encryption libraries, How To: Create an Encryption Library, How To: Create an Encryption Library, How To: Create an Encryption Library, Create a C# Class Library, Create a Console Test Application
algorithms, How To: Create an Encryption Library
creating C# class library, Create a C# Class Library
creating console test application, Create a Console Test Application
requirements, How To: Create an Encryption Library
encryption., Authorization, Secure Communication, Secure Communication, Intranet Security, More Information, The <processModel> Element, Options for Storing Secrets in ASP.NET, Securing Session and View State, Securing Session and View State, Web Farm Considerations, How To: Create a DPAPI Library, How To: Create an Encryption Library, How To: Store an Encrypted Connection String in the Registry, Allow Clients to Determine Whether to Use SSL, Allow Clients to Determine Whether to Use SSL, Certificate Stores
(see also )
allowing applications to choose whether to use, Allow Clients to Determine Whether to Use SSL
cookies, Securing Session and View State
credentials, Intranet Security, More Information, The <processModel> Element
cryptography and, Certificate Stores
(see also )
libraries., How To: Create an Encryption Library (see )
privacy and, Authorization, Secure Communication
secure communication., Secure Communication (see )
session and view state, Securing Session and View State
storing encrypted connection strings in registry, How To: Store an Encrypted Connection String in the Registry
storing secrets, Options for Storing Secrets in ASP.NET
verifying, Allow Clients to Determine Whether to Use SSL
Web farms and, Web Farm Considerations
end users., The Foundations (see )
end-to-end security, Web Server to Remote Application Server, Application Level Security, Transport Level Options, Using a Windows Service Host, Using Multiple Database Roles
Enterprise Manager, Creating a Least Privilege Database Account, Auditing, Windows Security Logs
Enterprise Services, Implementation Technologies, Security Architecture, Using the ASP.NET Process Identity, Enterprise Services Security, How Tos
as implementation technology, Implementation Technologies, Security Architecture
reference information, How Tos
security., Enterprise Services Security (see )
serviced components., Using the ASP.NET Process Identity (see )
Enterprise Services security, Design Principles, Security Across the Tiers, More Information, More Information, More Information, Gatekeepers and Gates, The Impersonation / Delegation Model, Enterprise Services (COM+) Roles, .NET Roles versus Enterprise Services (COM+) Roles, Web Server to Remote Application Server, SQL Authentication to the Database, Using Integrated Windows Authentication at the Web Server, More Information, Enterprise Services Security, Enterprise Services Security, Security Architecture, Gatekeepers and Gates, Security for Server and Library Applications, Security for Server and Library Applications, Configuring Security, Configuring Security, Use Windows Groups, Configure Authentication, Configuring Impersonation Levels for an Enterprise Services Application, Identifying Callers, Use a Least-Privileged Custom Account, Using the Current Process Identity, RPC Encryption, RPC Encryption, More Information, Calling Serviced Components from ASP.NET, Security Concepts, Enterprise Services (COM+) Roles and .NET Roles, Authentication, Authentication Level Negotiation, Solution Implementation, Machine Store vs. User Store, Windows Security Logs, How To: Use DPAPI (User Store) from ASP.NET with Enterprise Services, Call the Managed DPAPI Class Library, How To: Use Role-based Security with Enterprise Services, Configuration Stores and Tools, .NET Web Application Security
(see also )
accessing network resources, Use a Least-Privileged Custom Account
architecture, Enterprise Services Security
authentication, More Information, Authentication
authorization, More Information
building serviced components, RPC Encryption
calling serviced components from ASP.NET, Calling Serviced Components from ASP.NET
choosing process identities, Identifying Callers
Code Access Security requirements, Security for Server and Library Applications
concepts, Security Concepts
configuration stores and tools, Configuration Stores and Tools
configuring, Enterprise Services (COM+) Roles, Configuring Security
configuring ASP.NET client applications, Use Windows Groups
configuring impersonation levels for Enterprise Services applications, Configure Authentication
configuring server applications, Configuring Security
creating Windows account, Call the Managed DPAPI Class Library
DCOM and firewalls, More Information
Enterprise Services (COM+) roles vs. .NET roles, More Information, .NET Roles versus Enterprise Services (COM+) Roles, Enterprise Services (COM+) Roles and .NET Roles
flowing original callers, Using the Current Process Identity
for server and library applications, Security for Server and Library Applications
gatekeepers and gates, Gatekeepers and Gates, Security Architecture
impersonation, Authentication Level Negotiation
impersonation/delegation and, The Impersonation / Delegation Model
Internet scenario, More Information
intranet scenario, SQL Authentication to the Database, Using Integrated Windows Authentication at the Web Server
logon auditing, Windows Security Logs
options, Design Principles, Security Across the Tiers, .NET Web Application Security
passing Web services client certificates, Solution Implementation
programming, Configuring Impersonation Levels for an Enterprise Services Application
role-based authorization, How To: Use Role-based Security with Enterprise Services
(see also )
RPC encryption, RPC Encryption
secure communication, Web Server to Remote Application Server
server applications and, Gatekeepers and Gates
using DPAPI, Machine Store vs. User Store, How To: Use DPAPI (User Store) from ASP.NET with Enterprise Services
entropy parameter, Machine Store vs. User Store, Using DPAPI from Enterprise Services, Notes
errors, Design Principles, More Information, Additional Best Practices
minimizing exposure, Design Principles
Query Interface, More Information
SQL, Additional Best Practices
event handling, ASP.NET, Event Handling
event logs, Accessing System Resources, Windows Security Logs
accessing, Accessing System Resources
troubleshooting and, Windows Security Logs
evidence, Gatekeepers and Gates
exceptions., Design Principles (see )
explicit credentials, Forms Authentication, Configuring the Remote Application Server
.NET remoting, Configuring the Remote Application Server
Web services, Forms Authentication
explicit role checks., The Foundations, Principal Permission Demands and Explicit Role Checks, Programmatic Security, Configurable Security, Programmatic Security, Platform/Transport Security Architecture, Configurable Security, Configurable Security, ASP.NET and the HTTP Channel, .NET Remoting Gatekeepers
(see also )
.NET Remoting, ASP.NET and the HTTP Channel, .NET Remoting Gatekeepers
ASP.NET gatekeeper, Principal Permission Demands and Explicit Role Checks, Platform/Transport Security Architecture
Forms authentication, Programmatic Security
Windows authentication with impersonation, Programmatic Security, Configurable Security
Windows authentication without impersonation, Configurable Security, Configurable Security
exporting IPSec policies, Create Rules
exposure, reducing, Design Principles
Extensible Markup Language (XML), Introduction
external systems, Design Principles
extranet security, Introduction, Advantages of Passport Authentication, Extranet Security, Extranet Security, Exposing a Web Service, Related Scenarios
authentication scenarios, Advantages of Passport Authentication
connected landscape and, Introduction
exposing Web applications, Related Scenarios
exposing Web services, Exposing a Web Service
scenarios, Extranet Security
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