Creating competitive advantage

Every problem can be transformed into an opportunity. The problem of having to invest valuable resources in planning for events that may never occur can be put to some good use in improving the business.

In capitalist economies, most organizations must compete for business. Two of the ways that they compete are by offering better services, and by telling their customers (and potential customers) that their services are superior to those of their competitors.

One of the ways that organizations can leverage their investment in BCP and DRP is to tell their customers that this makes their products and services better. Organizations would create marketing messages that describe characteristics that are a byproduct of BCP and DRP planning, primarily improvements in customer service that is free of interruptions caused by disasters.

Organizations that provide Internet-based services can use this competitive advantage to boast a higher level of availability than would be possible from a single-location entity. Customers that require continuous availability may be likelier to select an organization with an effective DRP and BCP program than one that does not.

Prep Test

1 The longest period of time that a business can survive without a critical function is called

A choice_circle Downtime Tolerability Period

B choice_circle Greatest Tolerable Downtime

C choice_circle Maximum Survivable Downtime

D choice_circle Maximum Tolerable Downtime

2 Which of the following is not a natural disaster?

A choice_circle Avalanche

B choice_circle Stock market crash

C choice_circle Fire

D choice_circle Water supply storage drought

3 The impact of a disaster on business operations is contained in

A choice_circle Local newspapers and online media

B choice_circle The Business Impact Assessment

C choice_circle The Operations Impact Assessment

D choice_circle The Vulnerability Assessment

4 The decision whether to purchase an emergency generator is based on

A choice_circle Wholesale electric rates

B choice_circle Retail electric rates

C choice_circle The duration of a typical outage

D choice_circle The income rate of affected systems

5 The purpose of a UPS is

A choice_circle To provide instantaneous power cutover when utility power fails

B choice_circle A lower cost for overnight shipping following a disaster

C choice_circle The need to steer an unresponsive vehicle after it’s moving again

D choice_circle To restore electric power within 24 hours

6 The Business Impact Assessment

A choice_circle Describes the impact of disaster recovery planning on the budget

B choice_circle Describes the impact of a disaster on business operations

C choice_circle Is a prerequisite to the Vulnerability Assessment

D choice_circle Is the first official statement produced after a disaster

7 To maximize the safety of backup media, it should be stored

A choice_circle At a specialized off-site media storage facility

B choice_circle At the residences of various senior managers

C choice_circle In the operations center in a locked cabinet

D choice_circle Between 50°F and 60°F

8 An alternate information-processing facility with all systems, patches, and data mirrored from live production systems is known as a

A choice_circle Warm site

B choice_circle Hot site

C choice_circle Recovery site

D choice_circle Mutual Aid Center

9 The greatest advantage of a cold site is

A choice_circle It can be built nearly anywhere

B choice_circle Its high responsiveness

C choice_circle Its low cost

D choice_circle Its close proximity to airports

10 The most extensive test for a Disaster Recovery Plan

A choice_circle Has dual failover

B choice_circle Is a waste of paper

C choice_circle Is known as a parallel test

D choice_circle Is known as an interruption test


1 D. Maximum Tolerable Downtime. This is the term that describes the maximum period of time that a business function can suspend operations and the company can still survive. Review “Conducting the Business Impact Assessment.”

2 B. Stock market crash. A stock market crash is a man-made (non-natural) disaster. Review “Defining Disastrous Events.”

3 B. Business Impact Assessment. The BIA describes the impact that a disaster will have on business operations. Review “Conducting the Business Impact Assessment.”

4 C. The duration of a typical outage. The average and worst-case duration of electrical power outages help to determine whether a business should purchase an emergency generator. Review “BCP Recovery Plan Development.”

5 A. To provide instantaneous power cutover when utility power fails. A UPS provides continuous electric power to all equipment connected to it. Review “Identifying the Elements of a Business Continuity Plan.”

6 B. Describes the impact of a disaster on business operations. A Business Impact Assessment (BIA) contains quantitative and qualitative estimates of the impact of a disaster. Review “Conducting the Business Impact Assessment.”

7 A. At a specialized off-site media storage facility. Such a specialized facility is designed to withstand most disastrous events. Review “Identifying the Elements of a Business Continuity Plan.”

8 B. Hot site. Although a hot site is the most expensive to build and maintain, it provides the greatest possible performance. Review “Identifying the Elements of a Business Continuity Plan.”

9 C. Its low cost. Cold sites are inexpensive, but they’re the slowest to set up and get running. Review “Identifying the Elements of a Business Continuity Plan.”

10 D. Is known as an interruption test. The interruption test performs an actual failover of applications to the servers. Review “Testing the Disaster Recovery Plan.”

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