Part I. Integrated Process Improvement

Integrated Process Improvement

The Tower of Babel Gustave Dore (1832–1883)

In the biblical story of the Tower of Babel, God caused a construction project to fail by interrupting communication through the creation of multiple languages. In the modern story of process improvement, we have created multiple languages to serve various organizational disciplines through divergent process improvement models and methods. As with the Tower of Babel story, this diversity poses a threat to communication. Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) and integrated process improvement in general strive to reverse this situation by providing a single language through which multiple disciplines can share process improvement activities and a unified focus on process improvement objectives.

Part I Contents

Chapter 1. Why Integrated Process Improvement?

In which the reader is introduced to the concept of, rationale for, and benefits derived from integrated process improvement.

Chapter 2. Implementing Continuous Improvement

In which the authors take a wide-ranging look at the tools and methods available to support a culture of continuous improvement that may help readers meet their business objectives.

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