Chapter 3: Localization Demystified: Php-Intl for Everyone

by Younes Rafie


php -m | grep 'intl'
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install php5-intl
# Add PPA
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php-7.0
# Update repository index
sudo apt-get update
# install extension
sudo apt-get install php7.0-intl

Message Formatting

Simple Messages

        "I have {0, number, integer} apples.",
        [ 3 ]
// output

string(16) "I have 3 apples."
  • The message locale.
  • String message.
  • Placeholder data.
        "I have {number_apples, number, integer} apples.",
        [ 'number_apples' => 3 ]
        "I have {number_apples, number, integer} apples.",
        [ 'number_apples' => 3 ]
string(17) "I have ٣ apples."
        "I have {number_apples, number, integer} apples.",
        [ 'number_apples' => 3 ]
string(18) "I have ৩ apples."
$time = time();
var_dump( MessageFormatter::formatMessage(
    "Today is {0, date, full} - {0, time}",
    array( $time )
) );
string(47) "Today is Wednesday, April 6, 2016 - 11:21:47 PM"
var_dump( MessageFormatter::formatMessage(
    "duration: {0, duration}",
    array( $time )
) );
string(23) "duration: 405,551:27:58"
var_dump( MessageFormatter::formatMessage(
    "I have {0, spellout} apples",
    array( 34 )
) );
string(25) "I have thirty-four apples"
var_dump( MessageFormatter::formatMessage(
    "لدي {0, spellout} تفاحة",
    array( 34 )
) );
string(44) "لدي أربعة و ثلاثون تفاحة"
argType argStyle
number integer, currency, percent
date short, medium, long, full
time short, medium, long, full
spellout short, medium, long, full


  • (number_apples = 0): I have no apples.
  • (number_apples = 1): I have one apple.
  • (number_apples > 1): I have X apples.
var_dump( MessageFormatter::formatMessage(
    'I have {number_apples, plural, =0{no apples} =1{one apple} other{# apples}}',
    array('number_apples' => 10)
) );
// number_apples = 0
string(16) "I have no apples"

// number_apples = 1
string(16) "I have one apple"

// number_apples = 10
string(16) "I have 10 apples"
{data, plural, offsetValue =value{message}... other{message}}
  • data: value index.
  • plural: argType.
  • offsetValue: the offset value is optional(offset:value). It subtracts the offset from the value.
  • =value{message}: value to test for equality, and the message between curly braces. We can repeat this part multiple times (=0{no apples} =1{one apple} =2{two apple}).
  • other{message}: The default case, like in a switch - case statement. The # character may be used the inject the data value.


var_dump( MessageFormatter::formatMessage(
    'The value of {0,number} is {0, choice,
                                        0 # between 0 and 19 |
                                        20 # between 20 and 39 |
                                        40 # between 40 and 59 |
                                        60 # between 60 and 79 |
                                        80 # between 80 and 100 |
                                        100 < more than 100 }',
) );
string(38) "The value of 60 is between 60 and 79 "
{value, choice, choiceStyle}
choiceStyle = number separator message ('|' number separator message)*

number = normal_number | ['-']  ∞ (U+221E, infinity)
normal_number = double value (unlocalized ASCII string)

separator = less_than | less_than_or_equal
less_than = '<'
less_than_or_equal = '#' |  ≤ (U+2264)


var_dump( MessageFormatter::formatMessage(
    "{gender, select, ".
      "female {She has some apples} ".
      "male {He has some apples.}".
      "other {It has some apples.}".
    array('gender' => 'female')
) );
string(19) "She has some apples"
{value, select, selectStyle}

// selectStyle
selectValue {message} (selectValue {message})*

Complex Cases

var_dump( MessageFormatter::formatMessage(
    "{gender_of_host, select, ".
      "female {She has a party} ".
      "male {He has some apples.}".
      "other {He has some apples.}".
    array('gender_of_host' => 'female', "num_guests" => 5, 'host' => "Hanae", 'guest' => 'Younes' )
) );
var_dump( MessageFormatter::formatMessage(
    "{gender_of_host, select, ".
      "female {".
        "{num_guests, plural, offset:1 ".
          "=0 {{host} does not have a party.}".
          "=1 {{host} invites {guest} to her party.}".
          "=2 {{host} invites {guest} and one other person to her party.}".
          "other {{host} invites {guest} and # other people to her party.}}}".
      "male {He has some apples.}".
      "other {He has some apples.}}",
    array('gender_of_host' => 'female', "num_guests" => 5, 'host' => "Hanae", 'guest' => 'Younes' )
) );
string(53) "Hanae invites Younes and 4 other people to her party."
var_dump( MessageFormatter::formatMessage(
    "{gender_of_host, select, ".
      "female {".
        "{num_guests, plural, offset:1 ".
          "=0 {{host} does not have a party.}".
          "=1 {{host} invites {guest} to her party.}".
          "=2 {{host} invites {guest} and one other person to her party.}".
          "other {{host} invites {guest} and # other people to her party.}}}".
      "male {".
        "{num_guests, plural, offset:1 ".
          "=0 {{host} does not have a party.}".
          "=1 {{host} invites {guest} to his party.}".
          "=2 {{host} invites {guest} and one other person to his party.}".
          "other {{host} invites {guest} and # other people to his party.}}}".
      "other {".
        "{num_guests, plural, offset:1 ".
          "=0 {{host} does not have a party.}".
          "=1 {{host} invites {guest} to their party.}".
          "=2 {{host} invites {guest} and one other person to their party.}".
          "other {{host} invites {guest} and # other people to their party.}}}}",
    array('gender_of_host' => 'female', "num_guests" => 5, 'host' => "Hanae", 'guest' => 'Younes' )
) );
// num_guests = 2
string(55) "Hanae invites Younes and one other person to her party."

// num_guests = 1
string(34) "Hanae invites Younes to her party."

// num_guests = 0
string(28) "Hanae does not have a party."

Message Parsing

$messageFormater = new MessageFormatter("en_US", 'I have {0, number}');
var_dump( $messageFormater->parse("I have 10 apples") );
array(1) {
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