
This book is dedicated to the memories of my father, David Edgeworth. While you are no longer present, I still feel your impact every day. Thank you for everything that you have given me. May you rest in peace.

Brad Edgeworth

I would like to dedicate this book to my family. To my wife Jamie for supporting me through this process (again), even though you are currently pregnant with our son Jaxon. Thank you for letting me jump behind the keyboard once again! To my daughter Kaleigh, who is now almost 4 years old. You are growing so fast. Never give up on what you want. If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again. I love you more than anything and I can’t wait to finish this dedication so I can spend more time with you! To my son Jaxon, I love you so much and you aren’t even here yet! In order to be great, one must make great sacrifices. To my father and brother, thank you for always encouraging me to just jump in and do it. To my late mother, you are still the guiding light that keeps me on the right path. To the rest of my family, I love you!

Jason Gooley

I would like to dedicate this book to my wife Mariana, who was extremely supportive throughout this process and for providing constructive criticism on my artwork. I would also like to dedicate this book to my four kids, Ramiro, Frinee, Felix, and Lucy, for putting up with me while I was physically present but mentally absent writing this book. And last but not least, to my parents and my in-laws for their ongoing love and support.

Ramiro Garza Rios

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