Chapter 9: Vagrant: The Right Way to Start with PHP

by Bruno Škvorc

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  • Virtual Machine
  • VirtualBox
  • Provisioning

Virtual Machine

  • you can mess up anything you want, and nothing breaks on your main machine. Imagine accidentally downloading a virus - on your main machine, that could be catastrophic. Your entire computer would be at risk. But if you downloaded a virus inside a VM, only the VM is at risk because it has no real connection to the parent system it lives off of. Thus, the VM, when infected, can simply be destroyed and re-configured back into existence, clean as a whistle, no consequences.
  • you can test out applications for other operating systems. For example, you have an Apple computer, but you really want that one specific Windows application that Apple doesn’t have. Just power up a Windows VM, and run the application inside it (like in the image above)!
  • you keep your main OS free of junk. By installing stuff onto your virtual machine, you avoid having to install anything on your main machine (the one on which the VM is running), keeping the main OS clean, fast, and as close to its “brand new” state as possible for a long time.
  • make my main computer slower?
  • make the VM slow, because that’s kind of a weak machine?




  1. Vagrant VMs are brutally fast to boot up. It takes literally seconds to turn on a VM and start developing on it.
  2. Vagrant VMs are brutally fast to use - with no graphical elements to take up valuable CPU cycles and RAM, the VM is as fast as a regular computer
  3. Vagrant VMs resemble real servers. If you know how to use a Vagrant VM, you’re well on your way to being able to find your way around a real server, too.
  4. Vagrant VMs are very light due to their stripped out nature, so their configuration can typically be much weaker than that of regular, graphics-powered VMs. A single CPU core and 1GB of RAM is more than enough in the vast majority of use cases when developing with PHP. That means you can not only boot up a Vagrant VM on a very weak computer, you can also boot up several and still not have to worry about running out of resources.
  5. Perhaps most importantly, Vagrant VMs are destructible. If something goes wrong on your VM - you install something malicious, you remove something essential by accident, or any other calamity occurs, all you need to do to get back to the original state is run two commands: vagrant destroy which will destroy the VM and everything that was installed on it after the provisioning process (which happens right after booting up), and vagrant up which rebuilds it from scratch and re-runs the provisioning process afterwards, effectively turning back time to before you messed things up.


  1. The ability to test on several versions of PHP, or PHP with different extensions installed. One VM can be running PHP 5.5, one can be running PHP 5.6, one can be running PHP 7. Test your code on each - no need to reinstall anything. Instantly be sure your code is cross-version compatible.
  2. The ability to test on several servers. Test on Apache in one VM, test on Nginx in another, or on Lighttpd on yet another - same thing as above: make sure your code works on all server configurations.
  3. Benchmark your code’s execution speed on different combinations of servers + PHP versions. Maybe the code will execute twice as fast on Nginx + PHP 7, allowing you to optimize further and alert potential users to possible speed gains.
  4. Share the same environment with other team members, avoiding the “it works on my machine” excuses. All it takes is sharing a single Vagrantfile (which contains all of the necessary configuration) and everyone has the exact same setup as you do.
  5. Get dev/prod parity: configure your Vagrant VM to use the same software (and versions) as your production (live) server. For example, if you have Nginx and PHP 5.6.11 running on the live server, set the Vagrant VM up in the exact same way. That way, you’re 100% certain your code will instantly work when you deploy it to production, meaning no downtime for your visitors!
  1. With XAMPP, you absorb zero server-config know-how, staying 100% clueless about terminal, manual software installations, SSH usage, and everything else you’ll one day desperately need to deploy a real application.
  2. With XAMPP, you’re never on the most recent version of the software. It being a pre-configured stack of software, updating an individual part takes time and effort so it’s usually not done unless a major version change is involved. As such, you’re always operating on something at least a little bit outdated.
  3. XAMPP forces you to use Apache. Not that Nginx is the alpha and omega of server software, but being able to at least test on it would be highly beneficial. With XAMPP and similar packages, you have no option to do this.
  4. XAMPP forces you to use MySQL. Same as above, being able to switch databases at will is a great perk of VM-based development, because it lets you not only learn new technologies, but also use those that fit the use case. For example, you won’t be building a social network with MySQL - you’ll use a graph database - but with packages like XAMPP, you can kiss that option goodbye unless you get into additional shenanigans of installing it on your machine, which brings along a host of new problems.
  5. XAMPP installs on your host OS, meaning it pollutes your main system’s space. Every time your computer boots up, it’ll be a little bit slower because of this because the software will load whether or not you’re planning to do some development that day. With VMs, you only power them on when you need them.
  6. XAMPP is version locked - you can’t switch out a version of PHP for another, or a version of MySQL for another. All you can do is use what you’re given, and while this may be fine for someone who is 100% new to PHP, it’s harmful in the long run because it gives a false sense of safety and certainty.
  7. XAMPP is OS-specific. If you use Windows and install XAMPP, you have to put up with the various problems PHP has on Windows. Code that works on Windows might not work on Linux, and vice versa. Since the vast, vast majority of PHP sites are running on Linux servers, developing on a Linux VM (powered by Vagrant) makes sense.




  • SitePoint Vagrant posts - many tutorials on lots of different aspects of developing with Vagrant, some explaining the links below, some going beyond that and diving into manually provisioning a box or even creating your own, and so on.
  • StackOverflow Vagrant Tag for questions and answers about Vagrant, if you run into problems setting it up
  • PuPHPet - a way to graphically configure the provisioning of a new Vagrant box to your needs - select a server, a version of PHP, a database, and much more. Uses the Puppet provisioner. Knowledge of Puppet not required.
  • Phansible - same as PuPHPet but uses the Ansible provisioner. Knowledge of Ansible not required.
  • Vaprobash a set of Bash scripts you can download (no provisioner - raw terminal commands in various files that just get executed) as an alternative to the above two. Requires a bit more manual work, but usually results in less bloated VMs due to finetuneability.
  • 5 ways to get started with Vagrant - lists the above resources, plus some others.
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