
The followings are the user stories with the title of the Cards theme:

  • Add card: As a board member, I can add cards to card lists in that board.
  • View card: As a board member, I can view the details of a card in that board.
  • Edit card title: As a board member, I can edit the title of a card in that board.
  • Edit card description: As a board member, I can edit the description of a card using plain text or markdown formatted text in that board.
  • Assign member to the card: As a board member, I can add board members to a card.
  • Change the card position: As a board member, I can rearrange cards by changing their positions in the same card list so that I can better prioritize them.
  • Move cardAs a board member, I can move cards between card lists in that board.
  • Archive card: As a board member, I can archive a card in that board.
  • Delete card: As a board member, I can delete an archived card in that board.
  • Add card attachment: As a board member, I can attach an attachment to a card in that board.
  • Download card attachment: As a board member, I can download the attachments of a card in that board.
  • Delete card attachment: As a board member, I can delete card attachments of a card in that board.
  • Add card comment: As a board member, I can add comments to a card in that board.
  • Edit card commentAs a board member, I can edit my own card comments in that board.
  • Delete card comment: As a board member, I can delete my own card comments in that board.
  • View card activities: As a board member, I'd like to view all the activities of a card so that I can track the history of that card.

We will learn how to implement all of these user stories in this book, using Spring Framework and Vue.js. And you will be able to download the source code of the application. A live demo of the application is hosted in

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