
Achieve and Advance strategy, 18. See also Education

Active listening, 82

Advocates, 84

American beliefs, 3–4, 6, 11

American Dream, 4

American myth, 4

American Revolution, 4–6

Availability, 56

Bersin/Deloitte research, 22

Boston Consulting Group, 22

Breadth, 88–90

Career, 31

advancement, 20

curiosity, 54

paths, 45, 46

Career-oriented majors, 14

College degree, 13–14

Commencement address, 101–103

Communication skills, 46

Community context, 67–68

Community impact, 68

Competence, 52, 56, 57

critical thinking, 53

curiosity, 54

initiative, 53

mastery, 52–53

Connections, 72, 74–76

Contacts, 72

Context, 45, 67

CPA Academy, 32–33

Credibility, 55, 57

availability, 56

visibility, 56

Critical thinking, 53

Culture, 23–25

Curiosity, 54, 58

Decision makers, 73

Deeper relationships, 73, 77–78

Detractors, 85

Diversity, 22–23, 88–90

Dumb questions, 82–83

Dysfunctional system, 20

Gallup-Bates study, 53

Good conversationalist, 81–82

Education, 10, 14

college degree, 13–14

higher education, 12–13

postsecondary education, 13–14

requirement, 9

role of failure, 11–12, 15

winning, 10

Employee engagement, 25–27

Exclusion, 20

Fixed mindset, 11, 12

Glassdoor, 22

Growth mindset, 11, 12

Higher education, 12–13

Homogeneity, 20

Industrial Revolution, 5–7

Inequity, 20

Influence-enhancing skills, 84–85

Influencers, 73

Initiative, 53

Instrumental relationships, 73, 77

Interested and interesting people, 72

Intrinsic motivation, 38–39, 89–90

Job clarity, 64–65

Knowledge-based responsibilities, 10

Ladderburners, 43

definition, 39–40

skill set, 45–46

thinking of, 40–43

Ladderburning, 36–37, 95

beliefs, 37–38

relationships building, 76

relationship-building clinic, 76–77

thinking, 63

Ladder climbing organization, 63, 68

Learning Lab

birth of, 51–52

Lacey’s learning lab, 54–55

work as, 50–51

Leverage power, 85

Manifest destiny, 3, 6

McKinsey, 22

Meaning creation, 87–88

breadth, 88–89

diversity, 88–89

givers, 88

intrinsic motivation, 89–90

strengthen connections, 89

Medications, 19

Motivation, 12, 38–39

Noise, 85

Open-ended questions, 82

Pay, 39

Pay inequity, 20–21

Payscale, women, 21

Perfectionism, 15

Performance standards, 69

job clarity, 64–65

promotion discussion, 65–66

role creation, 66

roles and responsibilities, 63–64

Persuasion techniques, 84

Peter principle, 19

Postsecondary education, 13–14

Probing, 82

Promotion, 39, 65–66

Promotional inequity, 20–21

Racial diversity, lack of, 22

Reading people, 84

Reading situations, 84

Relationships building, 45, 71–72, 77

ladderburning, 76

transform, 71, 77

types, 72–76

Reasonable-sounding career change methods, 31

Salary, 14

Scientific approach, 5

Sense of success, 65

Self-assessment, 31

Speaking, 83–84

Sponsors, 84

Stark realization, 19

Strategic selling, 84–85

Strengthen connections, 89

Stress, 23

Stuck, 29, 96

avoidance, 32–33

at beginning, 29–30

at midpoint, 30–31, 33

to unstuck, 32

Success, 10, 97

curiosity, 54

defined, 49

key requirement, 52

role of failure, 11–12

textbook requirements for, 24

Total Quality Management movement, 19

Traditional career connections, 75–76

Versatile influence, 84

Visibility, 56

Vocational preparation, 14

Winning, 10, 37

Women payscale, 21

Working document, 63

Workplace, 17

culture, 23–25

diversity, 22–23

employee engagement, 25–27


exclusion, 20

homogeneity, 20

inequity, 20

pay inequity, 20–21

promotional inequity, 20–21

women payscale, 21

medications, 19

organizations, 18

racial diversity, lack of, 22

stark realization, 19

stress, 23

Work-related influencers, 73

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