image Index

Italicized entries reference words that appear in defining terms sections of Chapters 4, 18, 19, 20 and 23.


a, 35

Abbreviations, 2526, 261262

ABC, 2, 195

abortion, 247248

accident, 38, 270

Accidents, and condition of patients, 247

accreditation, 238

Accuracy, 13, 21, 31, 34, 37, 38, 45, 94, 99

accused, 233, 234, 235, 236

acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), 248

acquitted, 235

Acronyms, 26, 266

Active voice, 4546

Actualities, 105114, 128129, 269

Addresses, in supers, 267269

ad hoc, 38

Ad libs, in newscasts, 136, 137

admit, 38

adopt, 244

Advent, 222

Advocacy journalism, 256

Affiliates, 2, 11, 269

Afternoon drive, 271

Afternoon meeting, 2021

Ages, in script, 28

AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome), 248

Alaska Day, 224

Alias names, in supers, 267

alleged, 38, 52, 233234

All Saints’ Day, 222

All Souls’ Day, 222

altered weather patterns, 239

alternative schools, 238

alumna, alumnae, alumni, alumnus, 38

Alzheimer’s disease, 248

ambient sound, 128, 130

American League baseball teams, 214

among, between, 38

Anapanasati Day, 222

anchor, 262264, 270

and, and/or, 38, 95

Android, 10

Anniversary of the Revolution, 222

AOL, 8

Answers. See Questions and answers

Antecedents of pronouns, 4950

App, 189

Appalachia, 241

Apple, 10

approve, 244

April Fools’ Day, 220

Arbor Day, 225

Arena Football League, 216

around, on, 39

arraignment, 235

arrest, 233, 234

Articles, definite and indefinite, 35

Artists, identification of, 267

as, because, since, 39

Asalha Puja Day, 221

Ash Wednesday, 219

Asian Subcontinent, 242

assessed valuation, 229

assignment desk, 1921, 199, 200, 270

assignment editor, 270

Associated Press, 18

association, professional, 230

Assumption Day, 221

at risk, 238

Attribution of statements, 5154, 233235

Audience, 3, 6, 7, 1315, 20, 23, 2627, 29, 8796, 98, 161, 163, 173, 174, 195196, 205206, 212213

Auto racing, types in, 214

average, mean, median, 39

ax, 270


background, 270

Background sound, 130

Backpack journalist, 190192

backtiming, 270

bail, 235

Baltic States, 242

bankruptcy, 229

barometric pressure, 206

Baseball, teams in, 214

Basketball, teams in, 215

B-chain, 271

beat, 271

because, as, since, 39

Benedict, Evonne, 173

Benito Juarez’s Birthday, 220

Bennington Battle Day, 227

Bergman, Cory, 173

Better Homes and Gardens, 199

between, among, 38

bg. See background

bi- and semi-, 39

Bible Belt, 241

bill (legislative), 244

billboard, 271


content considerations, 105106, 107108, 121, 123, 126, 154

in newscasts, 110, 135, 137, 138, 139, 142, 143, 199, 267, 269, 270, 271

technical considerations, 106107

blizzard, 207

Blocks in a newscast, 199200

blog, 270

boat, ship, 31, 39

bonds, 230

Boroughs, 244

Borrell Associates, 189

Borrell, Gordon, 189

Boxing, organizations in, 215

Boxing Day, 222

Breaking news, 1516, 205

Bridges, stand-ups as, 137, 138, 143, 270

bring, take, 39

British Isles, 242

Broadcast leads. See Leads

Broadcasts. See Newscasts

B-roll, 270, 271

Brown v. Board of Education, 238

BSS (box still store), 270

Buddha’s Birthday, 220

Buddhist holidays, 218223

Buddhist New Year, 222223

Bureau of Labor Statistics, 6

burglary, 31, 234235

Business, terminology for, 228232

busing, 238

but, 9597


Cablevision, 190

Campbell, Mel, 163

Canada Day, 221

Canadian Football League, 217

Canadian Thanksgiving, 221

cancer, 248

Candidates for office, 266

Capitalism: A Love Story, 256

carbon footprint, 239

Caribbean, 242

Caring, 152153

casualties, 39

Cause and effect, and transitions, 95

CBS, 2, 14, 86, 188, 195

CDC (Centers for Disease Control), 248

Celebrities, names of, 266

Celsius (centigrade) scale, 207

cement, concrete, 39

centers around, on, 39

Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 248

Central America, 242

Central characters and plot, 153

Cesar Chavez Day, 224

CG (character generator), 261

Chanukah, 218, 222

character generator (CG), 261, 270

charged, 233, 235

charter schools, 238

China, 242

Chinese New Year, 219

chinook wind, 207

Christian holidays, 218222

Christmas, 218, 222

chromakey, 270

Chronology, in stories, 9091

chunks, on the web, 164165

civil, 235

claim, 39

Clarity, of writing, 13, 21, 32, 3335, 46

Clean Air Act, 239

Clean Water Act, 239

Clichés, 57

climate, 207

climate change, 239

Closed captioning, 29

close-up, 261, 270

CNBC, 195

CNN, 8, 176, 195

coastal waters, 207

cold front, 207

cold open, 199, 271

Colloquialisms, 32

Columbus Day, 221

Comcast, 190

Commercials, teases before, 199, 203, 250, 251

Common Market, 245

Common usage, in copy, 3335

Community colleges, 238

Companies, names of, 230

company, 230

Comparison and contrast, and transitions, 95

comScore, 6

Conciseness, in writing, 48

concrete, cement, 39

concurrent sentence, 235

Confederate Heroes Day, 226

Confederate Memorial Day, 223, 224, 225, 226

Conflict, as news, 14

Congress, 58, 243244, 266

Conjunctions, 64, 9498

Connector words, 94

Connolly, Cyril, 23

consensus, 39

conservative (political), 244

Consistency, in use of names, 2627

Constitution Day, 219

consumer price index (CPI), 230231

Consumer Reports, 199

continual, continuous, 39

Contractions, 32

Controversial issues, and attribution, 50, 5154

Convergence, 184193

convince, 39

Cooperation, 184193

cop, 39

copy, 271

Corn Belt, 241

corporal punishment, 238

corporation, 230

cost of living, 230231

Cotton Belt, 241

councilors, council members, 58

Counties, 244

Countries and regions, 242243

courts, 243, 244, 245

cover shot, 270, 271

CPI (consumer price index), 230231

crawl, 271

Credibility, of news station, 143, 256

Crime coverage, 232236

Crime writing, terminology for, 232236

criminal, 235

crisis, 40

critical condition, 247

Crosstalk, in live reporting, 143

crowdsourcing, 271

CU, 261, 270

cumulative sentence, 235

currently, presently, 40

cut, 271

cutaway, 271

Cut-ins, in TV, 195

CW, 2, 167

cyclone, 207


Daily Show, 9

Dashera, 221

Dashes, 26, 28

Dates, 55, 81, 219227

daylight saving time, 40, 218, 219, 222

dayside, 271

Death, terminology for, 28, 40

Deep South, 241

Definitions, and common usage, 3843

degree-day, 207

Delayed leads, 74, 80, 81, 83

Delegates, 244

Deloitte LLP, 173174, 189

departments, 244

deposition, 235

dew point, 207

dialogue, 40

Dictionary, necessity of, 31

die, kill, 33, 40

dilation and extraction, 247248

discount rate, 232

Dish, 190

dissolve, 271

Diversity, 15, 5455

Doctors, names of, 2526, 266

domain, 157158, 271

Dotson, Bob, 14, 106, 108, 132, 153154

Dow Jones Industrial Average, 231

Down East, 241

Down syndrome, 248

down under, 242

Dr., 2526, 266

drive times, 271

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, 219, 223, 224, 225

drought, 207

drugs, 40, 248

dub, 271

Dube, Jonathan, 167

dust storm, 207

DVR (digital video recorder), 196


earthquake, 208

Eastern Shore, 241

Easter Sunday, 220

Economy, terminology for the, 228232

Editorials, 56


reporting for, 236238

terminology for, 236239

elderly, 40

Election Day, 222, 224, 225, 226, 227

electronic news gathering, 271

Ellipses, 28

El Niño, 208

Emancipation Day, 226

eMarketer, 6

emigrate, immigrate, 40

Emphasis, in copy, 28

enact, 244

endangered species, 240

Endings, for stories, 8283

ENG, 271

ensure, insure, 40

Enterprise reporting, 1617

Entertainment Tonight, 9

Environment, terminology for, 239240

Environment, writing about, 239

epidemic, 248

Epiphany, 219

equal time, fairness, 40

equinox, 208

ESPN, 198

ESS, 271

establishing shot, 271

Ethics, 255260

EU (European Union), 245

European Union (EU), 245

evergreen, 271

execute, 40

Executive branch, function of, 243, 244

Executive producer, 274

Expert opinion, as bite, 108

extinction, 240


Facebook, 174, 175176, 178

Facts, of a story, 82, 89, 90,

Fahrenheit scale, 208

fair condition, 247

Fairness, 13, 21

fairness, equal time, 40

fall, first day of, 221

Family Day, 225

Far East, 242

Father’s Day, 220

FCC (Federal Communications Commission), 186

FDA (Food and Drug Administration), 248

Feast of the Immaculate Conception, 222

Features, 17

February, 40

Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 186

feed, 272

Feedback, for stories, 90

felony, 235236

fewer, less, 40

figuratively, literally, 40

Figures. See Numbers

filibuster, 245

Findlaw, 159

firefighter, fireman, 41, 58

firm, 230

Fisher Communications, 189, 190

fission, 240

Flag Day, 220

flammable, 41

Flash, 272

flash flood, 208

flood, 208

flu, 249

Focus, in stories, 8691

fog, 208

font, 272

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 248

Football, teams in, 216217

Foreman, Tom, 176

Format for copy, 2324

former, latter, 5051

former Soviet Union, 242

Forms of scripts

anchor VO/SOT with package intro, 135, 137, 264

anchor with voiceover, 135, 136137, 263

anchor with VO/SOT, 135, 137, 263

standard anchor read, 135136, 262

standard anchor read with gfx, 135136, 262

standard 2-shot, 262

Forms of stories

live, 129, 135, 136, 137143

packages, 135, 137139, 140142

for radio, 128129

readers, 128, 135136, 262

voiceover, 135, 136137, 263

fossil fuels, 240

Foursquare, 174

Fox, 2, 187, 195

Fractions, 27

fragmented viewership, 4, 11, 12

Freedman, Wayne, 57, 106, 108, 109, 153155

freeze, 208

freezing drizzle, freezing rain, 208

front (weather),cold and warm, 208, 212

frost, 208

Frost, Robert, 108

FSS (full still store), 272

funnel cloud, 208

future file, 272

Future ramification ending, 82

Future tense, 4647


GA (general assignment) reporters, 228

gale, 209

Ganesh Chaturthi, 221

Gannett, 160

gay, 41

Gender, 5758

General assembly, 244

General assignment (GA) reporters, 228

General Election Day, 224, 225

General Court, 244

general obligation bonds, 230


terminology for, 240243

as transition in newscasts, 9698

Germany, 243

gfx. See Graphics

ghetto, 41

gif, 272

global warming, 239, 240


for broadcast terms, 269276

for business, economy and taxes, 229232

for crime and legal issues, 235236

for education issues, 238239

for environment issues, 239240

for geographical terms, 241243

for government and politics, 244245

for health and medical writing, 247249

for holidays, 219227

for misused words, 3843

for names of countries and regions, 242243

for sports, 214217

for weather and natural phenomena, 207212

Golf, events in, 217

good, well, 41

good condition, 247

Good Friday, 220, 224, 225, 226, 227

Google, 10

government, 243245

Gowalla, 174

grand jury, 236

Grandparents Day, 221

Graphics, in newscasts, 27, 135, 136, 151, 213, 261, 262

Great Britain, 243

Great Lakes, 241

Great Plains, 241

greenhouse gases, 240

Ground Hog Day, 218, 219

Groupings, and transitions, 95

Gulf Coast, 241

gun, 41


half-mast, half-staff, 41

Halley’s Comet, 41

Halloween, 222

handout, 272

hang, hanged, hung, 41

Hard leads, 7274, 75, 76, 77, 80

Hartman, Steve, 14

has, have, 4647

have, has, 4647

he, she, 4950

Headlines (for newspapers), 71

Headlines (for web), 162163

Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, 246

Health writing, terminology for, 246249

Hearing impaired, and closed captioning, 29

Hearst Television, 159

heat index, 209

heavy, 272

heavy snow, 209

Herbicide, 31

here, there, 5051

higher education, 237238

high winds, 209

Hindu holidays, 218223

Hindu New Year, 220

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), 246

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), 248

Hockey, teams in, 217

Hofstra University, and RTDNA Survey, 174, 177, 184185, 187, 193, 198

hold-up, 234235

Holi, 220

Holidays, terminology for, 219227

home schooling, 237

homicide, 235

Hospitals, and condition of patients, 247

html, 272

Human interest, as news, 14

humidity, 209

Humor, in news stories, 99

hundred, 41, 54

hung, hang, hanged, 41

hurricane, 209

Hyperlocal, 169, 272

Hyphenation, 25


IB (Internet Broadcasting), 159160

ice storm, 210

’Id al-Adha, 223 ’Id al-Fitr, 223

IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act), 238

Identification, of footage, 152, 268269

Identifiers, of people, 5152

ifb, 272

IHS Screen Digest 2

illegal, 41, 233, 248

immigrate, emigrate, 40

impact, 41

Importance, as news, 13

Income tax due, 220

in cue (in), 261, 272

Independence Day, 221

Index of Leading Economic Indicators, 231

Indian summer, 210

indict, indictment, 41, 236

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 238

Indochina, 243

industrial revenue bonds, 230

inflammable, 41

influenza, 249

information, 236

Information ending, 8283

Initials, use of, 26, 266

innocent, 235

Inside Edition, 9

insure, ensure, 40

interactivity, 272

Interesting, 13, 21

Internet, defined, 157

Internet Broadcasting (IB), 159160

Interviewing, 105, 108, 120126

Inverted pyramid lead (newspapers), 71

Investigative reporting, 17

iPad, 10, 190

IRL (Indy Racing League), 214

irregardless, 41

issue, 41

it, 4950


jail, 236

Janmastami, 221

Jefferson Davis’s Birthday, 223, 225

jet stream, 210

Jewish holidays, 218222

Journalism tenets, 13

jpeg, 272

Judicial branch, function of, 243

jump cut, 272

Jupiter Research, 6

jury, 236


Kamehameha Day, 224

Kathina Ceremony, 222

KCBS Radio, 106, 130, 152

key, 42

KGO-TV, 106, 109, 153

KGTV, 160

KGUN-TV, 160

kicker, 272

kid, kids, 42

kill, 40, 235

KING-TV, 173

KLAS-TV, 160

Kneeland, Carole, 232

knot, 42, 210

KSHB-TV, 160

Kuhio Day, 224

Kurtz, Howard, 176

KVUE-TV, 232233

Kwanzaa, 222


Labor Day, 220, 221

lady, woman, 42

larceny, 234235

Larson, John, 108, 132, 147, 152155

Las Vegas Sun, 170

Latin America, 243

latter, former, 5051

lav, 272

Leading Economic Indicators, 231


and bites, 109111, 112

considerations in writing, 7581, 90

construction of, 7175

directness of, 72, 76, 79

function of, 71

responsibility for, 81

and significance of story, 7576

simplicity of, 7677

types of, 7175

updates of, 77, 81

for the web, 163164

Leap Day, 219

Lee-Jackson Day, 227

left, leftist (political), 244

Legal writing, terminology for, 232236

Legibility, of script, 24, 29

legislation, 244

Legislative Assembly, 244

legislative bodies and titles, 243244

Legislative branch, function of, 243244

Lent, 219

less, fewer, 40

Libel suits, 232

liberal (political), 244

library, 42

light, 272

Lincoln’s Birthday, 219, 224, 225, 226

Line producer, 274

Listen, in interviews, 121122

literally, figuratively, 40

livechat, 273

live look, 143

Live reporting

crosstalk in, 143

evaluation of, 143

planning for, 142143

for radio, 129

story form, 135, 138

structure of, 138, 139142, 199

local programming, 2

localizing, 273

Location, in media use, 67

Locations, 7879, 267268

long shot/LS, 273

Los Angeles Times, 166

Lost Remote, 173, 189

lunar, 219, 220, 221

Lyndon Baines Johnson Day, 226


Maddow, Rachel, 9

Magha Puja Day, 220

magnet school, 238

Maha Shiv Ratri, 219

Main point leads. See Hard leads; Soft leads; Throwaway leads; Umbrella leads

major, 42

majority, 42

Major League Soccer, 217

malpractice, 230

manslaughter, 235

Mardi Gras Day, 225

Margins, in script, 25

Maritime Provinces, 243

massive, 42

MATTE (and video sources), 261, 273

Mawlid an-Nabi, 223

May Day/Labor Day, 220

mean, average, median, 39

media, 42

Media General, 186

MediaJobsDaily, 173

median, average, mean, 39

Medicaid, 245, 249

Medical writing, terminology for, 246249

Medicare, 245, 249

medicine, medication, 40, 248

medium shot/MS, 273

Memorial Day, 220

Memorization, 137, 142

message board, 273

Middle East, 243

Middletown Media Studies, 4, 5, 7

mile, 42

mill rate, 231

misdemeanor, 235236

misery index, 209

mix minus, 273

MMJ (multi-media journalist), 190192

mobile, 189190

moderate (political), 244

Money, terminology for, 228232

money market, 231

Monitor-Pew Studies, 6

Moore, Michael, 256

Morning drive, 271

Morning meeting, 2021

MOSs, in supers, 267

Mother’s Day, 220

Motorcycle racing, teams in, 214

mpeg, 273

MP3, 273

Mr., Mrs., Ms., 2526, 58

Mr. Food, 199

MSNBC, 195

Muharram 1, 223

Multimedia, 169170, 273

Multitask, 173

municipal bonds, 230

murder, murderer, 234, 235

Muslim holidays, 218, 223

mutual funds, 231

MyNet, 11

MySpace, 174


Names, 2627, 51, 66, 80, 264267

National Basketball Association (NBA), 215

National Football League (NFL), 216

National Hockey League (NHL), 217

National Institutes of Health (NIH), 249

National League baseball teams, 214

National Organization for Women (NOW), 42

National Public Radio (NPR), 1, 132

Native American Day, 226

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 245

Nat sound (natural sound), 105115, 128129, 129130, 135, 137, 138, 139, 143, 148, 149, 199, 273

NavRatri/Durga Puja, 221

NBA (National Basketball Association), 215

NBC, 2, 14, 106, 108, 132, 147, 187, 195, 196

Negative phrases, 49, 56

network programming, 2

Nevada, 241

Nevada Day, 225

New England, 241


balancing values of, 15

definition of, 1315

in a newscast, 194195, 205206

news aggregator, 10

Newscasts. See also Packages; Radio; Scripts; Sound; Video

actualities in, 105107, 109, 112, 128, 129, 130, 132

ad libs in, 136, 137

and bites in, 135, 137, 199

blocks in, 198200

building local, 194195, 199203

and computerization, 24

and live reporting, 51, 129, 135, 136, 137, 138143, 194, 199, 203

on the web, 165, 170

producing TV, 194204

and promotions and teases, 250254

structure, 197199

supers in, 152, 264269

technical problems in, 110, 111, 203

teleprompters for, 24

transitions in, 9598

news conference, 42

NewsLab, 37

Newspaper Association of America, 8

New Year’s Day, 219

New York City, 241

New York Stock Exchange, 231

New York Times, 8, 173

NFL (National Football League), 216

NHL (National Hockey League), 217

Nicknames, 2627

Nielsen, 2, 4, 6, 196, 197198

nightside, 273

NIH (National Institutes of Health), 249

Nine Days of Posada, 222

No Child Left Behind Act, 238

none, 42

Nordic countries, 243

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 245

Northeaster, 210

North Slope, 241

not guilty, 235

Nouns, 36

NOW (National Organization for Women), 42

NPR (National Public Radio), 1, 132

nuclear, 42

nuclear power, 240

Numbers, 2728, 54. See also Dates


O & O, 273

Obama, Barack, 246

Obamacare, 246

Obituaries, and ages, 28

offshore waters, 210

on, around, 39

One-man-band, 190192

Online news, 157171

only time will tell, 57

OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries), 26, 245

Opposition point of view ending, 83

Oprah, 3

Oral information, nature of, 62

O’Reilly, Bill, 9

Osgood, Charles, 86

out cue (out), 261, 273

Outer Banks, 241

outtakes, 273

Overloaded leads, 7677

ozone, 240


P.A. (professional association), 230


abbreviations for, 261

construction of, 135, 137138, 199, 273

and dated material, 139

lead-ins for, 112113

stand-ups in, 137138

tags for, 114

Palm Sunday, 220

Pan American Day, 220

Paragraphs, indention of, 25

Paraphrases, 51

pardon, 236

Parenthetical phrases, 48

Parishes, 244

parole, 236

partial birth abortion, 247248

partnership, 230

Parts of speech. See also Punctuation

antecedents of pronouns, 4950

articles, 35

conjunctions, 9498

connector words, 94

contractions, 32

nouns, 36

pronouns, 4950

verbs, 36, 47, 48, 62, 64, 95

pass, 244

Passion, 108, 130, 152, 153

Passive voice, 4546

Passover, 220

Past tense, 4647, 8

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, 246

Patients, conditions of, 247

Patriots Day, 225

Pauses, in script, 28

Pavarana Day, 222

paywall, 10, 273

PBS, 1

people, persons, 33

Percentages, 26, 27, 54

Periods, double-spacing after, 28

Persian Gulf, 243

Personal account, as bite, 107

Personalization (use of we), 5859

Personal opinion, as bite, 107108

persons, people, 33

persuade, 39

pesticides, 240

Pew Research Center, 8, 177, 189

Ph.D., 2526, 266

Photographers, 151, 267, 270, 274

Phrases. See also Sentences; Word choice

for attribution, 50, 5154, 91, 233234

clarity of, 47

cliches in, 57

conciseness of, 48, 65

dates used in, 55

and editorializing, 56

and introductory clauses, 48

and location, 7879

numbers in, 54

parenthetical, 48

personalization (use of we) in, 5859

positive versus negative, 49, 66

and racial identification, 5455

that in, 50

titles of people in, 51

Pictures. See also Video

choice of, 145148, 152153

narration for, 149

power of, 145

stills for, 151

supers for, 152, 267

uses of, 147

Pioneer Day, 226

pixels, 274

PKG, 261

Plan and focus, 8687

Plan, in interviews, 120121

Planned event reporting, 16

plea bargain, 236

Plot, 153

plurality, 42

podcast, 274

Politicians, names of, 265266

pollution, 228, 239

pool, 274

poor condition, 247

Post-Newsweek, 159

Potter, Deborah, 3738, 47, 87, 155

poverty, 238, 239

pre-pro, 274

presently, currently, 40

Present perfect tense, 4647

Present tense, 4647

president, 243, 244, 245

Presidents Day, 219, 226

press conference, 42

Price Is Right, 196

prime rate, 232

Prime time, 2

prison, 236

private college and university, 237238

private school, 237

probation, 236

pro-choice, pro-life, 247248

producer, 274

Producing news on TV, 194204

professional association (P.A.), 230

professor, 239

prognosis, 247

pro-life, pro-choice, 247248

Prominence, as news, 13

Promotions, for newscasts, 250254

Prompter, 24

Pronouns, 4950


and pronouncers, 2829

and VOA, 242

Proximity, as news, 14

PSA (public service announcement), 274

public college and university, 237238

public school, 236237

public service announcement (PSA), 274

Punch line ending, 83

Punctuation. See also Abbreviations; Parts of speech

dashes, 26, 28

ellipses, 28

hyphens, 25, 27

parentheses, 2829

for pauses in script, 28

periods, 28


Qualifiers, for statements, 36

Questions and answers

and leads, 7475

in live reporting, 139, 142143

in story logic, 88, 91, 9394, 98

Quicktime, 274

Quora, 174

Quotations, 54, 126


Race, identification of, 5455

Racing, teams in, 214


and bites, 128

packages in, 132

“pictures” for, 129130

scripts for, 128129

and sound, 105, 106, 128130, 132

sports on, 212214

weather on, 206

Radio on scene report (ROSR), 129

Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA) Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, 257260

Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA) Social Media and Blogging Guidelines, 179183

Ramadan, 223

Ram Navmi, 220

ratings, 34, 274

Readability, of scripts, 2329

Readers (story form), 128, 135136, 151, 199, 274

real estate taxes, 232

rebut, 42

Redundancy, 48, 110111

refute, 42

relative humidity, 209, 210

remedial education, 239

renewable energy, 240

Repetition, 66, 110111

Representatives, 58, 243244

Research, on the web, 158159

revenue bonds, 230

Richter scale, 208

right, rightist (political), 244

risk assessment, 240

robbery, 31, 234235

Robert E. Lee Day, 223, 224, 225

Rooney, Andy, 32

Rosh Hashanah, 221

ROSR (radio on scene report), 129

RTDNA (Radio Television Digital News Association) Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, 257260

RTDNA/Hofstra University Annual Survey, 174, 177, 184185, 187, 193, 198

RTDNA (Radio Television Digital News Association) Social Media and Blogging Guidelines, 179183


Safety, and weather reporting, 206207

Safran, Steve, 189

sandstorm, 210

San Jacinto Day, 226

Santa Ana wind, 210

Saradhas, 221

Sarasvati Puja, 219

satisfactory condition, 247

says (substitutes for), 3637

Scandinavia, 243

school board, 237

Schurz, 190

Scores, reporting of, 213214

Scripts. See also Stories; Video; Writing

abbreviations in, 2425, 261262

ages in, 28

controversial issues in, 53, 54

cues in, 136, 142

forms of, 262264

legibility of, 24

margins in, 25

and narration for pictures, 149

numbers in, 2728

paragraphs in, 25

quotations in, 54

readability of, 2329

spacing in, 24, 28

and supers, 264269

Sea Islands, 241

Search engine optimization (SEO), 274

seasons, 210

Segment producer, 274

semi- and bi-, 39

senators, 58

sentence (legal), 235, 236

Sentences. See also Phrases; Punctuation; Word choice

complex, 6465

conciseness of, 48, 6567

construction of, 4559, 6267

ends of, 67

fragments of, 73, 75, 110

information in, 6566

length of, 6265

order in, 64

repetition in, 48, 66

verbs in, 4647, 48, 62, 64

SEO (search engine optimization), 274

serious condition, 247

Severe weather, 206207, 210

Seward’s Day, 224

Sexism, 5758

share, 34, 274

she, he, 4950

ship, boat, 39

Show producer, 274

Sicko, 256

Significance, as news, 13

sig out, 274

sil, 262, 275

since, as, because, 43

60 Minutes (CBS), 32

Slang, 32

sleet, 210

Slugs, 2425, 275

Smartphone, 189

smog, 210

SNG (satellite news gathering), 275

SNL Kagan, 2

snow avalanche bulletin, 210

snow flurry, snow squall, 211

Soccer, teams in, 217

Social media, 173183

Soft leads, 7273, 75, 76, 82

sole proprietorship, 230

solstice, 211

some, 43

SOT (sound on tape), 135, 137, 149150, 263264, 275


ambient, 105, 128, 130, 149

and budget limitations, 129130

natural, 105, 106, 107, 112, 113, 128130, 135, 137, 138139, 143, 148, 149

for radio news, 105, 106, 128130

script abbreviations for, 261

sources, 43

Southwest, 241

Soviet Union, 242

Spacing between lines, 24, 28

Special segment reporting, 17

Spelling, 29, 99, 267


in a newscast, 212214

terminology for, 214217

spots, 275

spring, first day of, 220

Spring Holiday, 225

squall, 211

SS (still store), 262, 275

St. Patrick’s Day, 220

stable condition, 247

Stamberg, Susan, 132, 135

Stand-ups, 135, 137138, 275

State holidays, 223227

Statehood Day, 224

Statements, attribution of, 5154, 233235

State of mind, statements about, 53

stealing, 234235

Stewart, Jon, 9

stick mic, 275

Stills, 151

still store (SS), 261

stockman’s advisory, 211

stock market, 231

Stories. See also Forms of stories; Leads; Scripts; Writing

accuracy of, 13, 45

assignment of, 24, 1921

and bites, 135, 137, 138, 139, 142, 143

categories of, 1518

chronology in, 9091

complications in, 89, 98, 99

content of, 9294, 97

endings for, 8283, 153, 154

feedback for, 90

humor in, 99

leads for, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 97, 98

logic of, 86, 9192, 9394

in newspapers, 71

sequence in, 8991, 94

structure of, 9495, 136, 137, 139, 142

transitions in, 9598

visualization of, 151

Story ideas, 1819

Subchapter S, 230

Subjects and verbs, 45, 48, 62, 64

Sugarman, Mike, 106, 130, 132, 152

Summary point ending, 82

summer, first day of, 220

Sun Belt, 241

superintendent, 236, 237


dates in, 267269

locations in, 267269

names in, 264267

and use of pictures, 152, 275

Supreme Court, 243, 245

Surprise, 147, 154

survey, 43

suspected, 234

Suspense leads, 74, 83

sx, 275

Symbols, 26

Syndicated programming, 2


Tablet, 8, 170, 171, 189

Tags, for packages, 143, 275

take, bring, 39

talent, 275

Tampa Tribune, 186

Taxes, terminology for, 229, 230, 231, 232, 237

Teams, and reporting scores, 212217

Teases, for newscasts, 202203, 250254, 275

Technical problems, 122, 130, 203

Telemundo, 195

Telephone, and radio, 129

Teleprompters, 24

Tenets of broadcast journalism, 13

Tense, of verbs, 4647

tenure, 239

Terminology. See Glossaries; Word choice

Texas Independence Day, 226

Thanksgiving (Canadian), 221

Thanksgiving Day, 222

that, 43, 50

the, 35

theft, 234235

there, here, 5051

Thesaurus, 31

they, 4950

3-screen approach, 170171

3-shot, 262

Throwaway leads, 73

thunderstorm, 206, 207, 210

tidal wave, 211

tides, 206

Time, as news, 14

Time relationships, 5051, 95

Time Warner, 190


of copy by computer, 25

and voiceovers with video, 136, 137

Title I, 239

Title VII, 239

Title IX, 239

Titles, of people, 5152, 264267

tornado, 211

toss, 275

toward, 43

Town Meeting Day, 227

Transitions, for stories, 9598

travelers’ advisory, 211

Treated and released, 247

tropical depression, tropical storm, 211

Truman Day, 225

Truths, 153, 154, 155

tsunami, 211

Twitter, 174, 176178

2-shot, 262

typhoon, 209


Umbrella leads, 7374

undetermined condition, 247

unemployment, 232

unique, 43

United States, government of, 243244

Univision, 195

Uposatha, 223

urban heat island, 211

URL, 157158, 275

USA Today, 173

U.S. Congress, 243244

U.S. Constitution, 243, 245

UV (ultraviolet) index, 211


Valentine’s Day, 219

Verbs, 36, 47, 48, 62, 64

Vesak, Visakah Puja, 220

Veterans Day, 222

veto, 243, 244

viable, 43

Victoria Day, 220

Victory Day, 226

Video. See also Pictures; Sound

and file footage, 152, 269

and form of story, 135142

identification of outside, 152, 269

and writing, 38, 63, 72, 78

Visuals. See Pictures; Video

VOA, 242

Voice, active versus passive, 4546

Voice of America Pronunciation Guide, 242

Voicers, in radio, 129, 276

VO/SOT (story form), 135, 137, 199, 262

VO (Voiceover), 135, 136137, 199, 263, 275

vouchers, 237

VTR, 276


warm front, 212

warn, 43

warning (weather), 212

Washington Post, 166, 170

Washington’s Birthday, 219, 224

watch (weather), 212

WCVB-TV, 160

we, 5859


in a newscast, 205207

terminology for, 207212

webcast, 276

Web headlines, 162163

well, good, 41

West Indies, the, 243

West Virginia Day, 227

WFLA-TV, 186

whether or not, 43

which, 43

who, 43

who, what, where, when, why and how, 71, 76

wide-ranging, 43

wide shot/WS, 276

wild sound, 276

wind, 206, 207, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 240

wind chill, 212

wind energy, 240

winter, first day of, 222

Witness account, as bite, 107

WJXT-TV, 160

WNBA (Women’s National Basketball Association), 215

WOI-TV, 160

woman, lady, 42

Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA), 215

Word choice. See also Parts of speech; Phrases; Sentences

clarity of, 3235

conciseness of, 32, 35, 48

and editorializing, 56

formal versus informal, 32, 33

and pictures, 136, 142

and radio, 129

and technical terms, 33

and unintended meanings, 56

and wordiness, 48

WorldNow, 160

World Wide Web (WWW), 157158

WRAL-TV, 160

Wrap, wraparound, in radio, 129, 276

Writing. See also Phrases; Sentences; Word choice

clarity of, 3235, 48, 49, 50, 54

conciseness in, 32, 35, 48

and dictionary use, 31

evaluation of, 38

language in, 3136

online rules, 168

pre-planning for, 75, 8691

quality of, 31, 38

voice in, 4546

for the web, 160170

WUSA-TV, 160

wx, 276


Yahoo, 10

Years. See Dates

Yom Kippur, 221

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