
Event handling is essentially a process by which one object can notify other objects that an event has occurred. This process is largely encapsulated by multicast delegates, which have this ability built-in.

Defining a Delegate for an Event

The .NET Framework defines many event-handling delegates for you, but you can write your own. For example:

delegate void MoveEventHandler(object source, MoveEventArgs e);

By convention, an event delegate’s first parameter denotes the source of the event, and the delegate’s second parameter derives from System. EventArgs and stores data about the event.

Storing Data for an Event with EventArgs

The EventArgs class can be derived from to include information relevant to a particular event:

public class MoveEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public int newPosition;
  public bool cancel;
  public MoveEventArgs(int newPosition) {
    this.newPosition = newPosition;

Declaring and Firing an Event

A class or struct can declare an event by applying the event modifier to a delegate field. In this example, the Slider class has a Position property that fires a Move event whenever its Position changes:

class Slider {
  int position;
  public event MoveEventHandler Move;
  public int Position {
    get { return position; }
    set {
      if (position != value) { // if position changed
        if (Move != null) { // if invocation list not empty
          MoveEventArgs args = new MoveEventArgs(value);
          Move(this, args); // fire event
	 if (args.cancel)
        position = value;

The event keyword promotes encapsulation by ensuring that only the += and -= operations can be performed on the delegate. This means other classes can register themselves to be notified of the event, but only the Slider can invoke the delegate (fire the event) or clear the delegate’s invocation list.

Acting on an Event with Event Handlers

You can act on an event by adding an event handler to an event. An event handler is a delegate that wraps the method you want invoked when the event is fired.

In the next example, we want our Form to act on changes made to a Slider’s Position. You do this by creating a MoveEventHandler delegate that wraps the event-handling method, the slider.Move method. This delegate is added to the Move event’s existing list of MoveEventHandlers (which starts off empty). Changing the position on the Slider object fires the Move event, which invokes the slider.Move method:

class Form {
  static void Main( ) {
    Slider slider = new Slider( );
    // register with the Move event
    slider.Move += new MoveEventHandler(slider_Move);
    slider.Position = 20;
    slider.Position = 60;
  static void slider_Move(object source, MoveEventArgs e) {
    if(e.newPosition < 50)
    else {
      e.cancel = true;
      Console.WriteLine("Can't go that high!");

Typically the Slider class would be enhanced to fire the Move event whenever its Position is changed by a mouse movement, keypress, or other user action.


To work with the .NET runtime, an event field adds addOn_XXX and removeOn_XXX methods to the class or struct with stub code that accesses the delegate field that is actually private to the class.

Events as Properties

Event property syntax:

attributes ? access-modifier ?
new? static?
event delegate type event-property-name
attributes ? get statement-block
attributes ? set statement-block

Although it is convenient to modify a delegate field with the event modifier, it can be inefficient. For instance, a class with 100 events can store 100 delegate fields, even though typically only four of those events are actually assigned. Instead, you can store these delegates in a collection such as a hashtable and use a property rather than a field to expose the event:

public event MoveEventHandler Move {
  get {
    return (MoveEventHandler)myEventStorer["Move"];
  set {
    myEventStore ["Move"] = value;


Beta 2 event properties use add/remove members.

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