Detective Novels

The detective novel is one of the literary forms that most requires a carefully crafted story. Its authors cannot lose their readers for even an instant and must be able to engage all of their senses at all times. It is a genre that, moving beyond fiction, becomes a social story in the majority of cases. But perhaps most important is that it leaves you with a deep-rooted memory that lasts and that makes you want to read the next book, which will, more often than not, be published.

Calderón, Reyes: A series of novels starring Judge Lola MacHor and Interpol Inspector Juan Iturri. Extraordinary narratives.

Camilleri, Andrea: Commissioner Montalbano is worthy of esteem for his jovial and warm personality. His crimes are a small part of the stories the author shares. You will not be left indifferent as you discover marvelous Sicily. His over 20 novels featuring Montalbano are all magnificent.

Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur: Highly intelligent plots that are not resolved until the end. They make you think, use your intuition and enjoy the reading experience.

James, P.D.: A magnificent British storyteller. Especially interesting are the mysteries solved by the detective and poet Adam Dalgliesh.

Highsmith, Patricia: The best psychological portraits of emotionally cold characters who walk the fine line that separates good from evil in seemingly normal people. They grab you through to the end.

Silva, Lorenzo: A portrait of contemporary Spain through the eyes of a singular investigator. Sergeant Bevilacqua is one of a kind.

Simenon, Georges: Forty novels, of which 29 have been made into films. This says it all about an author who creates incredibly brilliant stories.

Vázquez Montalbán, Manuel: Funny, genius. No one is left indifferent. The author takes full advantage of each paragraph to share his ideas and convictions.

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