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Application data storage

    AddCategory method

    start page design

        assigning values

        deleting password

        displaying password details

        ItemsSource property

        LoadAllPasswords method


        password details page


        password object

        passwords collection

        stored passwords


    WinRT File Based Database

        CreateDefaultData method

        CreateInstance() method

        DeletePassword method

        GetCategories and GetAllPasswords methods

        OnLaunched method

        SavePassword method

        WinRT framework




    party planner

        App Start Page design


        database tables, creation of


        global.asax page



        list of parties

        manageparty.html page


        onSaveParty function

        PartyPlannerController code

        PostParty method

        project template

        structure of

        visual studio template

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    createDB function


    dynamic template change


    generate filters

    _handleQuery and _searchData

    HTML pages

        Home.html page


        MovieDetail.html page

        MovieDetail.js function


        searchResults.html page


    Movie Object

        buildMovie function

        CRUD functions

        deleteMovie function


        saveMovie function

        WinJS.Class.define() method

    project structure

    schema definition

    Search Contract

    Windows Store Blank App

Instashots app

    adding filters

    development environment

        Aviary Photo Editing SDK


        key URL

        Live SDK

        NuGet packages

        project structure


    Management Portal

        back end services

        creating Mobile Services

        for Windows 8 app

        Mobile Services IDENTITY tab

        Specify Database Settings page

    Mobile Services tables



        new storage table

        new table interface



    online posting

    user interface

        authentication with Live SDK (see Live SDK, authentication)

        comments and likes functionality

        improvement ideas


        MainViewModel (see MainViewModel)

        retrieving photo feed

        uploading photos (see Uploading photos)

    Windows Azure Storage

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Live SDK


        developer portal

        JavaScript function

        Microsoft account

        Mobile Services API

        Mobile Services IDENTITY tab


        UserID script

    development environment

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    Bill Reminder Windows 8 app

        add, update, and retrieve bills

        BillItem Class

        ExecutePayCommand method

        GetBills method

        MarkPaid method

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Password Manager App

    Category POCO class

    creating database

        Password class

        Windows.Storage namespace

    data repository

        AddCategory and SavePassword methods


        CreateInstance method

        database and tables




    Windows 8 App project structure


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        private fields and the constructor




        MainViewModel Class


        ShowAppBar Property


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Windows Phone 8 data access


    Portable Class Library

    porting Bill Reminder app


        database table

        DataContext class (see DataContext Class)

        development environment

        file-based data storage

        LongListSelector control

        model updation

        project structure

        recent bills display



        Windows Azure Mobile Services

    SQL Server Compact

    Windows Runtime API

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