© Nikhil Pathania 2019
Nikhil PathaniaBeginning Jenkins Blue Oceanhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4158-5_1

1. Introduction

Nikhil Pathania1 
Brande, Denmark

Before diving deep into Jenkins Blue Ocean, an introductory overview about it would be of great use. Blue Ocean is not just a renovation of the classic Jenkins UI—it's also a change in the way you compose, describe, and visualize pipelines.

In this introductory chapter, you'll learn the following:
  • What is Jenkins Blue Ocean?

  • What does it have to offer?

  • Things to consider

Along with the introduction, it is equally important to set the expectations right. Therefore, I have included a section about the essential things to consider before you decide to move to Jenkins Blue Ocean.

At the end of this chapter, you’ll get a clear picture of Jenkins Blue Ocean’s capabilities. Remember the current chapter is an introduction to Jenkins Blue Ocean. The upcoming chapters expound on the topics discussed here. So, let us begin.

What Is Jenkins Blue Ocean?

Jenkins Blue Ocean, or Blue Ocean, is more than just a face-lift to the Classic Jenkins .1 The following section answers why there is a Jenkins Blue Ocean in the first place and its purpose.

A Response to Stimuli

The need for an improved software delivery process has introduced various continuous practices, such as Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery, to name a few.

These continuous practices are creating a wave of DevOps tools. As a result, a typical developer deals with at least two to five DevOps tools in everything he does.

As a consequence, demand for improved usability and user experience is inevitable. Jenkins, being a widely used CD tool, is no exception to these demands.

Jenkins is extensible and robust yet criticized for its poor user experience. An attempt to improve Jenkins’s usability is visible in Jenkins version 2.0 and afterward, such as the Jenkins Setup Wizard, the well-ordered configurations inside a Jenkins Job using tabs, and more recently the new login page, to name a few. However, these few enhancements do not fill the much more significant void in Jenkins concerning the user experience.

That is why we have Jenkins Blue Ocean. Blue Ocean is altogether a more generous attempt to address the user experience issue. Beauty with brains, I must say.

Competition from the other CI/CD tools is also responsible for the conception of Jenkins Blue Ocean. Tools such as Circle CI, GitLab CI—to name a few—already had the feature to visualize pipelines.

However, Jenkins Blue Ocean, although late in the competition, has the edge over the others for introducing the Visual Pipeline Editor —a UI tool to simultaneously visualize and create pipelines. You’ll see more of it in the upcoming sections and chapters.

A Continuous Delivery Tool for Everyone

“Continuous Delivery is no longer for the experts,” claims Jenkins Blue Ocean. Let’s look at the key things that give Blue Ocean an edge over the others and make it a tool for the masses.
  • Jenkins Blue Ocean comes with an embedded tool called the Visual Pipeline Editor. This tool allows users to create and edit their pipeline visually using a UI interface that’s accessible directly from the pipeline dashboard. Also, the Visual Pipeline Editor saves your pipeline in code inside a file (Jenkinsfile), following the Declarative Pipeline Syntax, directly to your source code repository.

  • The pipeline visualization allows users to diagnose pipeline failures with ease and speed. When a pipeline fails, Blue Ocean tells you exactly where it has failed by pointing out the failed step. Also, the pipeline logs are displayed individually for every stage and step of a pipeline, so that users do not end up scrolling through a single huge log.

  • Blue Ocean also creates separate pages to view your testing results and built artifacts for every pipeline run.

  • The pipeline creation process in Jenkins Blue Ocean is more like a wizard. It also comes with a UI tool to create and edit pipelines. Above all, it has an interactive pipeline visualization, which makes your pipeline easy to understand.

  • Those who would like to create a more complex Jenkins pipeline while staying within Jenkins Blue Ocean's framework can seek help from script and Jenkins Shared Libraries .

All these features make Jenkins Blue Ocean a continuous delivery tool for people of all skill levels. Moreover, the pipeline creation experience in Blue Ocean gets even better if the following conditions are taken care of beforehand:
  • Your source code is on Git/GitHub/GitLab/BitBucket.

  • Your build/test agents are set up and connected to the Jenkins Master. If you plan to spawn them on Docker, the required Docker images2 and Dockerfiles3 are ready.

  • Your Continuous Delivery Pipeline is straightforward and free from legacy technologies.4

  • Your Jenkins Administrator has set up the supporting DevOps tools and Jenkins Plugins required by your CD pipeline.

A Jenkins Plugin

Blue Ocean is not a standalone tool; it comes as a plugin for Jenkins. You can install Blue Ocean in the following two ways:
  • As a suite of plugins on an existing Jenkins installation

  • As part of Jenkins in Docker

Installing Jenkins Blue Ocean is easy for both new and existing Jenkins users. The Blue Ocean plugin works with Jenkins 2.7.x or later. Besides, there are important things to consider before using Blue Ocean if you run Jenkins behind a reverse proxy server such as Apache or Nginx.

In the upcoming chapter, you will learn to set up Blue Ocean in ways described earlier.

What Blue Ocean Offers?

The classic Jenkins is infamous for not being user-friendly. Jenkins Blue Ocean, on the other hand, is designed to provide the best possible user experience. Let’s see what Jenkins Blue Ocean has to offer.

Pipeline Creation Wizard

Creating a pipeline using Blue Ocean is much more relaxed in many ways. Thanks to the Blue Ocean engineers, the pipeline creation process is now a simple wizard.

If you search for the term Pipeline Creation Wizard, you are going to find nothing. It’s a name that I find appropriate for an improvement in Jenkins Blue Ocean—related to the way you create pipelines in Jenkins. Let’s look at what I mean.

On the Jenkins Blue Ocean dashboard, you see an option named New Pipeline. See Figure 1-1.
Figure 1-1

The Pipeline creation link to initiates the Pipeline Creation Wizard

Clicking on New Pipeline takes you through a Pipeline Creation Wizard. In the back end, Jenkins creates a multibranch pipeline. At first, the wizard asks you to choose the type of source code repository you use (see Figure 1-2).
Figure 1-2

Git-based repository managers that integrate with Blue Ocean

When you make an appropriate selection, it asks you for authentication (see Figure 1-3). In the back end, a credential of the type GitHub Access Token gets created inside Jenkins Credentials.
Figure 1-3

Connecting to GitHub using an access token

After authenticating yourself, the wizard asks you a few more questions. See Figures 1-4 and 1-5. These questions depend on the type of source code repository you choose in the first step. In the back end, Jenkins is configuring the Source section of the pipeline.
Figure 1-4

Choosing a GitHub organization

When you click on Create Pipeline, as shown in Figure 1-5, Blue Ocean searches for a Jenkinsfile inside your source code repository. You’ll learn more about Jenkinsfile in the upcoming section.
Figure 1-5

Choosing a repository

If it finds a Jenkinsfile, the wizard creates a pipeline in Jenkins Blue Ocean and initiates it. On the other hand, if no Jenkinsfile is found, the wizard takes you to the Pipeline Editor (see Figure 1-6). You’ll see more about the Pipeline Editor in the next section.
Figure 1-6

The Visual Pipeline Editor

When you try to create a pipeline in Jenkins Blue Ocean, you are bound to follow the aforementioned Pipeline Creation Wizard. It’s restrictive in many ways, but the good part is that it does not baffle new users by flashing all possible pipeline configurations on a single page, like in the Classic Jenkins.

This new way of creating a pipeline in Jenkins Blue Ocean is quick, easy, and intuitive. Next, let’s look at the Visual Pipeline Editor.

Visual Pipeline Editor

The Visual Pipeline Editor or Pipeline Editor is the most helpful feature in Jenkins Blue Ocean. It allows you to create a pipeline using a UI.

While using the Pipeline Editor, on the right side, you see options to configure the pipeline[2], and on the left side, you see a visual flow of your crude pipeline[1] (see Figure 1-7).
Figure 1-7

Working with the Visual Pipeline Editor

When you save your work, the Pipeline Editor converts it to a Jenkinsfile. You’ll get a brief introduction to Jenkinsfile in the next section.

Pipeline Editor can do everything that is possible using the Declarative Pipeline Syntax. You’ll learn about Declarative Pipeline Syntax in the coming section. There is also a chapter explaining Declarative Pipeline Syntax in detail.

When you install a Jenkins plugin, it makes itself available as a step inside the Pipeline Editor. Only Blue Ocean-compatible plugins are available. With every day that passes, more and more Jenkins plugins are getting Blue Ocean-ready.

In the upcoming chapters, you’ll learn to create a pipeline using the Pipeline Editor.


Jenkinsfile is a text file that contains your pipeline code. Jenkinsfile resides inside your source control repository alongside the source code. When you create a pipeline in Blue Ocean, it automatically saves your pipeline design as pipeline code, which is saved as a Jenkinsfile inside your source control repository.

There are many benefits of versioning your Jenkinsfile. Following are the direct benefits:
  • Each branch of your source code repository can have its pipeline.

  • It is possible to review the pipeline.

  • Multiple project members can view/edit the pipeline.

A Sample Jenkinsfile Following the Declarative Pipeline Syntax:
pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
       stage('Build') {
             steps {
                    sh 'mvn clean compile'
       stage('Unit Test') {
             steps {
                    sh 'mvn test'
                    junit '**/target/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml'
       stage('Publish') {
           steps {
             sh 'mvn package'
             archive 'target/*.jar'

Pipeline Visualization

Pipeline visualization is another nice feature that comes with Jenkins Blue Ocean. Figure 1-8 demonstrates an example of pipeline flow. As you can see, every circle represents a stage. A green circle with a right tick inside it signifies success.
Figure 1-8

Pipeline visualization

All the steps of a respective stage are visible below the pipeline flow. See Figure 1-9. You can expand a step to see its logs. The complete pipeline log is available in the Artifacts.
Figure 1-9

Individual log about a step belonging to a stage of the pipeline

Figure 1-10 demonstrates a pipeline that is in progress. You can quickly identify the stage of the pipeline that is in progress, separated nicely from the ones waiting to start.
Figure 1-10

A pipeline stage in progress

Figure 1-11 demonstrates a failed pipeline. You can easily distinguish the failed stage from the successful ones. It is also possible to see the exact step that failed in the pipeline (not shown).
Figure 1-11

A failed stage of a pipeline

What you saw is a very simple pipeline flow. Blue Ocean, however, allows you to visualize complex pipeline flows that have nested parallel and sequential stages. You’ll see them in the upcoming chapters.

View Changes, Tests, and Artifacts

See Figure 1-12. The Changes section shows you info about the commit that triggered the pipeline. Clicking on the commit takes you to the GitHub repository online. Also, the pipeline run status gets published on GitHub.
Figure 1-12

The Changes tab from a pipeline run

The Tests section gives you info about the test results (see Figure 1-13). You should have the necessary Jenkins Plugin installed and configured to read and display the test results.
Figure 1-13

The Tests tab from a pipeline run

The last section is Artifacts. Here you find a complete log of the pipeline along with the artifacts that you choose to upload. Artifacts displayed here get stored on the Jenkins Server. It is not ideal to upload build-artifacts on the Jenkins server, especially the huge ones. You should use tools such as Artifactory for that purpose. Figure 1-14 shows you the Artifacts sections. The Artifact section is useful to share small reports for a quick view.
Figure 1-14

The Artifacts tab from the pipeline run

Pipeline Activity/Branches

For every push on your remote source control repository, a pipeline runs in Jenkins Blue Ocean. The Activity tab is the right place to see all the pipelines that are running or have run for a given project (see Figure 1-15).
Figure 1-15

The Activity view of the pipeline project dashboard

It is also possible to segregate the pipelines as per branch (not shown). Figure 1-16 shows you the Branches tab. The following section lists the latest pipeline (if any) on every branch of your source control repository.
Figure 1-16

The Branches view of the pipeline project dashboard

Blue Ocean Dashboard

Figure 1-17 show you an example of the Jenkins Blue Ocean dashboard. The Blue Ocean dashboard lists all the projects. It is also the first page that you see when you open Jenkins Blue Ocean.

You get a health status about every project along with some statistics about the number of passing/failing branches [1]. You also have a Search tab to search for a project [2]. The New Pipeline button [3] allows you to create a new pipeline. The Administration link [4] takes you to the Manage Jenkins page. Button [5] takes you to the Classic Jenkins dashboard. The Logout button [6] is to log out from the current Jenkins session.
Figure 1-17

The Jenkins Blue Ocean dashboard

You’ll see more about the visual elements of Jenkins Blue Ocean in the upcoming chapters.

Things to Consider

The following section deals with topics that are significant for you to consider before making Jenkins Blue Ocean your one-stop shop for creating pipelines.

Running Existing Jenkins Projects in Blue Ocean

At the time of writing this book, you can view and edit the following type of Jenkins Projects in Blue Ocean:
  • A Pipeline Project that’s created using Jenkins Blue Ocean

You can view but not edit the following types of pipelines in Blue Ocean:
  • A Pipeline Project that’s created using Classic Jenkins, is a multibranch pipeline, and is written in Declarative Pipeline Syntax.

  • A Pipeline Project created using Classic Jenkins; it could be a multibranch pipeline, GitHub Organization Project, or a Pipeline Project. Furthermore, it follows an Imperative Pipeline Syntax (basically a Scripted Pipeline).

Do Freestyle/Multi-Configuration Projects Work in Blue Ocean?

At the time of writing this book, it is possible to view your Freestyle project in Blue Ocean, as shown in Figure 1-18.
Figure 1-18

Viewing a Freestyle project dashboard in Blue Ocean

There are no stages or steps, and you see one single log for the complete build execution (see Figure 1-19).
Figure 1-19

Viewing a Freestyle project pipeline in Blue Ocean

In addition to this, you won’t be able to use the Blue Ocean features build around the pipelines. For example, you can’t edit the Freestyle Project using the Pipeline Editor, and you can’t use the Pipeline Visualization.

However, it may be possible for Blue Ocean to support the Freestyle Project and the other types of Jenkins jobs in the future.

Declarative Pipeline Syntax

The foundation of Jenkins pipeline is Groovy. Jenkins even has an embedded Groovy Engine. There is no limit to what an admin or a user can write using Groovy.

With Groovy as a foundation, the Jenkins engineers came up with Scripted Pipeline, also known as Pipeline Script. The Scripted Pipeline is flexible and extensible but has a steep learning curve.

In addition to that, Scripted Pipeline happens to be less structured. It comes with a higher technical debt, higher maintenance, and lower code readability.

An Example of Scripted Pipeline :
node {
    try {
       stage('Greet') {
            sh 'echo "Hello there"'
    } finally {
        // The following runs always
        echo 'The pipeline has passed.'

To make things simpler, Jenkins has come up with the Declarative Pipeline Syntax. It’s structured and comes with a smooth learning curve. If you have tried the Scripted Pipeline, you may find Declarative a bit restrictive.

The Declarative Pipeline Syntax is suitable for writing simple Continuous Delivery Pipelines. However, it’s also possible to make it extensible using Jenkins Shared Libraries.

An Example of Declarative Pipeline :
pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Greet') {
            steps {
                sh 'echo "Hello there"'
    post {
        always {
            // The following runs always
            echo 'The pipeline has passed.'

Pipelines created using Jenkins Blue Ocean follow the Declarative Pipeline Syntax. The Pipeline Editor in Jenkins Blue Ocean reads/writes pipeline code to Jenkinsfile in the Declarative Pipeline Syntax. It’s designed to make it easy to write pipeline using a text editor. You’ll learn more about the elements of Declarative Pipeline Syntax in the upcoming chapter.

Sailing Through Complex Pipelines

Declarative Pipelines Syntax is restrictive and not as flexible as its counterpart. However, it is possible to write complex pipelines by using the following in your Declarative Pipelines:
  • Script step

  • Jenkins Shared Libraries

Script step allows you to write a portion of Scripted Pipeline inside your Declarative Pipeline. You should use this feature only when necessary.

An Example of Declarative Pipeline With a Script Step :
pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('EvenorOdd') {
            steps {
                script {
                    if (currentBuild.number % 2 ==0) {
                        echo "The current build number is even."
                    else {
                          echo "The current build number is odd."

However, more prominent and complex script step should move into a Shared Library. A Jenkins Shared Library is an external source control repository containing your complex Groovy code. It acts like a function that could be used on-demand inside your Declarative Pipeline.

A Groovy Script (example.groovy)Inside Jenkins Shared Library Repository:
def greet(message) {
    echo "Hello ${message}, welcome to Jenkins Blue Ocean."
Jenkins Declarative Pipeline Utilizing the Shared Library :
@Library('Example_Shared_Library') _
pipeline {
    agent none
    stage ('Example') {
        steps {
             script {
                 example.greet 'Readers'

You’ll learn more about using Script steps and Jenkins Shared Libraries in the upcoming chapters.

Do I Still Need to Visit the Standard Jenkins Interface?

The answer is yes. To work with the Classic Jenkins Projects—such as Freestyle Project, Multi-configuration Project, Pipeline Project, to name a few—you must visit the Classic Jenkins UI.

The Classic Jenkins dashboard would also continue to remain as an entry page after you install Jenkins or when you log in to Jenkins. Even with the Jenkins Blue Ocean installed, the Classic Jenkins UI remains the default entry point when you log in to Jenkins.

The Classic Jenkins UI including the dashboard is not going to fade out any time soon. However, as more and more users move toward Jenkins Blue Ocean for creating and editing pipelines, there will be less reason to visit the Classic Jenkins UI, and managing Jenkins pipelines through the Classic Jenkins UI may become unpopular.

However, you don’t need to access the Classic Jenkins UI to perform administrative tasks. The Jenkins Configuration page for the administrative activities is now directly accessible from Jenkins Blue Ocean Dashboard. See Figure 1-20 for the Administration link.
Figure 1-20

Link to the Jenkins administration page from Blue Ocean

Is It Wise to Move Now?

Both Jenkins Blue Ocean and Classic Jenkins co-exist happily together. Pipelines created in Jenkins Blue Ocean are fully compatible in Classic Jenkins. Installing Jenkins Blue Ocean is made easy by shipping it as a Jenkins Plugin. Having said so, new users should for sure try Blue Ocean.

However, is it wise for the existing Jenkins users to move to Jenkins Blue Ocean? Yes, it is, for the following reasons:
  • Creating pipelines in Jenkins Blue Ocean is easy. The Declarative Pipeline Syntax is designed to be structured and straightforward. As a result, it is suitable for the users who prefer writing pipelines using a text editor. For the rest, there is the easy-to-use Visual Pipeline Editor.

  • Jenkins Blue Ocean promotes Declarative Syntax. Pipelines written in Declarative Pipeline Syntax are easy to maintain, and from experience, maintainability is a precious thing.

  • Creating a pipeline using Jenkins Blue Ocean is made easy through all its brilliant features. This eases doing business, making it the best tool for teams who expect all their developers to be well-versed in creating pipelines.

  • The Stage View feature available in Classic Jenkins is incapable of rendering parallel pipeline stages correctly. Furthermore, there is no attempt to fix it, since Jenkins Blue Ocean already comes with a feature to visualize pipelines.

  • Onboarding new users to Blue Ocean is easier than Classic Jenkins, as it’s more intuitive.

  • Debugging failures in Jenkins Blue Ocean is easier than Classic Jenkins. It is made possible by displaying the build log for each step separately. Also, the status of the pipeline is visible at the stage and step level. All these features allow developers to pinpoint failures with accuracy.

Apart from the above points, the Jenkins community is actively listening to its users (Jenkins as well as Blue Ocean users). Furthermore, all the feedback received goes into Blue Ocean’s roadmap. Nevertheless, it’s a challenge to make Jenkins Blue Ocean compatible with the full range of configurations out there.

Who Should Use Blue Ocean?

Jenkins Blue Ocean puts creating pipelines in the hands of developers who are a novice to Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery practices. The easy-to-use Pipeline Creation Wizard in addition to the Pipeline Editor do all that is needed.

Though Blue Ocean is for everyone, it is best-suited for the following:
  • Development teams who use Git/GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket as their source control tool

  • Development teams who encourage using feature branches, or shall I say GitFlow Workflow5

  • Development teams who create and manage pipelines themselves, and where the Jenkins admin’s involvement is minimal or limited to administrative tasks

  • Development teams with a requirement of simple pipelines that stay under the framework of Declarative Pipeline Syntax and Jenkins Shared Libraries

  • Development teams who would like to build & test their changes before and after a code review

  • Development teams who do not possess legacy elements6 anywhere in their environment

In the coming chapters, you’ll learn to write simple as well as complex pipelines using Jenkins Blue Ocean.

What to Expect in the Future?

With the advent of the pipeline as a code (Scripted Pipelines in general), Freestyle Jenkins Jobs are on the brink of extinction. Similarly, with the arrival of Declarative Pipeline Syntax, fewer developers are expected to go for the Scripted Pipelines. The reason is that Declarative Pipeline Syntax is easy to understand, use, and maintain.

Scripted Pipelines, however, are not going to vanish from the scene, as there will always be a need for writing complex pipelines. Nevertheless, for a majority of people, Blue Ocean is going to turn out to be their favorite.

I do not claim to have seen the future, but I can say for sure Blue Ocean is the way to go. It is going to be the Continuous Delivery tool for the masses, and there would undoubtedly be a need for a second version of this book.

A lot of features and improvements are waiting to see their first light in Blue Ocean. Information on the most important ones is available on the Jenkins Blue Ocean Roadmap page ( https://jenkins.io/projects/blueocean/roadmap/ ). On this page, you’ll find a list of features with information on their current status (see Figure 1-21).
Figure 1-21

The Jenkins Blue Ocean roadmap page

Since Jenkins is a community-driven tool, it is possible that someday the Classic Jenkins jobs, such as the Jenkins Freestyle Project and the Jenkins Pipeline (Scripted Pipeline) , would be editable in Jenkins Blue Ocean.

On the Jenkins Plugin front, more and more plugins are expected to be available inside Jenkins Blue Ocean as steps.

The Declarative Pipeline Syntax and the Pipeline Editor, along with the other cool features of Jenkins Blue Ocean, are already making it easy for teams to adopt Continuous Delivery practices.


In this chapter, you learned why Jenkins Blue Ocean exists. It’s a step toward providing a better user experience, with an aim to bring CI/CD to the masses. You took a slice of what Blue Ocean has to offer. The Pipeline Creation Wizard and the Pipeline Editor look promising. The Pipeline visualization is intuitive and interactive. In the upcoming chapters, you’ll learn more about them.

A Pipeline created using Jenkins Blue Ocean follows the Declarative syntax. The Declarative syntax allows you to write structured and maintainable pipelines. You’ll learn more about the Declarative Pipeline Syntax in the upcoming chapter.

With Jenkins Blue Ocean, you can create a simple CD pipeline with ease. However, it’s also possible to write complex pipelines using Shared Libraries. You’ll see both of these in the coming chapters.

You also saw the types of Classic Jenkins pipelines compatible with Blue Ocean and the ones that are not.

With this, I conclude the first chapter. I hope that your expectations are set right, so let us move forward. In the next chapter, you’ll learn the various ways to set up Blue Ocean.

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