Part 6 A summary of the marketing rules

The trouble with rules is the rebel in me wants to break them. And the trouble with summaries is they can make you wonder why you bothered to read the whole book. Go to the summary and all is revealed. Go to the end of the book and find the butler did it. Job done. But it’s not that simple. Marketing in this book is a thriller. The book is not simply a textbook. There are twists and turns. The story of modern marketing is the story of changing humanity. Underpinning it are some basic axioms and these are contained here. Useful to know but, rather like the rules of golf, on their own they won’t help you be a better player. Most important is to focus on four things: the customer, the product, the marketing plan and the brand. And, as I say, if you are a small business then keep the good news coming, because with luck you’ll break a few rules and the future will be yours.

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