Among today’s computer-aided design (CAD) systems, CATIA (Computer-Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application) is one of the most widely used in the world. CATIA V5 allows users to automatically create components and reduce repetitive tasks through macros. With pure parametric 3D models this functionally is simply not possible. Unfortunately, there are few books that address the specific concerns of macro programming with CATIA V5. The help documentation of the CATIA V5 macro interface is often too narrow and incomplete. This practical book provides an introduction to the automated creation of CATParts, CATProducts, and geometry. The questions a beginner will face during the process of macro programming are answered clearly and efficiently. An advanced user will find many suggestions in the macro examples, explained in detail and documented with in-depth descriptions. This book deals with the macro programming of CATScript and CATVBS languages, an extension of Microsoft’s “Visual Basic Script” (MS VBScript). Therefore CATScript and CATVBS are platform-independent and run on Windows and UNIX.
Readers of this book should have a basic knowledge of CATIA V5. The focus is on users of CATIA V5 applications who want to automate repetitive tasks of daily work.
Knowledge in the following areas is recommended for beginners (Table 0.1):
image  Basic knowledge of modeling with CATIA V5 Part Design (PDG), Assembly Design (ASD), Wireframe & Surface Design (WSD), or Generative Shape Design (GSD)
image  Basic knowledge of any programming language
TABLE 0.1  Scope of V5 Macro Programming in This Book
This book is organized into sections, from the requirements of a beginner to that of an advanced user. The following topics will be covered:
image  Basics
image  Communication with the Environment
image  Components of CATParts
image  Components of CATProducts
image  2D Wireframe Geometry
image  3D Wireframe Geometry and Surfaces
image  Solids
image  Featured Object Classes
image  Featured VBScript Commands
The chapter “Basics” gives an introduction to how V5 macros are created. It contains the fundamental knowledge that is required for macro programming. It shows how macros are created, stored, and executed as well as interactions with the user for input and output.
The chapter “Communication with the Environment” is based on practical examples of how V5 macros can communicate with the system environment or the user. Through clear descriptions, it is also possible for a beginner to develop their macros involving a user.
The chapters “Components of CATParts” and “Components of CATProducts” explain how to create a macro and the requirements for creating geometry. This is the foundation of all Bodies, Geometrical Sets, and Product Structures.
The chapters “2D Wireframe Geometry,” “3D Wireframe Geometry and Surfaces,” and “Solids” provide the foundation of how geometry can be created by a V5 macro. Numerous case studies illustrate these important concepts and best practices.
If readers have worked through the previous chapters and case studies, the last two chapters “Featured Object Classes” and “Featured VBScript Commands” allow them to solve their own practical tasks.
The theory of this book is supported in many places with sample macros. Many of the examples are available online at for download. Examples that can be downloaded from the Internet are identified by a yellow round stamp with “WWW” inside.
The contents of this book are based on the software version “V5R19.” It is important to note that with each release, Dassault Systémes adds more methods of programming, but existing methods are only very rarely changed. This book can be used with higher software versions.
Dieter R. Ziethen
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