
3D printer A machine able to extrude and deposit layers of plastic in order to form a three-dimensional object.

Accelerometer A sensor that determines its speed and acceleration and returns that value to a microcontroller.

Airframe The chassis of a quadcopter.

Amp The unit of electrical current.

Analog Data sent in a continuous wave of varying voltage, as opposed to digital, which sends data with a series of on-and-off signals.

Array In programming terminology, an array is a list of values stored for future use.

Autonomous robot A robot that relies on its own programming, rather than a human operator, to make control decisions.

Autopilot The microcontroller that steers a drone along a pre-programmed flight path.

Barometric sensor A sensor that detects changes in air pressure, much the way a barometer does.

Board A shorter way of saying a printed circuit board (PCB).

Breadboard A hole-punched plastic board with concealed conductors, allowing you to wire up circuits easily and without solder.

Breakout board A small printed circuit board (PCB) used for controlling a single component. For instance, you can create a breakout board for managing an L293D motor control chip.

Brushed/brushless motor A distinction between the types of DC motors, with the difference being how electricity is transmitted to the motor’s windings.

Bushing A small fastener used to secure an axle.

Carbon-fiber A strong and lightweight material often used in drones and other aircraft.

Chassis The frame onto which the components of a robot or drone are affixed.

Compile To convert one computer language to another, typically used to turn people-readable code to machine-readable code.

Computer numerically controlled (CNC) tools Rail-mounted power tools that precisely follow paths as directed by a computer program.

Datalogger A module in a microcontroller project that records data—for instance, a sensor’s readings.

DC motor A commonplace motor that rotates its hub when voltage is applied to its terminals.

Digital A type of data that consists exclusively of yes-or-no instructions, versus analog data, which consists of varying voltage levels.

Electronic speed controller (ESC) A device that triggers high voltage in a motor, responding to a low-voltage signal from a microcontroller or radio receiver.

Encoder A device that can detect how far a motor’s hub has turned, and returns this value to a microcontroller.

First-person video (FPV) Live video, typically low resolution, that allow a drone’s pilot to see what the drone sees.

Flight controller A microcontroller board optimized for controlling a drone with the help of altimeters, magnetometers, and other sensors.

Ground The return path of an electric circuit. On a battery, the ground is marked with a – (minus sign). Ground is often abbreviated GND in electronic parlance.

Ground bus The strip of conductor on a breadboard that is usually marked as black or blue and designated as the ground.

Heat shrink tubing Non-conductive rubber tubing used to cover wire joins. As heat is applied, the tubing shrinks down to cover up the exposed wire.

Infrared (IR) light A bandwidth of light outside of the visible range for humans, IR light is often modulated to send small amounts of data—for instance, the “off” signal for a TV.

Initialize To create a new variable and assign it a value.

Inrunner A motor featuring a rotating axle surrounded by fixed electromagnets.

Integrated development environment (IDE) Software that provides technical services to programmers to assist them in creating code.

Integrated circuits (ICs) A series of circuits miniaturized and then embedded in a plastic housing.

IR receiver Sensor that detects infrared light pulsed at the correct frequency, 38MHz.

Jumper A generic term for wires or conductors used in electronics projects.

Laser cutter Also known as a laser etcher, a laser cutter burns through thin materials such as cardboard, medium-density fiberboard (MDF), and particle board.

Lead A wire or terminal on a component to which a wire is attached.

Light-emitting diode (LED) The LED is the light bulb of the electronics world.

Library Supporting code referenced by an Arduino sketch, allowing you to keep the main sketch relatively simple.

Light sensor A sensor that detects light. Some of these operate as a variable resistor, where the level of light dictates resistance, whereas others are digital and send numeric data to the microcontroller.

LiPo A lithium polymer battery, a type of rechargeable battery used in robotics.

Magnetometer A sensor that detects magnetic fields, particularly the Earth’s.

Mechanum wheels Wheels with smaller wheels along the rim, allowing a robot to move sidewise as well as forward and backward.

Mesh network A network consisting of multiple nodes, each able to see every other node.

Microcomputers Miniature computers, with all the capabilities of full-sized PCs, if not the specs.

Microcontroller A simplistic computer, able to take input from sensors and activate motors and lights.

Motor control chip An integrated circuit optimized to control motors, expanding on the Arduino’s capabilities.

Multicopter Generically, a quadcopter or a copter with more or fewer props, such as a tricopter or octocopter.

NiCad Nickel–cadmium, a type of rechargeable battery.

NiMH Nickel–metal hydride, a type of rechargeable battery.

Omni wheel A drive wheel studded with free-rotating side wheels, allowing the main wheel to roll, unpowered, perpendicular to its powered direction. Also known as a mechanum wheel.

Open-source hardware and software Electronics projects where the code and electronic designs are shared freely, and anyone is free to modify or re-create them.

Outrunner A motor whose outer casing and electromagnets rotate around a central axle.

Passive infrared (PIR) sensor An infrared sensor that detects movements via subtle changes in temperature.

Pin The power and data connectors of an Arduino.

Potentiometer Usually referred to as a pot, a potentiometer is variable resistor that’s adjusted via a knob.

Power bus The conductor strip on a breadboard designated to supply voltage to the board.

Printed circuit board (PCB) A composite board coated in a conductive material, enabling you to etch circuits onto the board and thereby create electronic assemblies.

Prop saver A style of breakaway propeller mount that helps save the prop from damage.

Pulse-width modulation (PWM) A way of “dimming” an electronic component such as a motor or LED that is normally either “on” or “off” by rapidly flickering it on and off.

Quadcopter A small aircraft consisting of four propeller-mounted motors, usually quadrilaterally mounted.

Radio control (RC) system A control system for a robot or model vehicle, consisting of a controller and receiver.

Real-time clock (RTC) module A timekeeping chip with a battery backup, designed to maintain the correct time for several months.

Remote operating vehicle (ROV) A tethered underwater drone used for undersea exploration.

Resistor An electronic component designed to limit the flow of electricity to protect fragile components and control the flow of voltage in the circuit.

Radio-frequency identification (RFID) A system that includes a powered sensor able to read unpowered tags.

Rotary tool A small power tool with multiple types of attachments, ranging from saws to sanders to polishers. You’ve probably heard of the category leader, Dremel.

Rover A ground-traversing drone in the shape of a car.

Schematic The drawn representation of a circuit, with symbols representing the various components.

Sensor An electronic device that sends data or voltage to a microcontroller about the environment around it.

Serial communication A method of communication whereby data is sent along a single wire, with each bit sent sequentially.

Serial monitor The window in the Arduino integrated development environment (IDE) where serial traffic can be monitored. This can be a great tool for debugging programs.

Servo A motor equipped with a gearbox and encoder, enabling precision control of how far the motor’s shaft turns.

Servo horn The disk or lever that attaches to the servo’s rotor, as well as the thing the servo is to move.

Shield An add-on circuit board for the Arduino. It stacks right on top, sharing the Arduino’s pins while adding additional capabilities.

Sketch Arduino parlance for the program that controls the Arduino’s pins.

Standoffs Metal or plastic inserts that are often used to create space or support between a printed circuit board (PCB) and another surface.

Stepper motor A motor designed to rotate in increments, called steps. It usually has four or more wires.

Temperature and humidity sensor A digital sensor that measures temperature and humidity and returns a numeric reading to the microcontroller.

Terminal strips The rows of connectors in breadboards, running perpendicular to the power and ground bus.

Toolpath The path followed by a computer-controlled tool.

Transistor A miniature electronic switch controlled with electrical signals.

Ultrasonic sensor A sensor that detects obstructions and measures distances by transmitting a beam of inaudible sound and then listening for an echo.

Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) The proper name for an aerial drone.

XBee A wireless module using the popular ZigBee protocol, which is often used for home automation.

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