List of Abbreviations

Accounting Standards Council ASC
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises ASBE
American Accounting Association AAA
American Certified Fraud Examiners ACFE
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants AICPA
Asian Corporate Governance Association ACGA
Association of Advanced Collegiate School of Business AACSB
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants ACCA
Board of Directors BOD
Carbon Reduction Commitment CRC
Certified Public Accountants CPAs
Certified Sustainability Reporting Assurer CSRA
Chartered Global Management Accountants CGMA
Chartered Institute of Management Accountants CIMA
Chief Sustainability Officer CSO
Chinese Communist Party CCP
Climate Disclosure Standards Board CDSB
Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies CERES
Corporate Disclosure and Governance Committee CCDG
Corporate Governance Committee CGC
Corporate Governance Report CGR
Corporate Social Responsibility CSR
Department of Environment and Natural Resources DENR
Economic Sustainability Performance ESP
Economic, Social and Governance ESG
Economic, Governance, Social, Ethical and Environmental EGSEE
Environmental Management Systems EMS
Environmental Protection Agency EPA
Environmental Protection Bureau EPB
Earnings Per Share EPS
Extensible Business Reporting Language XBRL
Financial Reporting Standards Council FRSC
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act FCPA
Foreign Direct Investment FDI
General Agreement on Trade in Services GATS
Global Impact Investing Network GIIN
Governance, Social, Ethical and Environmental GSEE
Greenhouse Gas GHG
Gross Domestic Product GDP
Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants HKICPA
Hong Kong Stock Exchange HKSE
Impact Investment Exchange IIX
Information Technology IT
Initial Public Offerings IPOs
Institute of Internal Auditors IIA
Institute of Management Accountants IMA
Internal Control Over Financial Reporting ICFR
International Accounting Standards Committee IASC
International Accounting Standards IAS
International Auditing & Assurance Standards Board IAASB
International Corporate Governance Network ICGN
International Federation of Accountants IFAC
International Financial Reporting Standards IFRS
International Integrated Reporting Council IIRC
International Monetary Fund IMF
International Organization of Securities Commissions IOSCO
International Standardization Organization ISO
International Standards on Assurance Engagements ISAE
Investor Responsibility Research Center Institute IRRCI
Key Performance Indicators KPIs
Lead Director Network LDN
Management Discussion and Analysis MD&A
Multi-national Companies MNCs
Multiple Bottom Line MBL
National Bureau of Statistics NBS
National Committee on Corporate Governance NCCG
National Greening Program NGP
National Human Rights Institution NHRI
National Stock Exchange NSE
Net Present Value NPV
Non-Governmental Organizations NGOs
Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development OECD
People's Republic of China PRC
Principles for Responsible Investment PRI
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board PCAOB
Return on Assets ROA
Return on Equity ROE
Sarbanes-Oxley SOX
Securities and Exchange Commission SEC
Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises SMEs
Social Investment Forum SIF
Socially Responsible Investment SRI
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards SFAS
Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act SARA
Sustainability Accounting Standards Board SASB
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs
Sustainable Management and Investment Guideline SMILE
Sustainable Supply Chain Management SSCM
Tokyo Stock Exchange TSE
Toronto Stock Exchange TSX
Triple Bottom Line TBL
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNCTAD
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO
United Nations Environment Programme UNEP
United Nations Global Compact UNGC
United Nations Sustainability Development Goals UNSDGs
United Nations UN
World Business Council for Sustainable Development WBCSD
World Economic Forum WEF
World Federation of Exchanges WFE
World Trade Organization WTO
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