
A delegate wires up a method caller to its target method at runtime. There are two aspects to a delegate: type and instance. A delegate type defines a protocol to which the caller and target will conform, comprising a list of parameter types and a return type. A delegate instance is an object that refers to one (or more) target methods conforming to that protocol.

A delegate instance literally acts as a delegate for the caller: the caller invokes the delegate, and then the delegate calls the target method. This indirection decouples the caller from the target method.

A delegate type declaration is preceded by the keyword delegate, but otherwise it resembles an (abstract) method declaration. For example:

delegate int Transformer (int x);

To create a delegate instance, you can assign a method to a delegate variable:

class Test
  static void Main()
    Transformer t = Square;  // Create delegate instance
    int result = t(3);       // Invoke delegate
    Console.Write (result);  // 9
  static int Square (int x) { return x * x; }

Invoking a delegate is just like invoking a method (since the delegate’s purpose is merely to provide a level of indirection):


The statement Transformer t = Square is shorthand for:

Transformer t = new Transformer (Square);

And t(3) is shorthand for:

t.Invoke (3);

A delegate is similar to a callback, a general term that captures constructs such as C function pointers.

Writing Plug-in Methods with Delegates

A delegate variable is assigned a method at runtime. This is useful for writing plug-in methods. In this example, we have a utility method named Transform that applies a transform to each element in an integer array. The Transform method has a delegate parameter, for specifying a plug-in transform.

public delegate int Transformer (int x);

class Test
  static void Main()
    int[] values = { 1, 2, 3 };
    Transform (values, Square);
    foreach (int i in values)
      Console.Write (i + " ");    // 1 4 9

  static void Transform (int[] values, Transformer t)
    for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
      values[i] = t (values[i]);

  static int Square (int x) { return x * x; }

Multicast Delegates

All delegate instances have multicast capability. This means that a delegate instance can reference not just a single target method, but also a list of target methods. The + and += operators combine delegate instances. For example:

SomeDelegate d = SomeMethod1;
d += SomeMethod2;

The last line is functionally the same as:

d = d + SomeMethod2;

Invoking d will now call both SomeMethod1 and SomeMethod2. Delegates are invoked in the order they are added.

The - and -= operators remove the right delegate operand from the left delegate operand. For example:

d -= SomeMethod1;

Invoking d will now cause only SomeMethod2 to be invoked.

Calling + or += on a delegate variable with a null value is legal, as is calling -= on a delegate variable with a single target (which will result in the delegate instance being null).


Delegates are immutable, so when you call += or -=, you’re in fact creating a new delegate instance and assigning it to the existing variable.

If a multicast delegate has a nonvoid return type, the caller receives the return value from the last method to be invoked. The preceding methods are still called, but their return values are discarded. In most scenarios in which multicast delegates are used, they have void return types, so this subtlety does not arise.

All delegate types implicitly derive from System.MulticastDelegate, which inherits from System.Delegate. C# compiles +, -, +=, and -= operations made on a delegate to the static Combine and Remove methods of the System.Delegate class.

Instance Versus Static Method Targets

When an instance method is assigned to a delegate object, the latter must maintain a reference not only to the method, but also to the instance to which the method belongs. The System.Delegate class’s Target property represents this instance (and will be null for a delegate referencing a static method).

Generic Delegate Types

A delegate type may contain generic type parameters. For example:

public delegate T Transformer<T> (T arg);

Here’s how we could use this delegate type:

static double Square (double x) { return x * x; }

static void Main()
  Transformer<double> s = Square;
  Console.WriteLine (s (3.3));        // 10.89

The Func and Action Delegates

With generic delegates, it becomes possible to write a small set of delegate types that are so general they can work for methods of any return type and any (reasonable) number of arguments. These delegates are the Func and Action delegates, defined in the System namespace (the in and out annotations indicate variance, which we will cover shortly):

delegate TResult Func <out TResult> ();
delegate TResult Func <in T, out TResult> (T arg);
delegate TResult Func <in T1, in T2, out TResult>
 (T1 arg1, T2 arg2);
... and so on, up to T16

delegate void Action ();
delegate void Action <in T> (T arg);
delegate void Action <in T1, in T2> (T1 arg1, T2 arg2);
... and so on, up to T16

These delegates are extremely general. The Transformer delegate in our previous example can be replaced with a Func delegate that takes a single argument of type T and returns a same-typed value:

public static void Transform<T> (
  T[] values, Func<T,T> transformer)
  for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
    values[i] = transformer (values[i]);

The only practical scenarios not covered by these delegates are ref/out and pointer parameters.

Delegate Compatibility

Delegate types are all incompatible with one another, even if their signatures are the same:

delegate void D1(); delegate void D2();
D1 d1 = Method1;
D2 d2 = d1;            // Compile-time error

The following, however, is permitted:

D2 d2 = new D2 (d1);

Delegate instances are considered equal if they have the same type and method target(s). For multicast delegates, the order of the method targets is significant.

Return type variance

When you call a method, you may get back a type that is more specific than what you asked for. This is ordinary polymorphic behavior. In keeping with this, a delegate target method may return a more specific type than described by the delegate. This is covariance, and has been supported since C# 2.0:

delegate object ObjectRetriever();
static void Main()
  ObjectRetriever o = new ObjectRetriever (GetString);
  object result = o();
  Console.WriteLine (result);      // hello
static string GetString() { return "hello"; }

The ObjectRetriever expects to get back an object, but an object subclass will also do because delegate return types are covariant.

Parameter variance

When you call a method, you can supply arguments that have more specific types than the parameters of that method. This is ordinary polymorphic behavior. In keeping with this, a delegate target method may have less specific parameter types than described by the delegate. This is called contravariance:

delegate void StringAction (string s);
static void Main()
  StringAction sa = new StringAction (ActOnObject);
  sa ("hello");
static void ActOnObject (object o)
  Console.WriteLine (o);   // hello


The standard event pattern is designed to help you leverage delegate parameter contravariance through its use of the common EventArgs base class. For example, you can have a single method invoked by two different delegates, one passing a MouseEventArgs and the other passing a KeyEventArgs.

Type parameter variance for generic delegates

We saw in Generics how type parameters can be covariant and contravariant for generic interfaces. The same capability also exists for generic delegates from C# 4.0. If you’re defining a generic delegate type, it’s a good practice to:

  • Mark a type parameter used only on the return value as covariant (out).

  • Mark any type parameters used only on parameters as contravariant (in).

Doing so allows conversions to work naturally by respecting inheritance relationships between types. The following delegate (defined in the System namespace) is covariant for TResult:

delegate TResult Func<out TResult>();


Func<string> x = ...;
Func<object> y = x;

The following delegate (defined in the System namespace) is contravariant for T:

delegate void Action<in T> (T arg);


Action<object> x = ...;
Action<string> y = x;
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