

2x2 matrix, 59

buzzwords, 63–64

innovation, 61

sustainability, performance drivers, 61

3P (Pollution Prevention Pays), 66


acid rain, 35

affluence, 31–32

antiglobalization demonstrators, 21

ApproTEC (Appropriate Technologies for Enterprise Creation), providing consumer surplus to BOP, 147

Aracruz Celulose, 48

Asian tsunami, economic effect of, 216–217

Asset Recyle Management, 12

auto industry, clean technology initiatives, 77–78

AUTOnomy project, 99


Bah Abba, Mohammed, 192

banking, multicredit loans, 72

base of pyramid (BOP), 15

becoming indigenous, 219–221

beggars, extending loans to, 174

benefits of greening initiatives, 14

Benyus, Janine, 173

“beyond greening” strategies, 14–16, 90

biomimicry, 33

birth rates, 32

BOP (base of pyramid), 15

business creation, 145–147

business model innovation, evaluating sustainability impact, 151–153

consumer surplus, providing through business model innovation, 145–147

developing market opportunities, 136–144

engaging, 190–193

Great Leaps Downward, Grameen Telecom, 122

as MNC business target, 158–159

as target for disruptive technologies, 117

“unfreedoms,” 141

BOP Learning Laboratory, 108

Braungart, Michael, 15

Brundtland Commission, xli

Burlington Chemical Company, “creative destruction” strategy, 94


capitalism, 24. See also global capitalism

carbon dioxide and waste reduction, 95

cause-related marketing, 68

Cemex, constraint identification, 141–144

CEMP (Corporate Environmental Management Program), 13

Center for Sustainable Enterprise, 15

Christensen, Clay, 109, 198

chronocentrism, xxxv

clean technology, 69–71, 77–78

CMA (Chemical Manufacturers Association). Responsible Care, 88–89

coinventing custom solutions, 194–196


after Asian tsunami, 216–217

with nontraditional partners, 201–204

Collins & Aikman Floorcovering, 46

collision course of three economies, 40–41, 47–50

command-and-control regulation, 5

consumer surplus, providing to BOP through business model innovation, 145–147

continuous improvement (kaizen), 8

core versus fringe stakeholders, 171

Corporate Environmental Management Program (CEMP), 13

corporate footprints, reducing (developed markets), 44–46

corporations, downfall of, 19–20. See also MNCs

cost structures, lowering, 225

Coyle, Diane, 102

“cradle to cradle,” 12

“cradle to grave,” 12

creative creation, 114

creative destruction, 86–87, 94–95, 114

custom solutions, coinventing, 194–196


Daewoo, 53

de Soto, Hernando, 37, 112

DeSimone, Joe, 95

developed economies, 34, 42–46

DG (distributed generation of power), 122–124

direct-distribution business model, developing for BOP market, 140

disequilibrium, 85

disruptive innovation, 113

developing, need for divergent thinking, 173

GM crops, backlash against, 126–129

nonconsumption as competition, 117

PCs, 115

targeting BOP, 117

Dow Chemical, 13

downfalls of corporations, 19–20

DuPont, 44


e-choupals initiative, 150

economic effect of Asian tsunami, 216–217

EHS (environment, health, and safety), 6

emerging economies, 34

EMS (environmental management system), 9

Enron, xxxviii

enterprise-based model of reconstruction, 217

environment, health, and safety (EHS), 6

environmental management system (EMS), 9

EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), 5

Escobar, Arturo, 169

Evaluating sustainability impact of business models for BOP market, 151–153

experimenting with low-cost probes, 196–198

extralegal sector, connecting with formal economies, 113


facilitating local capability, 194–209

FDI (foreign direct investment), xxxix

Fingerlakes Aquaculture, 49

Fisher, Martin, 145

FLA (Fair Labor Association), 69

foreign direct investment (FDI), xxxix

Frank, Bob, 232

Friedman, Tom, 191, 215

fringe stakeholders, identifying, 173


Galanz, success with disruptive innovation, 117–118

General Motors, AUTOnomy project, 99

Gibson-Graham, J.K., 187

global capitalism, xli–xlii

global economy, exanding concept of, 186, 189

global enterprise sustainability, reliance on organizational alignment, 227–231

globalization, downfall of corporations, 19–20

GM (genetically modified) crops, backlash against, 126, 129

GrameenPhone, 120

Grameen Telecom, village phones, 119–121

sustainability assessment, 153–156

“Great Trade-Off Illusion,” 6–7

green manufacturing with carbon dioxide, 95

greenhouse gas emissions, reducing, 46

greening revolution, 12–16, 87

“greenwash” portfolios, 75


Hammond, Al, 141

Hawken, Paul, 97

Henderson, Hazel, 187

HLL (Hindustan Lever Limited), 22, 136–140

Holliday, Chad, 44

home construction, whole systems thinking, 98

Honey Care Africa, 202


“i-communities,” 73

identifying fringe stakeholders, 173

incremental innovation, Responsible Care, 88–89

indigenous societies, recognizing to provide sustainability, 219–221

infrastructure development, effect on Ladakhi society, 165–167


Jackson, Wes, 186

Japan, 8

kaizen, 8

Khanna, Tarun, 201

Korten, David, 169

KX Industries, 52


Liang, Qingde, 118

Lieberthal, Ken, 107

life-cycle design principles, 12

life-cycle management, 68

locally responsive strategies, 21

London, Ted, 189

Lovins, Amory, 97

Lovins, Hunter, 97

low-cost probes, experimenting with, 196–198

LUTW (Light Up the World), 124


mandis, 150

Mao Zedung, 113

marginal analysis, 96

McDonough, Bill, 14

McMillan, John, 233

Micell Technologies, 95

Milstein, Mark, 58

MNCs (multinational corporations), xxxix, xl–xli, 22, 223–226

bypassed BOP market opportunities, 111

cost structures, lowering, 225

duplicating ownership, 233

failure of emerging market strategy, 110

Hindustan Lever, Ltd. (HLL), developing BOP market opportunities, 136–140

impetus for developing BOP business opportunities, 157–159

outreach, 148–149

outreach programs, POEMA, 149

ownership of ideas, 234

product development, focusing on functionality, 224–225

scale, redefining, 226–227

money economy, 34–35

Moneymaker Microirrigation Pump, 200

monolithic entitites, 42

Monsanto, 17–19

Moore, Sam, 93

muda, 9

multicredit loans, 71

multinational corporations. See MNCs


NAFTA (North American Free Trade

Agreement), 93, 130

natural capitalism, 14

NGOs (nongovernmental organizations), 15, 19

Nike, “World Shoe” initiative, 178

nonconsumption as competitor to disruptive

innovation, 117

nongovernmental organizations. See NGOs

nontraditional partners, working with, 201–204

Norberg-Hodge, Helena, 164

North American Free Trade Agreement. See



ODA (official development assistance), xxxix

organizational alignment as prerequisite for global enterprise sustainability, 227–231

outreach programs, 148–149

ownership of ideas, 233–235


Patrimonio Hoy, 143

peer lending, multicredit loans, 72

perchloroethelene, 95

Pharamcia & Upjohn, 19

POEMA (Poverty and Environment in

Amazonia Research and

Development), 149

pollution prevention, 9–10, 66–67. See also

clean technology

postwar development paradigm, 169–172

Poverty and Environment in Amazonia

Research and Development

(POEMA), 149

poverty of dignity, 215

Prahalad, C.K., 107, 141

preventing pollution, 9–10

proactive strategies, 13

Proctor & Gamble, PuR, 52

product development, focusing on functionality, 224–225

product stewardship, 67–69

progress, cost of, 4

“Project Shakti,” 139

pyrethrum, 146


Quadir, Iqbal, 119

quality management, 8–9

radical transactiveness (RT), 170, 180–181

Rajan, Raghuram, 220

Raynor, Michael, 198, 230

reconstruction, enterprise-based model, 217

renewable resources, 38

research and development as hindrance to sustainability, 223

Responsible Care, 9, 88–89

Roddick, Anita, 224

RT (radical transactiveness), 170, 180–181

Ruckelshaus, William, 57


SC Johnson Company, xxxi–xxxiii, 21, 46, 68, 146–147

Sachs, Jeff, xxxviii, 169

Sachs, Wolfgang, 169

Samara, Noah, 195

Save Money and Reduce Toxins (SMART), 66

SBUs (strategic business units), 17

Schumpeter, Joseph, 85

Sen, Amartya, 141

SEs (Shakti Entrepreneurs), 139

Shapiro, Robert, 17, 230

shareholder value, increasing through product stewardship, 67–69

Sharma, Sanjay, 170

Simanis, Erik, 163

SMART (Save Money and Reduce Toxins), 66

social contracts, building, 204–207

Soros, George, xxxviii, 169

stakeholders, core versus fringe, 171

static equilibrium, 85

Stiglitz, Joseph, xxxviii, 169

strategic business units (SBUs), 17

subcapabilities of RT, 172

Superfund Reauthorization, 11


2x2 matrix, 59–64

assessing for village phone initiative, 153–156

in auto industry, clean technology initiatives, 76–78

avoiding top-down implementation, 221–222

Burlington Chemical commitment to, 94

challenges confronted by, 218–221

developing a vision for, 71–75

disruptive technologies, 87, 129

emerging markets, 48

enterprise-based model of reconstruction, 217

of global enterprise, organizational alignment as prerequisite, 227–231

increasing through product stewardship, 67–69

performance drivers, cost and risk reduction, 61

R&D as hindrance to, 223

Sustainable Development Sector, 17


Tebo, Paul, 44

“technologies of liberation,” 104

terrorism, xxxviii

in aftermath of Asian tsunami, 216–217

as symptom of unsustainable development, 214–215

top-down sustainability implementation, 221–222

Toxic Release Inventory (TRI), 10

traditional markets, 36–38, 42–43, 50–53

transnational model, moving beyond, 207–209

TRI (Toxic Release Inventory), 10

Truman, Harry, 168

tsunami in Asia, economic effect of, 216–217


“unfreedoms,” 141

unsustainable development, terrorism as symptom of, 214–215

urbanization, 35

Ureta, Hector, 142

village phones, 119–121

sustainability assessment, 153–156

voluntary initiatives, 10–14


Washington Consensus, xxxviii, 129

waste reduction strategies, 66–67

water, 52

supplying to developing countries, 199

water tables, 39

white LED technology, 125

whole systems thinking, 97–99

Wireless Women of Grameen, 120

World Business Council for Sustainable Development, 14

WRAP (Waste Reduction Always Pays), 66

Xerox, life-cycle design principles, 12

Yunus, Muhammad, 71

Zingales, Luigi, 220

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