Chapter . About the Author

The IBM Corporation currently employs Mike Biere as a worldwide sales specialist for Business Intelligence (BI) Analytics Tools. His journey in BI began in 1981 when he became enamored with end-user computing and became one of IBM's first Information Center Specialists.

As an Information Center Specialist, he found the role required him to perform every step of the end-user product cycle: presentations, demo, install, support, education, and end-user assistance. Information Center Specialists often worked with non-IBM products, which gave him a wide exposure to other solutions and vendors. From this introduction, he went on to working at various levels within IBM—all dealing with end-user computing: Regional Technical Sales and Product Support, Corporate Technical Sales and Product Support, and finally International Technical Sales and Product Support.

In 1995 he decided to depart IBM and assume the role of Executive Vice President for Ferguson Information Systems (FIS). FIS specialized in the implementation of Data Warehousing technologies and BI Analytics tools at the enterprise level.

In 1998 he returned to IBM to accept the position of Worldwide Sales Specialist and has worked with several IBM and vendor tools in IBM's Data Warehouse and Analytics organization (IBM Software Group—Data Management).

His career has included numerous BI-related roles such as sales, marketing, technical support, product development, and others. When asked why he has such an interest in an area that seems to constantly change, he would most likely reply, “The fascinating and addictive thing about this end-user area is the broad technical and social coverage required. One has to be a technician as well as a businessperson. One has to wear an array of hats and be able to discuss myriad issues. It is also an area where success can mean changing how an entire corporation looks at data analysis and how it can change their world.”

One of his most often requested services is to make a customer visit to discuss how to set up and establish a BI environment at the enterprise level. He publishes a quarterly newsletter which is distributed and read externally as well as within IBM. The materials in the newsletter and many experiences with customers of all shapes and sizes are contained in this book.

Mike holds Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Biological Sciences, is an avid guitarist, and volunteers his modest musical talents to providing guitars and skills in the U.S. and abroad through 12th Fret, a non-profit organization.

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