Chapter 19 The ten brilliant ways of managing people and your campaigns
  1. Be a champion
    Every marketing initiative needs a champion, someone who’ll go way beyond any call of duty to make it succeed. No great champion = no great campaign.
  2. Team is all
    Your team (internal and external), united by you, is what will make this adventure succeed.
  3. The weekly inquisition
    You need to meet or talk weekly (and briefly)to make sure everything is working properly and in a coordinated way. This is truth time. Don’t bury bad news. Tell it and fix it.
  4. Diversity works
    Your team needs to be diverse, not just clones of you (however good you are). When you really try to get the best out of a diverse group of people something extraordinary can happen.
  5. The ‘fact monitor’ keeps you in line
    You need one person (or if there is only you then you need to find half a day a week to do it yourself) to make sure all the factual stuff (actions, dates, emails) all the left-brain stuff, is done and recorded.
  6. First-hand is truth
    This is not about failing to trust people. It’s about getting out and checking stuff first-hand. It’s about smelling the coffee. Not trusting all will be OK.
  7. If you don’t fail you aren’t trying hard enough
    I don’t do ‘failure’. I do ‘learning from surprising outcomes’. I do pushing to limits. I do finding out where comfort zones stop.
  8. Don’t be frightened of changing things
    If it isn’t working, change it. Never be frightened of changing stuff – it’s a sign of great strength. And don’t always be impulsive. Sometimes waiting is a good strategy. Trust your gut.
  9. Get feedback
    Ask people what they think. Never stop showing people what you are doing. Listen to their comments and think about them. They may be wrong but they’ll usually be useful.
  10. Celebrate with gratitude
    The most powerful words in management are ‘thank you’ and ‘well done’. Find reasons to celebrate success. Stopping, having a beer and laughing will make you better.
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