
Collections are standard data structures that supplement arrays, the only built-in data structures in C#. This differs from languages such as Perl and Python, which incorporate key-value data structures and dynamically sized arrays into the language itself.

The BCL includes a set of types that provide commonly required data structures and support for creating your own. These types are typically broken down into two categories: interfaces that define a standardized set of design patterns for collection classes in general, and concrete classes that implement these interfaces and provide a usable range of data structures.

This section introduces all the concrete collection classes and abstract collection interfaces and provides examples of their use. Unless otherwise stated, the types mentioned in this section all exist in the System.Collections namespace.

Concrete Collection Classes

The BCL includes the concrete implementations of the collection design patterns that are described in this section.

Unlike C++, C# doesn’t yet support templates, so these implementations work generically by accepting elements of type System.Object.

ArrayList class

ArrayList is a dynamically sized array of objects that implements the ILis t interface (see Section An ArrayList works by maintaining an internal array of objects that is replaced with a larger array when it reaches its capacity of elements. It is very efficient at adding elements (since there is usually a free slot at the end) but is inefficient at inserting elements (since all elements have to be shifted to make a free slot). Searching can be efficient if the BinarySearch method is used on an ArrayList that has been sorted but is otherwise inefficient (and requires each item be checked).

ArrayList a = new ArrayList( );
a.Sort( );
for(int i = 0; i < a.Count; i++)
   Console.WriteLine(a [i]);

BitArray class

A BitArray is a dynamically sized array of Boolean values. It is more memory-efficient than a simple array of bools, because it uses only one bit for each value, whereas a bool array uses two bytes for each value. Here is an example of its use:

BitArray bits = new BitArray( );
bits.Length = 2;
bits[1] = true;
bits.Xor(bits); // Xor the array with itself

Hashtable class

A Hashtable is a standard dictionary (key/value) data structure that uses a hashing algorithm to store and index values efficiently. This hashing algorithm is performed using the hashcode returned by the GetHashCode method on System.Object. Types stored in a Hashtable should therefore override GetHashCode to return a good hash of the object’s internal value.

Hashtable ht = new Hashtable( );
ht["One"] = 1;
ht["Two"] = 2;
ht["Three"] = 3;
Console.WriteLine(ht["Two"]); // Prints "2"

Hashtable also implements IDictionary (see Section, and therefore can be manipulated as a normal dictionary data structure.

Queue class

A Queue is a standard first-in first-out (FIFO) data structure, providing simple operations to enqueue, dequeue, peek, etc. Here is an example:

Queue q = new Queue( );
Console.WriteLine(q.Dequeue( )); // Prints "1"
Console.WriteLine(q.Dequeue( )); // Prints "2"

SortedList class

A SortedList is a standard dictionary data structure that uses a binary-chop search to index efficiently. SortedList implements IDictionary (see Section

SortedList s = new SortedList( );
s["Zebra"] = 1;
s["Antelope"] = 2;
s["Eland"] = 3;
s["Giraffe"] = 4;
s["Meerkat"] = 5;
s["Dassie"] = 6;
s["Tokoloshe"] = 7;
Console.WriteLine(s["Meerkat"]); // Prints "5" in 3 lookups

Stack class

A Stack is a standard last-in first-out (LIFO) data structure:

Stack s = new Stack( );
s.Push(1); // Stack = 1
s.Push(2); // Stack = 1,2
s.Push(3); // Stack = 1,2,3
Console.WriteLine(s.Pop( )); // Prints 3, Stack=1,2
Console.WriteLine(s.Pop( )); // Prints 2, Stack=1
Console.WriteLine(s.Pop( )); // Prints 1, Stack=

StringCollection class

A StringCollection is a standard collection data structure for storing strings. StringCollection implements ICollection and can be manipulated like a normal collection (see Section

StringCollection sc = new StringCollection( );
string[] sarr =  {"s2", "s3", "s4"};
foreach (string s in sc)
  Console.Write("{0} ", s); // s1 s2 s3 s4

Collection Interfaces

The collection interfaces provide standard ways to enumerate, populate, and author collections. The BCL defines the interfaces in this section to support the standard collection design patterns.

IEnumerable interface

public interface IEnumerable {
  IEnumerator GetEnumerator( );

The C# foreach statement works on any collection that implements the IEnumerable interface. The IEnumerable interface has a single method that returns an IEnumerator object.

IEnumerator interface

public interface IEnumerator {
   bool MoveNext( );
   object Current {get;}
   void Reset( );

The IEnumerator interface provides a standard way to iterate over collections. Internally, an IEnumerator maintains the current position of an item in the collection. If the items are numbered (inclusive) to n (exclusive), the current position starts off as -1, and finishes at n.

IEnumerator is typically implemented as a nested type and is initialized by passing the collection to the constructor of the IEnumerator:

using System.Collections;
public class MyCollection : IEnumerable {
  // ...
  public virtual IEnumerator GetEnumerator ( ) {
    return new MyCollection.Enumerator(this);
  private class Enumerator : IEnumerator { 
    private MyCollection collection;
    private int currentIndex = -1;

    internal Enumerator (MyCollection collection) {
      this.collection = collection;
    public object Current {
      get {
        if (currentIndex == collection.Count)
          throw new InvalidOperationException( );
        return collection [currentIndex];
    public bool MoveNext ( ) {
      if (currentIndex > collection.Count)
        throw new InvalidOperationException( );
      return ++currentIndex < collection.Count;
    public void Reset ( ) {
      currentIndex = -1;

The collection can then be enumerated in either of these two ways:

MyCollection mcoll = new MyCollection( );
// Using foreach: substitute your typename for XXX
foreach (XXX item in mcoll) {
// Using IEnumerator: substitute your typename for XXX
IEnumerator ie = myc.GetEnumerator( );
while (myc.MoveNext( )) {
  XXX item = (XXX)myc.Current;

ICollection interface

public interface ICollection : IEnumerable {
   void CopyTo(Array array, int index);
   int Count {get;}
   bool IsReadOnly {get;}
   bool IsSynchronized {get;}
   object SyncRoot {get;}

ICollection is the interface implemented by all collections, including arrays, and provides the following methods:

CopyTo(Array array, int index)

This method copies all the elements into the array starting at the specified index.


This property returns the number of elements in the collection.


This property returns if a collection can be modified.

IsSynchronized ( )

This method allows you to determine whether a collection is thread-safe. The collections provided in the BCL are not themselves thread-safe, but each one includes a Synchronized method that returns a thread-safe wrapper of the collection.

SyncRoot ( )

This property returns an object (usually the collection itself) that can be locked to provide basic thread-safe support for the collection.

IComparer interface

public interface IComparer {
   int Compare(object x, object y);

IComparer is a standard interface that compares two objects for sorting in Arrays. You generally don’t need to implement this interface, since a default implementation that uses the IComparable interface is already provided by the Comparer type, which is used by the Array type.

IList interface

public interface IList : ICollection, IEnumerable {
   object this [int index] {get; set}
   int Add(object o);
   void Clear( );
   bool Contains(object value);
   int IndexOf(object value);
   void Insert(int index, object value);
   void Remove(object value);
   void RemoveAt(int index);

IList is an interface for array-indexable collections, such as ArrayList.

IDictionary interface

public interface IDictionary : ICollection, IEnumerable {
   object this [object key] {get; set};
   ICollection Keys {get;}
   ICollection Values {get;}
   void Clear( );
   bool Contains(object value);
   IDictionaryEnumerator GetEnumerator( );
   void Remove(object key);

IDictionary is an interface for key/value-based collections, such as Hashtable and SortedList.

IDictionaryEnumerator interface

public interface IDictionaryEnumerator : IEnumerator {
   DictionaryEntry Entry {get;}
   object Key {get;}
   object Value {get;}

IDictionaryEnumerator is a standardized interface that enumerates over the contents of a dictionary.

IHashCodeProvider interface

public interface IHashCodeProvider {
   int GetHashCode(object o);

IHashCodeProvider is a standard interface used by the Hashtable collection to hash its objects for storage.

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