TakeFromAny methods, The Concurrent Collection Classes
Task class, Asynchronous Synchronization, Asynchronous Synchronization
vs. Barrier class, Asynchronous Synchronization
vs. thread synchronization, Asynchronous Synchronization
Task Manager, Thread Overhead, Stop the Madness, Stop the Madness
monitoring performance with, Stop the Madness
Task objects, Tasks, Tasks, Starting a New Task Automatically When Another Task Completes, Inside a Task, Inside a Task, Inside a Task, Inside a Task, Inside a Task, Inside a Task, Inside a Task, Task Factories
Boolean properties for, Inside a Task
ContinueWith task collections, Starting a New Task Automatically When Another Task Completes
creation flags for, Tasks
CurrentId property, Inside a Task
factory for, Task Factories
fields in, Inside a Task
Int32 fields in, Inside a Task
Status property, querying, Inside a Task
supplementary state, Inside a Task
WaitingForActivation state, Inside a Task
TaskFactory type, Task Factories, Task Factories
TaskLogger class, Async Function Extensibility
tasks, Tasks, Tasks, Waiting for a Task to Complete and Getting Its Result, Waiting for a Task to Complete and Getting Its Result, Waiting for a Task to Complete and Getting Its Result, Canceling a Task, Canceling a Task, Starting a New Task Automatically When Another Task Completes, A Task May Start Child Tasks, Inside a Task, Inside a Task, Inside a Task, Inside a Task, Task Factories, Task Schedulers, Task Schedulers, Parallel’s Static For, ForEach, and Invoke Methods, Thread Synchronization Construct Summary, Asynchronous Synchronization
CancellationToken objects, associating with, Canceling a Task
child tasks, A Task May Start Child Tasks
delegates, passing, Parallel’s Static For, ForEach, and Invoke Methods
exceptions thrown by, Canceling a Task
exceptions, detecting, Waiting for a Task to Complete and Getting Its Result
reader/writer semantics, Asynchronous Synchronization
returning void with, Task Factories
scheduling to run, Tasks
starting automatically on other task completion, Starting a New Task Automatically When Another Task Completes
state, Inside a Task
supplementary state, Inside a Task
task factories, Inside a Task
task schedulers, Task Schedulers, Task Schedulers
unhandled exceptions thrown by, Waiting for a Task to Complete and Getting Its Result
unique IDs for, Inside a Task
vs. thread synchronization, Thread Synchronization Construct Summary
waiting for completion, Waiting for a Task to Complete and Getting Its Result
Tasks namespace, Calling Asynchronous WinRT APIs from .NET Code, Tasks, Inside a Task
TaskScheduler objects, Task Schedulers
TaskScheduler type, defining classes derived from, Task Schedulers
TEB (thread environment block), Thread Overhead
temporary variables, Verifiability and Constraints
terminated applications, viewing in Reliability Monitor, Unhandled Exceptions
terminating process, Trading Reliability for Productivity, Executable Applications
thread blocking, I/O operations and, How Windows Performs I/O Operations
Thread class, CLR Threads and Windows Threads
thread environment block (TEB), Thread Overhead
thread kernel objects, Thread Overhead
thread locks, asynchronous functions and, C#’s Asynchronous Functions
thread pools, Compute-Bound Asynchronous Operations, Introducing the CLR’s Thread Pool, Introducing the CLR’s Thread Pool, Performing a Simple Compute-Bound Operation, Performing a Simple Compute-Bound Operation, Execution Contexts, Starting a New Task Automatically When Another Task Completes, A Task May Start Child Tasks, A Task May Start Child Tasks, Task Schedulers, Parallel’s Static For, ForEach, and Invoke Methods, Parallel’s Static For, ForEach, and Invoke Methods, Parallel’s Static For, ForEach, and Invoke Methods, Parallel’s Static For, ForEach, and Invoke Methods, Performing a Periodic Compute-Bound Operation, So Many Timers, So Little Time, Setting Thread Pool Limits, How Worker Threads Are Managed, How Worker Threads Are Managed, How Worker Threads Are Managed, How Worker Threads Are Managed
calling methods asynchronously, Performing a Simple Compute-Bound Operation
child tasks, A Task May Start Child Tasks
continuing tasks in, Starting a New Task Automatically When Another Task Completes, A Task May Start Child Tasks
deadlock situations, Setting Thread Pool Limits
heuristic nature of, Introducing the CLR’s Thread Pool
limiting number of threads in, How Worker Threads Are Managed
loop state management, Parallel’s Static For, ForEach, and Invoke Methods
parallel performance of, Parallel’s Static For, ForEach, and Invoke Methods
parallel processing, exceptions thrown when, Parallel’s Static For, ForEach, and Invoke Methods
performance and, Introducing the CLR’s Thread Pool
processing order, How Worker Threads Are Managed
queuing in, Performing a Simple Compute-Bound Operation
scheduling method calls, Performing a Periodic Compute-Bound Operation
scheduling tasks in, Task Schedulers
security settings and, Execution Contexts
sequential method execution, Parallel’s Static For, ForEach, and Invoke Methods
thread management in, So Many Timers, So Little Time
thread synchronization locks and, How Worker Threads Are Managed
worker thread management, How Worker Threads Are Managed
thread prioritization, I/O Request Priorities
thread safety, Class Libraries and Thread Safety
thread synchronization, Type Constructors, Defining Properties Intelligently, Trading Reliability for Productivity, Primitive Thread Synchronization Constructs, Class Libraries and Thread Safety, Primitive User-Mode and Kernel-Mode Constructs, Interlocked Constructs, Implementing a Simple Spin Lock, Implementing a Simple Spin Lock, Implementing a Simple Spin Lock, Event Constructs, Mutex Constructs, Mutex Constructs, A Simple Hybrid Lock, The Monitor Class and Sync Blocks, The Monitor Class and Sync Blocks, The OneManyLock Class, The Barrier Class, Thread Synchronization Construct Summary, The Famous Double-Check Locking Technique, The Famous Double-Check Locking Technique, Asynchronous Synchronization
async functions and, Primitive Thread Synchronization Constructs
auto-reset events and, Event Constructs
class libraries and, Class Libraries and Thread Safety
double-check locking, The Famous Double-Check Locking Technique
exception handling and, Trading Reliability for Productivity
hybrid, A Simple Hybrid Lock
lock, Type Constructors, The Monitor Class and Sync Blocks
lock scalability issues, Asynchronous Synchronization
Mutex objects, Mutex Constructs
m_opCount field, Interlocked Constructs
parallel execution, The Barrier Class
primitive constructs, Primitive User-Mode and Kernel-Mode Constructs
priority boosting, disabling, Implementing a Simple Spin Lock
private locks, The Monitor Class and Sync Blocks
properties and, Defining Properties Intelligently
reader-writer locks, The OneManyLock Class
recursive locks, Mutex Constructs
specifying synchronization object, The Famous Double-Check Locking Technique
spin lock addition logic, Implementing a Simple Spin Lock
tasks vs., Thread Synchronization Construct Summary
yielding threads when, Implementing a Simple Spin Lock
thread-safe, The Concurrent Collection Classes
collection classes, The Concurrent Collection Classes
ThreadAbortException exception, How a Host Gets Its Thread Back
ThreadException event, Unhandled Exceptions
threading models, Applications and Their Threading Models
Threading namespace, Execution Contexts, So Many Timers, So Little Time, So Many Timers, So Little Time, Kernel-Mode Constructs
DispatcherTimer class, So Many Timers, So Little Time
Timer class, So Many Timers, So Little Time
ThreadPerTaskScheduler, Task Schedulers
ThreadPool class, Performing a Simple Compute-Bound Operation, Execution Contexts
for Windows Store apps, Execution Contexts
threads, How Things Relate at Run Time, How Things Relate at Run Time, Writing a Robust Host Application, Why Does Windows Support Threads?, Why Does Windows Support Threads?, Thread Overhead, Thread Overhead, Thread Overhead, Thread Overhead, Thread Overhead, Stop the Madness, Stop the Madness, Stop the Madness, CLR Threads and Windows Threads, CLR Threads and Windows Threads, Using a Dedicated Thread to Perform an Asynchronous Compute-Bound Operation, Using a Dedicated Thread to Perform an Asynchronous Compute-Bound Operation, Using a Dedicated Thread to Perform an Asynchronous Compute-Bound Operation, Using a Dedicated Thread to Perform an Asynchronous Compute-Bound Operation, Using a Dedicated Thread to Perform an Asynchronous Compute-Bound Operation, Reasons to Use Threads, Reasons to Use Threads, Thread Scheduling and Priorities, Thread Scheduling and Priorities, Thread Scheduling and Priorities, Thread Scheduling and Priorities, Thread Scheduling and Priorities, Thread Scheduling and Priorities, Thread Scheduling and Priorities, Foreground Threads vs. Background Threads, Execution Contexts
allocating local variables, How Things Relate at Run Time
asynchronous compute-bound operations with, Using a Dedicated Thread to Perform an Asynchronous Compute-Bound Operation
CLR and Windows interoperability, CLR Threads and Windows Threads
constructors for, Using a Dedicated Thread to Perform an Asynchronous Compute-Bound Operation
creating, vs. creating processes, Stop the Madness
dedicated, Using a Dedicated Thread to Perform an Asynchronous Compute-Bound Operation
DLL thread-attach/thread-detach notifications, Thread Overhead
early implementation of, Why Does Windows Support Threads?
execution contexts, Execution Contexts
forcibly killing, Thread Overhead
foreground, Using a Dedicated Thread to Perform an Asynchronous Compute-Bound Operation
foreground vs. background, Foreground Threads vs. Background Threads
garbage collection and, Thread Overhead
gracefully aborting, Writing a Robust Host Application
Idle priority level, Thread Scheduling and Priorities
in 16-bit Windows, Why Does Windows Support Threads?
inefficient memory allocation and, Stop the Madness
number per process, Stop the Madness
overhead, Thread Overhead
priority levels, mapping, Thread Scheduling and Priorities
priority, non-normal, Using a Dedicated Thread to Perform an Asynchronous Compute-Bound Operation
properties, viewing, Thread Scheduling and Priorities
Realtime priority class, Thread Scheduling and Priorities
reasons for using, Reasons to Use Threads
relative priorities, Thread Scheduling and Priorities
responsiveness of, Reasons to Use Threads
scalability, Thread Overhead
starvation, Thread Scheduling and Priorities
Time-Critical priority level, Thread Scheduling and Priorities
Windows Store apps, APIs removed for, CLR Threads and Windows Threads
ThreadsSharingData class, Volatile Constructs
ThrowIfCancellationRequested method, Canceling a Task
throwing exceptions, Throwing an Exception
Time-Critical thread priority level, Thread Scheduling and Priorities
Timer class, Performing a Periodic Compute-Bound Operation, So Many Timers, So Little Time
Timer objects, garbage collection of, Performing a Periodic Compute-Bound Operation
Timers namespace, Timer class, So Many Timers, So Little Time
ToArray method, Passing Blocks of Data Between the CLR and WinRT
ToLowerInvariant method, Characters
ToObject method, Enumerated Types
torn reads, User-Mode Constructs
ToSingle method, Be Careful with Explicit Interface Method Implementations
ToString method, All Types Are Derived from System.Object, Boxing and Unboxing Value Types, Anonymous Types, Characters, StringBuilder Members, Specific Formats and Cultures, Specific Formats and Cultures, Enumerated Types, Enumerated Types, Enumerated Types, Bit Flags, Demo #2: Cross-AppDomain Communication Using Marshal-by-Value
output formatting, Bit Flags
output of, Enumerated Types
parameterless, Specific Formats and Cultures
parameters, Specific Formats and Cultures
System.Object, All Types Are Derived from System.Object
vs. Format method, Enumerated Types
ToString, null for format string, Specific Formats and Cultures
ToUpperInvariant method, Characters
Transaction class, The Monitor Class and Sync Blocks
TransactionScope class, Trading Reliability for Productivity
triggering garbage collections, Garbage Collection Triggers
try blocks, Exception-Handling Mechanics, The finally Block, Constrained Execution Regions (CERs)
as callback methods, Constrained Execution Regions (CERs)
finally blocks and, The finally Block
TryParse method, Enumerated Types, Exception-Handling Performance Considerations, Exception-Handling Performance Considerations
exception handling and, Exception-Handling Performance Considerations
Tuple, Anonymous Types, Anonymous Types, The System.Tuple Type, The System.Tuple Type
class, The System.Tuple Type
properties and, The System.Tuple Type
types, Anonymous Types, Anonymous Types
type arguments, Generics
type constructors, Type and Member Basics, Type Constructors, Type Constructors, Type Constructors, Type Constructors, Type Constructors, Type Constructors, Type Constructors, Type Constructors, Type Constructors
calling, Type Constructors
calling in order, avoiding, Type Constructors
default, Type Constructors
defined, Type and Member Basics
initializing singleton objects with, Type Constructors
mutual references in, Type Constructors
private, Type Constructors
thread synchronization lock, Type Constructors
unhandled exceptions, Type Constructors
type definitions, example of, The Different Kinds of Type Members
type inference, Generic Methods and Type Inference
generic methods and, Generic Methods and Type Inference
type object pointer, How Things Relate at Run Time
Type objects, Open and Closed Types, Open and Closed Types, Discovering Types Defined in an Assembly, What Exactly Is a Type Object?, The Monitor Class and Sync Blocks
for generic types, Open and Closed Types
obtaining from type names at compile time, What Exactly Is a Type Object?
open, creating, Open and Closed Types
sync blocks and, The Monitor Class and Sync Blocks
type parameters, Generics, Delegate and Interface Contra-variant and Covariant Generic Type Arguments, Delegate and Interface Contra-variant and Covariant Generic Type Arguments, Verifiability and Constraints, Verifiability and Constraints, Secondary Constraints, Constructor Constraints, Generics and Interface Constraints
constraining to interfaces, Generics and Interface Constraints
constraints, Verifiability and Constraints, Secondary Constraints
constructor constraints for, Constructor Constraints
contra-variant and covariant, Delegate and Interface Contra-variant and Covariant Generic Type Arguments
generic, Delegate and Interface Contra-variant and Covariant Generic Type Arguments
overriding methods and, Verifiability and Constraints
type safety, Passing Parameters by Reference to a Method, Generics, Improving Compile-Time Type Safety with Explicit Interface Method Implementations, Improving Compile-Time Type Safety with Explicit Interface Method Implementations
interfaces and, Improving Compile-Time Type Safety with Explicit Interface Method Implementations, Improving Compile-Time Type Safety with Explicit Interface Method Implementations
type variables, generic, Constructor Constraints, Casting a Generic Type Variable, Comparing Two Generic Type Variables with Each Other
type-safe languages, The dynamic Primitive Type
TypeDef table, A Brief Look at Metadata
TypeInfo class, Discovering a Type’s Members
TypeInfo object, What Exactly Is a Type Object?
TypeInfo objects, What Exactly Is a Type Object?
typeless instructions, IL and Verification
typeof operator, Attribute Constructor and Field/Property Data Types, What Exactly Is a Type Object?
TypeRef table, A Brief Look at Metadata
types, The Common Type System, The Common Type System, The Common Type System, The Common Type System, The Common Type System, The Common Language Specification, Building Types into a Module, Building Types into a Module, How the Runtime Resolves Type References, How the Runtime Resolves Type References, All Types Are Derived from System.Object, Casting Between Types, Casting with the C# is and as Operators, Namespaces and Assemblies, Namespaces and Assemblies, Namespaces and Assemblies, Namespaces and Assemblies, Namespaces and Assemblies, How Things Relate at Run Time, Primitive, Reference, and Value Types, Programming Language Primitive Types, Checked and Unchecked Primitive Type Operations, Checked and Unchecked Primitive Type Operations, Reference Types and Value Types, Type and Member Basics, Type Visibility, Type Visibility, Member Accessibility, Partial Classes, Structures, and Interfaces, Using Type Visibility and Member Accessibility Intelligently, Instance Constructors and Classes (Reference Types), Type Constructors, Type Constructors, Implicitly Typed Local Variables, Implicitly Typed Local Variables, Implicitly Typed Local Variables, Anonymous Types, Anonymous Types, Anonymous Types, Anonymous Types, Anonymous Types, Generics, Generics, Generics, Open and Closed Types, Open and Closed Types, Generic Type Identity, Generic Type Identity, Code Explosion, Generic Interfaces, More About Calling Interface Methods, Be Careful with Explicit Interface Method Implementations, Obtaining a String Representation of an Object: ToString, Specific Formats and Cultures, Enumerated Types and Bit Flags, Nullable Value Types, Nullable Value Types, C#’s Support for Nullable Value Types, The catch Block, FCL-Defined Exception Classes, Throwing an Exception, Using Reflection to Build a Dynamically Extensible Application, Using Reflection to Build a Dynamically Extensible Application, Reflection Performance, What Exactly Is a Type Object?, What Exactly Is a Type Object?, Building a Hierarchy of Exception-Derived Types, Constructing an Instance of a Type, Constructing an Instance of a Type, Designing an Application That Supports Add-Ins, Designing an Application That Supports Add-Ins, Using Reflection to Discover a Type’s Members, Discovering a Type’s Members, Discovering a Type’s Members, Invoking a Type’s Members, Invoking a Type’s Members, Using Binding Handles to Reduce Your Process’s Memory Consumption, Making a Type Serializable, Serializing a Type As a Different Type and Deserializing an Object As a Different Object, Serialization Surrogates, WinRT Type System Core Concepts
across assemblies, Designing an Application That Supports Add-Ins
ambiguous references, Namespaces and Assemblies
anonymous, Anonymous Types, Anonymous Types, Anonymous Types
arity, Open and Closed Types
as add-ins, Designing an Application That Supports Add-Ins
assembly, The Common Type System
Backus-Naur Form grammar for, What Exactly Is a Type Object?
building into modules, Building Types into a Module
casting with is/as operators, Casting with the C# is and as Operators
catch, The catch Block
common properties and methods, Discovering a Type’s Members
constructing instance of, Constructing an Instance of a Type
data fields in, How Things Relate at Run Time
declaring, Implicitly Typed Local Variables
discovering members, Using Reflection to Discover a Type’s Members, Invoking a Type’s Members
dynamically constructing, Reflection Performance
enumerated, Enumerated Types and Bit Flags
example definition of, The Common Language Specification
exception, FCL-Defined Exception Classes, Throwing an Exception
exception-derived, hierarchy of, Building a Hierarchy of Exception-Derived Types
external, Building Types into a Module
for runtime handles, Using Binding Handles to Reduce Your Process’s Memory Consumption
general format, Specific Formats and Cultures
generic, Generics, Generics, Generics, Open and Closed Types, Generic Type Identity, Constructing an Instance of a Type
generic identity, Generic Type Identity
generic interfaces and, Generic Interfaces
help documentation for, Be Careful with Explicit Interface Method Implementations
helper, Using Type Visibility and Member Accessibility Intelligently
inferring from initializing expression, Implicitly Typed Local Variables
initializing static fields, Type Constructors
invoking members, Invoking a Type’s Members
literal, Programming Language Primitive Types
member accessibility, Member Accessibility
members of, The Common Type System, Type and Member Basics
method tables, More About Calling Interface Methods
moving between assemblies, How the Runtime Resolves Type References
namespaces, Namespaces and Assemblies, Namespaces and Assemblies
nullable, Nullable Value Types, Nullable Value Types, C#’s Support for Nullable Value Types
partial, Partial Classes, Structures, and Interfaces
primitive, Primitive, Reference, and Value Types
properties, obtaining, What Exactly Is a Type Object?
public, The Common Type System, Type Visibility
reference, Reference Types and Value Types
referenced assemblies, Namespaces and Assemblies
reflection, Using Reflection to Build a Dynamically Extensible Application, Using Reflection to Build a Dynamically Extensible Application, Discovering a Type’s Members
resolving references, How the Runtime Resolves Type References
restricting access to, The Common Type System
returning name of, Obtaining a String Representation of an Object: ToString
safety, Casting Between Types
serializing, Making a Type Serializable
signed, Checked and Unchecked Primitive Type Operations
singleton, Serializing a Type As a Different Type and Deserializing an Object As a Different Object
surrogate, for serialization, Serialization Surrogates
System.Object derivation, All Types Are Derived from System.Object
Tuple, Anonymous Types, Anonymous Types
unique names, Namespaces and Assemblies
unloaded, Type Constructors
value, Checked and Unchecked Primitive Type Operations, Code Explosion
visibility, Type Visibility
Visual Studio tooltips for, Implicitly Typed Local Variables
WinRT, WinRT Type System Core Concepts
without instance constructors, Instance Constructors and Classes (Reference Types)
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