumps are valued higher
      /// than cards of other suits.
      /// </summary>
      public static bool useTrumps = false;
      /// <summary>
      /// Trump suit to use if useTrumps is true.
      /// </summary>
      public static Suit trump = Suit.Club;
      /// <summary>
      /// Flag that determines whether aces are higher than kings or lower
      /// than deuces.
      /// </summary>
      public static bool isAceHigh = true;

These rules apply to all Card objects in every Deck in an application. It's not possible to have two decks of cards with cards contained in each that obey different rules. That's fine for this class library, however, as you can safely assume that if a single application wants to use separate rules, then it could maintain these itself, perhaps setting the static members of Card whenever decks are switched.

Because you have done this, it is worth adding a few more constructors to the Deck class to initialize decks with different characteristics:

      /// <summary>
      /// Nondefault constructor. Allows aces to be set high.
      /// </summary>
      public Deck(bool isAceHigh) : this()
         Card.isAceHigh = isAceHigh;
      /// <summary>
      /// Nondefault constructor. Allows a trump suit to be used.
      /// </summary>
      public Deck(bool useTrumps, Suit trump) : this()
         Card.useTrumps = useTrumps;
         Card.trump = trump;
      /// <summary>
      /// Nondefault constructor. Allows aces to be set high and a trump suit
      /// to be used.
      /// </summary>
      public Deck(bool isAceHigh, bool useTrumps, Suit trump) : this()
         Card.isAceHigh = isAceHigh;
         Card.useTrumps = useTrumps;
         Card.trump = trump;

Each of these constructors is defined by using the : this() syntax shown in Chapter 9, so in all cases the default constructor is called before the nondefault one, initializing the deck.

Now add your operator overloads (and suggested overrides) to the Card class:

      public static bool operator ==(Card card1, Card card2)
         => card1?.suit == card2?.suit) && (card1?.rank == card2?.rank);
      public static bool operator !=(Card card1, Card card2)
             => !(card1 == card2);
      public override bool Equals(object card) => this == (Card)card;
      public override int GetHashCode()
                      => return 13 * (int)suit + (int)rank;
      public static bool operator >(Card card1, Card card2)
         if (card1.suit == card2.suit)
            if (isAceHigh)
               if (card1.rank == Rank.Ace)
                  if (card2.rank == Rank.Ace)
                     return false;
                     return true;
                  if (card2.rank == Rank.Ace)
                     return false;
                     return (card1.rank > card2?.rank);
               return (card1.rank > card2.rank);
            if (useTrumps && (card2.suit == Card.trump))
               return false;
               return true;
      public static bool operator <(Card card1, Card card2)
             => !(card1 >= card2);
      public static bool operator >=(Card card1, Card card2)
         if (card1.suit == card2.suit)
            if (isAceHigh)
               if (card1.rank == Rank.Ace)
                  return true;
                  if (card2.rank == Rank.Ace)
                     return false;
                     return (card1.rank >= card2.rank);
               return (card1.rank >= card2.rank);
            if (useTrumps && (card2.suit == Card.trump))
               return false;
               return true;
      public static bool operator <=(Card card1, Card card2)
             => !(card1 > card2);

There's not much to note here, except perhaps the slightly lengthy code for the > and >= overloaded operators. If you step through the code for >, you can see how it works and why these steps are necessary.

You are comparing two cards, card1 and card2, where card1 is assumed to be the first one laid down on the table. As discussed earlier, this becomes important when you are using trump cards, because a trump will beat a non-trump even if the non-trump has a higher rank. Of course, if the suits of the two cards are identical, then whether the suit is the trump suit or not is irrelevant, so this is the first comparison you make:

public static bool operator >(Card card1, Card card2)
   if (card1.suit == card2.suit)

If the static isAceHigh flag is true, then you can't compare the cards' ranks directly via their value in the Rank enumeration, because the rank of ace has a value of 1 in this enumeration, which is less than that of all other ranks. Instead, use the following steps:

  • If the first card is an ace, then check whether the second card is also an ace. If it is, then the first card won't beat the second. If the second card isn't an ace, then the first card wins:
                if (isAceHigh)
                   if (card1.rank == Rank.Ace)
                      if (card2.rank == Rank.Ace)
                         return false;
                         return true;
  • If the first card isn't an ace, then you also need to check whether the second one is. If it is, then the second card wins; otherwise, you can compare the rank values because you know that aces aren't an issue:
                      if (card2.rank == Rank.Ace)
                         return false;
                         return (card1.rank > card2?.rank);
  • If aces aren't high, then you just compare the rank values:
                   return (card1.rank > card2.rank);

The remainder of the code concerns the case where the suits of card1 and card2 are different. Here, the static useTrumps flag is important. If this flag is true and card2 is of the trump suit, then you can say definitively that card1 isn't a trump (because the two cards have different suits); and trumps always win, so card2 is the higher card:

      if (useTrumps && (card2.suit == Card.trump))
         return false;

If card2 isn't a trump (or useTrumps is false), then card1 wins, because it was the first card laid down:

         return true;

Only one other operator (>=) uses code similar to this, and the other operators are very simple, so there's no need to go into more detail about them.

The following simple client code tests these operators. Simply place it in the Main() method of a client project to test it, like the client code shown earlier in the CardLib examples (you can find this code in Ch11CardClientProgram.cs):

Card.isAceHigh = true;
WriteLine("Aces are high.");
Card.useTrumps = true;
Card.trump = Suit.Club;
WriteLine("Clubs are trumps.");
Card card1, card2, card3, card4, card5;
card1 = new Card(Suit.Club, Rank.Five);
card2 = new Card(Suit.Club, Rank.Five);
card3 = new Card(Suit.Club, Rank.Ace);
card4 = new Card(Suit.Heart, Rank.Ten);
card5 = new Card(Suit.Diamond, Rank.Ace);
WriteLine($"{card1.ToString()} == {card2.ToString()} ? {card1 == card2}");
WriteLine($"{card1.ToString()} != {card3.ToString()} ? {card1 != card3}");
WriteLine($"{card1.ToString()}.Equals({card4.ToString()}) ? " +
      $" { card1.Equals(card4)}");
WriteLine($"Card.Equals({card3.ToString()}, {card4.ToString()}) ? " +
      $" { Card.Equals(card3, card4)}");
WriteLine($"{card1.ToString()} > {card2.ToString()} ? {card1 > card2}");
WriteLine($"{card1.ToString()} <= {card3.ToString()} ? {card1 <= card3}");
WriteLine($"{card1.ToString()} > {card4.ToString()} ? {card1 > card4}");
WriteLine($"{card4.ToString()} > {card1.ToString()} ? {card4 > card1}");
WriteLine($"{card5.ToString()} > {card4.ToString()} ? {card5 > card4}");
WriteLine($"{card4.ToString()} > {card5.ToString()} ? {card4 > card5}");

The results are as shown in Figure 11.7.

Command prompt window after executing the codes displaying the client codes with the last 4 lines presenting the trump and the non-trump cards.

Figure 11.7

In each case, the operators are applied taking the specified rules into account. This is particularly apparent in the last four lines of output, demonstrating how trump cards always beat non-trumps.

The IComparable and IComparer Interfaces

The IComparable and IComparer interfaces are the standard way to compare objects in the .NET Framework. The difference between the interfaces is as follows:

  • IComparable is implemented in the class of the object to be compared and allows comparisons between that object and another object.
  • IComparer is implemented in a separate class, which allows comparisons between any two objects.

Typically, you give a class default comparison code by using IComparable, and nondefault comparisons using other classes.

IComparable exposes the single method CompareTo(), which accepts an object. You could, for example, implement it in a way that enables you to pass a Person object to it and determine whether that person is older or younger than the current person. In fact, this method returns an int, so you could also determine how much older or younger the second person is:

if (person1.CompareTo(person2) == 0)
   WriteLine("Same age");
else if (person1.CompareTo(person2) > 0)
   WriteLine("person 1 is Older");
   WriteLine("person1 is Younger");

IComparer exposes the single method Compare(), which accepts two objects and returns an integer result just like CompareTo(). With an object supporting IComparer, you could use code like the following:

if (personComparer.Compare(person1, person2) == 0)
   WriteLine("Same age");
else if (personComparer.Compare(person1, person2) > 0)
   WriteLine("person 1 is Older");
   WriteLine("person1 is Younger");

In both cases, the parameters supplied to the methods are of the type System.Object. This means that you can compare one object to another object of any other type, so you usually have to perform some type comparison before returning a result, and maybe even throw exceptions if the wrong types are used.

The .NET Framework includes a default implementation of the IComparer interface on a class called Comparer, found in the System.Collections namespace. This class is capable of performing culture-specific comparisons between simple types, as well as any type that supports the IComparable interface. You can use it, for example, with the following code:

string firstString = "First String";
string secondString = "Second String";
WriteLine($"Comparing '{firstString}' and '{secondString}', " +
         $"result: {Comparer.Default.Compare(firstString, secondString)}");
int firstNumber = 35;
int secondNumber = 23;
WriteLine($"Comparing '{firstNumber}' and '{ secondNumber }', " +
         $"result: {Comparer.Default.Compare(firstNumber, secondNumber)}");

This uses the Comparer.Default static member to obtain an instance of the Comparer class, and then uses the Compare() method to compare first two strings, and then two integers.

The result is as follows:

Comparing 'First String' and 'Second String', result: -1
Comparing '35' and '23', result: 1

Because F comes before S in the alphabet, it is deemed “less than” S, so the result of the first comparison is −1. Similarly, 35 is greater than 23, hence the result of 1. Note that the results do not indicate the magnitude of the difference.

When using Comparer, you must use types that can be compared. Attempting to compare firstString with firstNumber, for instance, will generate an exception.

Here are a few more points about the behavior of this class:

  • Objects passed to Comparer.Compare() are checked to determine whether they support IComparable. If they do, then that implementation is used.
  • Null values are allowed, and are interpreted as being “less than” any other object.
  • Strings are processed according to the current culture. To process strings according to a different culture (or language), the Comparer class must be instantiated using its constructor, which enables you to pass a System.Globalization.CultureInfo object specifying the culture to use.
  • Strings are processed in a case-sensitive way. To process them in a non-case-sensitive way, you need to use the CaseInsensitiveComparer class, which otherwise works exactly the same.

Sorting Collections

Many collection classes allow sorting, either by default comparisons between objects or by custom methods. ArrayList is one example. It contains the method Sort(), which can be used without parameters, in which case default comparisons are used, or it can be passed an IComparer interface to use to compare pairs of objects.

When you have an ArrayList filled with simple types, such as integers or strings, the default comparer is fine. For your own classes, you must either implement IComparable in your class definition or create a separate class supporting IComparer to use for comparisons.

Note that some classes in the System.Collections namespace, including CollectionBase, don't expose a method for sorting. If you want to sort a collection you have derived from this class, then you have to do a bit more work and sort the internal List collection yourself.

The following Try It Out shows how to use a default and nondefault comparer to sort a list.


Thus far, you have used casting whenever you have needed to convert one type into another, but this isn't the only way to do things. Just as an int can be converted into a long or a double implicitly as part of a calculation, you can define how classes you have created can be converted into other classes (either implicitly or explicitly). To do this, you overload conversion operators, much like other operators were overloaded earlier in this chapter. You'll see how in the first part of this section. You'll also see another useful operator, the as operator, which in general is preferable to casting when using reference types.

Overloading Conversion Operators

As well as overloading mathematical operators, as shown earlier, you can define both implicit and explicit conversions between types. This is necessary if you want to convert between types that aren't related — if there is no inheritance relationship between them and no shared interfaces, for example.

Suppose you define an implicit conversion between ConvClass1 and ConvClass2. This means that you can write code such as the following:

ConvClass1 op1 = new ConvClass1();
ConvClass2 op2 = op1;

Alternatively, you can define an explicit conversion:

ConvClass1 op1 = new ConvClass1();
ConvClass2 op2 = (ConvClass2)op1;

As an example, consider the following code:

public class ConvClass1
   public int val;
   public static implicit operator ConvClass2(ConvClass1 op1)
      ConvClass2 returnVal = new ConvClass2();
      returnVal.val = op1.val;
      return returnVal;
public class ConvClass2
   public double val;
   public static explicit operator ConvClass1(ConvClass2 op1)
      ConvClass1 returnVal = new ConvClass1();
      checked {returnVal.val = (int)op1.val;};
      return returnVal;

Here, ConvClass1 contains an int value and ConvClass2 contains a double value. Because int values can be converted into double values implicitly, you can define an implicit conversion between ConvClass1 and ConvClass2. The reverse is not true, however, and you should define the conversion operator between ConvClass2 and ConvClass1 as explicit.

You specify this using the implicit and explicit keywords as shown. With these classes, the following code is fine:

ConvClass1 op1 = new ConvClass1();
op1.val = 3;
ConvClass2 op2 = op1;

A conversion in the other direction, however, requires the following explicit casting conversion:

ConvClass2 op1 = new ConvClass2();
op1.val = 3e15;
ConvClass1 op2 = (ConvClass1)op1;

Because you have used the checked keyword in your explicit conversion, you will get an exception in the preceding code, as the val property of op1 is too large to fit into the val property of op2.

The as Operator

The as operator converts a type into a specified reference type, using the following syntax:

<operand> as <type>

This is possible only in certain circumstances:

  • If <operand> is of type <type>
  • If <operand> can be implicitly converted to type <type>
  • If <operand> can be boxed into type <type>

If no conversion from <operand> to <type> is possible, then the result of the expression will be null.

Conversion from a base class to a derived class is possible by using an explicit conversion, but it won't always work. Consider the two classes ClassA and ClassD from an earlier example, where ClassD inherits from ClassA:

   class ClassA : IMyInterface {}
   class ClassD : ClassA {}

The following code uses the as operator to convert from a ClassA instance stored in obj1 into the ClassD type:

ClassA obj1 = new ClassA();
ClassD obj2 = obj1 as ClassD;

This will result in obj2 being null.

However, it is possible to store ClassD instances in ClassA-type variables by using polymorphism. The following code illustrates this, using the as operator to convert from a ClassA-type variable containing a ClassD-type instance into the ClassD type:

ClassD obj1 = new ClassD();
ClassA obj2 = obj1;
ClassD obj3 = obj2 as ClassD;

This time the result is that obj3 ends up containing a reference to the same object as obj1, not null.

This functionality makes the as operator very useful, because the following code (which uses simple casting) results in an exception being thrown:

ClassA obj1 = new ClassA();
ClassD obj2 = (ClassD)obj1;

The as equivalent of this code results in a null value being assigned to obj2 — no exception is thrown. This means that code such as the following (using two of the classes developed earlier in this chapter, Animal and a class derived from Animal called Cow) is very common in C# applications:

public void MilkCow(Animal myAnimal)
   Cow myCow = myAnimal as Cow;
   if (myCow != null)
     WriteLine($"{myAnimal.Name} isn't a cow, and so can't be milked.");

This is much simpler than checking for exceptions!

image What You Learned in This Chapter

Key Concept Description
Defining collections Collections are classes that can contain instances of other classes. You can define a collection by deriving from CollectionBase, or implement collection interfaces such as IEnumerable, ICollection, and IList yourself. Typically, you will define an indexer for your collection in order to use collection[index] syntax to access members.
Dictionaries You can also define keyed collections, or dictionaries, whereby each item has an associated key. In this case, the key can be used to identify an item, rather than using the item's index. You can define a dictionary by implementing IDictionary or by deriving a class from DictionaryBase.
Iterators You can implement an iterator to control how looping code obtains values in its loop cycles. To iterate over a class, implement a method called GetEnumerator() with a return type of IEnumerator. To iterate over a class member, such as a method, use a return type of IEnumerable. In iterator code blocks, return values with the yield keyword.
Type comparisons You can use the GetType() method to obtain the type of an object, or the typeof() operator to get the type of a class. You can then compare these type values. You can also use the is operator to determine whether an object is compatible with a certain class type.
Value comparisons If you want to make classes whose instances can be compared using standard C# operators, you must overload those operators in the class definition. For other types of value comparison, you can use classes that implement the IComparable or IComparer interfaces. These interfaces are particularly useful for sorting collections.
The as operator You can use the as operator to convert a value to a reference type. If no conversion is possible, the as operator returns a null value.
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