In support of this seventh edition of this text, my deep appreciation goes out to my colleagues Marie Elliott and Walter Rollenhagen. It is only through practicing broadcast journalism that we can better learn the craft and I thank them and my news students for that opportunity.

A special thanks goes to those who allowed their images and words to be inserted into this edition, including Ross Video, the Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA), the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, the Student Press Law Center, and the other organizations that allowed their websites to be referenced as resources for the readers. I am also indebted to the town of Wheatland, Missouri, which is mentioned in the writing examples throughout the book. While it is a real town, all the news stories that are used throughout the book are fictitious.

Further, I am grateful to those broadcast professionals and researchers who contributed to this text, notably Bobby Brunelle, Jade Bulecza, Robbyn DeSpain, Ethan Forhetz, Karen Frankola, Mallory Huff, Lucas Johnson, Mike Liechty, Frank LoMonte, Noelani Mathews, Maggie McGlamry, Bob Papper, Camille Ralston, Rabyn Ratliff, Michael Senzon, Larry Spruill, Olivia Steen, Dustin Swedelson, and Amber Worthy.

A special acknowledgement is due to Ted White, who wrote the first four editions but who has now passed away. It is my hope that the flavor of his original writings lives on in this edition.

As always, very special thanks go out to V. Damon Furnier and Hansi Kursch, as well as Eddie Jackson, Todd LaTorre, Parker Lundgren, Scott Rockenfield, and Michael Wilton.

Of course, a great deal of gratitude is owed to Ross Wagenhofer and Nicole Salazar of Routledge’s Taylor & Francis Group for their expert direction and motivation for this edition. Finally, I am indebted to Marie, Aloura, and Church for their unwavering support as cheerleaders and motivators. This is for them.

Frank Barnas

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