Chapter 12. Maintenance

In this chapter, we look at some things you can do to keep your Cassandra cluster healthy. Our goal here is to provide an overview of the various maintenance tasks available. Because the specific procedures for these tasks tend to change slightly from release to release, you’ll want to make sure to consult the Cassandra documentation for the release you’re using to make sure you’re not missing any new steps.

Let’s put our operations hats on and get started!

Health Check

There are some basic things that you’ll want to look for to ensure that nodes in your cluster are healthy:

  • Use nodetool status to make sure all of the nodes are up and reporting normal status. Check the load on each node to make sure the cluster is well balanced. An uneven number of nodes per rack can lead to an imbalanced cluster.

  • Check nodetool tpstats on your nodes for dropped messages, especially mutations, as this indicates that data writes may be lost. A growing number of blocked flush writers indicates the node is ingesting data into memory faster than it can be flushed to disk. Both of these conditions can indicate that Cassandra is having trouble keeping up with the load. As is usual with databases, once these problems begin, they tend to continue in a downward spiral. Three things that can improve the situation are a decreased load, scaling up (adding more hardware), or scaling out (adding another node and rebalancing).

If these checks indicate issues, you may need to dig deeper to get more information about what is going on:

  • Check the logs to see that nothing is reporting at ERROR or WARN level (e.g., an OutOfMemoryError). Cassandra generates warning logs when it detects bad or obsolete configuration settings, operations that did not complete successfully, and memory or data storage issues.

  • Review the configuration of the cassandra.yaml and files for your Cassandra nodes to make sure that they match your intended settings. For example, the heap should be set to its recommended size of 8 GB.

  • Verify keyspace and table configuration settings. For example, a frequent configuration error is to forget to update keyspace replication strategies when adding a new data center.

  • Beyond the health of your Cassandra nodes, it is always helpful to have a sense of the overall health and configuration of your system, including ensuring network connectivity and that Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers are functioning correctly.

These are a few of the most important things that experienced Cassandra operators have learned to look for, and the Cassandra documentation on locating unhealthy nodes may also be helpful. As you gain experience with your own deployments, you can augment these with additional health checks that are appropriate for your own environment.

Basic Maintenance

There are a few tasks that you’ll need to perform before or after more impactful tasks. For example, it makes sense to take a snapshot only after you’ve performed a flush. So in this section we look at some of these basic maintenance tasks.

Many of the tasks we look at in this chapter work somewhat differently depending on whether you’re using virtual nodes or single token nodes. Because vnodes are the default, we’ll focus primarily on maintenance of those nodes, but provide pointers if you’re using single token nodes.


To force Cassandra to write data from its memtables to SSTables on the filesystem, you use the nodetool flush command:

$ nodetool flush

If you check the debug.log file, you’ll see a series of output statements similar to this, one per table stored on the node:

DEBUG [RMI TCP Connection(2)-] 2019-12-09 17:43:19,958 - Forcing flush on keyspace reservation,
  CF reservations_by_confirmation

You can selectively flush specific keyspaces or even specific tables within a keyspace by naming them on the command line:

$ nodetool flush reservation
$ nodetool flush reservation reservations_by_hotel_date reservations_by_confirmation

Running flush also allows Cassandra to clear commitlog segments, as the data has been written to SSTables.

The nodetool drain command is similar to flush. This command actually performs a flush and then directs Cassandra to stop listening to commands from the client and other nodes. The drain command is typically used as part of an orderly shutdown of a Cassandra node and helps the node startup to run more quickly, as there is no commitlog to replay.


The cleanup command scans all of the data on a node and discards any data that is no longer owned by the node. You might ask why a node would have any data that it doesn’t own.

Say that you’ve had a cluster running for some time, and you want to change the replication factor or the replication strategy. If you decrease the number of replicas for any data center, then there will be nodes in that data center that no longer serve as replicas for secondary ranges.

Or perhaps you’ve added a node to a cluster and reduced the size of the token range(s) owned by each node. Then each node may contain data from portions of token ranges it no longer owns.

In both of these cases, Cassandra does not immediately delete the excess data, in case a node goes down while you’re in the middle of your maintenance. Instead, the normal compaction processes will eventually discard this data.

However, you may wish to reclaim the disk space used by this excess data more quickly to reduce the strain on your cluster. To do this, you can use the nodetool cleanup command. As with the flush command, you can select to cleanup specific keyspaces and tables.


As we discussed in Chapter 6, Cassandra’s tuneable consistency means that it is possible for nodes in a cluster to get out of sync over time. For example, writes at consistency levels less than ALL may succeed even if some of the nodes don’t respond, especially when a cluster is under heavy load. It’s also possible for a node to miss mutations if it is down or unreachable for longer than the time window for which hints are stored. The result is that different replicas for a different partition may have different versions of our data.

This is especially challenging when the missed mutations are deletions. A node that is down when the deletion occurs and remains offline for longer than the gc_grace_seconds defined for the table in question can “resurrect” the data when it is brought back online.

Fortunately, Cassandra provides multiple anti-entropy mechanisms to help mitigate against inconsistency. We’ve already discussed how read repair and higher consistency levels on reads can be used to increase consistency. The final key element of Cassandra’s arsenal is the anti-entropy repair or manual repair, which you perform using the nodetool repair command.

You can execute a basic repair as follows:

$ nodetool repair
[2019-12-09 17:53:01,741] Starting repair command #1 (6aa75460-1ae7-11ea-b444-8742f4fb26dc), repairing keyspace reservation with repair options (parallelism: parallel, primary range: false, incremental: true, job threads: 1, ColumnFamilies: [], dataCenters: [], hosts: [], previewKind: NONE, # of ranges: 768, pull repair: false, force repair: false, optimise streams: false)
[2019-12-09 17:53:06,213] Repair completed successfully
[2019-12-09 17:53:06,219] Repair command #1 finished in 4 seconds
[2019-12-09 17:53:06,231] Replication factor is 1. No repair is needed for keyspace 'system_auth'
[2019-12-09 17:53:06,240] Starting repair command #2 (6d56bcf0-1ae7-11ea-b444-8742f4fb26dc), repairing keyspace system_traces with repair options (parallelism: parallel, primary range: false, incremental: true, job threads: 1, ColumnFamilies: [], dataCenters: [], hosts: [], previewKind: NONE, # of ranges: 519, pull repair: false, force repair: false, optimise streams: false)

You’ll be able to see additional logging statements in the debug log referencing the same repair session identifiers. The output of these logs will vary, of course, based on the current state of your cluster. This particular command iterates over all of the keyspaces and tables in the cluster, repairing each one. We can also specify specific keyspaces and even one or more specific tables to repair via the syntax: nodetool repair <keyspace> {<table(s)>}. For example: nodetool repair reservation reservations_by_hotel_date.

Limiting Repair Scope

The repair command can be restricted to run in the local data center via the -local option (which you may also specify via the longer form --in-local-dc), or in a named data center via the -dc <name> option (or --in-dc <name>).

Let’s look at what is happening behind the scenes when you run nodetool repair on a node. The node on which the command is run serves as the coordinator node for the request. The org.apache.cassandra.service.ActiveRepairService class is responsible for managing repairs on the coordinator node and processes the incoming request. The ActiveRepairService first executes a read-only version of a major compaction, also known as a validation compaction. During a validation compaction, the node examines its local data store and creates Merkle trees containing hash values representing the data in one of the tables under repair. This part of the process is generally expensive in terms of disk I/O and memory usage.

Next, the node initiates a TreeRequest/TreeResponse conversation to exchange Merkle trees with neighboring nodes. If the trees from the different nodes don’t match, they have to be reconciled in order to determine the latest data values they should all be set to. If any differences are found, the nodes stream data to each other for the ranges that don’t agree. When a node receives data for repair, it stores it in SSTables.

Note that if you have a lot of data in a table, the resolution of Merkle trees will not go down to the individual partition. For example, in a node with a million partitions, each leaf node of the Merkle tree will represent about 30 partitions. Each of these partitions will have to be streamed even if only a single partition requires repair. This behavior is known as overstreaming. For this reason, the streaming part of the process is generally expensive in terms of network I/O, and can result in duplicate storage of data that did not actually need repair.

This process is repeated on each node, for each included keyspace and table, until all of the token ranges in the cluster have been repaired.

Although repair can be an expensive operation, Cassandra provides several options to give you flexibility in how the work is spread out.

Full repair, incremental repair, and anti-compaction

In Cassandra releases prior to 2.1, performing a repair meant that all SSTables in a node were examined; this is now referred to as a full repair. The 2.1 release introduced incremental repair. With incremental repairs, data that has been repaired is separated from data that has not been repaired, a process known as anti-compaction.

This incremental approach improves the performance of the repair process, since there are fewer SSTables to search on each repair. Also the reduced search means that fewer partitions are in scope, leading to smaller Merkle trees and less overstreaming.

Incremental Repair Improvements

Alex Dejanovski’s excellent blog post “Incremental Repair Improvements in Cassandra 4” explains the causes of overstreaming in some detail, including why the process of anti-compaction was not enough by itself to handle these issues in earlier releases, and how incremental repairs have been improved in the 4.0 release to be more reliable and efficient.

Cassandra adds a bit of metadata to each SSTable file in order to keep track of its repair status. You can view the repair time by using the sstablemetadata tool. For example, examining an SSTable for our reservation data indicates the data it contains has not been repaired:

$ tools/bin/sstablemetadata data/data/reservation/reservations_by_confirmation-ae8e00601a0211ea82980de3aa109b1d/na-1-big-Data.db
SSTable: data/data/reservation/reservations_by_confirmation-ae8e00601a0211ea82980de3aa109b1d/na-1-big
Partitioner: org.apache.cassandra.dht.Murmur3Partitioner
Bloom Filter FP chance: 0.01
SSTable Level: 0
Repaired at: 1575939181899 (12/09/2019 17:53:01)
Pending repair: --

Transitioning to Incremental Repair

Incremental repair became the default in the 2.2 release, and you must use the -full option to request a full repair. If you are using a version of Cassandra prior to 2.2, make sure to consult the release documentation for any additional steps to prepare your cluster for incremental repair.

Sequential and parallel repair

A sequential repair works on repairing one node at a time, while parallel repair works on repairing multiple nodes with the same data simultaneously. Sequential repair was the default for releases through 2.1, and parallel repair became the default in the 2.2 release.

When a sequential repair is initiated using the -seq option, a snapshot of data is taken on the coordinator node and each replica node, and the snapshots are used to construct Merkle trees. The repairs are performed between the coordinator node and each replica in sequence. During sequential repairs, Cassandra’s dynamic snitch helps maintain performance. Because replicas that aren’t actively involved in the current repair are able to respond more quickly to requests, the dynamic snitch will tend to route requests to these nodes.

A parallel repair is initiated using the -par option. In a parallel repair, all replicas are involved in repair simultaneously, and no snapshots are needed. Parallel repair places a more intensive load on the cluster than sequential repair, but also allows the repair to complete more quickly.

Partitioner range repair

When you run repair on a node, by default Cassandra repairs all of the token ranges for which the node is a replica. This is appropriate for the situation where you have a single node that is in need of repair—for example, a node that has been down and is being prepared to bring back online.

However, if you are doing regular repairs for preventative maintenance, as recommended, repairing all of the token ranges for each node means that you will be doing multiple repairs over each range. For this reason, the nodetool repair command provides the -pr option, which allows you to repair only the primary token range or partitioner range. If you repair each node’s primary range, the whole ring will be repaired.

Subrange repair

Even with the -pr option, a repair can still be an expensive operation, as the primary range of a node can represent a large amount of data. For this reason, Cassandra supports the ability to repair by breaking the token range of a node into smaller chunks, a process known as subrange repair.

Subrange repair also addresses the issue of overstreaming. Because the full resolution of a Merkle tree is applied to a smaller range, Cassandra can precisely identify individual rows that need repair.

To initiate a subrange repair operation, you will need the start token (-st) and end token (-et) of the range to be repaired.

$ nodetool repair -st <start token> -et <end token>

You can obtain tokens for a range programmatically via the DataStax Cassandra drivers. For example, the Java driver provides operations to get the token ranges for a given host and keyspace, and to split a token range into subranges. You could use these operations to automate a repair request for each subrange, or just print out the ranges, as shown in this example:

for (TokenRange tokenRange :
  for (TokenRange splitRange : tokenRange.splitEvenly(SPLIT_SIZE))
    System.out.println("Start: " + splitRange.getStart().toString() +
                       ", End: " + splitRange.getEnd().toString());

However, it’s much more common to use an one of the available tools such as Reaper or the OpsCenter Repair Service rather than attempting to implement your own subrange repair scheme.

Best Practices for Repair

In practice, selecting and executing the proper repair strategy is one of the more difficult tasks in maintaining a Cassandra cluster. Here’s a checklist to help guide your decision making:

Repair frequency

Remember that the data consistency your applications will observe depends on the read and write consistency levels you use, but also on the repair strategy you put in place. If you’re willing to use read/write consistency levels that don’t guarantee immediate consistency, you’ll want to do more frequent repairs.

Repair scheduling

Minimize the impact of repairs on your application by scheduling them at off-peak times for your application. Alternatively, spread the process out by using subrange repairs or stagger repairs for various keyspaces and tables at different start times. Even better, use one of the tools mentioned above to schedule your repairs.

Operations requiring repair

Don’t forget that some operations will require a full repair, such as changing the snitch on a cluster, changing the replication factor on a keyspace, or recovering a node that has been down.

Avoiding conflicting repairs

Cassandra does not allow multiple simultaneous repairs over a given token range, as repair by definition involves interactions between nodes. For this reason, it’s best to manage repairs from a single location external to the cluster, rather than trying to implement automated processes on each node to repair their locally owned ranges.

Tracking repair status

Until a more robust repair status mechanism is put in place (for example, see the JIRA issue CASSANDRA-10302), you can monitor repairs in progress using nodetool netstats.

Rebuilding Indexes

If you’re using secondary indexes, they can get out of sync just like any other data. While it is true that Cassandra stores secondary indexes as tables behind the scenes, the index tables only reference values stored on the local node. For this reason, Cassandra’s repair mechanisms aren’t helpful for keeping indexes up to date.

Because secondary indexes can’t be repaired and there is no simple way to check their validity, Cassandra provides the ability to rebuild them from scratch using nodetool’s rebuild_index command. It is a good idea to rebuild an index after repairing the table on which it is based, as the columns on which the index is based could have been represented among the values repaired. As with repair, remember that rebuilding indexes is a CPU- and I/O-intensive procedure.

Moving Tokens

If you have configured your cluster to use vnodes (which has been the default configuration since the 2.0. release), Cassandra handles the assignment of token ranges to each of the nodes in your cluster. This includes changing these assignments when nodes are added or removed from the cluster. However, if you’re using single token nodes, you’ll need to reconfigure the tokens manually.

To do this, you first need to recalculate the token ranges for each node using the technique described in Chapter 10. Then we use the nodetool move command to assign the ranges. The move command takes a single argument, which is the new start token for the node:

$ nodetool move 3074457345618258600

After adjusting the token of each node, complete the process by running nodetool cleanup on each node.

Adding Nodes

We learned briefly in Chapter 10 how to add a node using the Cassandra Cluster Manager (ccm), which was a great way for us to get started quickly. Now let’s dig a little deeper to discuss some of the motivations and procedures for adding new nodes and data centers.

Adding Nodes to an Existing Data Center

If your application is successful, sooner or later you’ll need to add nodes to your cluster. This might be as part of a planned increase in capacity. Alternatively, it might be in reaction to something you’ve observed in a health check, such as running low on storage space, nodes that are experiencing high memory and CPU utilization, or increasing read and write latencies.

Whatever the motivation for your expansion, you’ll start by installing and configuring Cassandra on the machines that will host the new nodes. The process is similar to what we outlined in Chapter 10, but keep the following in mind:

  • The Cassandra version must be the same as the existing nodes in the cluster. If you want to do a version upgrade, upgrade the existing nodes to the new version first and then add new nodes.

  • You’ll want to use the same configuration values as you did for other nodes in files such as cassandra.yaml and, including the cluster_name, dynamic_snitch, partitioner, and listen_address.

  • Use the same seed nodes as in the other nodes. Typically, the new nodes you add won’t be seed nodes, so there is no need to add the new nodes to the seeds list in your previously existing nodes.

  • If you have multiple racks in your configuration, it’s a good idea to add nodes to each rack at the same time to keep the number of nodes in each rack balanced. For some reason, this always reminds me of the rule in the classic board game Monopoly that requires houses to be spread evenly across properties.

  • If you’re using single token nodes, you’ll have to manually calculate the token range that will be assigned to each node as we discussed in “Moving Tokens”. A simple and effective way to keep the cluster balanced is to divide each token range in half, doubling the number of nodes in the cluster.

  • In most cases, you’ll want to configure your new nodes to begin bootstrapping immediately—that is, claiming token ranges and streaming the data for those ranges from other nodes. This is controlled by the autobootstrap property, which defaults to true. You can add this to your cassandra.yaml file to explicitly enable or disable auto bootstrapping.

Once the nodes are configured, you can start them, and use nodetool status to determine when they are fully initialized.

You can also watch the progress of a bootstrap operation on a node by running the nodetool bootstrap command. If you’ve started a node with auto bootstrapping disabled, you can also kick off bootstrapping remotely at the time of your choosing with the command nodetool bootstrap resume.

After all new nodes are running, make sure to run a nodetool cleanup on each of the previously existing nodes to clear out data that is no longer managed by those nodes.

Adding a Data Center to a Cluster

There are several reasons you might want to add an entirely new data center to your cluster. For example, let’s say that you are deploying your application to a new data center in order to reduce network latency for clients in a new market. Or perhaps you need an active-active configuration to support disaster recovery requirements for your application. A third popular use case is to create a separate data center that can be used for analytics without impacting online customer transactions.

Let’s explore how you can extend your cluster to a new data center. The same basic steps for adding a node in an existing data center apply to adding nodes in a new data center. Here are a few additional things you’ll want to consider as you configure the cassandra.yaml file for each node:

  • Make sure to configure an appropriate snitch for your deployment environment using the endpoint_snitch property and any configuration files associated with the snitch, for example, the file for the GossipingPropertyFileSnitch. Hopefully you planned for this when first setting up your cluster, but if not, you will need to change the snitch in the initial data center. If you do need to change the snitch, you’ll first want to change it on nodes in the existing data center and perform a repair before adding the new data center.

  • Select a couple of the nodes in the new data center to be seeds, and configure the seeds property in the other nodes accordingly. Each data center should have its own seeds independent of the other data centers.

  • The new data center is not required to have the same token range configuration as any existing data centers within the cluster. You can select a different number of vnodes or use single-token nodes if so desired.

  • Disable auto bootstrapping by finding (or adding) the autobootstrap option and setting it to false. This will prevent our new nodes from attempting to stream data before we’re ready.

After all of the nodes in the new data center have been brought online, you then configure replication options for the NetworkTopologyStrategy for all keyspaces that you wish to replicate to the new data center.

For example, to extend the reservation keyspace into an additional data center, you might execute the command:

  {'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'DC1' : 3, 'DC2' : 3};

Note that the NetworkTopologyStrategy allows you to specify a different number of replicas for each data center.

Next, run the nodetool rebuild command on each node in the new data center. For example, the following command causes a node to rebuild its data by streaming from data center DC1:

$ nodetool rebuild -- DC1

You can rebuild multiple nodes in parallel if desired; just remember to consider the impact on your cluster before doing this. The nodetool abortrebuild command can be used to stop a rebuild that is in progress.

Once the rebuilding is complete, your new data center is ready to use. Don’t forget to reconfigure the cassandra.yaml file for each node in the new data center to remove the autobootstrap: false option, so that the nodes will recover successfully if restarted.

Don’t Forget Your Clients

You’ll also want to consider how adding another data center affects your existing clients and their usage of LOCAL_* and EACH_* consistency levels. For example, if you have clients using the QUORUM consistency level for reads or writes, queries that used to be confined to a single data center will now involve multiple data centers. You may wish to switch to LOCAL_QUORUM to limit latency, or to EACH_QUORUM to ensure strong consistency in each data center.

Handling Node Failure

From time to time, a Cassandra node may fail. Failure can occur for a variety of reasons, including hardware failure, a crashed Cassandra process, or a virtual machine that has been stopped or destroyed. A node that is experiencing network connectivity issues may be marked as failed in gossip and reported as down in nodetool status, although it may come back online if connectivity improves.

Taking Nodes Offline

If you wish to investigate issues with a node that is still running but not behaving normally, use the nodetool disablegossip command to make the node appear down without actually killing the node. Note that the node will still be accessible via JMX, so you can use other nodetool commands to diagnose and fix issues, before re-enabling via nodetool enablegossip. Similarly, the nodetool commands enablehandoff, disablehandoff, enablehintsfordc, and disablehintsfordc give you the ability to control a node’s participation in hinted handoff.

In this section, we’ll examine how to repair or replace failed nodes, as well as how to remove nodes from a cluster gracefully.

Repairing Failed Nodes

The first thing to do when you observe there is a failed node is to try to determine how long the node has been down. Here are some quick rulea of thumb to know if repair or replacement may be required:

  • If the node has been down for less than the hints delivery window specified by the max_hint_window_in_ms property, the hinted handoff mechanism should be able to recover the node. Restart the node and see whether it is able to recover. You can watch the node’s logs or track its progress using nodetool status.

  • If the node has been down for less than the repair window defined lowest value of gc_grace_seconds for any of its contained tables, then restart the node. If it comes up successfully, run a nodetool repair.

  • If the node has been down for longer than the repair window, it should be replaced, in order to avoid tombstone resurrection.

Recovering From Disk Failure

A disk failure is one form of hardware failure from which a node may be able to recover. If your node is configured to use Cassandra with multiple disks (JBOD), the disk_failure_policy setting determines what action is taken when a disk failure occurs, and how you may be able to detect the failure:

  • If the policy is set to the default (stop), the node will stop gossiping, which will cause it to appear as a downed node in nodetool status. You can still connect to the node via JMX.

  • The policy setting stop_paranoid is similar to stop, with the addition that if any failures are detected on startup, the node will shut down the JVM.

  • If the policy is set to die, the JVM exits and the node will appear as a downed node in nodetool status.

  • If the policy is set to ignore, there’s no immediate way to detect the failure.

  • If the policy is set to best_effort, Cassandra continues to operate using the other disks, but a WARN log entry is written, which can be detected if you are using a log aggregation tool. Alternatively, you can use a JMX monitoring tool to monitor the state of the org.apache.cassandra.db.BlacklistedDirectoriesMBean, which lists the directories for which the node has recorded failures.

Once you’ve detected a disk failure, you may want to try restarting the Cassandra process or rebooting the server. But if the failure persists, you’ll have to replace the disk and delete the contents of the data/system directory in the remaining disks so that when you restart the node, it comes up in a consistent state. When the node is up, run a repair.

Replacing Nodes

If you’ve determined that a node can’t be repaired, you will most likely want to replace it in order to keep your cluster balanced and maintain the same capacity.

While we could replace a node by removing the old node (as in the next section) and adding a new node, this is not a very efficient approach. Removing and then adding nodes results in excess streaming of data, first to move data away from the old node and then to move it back to the new node.

The more efficient approach is to add a node that takes over the token ranges of an existing node. To do this, we follow the previously outlined procedure for adding a node, with one addition. Edit the file for the new node to add the following JVM option (where <address> is the IP address or hostname of the node that is being replaced):

JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -Dcassandra.replace_address=<address>"

You can monitor the progress of bootstrapping by running nodetool netstats on the replacement node. After the replacement node finishes bootstrapping, you can remove this option, as it is not required for any subsequent restarts of the node.

If you’re using a snitch that uses a properties file to record the cluster topology, such as the GossipingPropertyFileSnitch or the PropertyFileSnitch, you’ll need to add the address of your new node to the properties file on each node and do a rolling restart of the nodes in your cluster. It is recommended that you wait 72 hours before removing the address of the old node to avoid confusing the gossiper.

Replacing a Seed Node

If the node you’re replacing is a seed node, select an existing non-seed node to promote to a seed node. You’ll need to add the promoted seed node to the seeds property in the cassandra.yaml file of existing nodes.

Typically, these will be nodes in the same data center, assuming you follow the recommendation of using a different seed list per data center. In this way, the new node we create will be a non-seed node and can bootstrap normally.

There are some additional details if you are using a package installation of Cassandra; consult the documentation for your specific release for additional details.

Removing Nodes

If you decide not to replace a downed node right away, or just want to shrink the size of your cluster, you’ll need to remove or decommission the node. The proper technique for removal depends on whether the node being removed is online or able to be brought online. We’ll look at three techniques, in order of preference: decommission, remove, and assassinate.

Decommissioning a node

If the node is reporting as up, we decommission the node. Decommissioning a node means pulling it out of service. When you execute the nodetool decommission command, you’re calling the decommission() operation on Cassandra’s StorageService class. This operation assigns the token ranges that the node was responsible for to other nodes and then streams the data to those nodes. This is effectively the opposite of the bootstrapping operation.

If you still have access to the cluster created using ccm in Chapter 10, you can perform this operation with the command ccm node4 nodetool decommission. For other commands in this section we’ll omit the ccm <node> part of the command for simplicity.

While the decommission is running, the node will report that it is in a leaving state in nodetool status via the code UL (up, leaving). You can check this in another terminal window:

$ nodetool status

Datacenter: datacenter1
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
--  Address    Load        Tokens  Owns (effective)  Host ID       Rack
UN  712 KiB     256     76.3%             9019859a-...  rack1
UN  773.07 KiB  256     74.0%             5650bfa0-...  rack1
UN  770.18 KiB  256     72.3%             158a78c2-...  rack1
UL  140.69 KiB  256     77.4%             073da652-...  rack1

You can examine the server log of the decommissioned node to see the progress. For example, you’ll see log statements indicating the node is leaving and streaming data to other nodes, followed by a series of statements summarizing the nodes to which data is being streamed:

INFO  [RMI TCP Connection(7)-] 2019-12-11 22:02:20,815 - LEAVING: sleeping 30000 ms for batch processing and pending range setup
INFO  [RMI TCP Connection(7)-] 2019-12-11 22:02:50,975 - LEAVING: replaying batch log and streaming data to other nodes
INFO  [RMI TCP Connection(7)-] 2019-12-11 22:02:51,110 - [Stream #a5c6b340-1c9c-11ea-9fc3-c5e7d446c8a2] Executing streaming plan for Unbootstrap
INFO  [RMI TCP Connection(7)-] 2019-12-11 22:02:51,110 - [Stream #a5c6b340-1c9c-11ea-9fc3-c5e7d446c8a2] Starting streaming to

After this, you’ll see another log statement indicating the streaming of hints:

INFO  [RMI TCP Connection(7)-] 2019-12-11 22:02:51,137 - LEAVING: streaming hints to other nodes

You can also use nodetool netstats to monitor the progress of data streaming to the new replicas.

When the streaming is complete, the node announces its departure to the rest of the cluster for a period of 30 seconds, and then stops:

INFO  [RMI TCP Connection(7)-] 2019-12-11 22:02:53,623 - Announcing that I have left the ring for 30000ms
INFO  [RMI TCP Connection(7)-] 2019-12-11 22:03:23,629 - Stop listening for CQL clients
WARN  [RMI TCP Connection(7)-] 2019-12-11 22:03:23,630 - No local state, state is in silent shutdown, or node hasn't joined, not announcing shutdown
INFO  [RMI TCP Connection(7)-] 2019-12-11 22:03:23,630 - Waiting for messaging service to quiesce

Finally, the decommission is complete:

INFO  [RMI TCP Connection(7)-] 2019-12-11 22:03:25,806 - DECOMMISSIONED

If you call decommission on a node that can’t be decommissioned (such as one that isn’t part of the ring yet, or on the only node available), you’ll see an error message to that effect.

Decommissioning Does Not Remove Data Files

Be warned that data is not automatically removed from a decommissioned node. If you decide that you want to reintroduce a previously decommissioned node into the ring with a different range, you’ll need to manually delete its data first.

Removing a node

If the node is down, you’ll have to use the nodetool removenode command instead of decommission. If your cluster uses vnodes, the removenode command causes Cassandra to recalculate new token ranges for the remaining nodes and stream data from current replicas to the new owner of each token range.

If your cluster does not use vnodes, you’ll need to manually adjust the token ranges assigned to each remaining node (as discussed in “Moving Tokens”) prior to running removenode to perform the streaming. The removenode command also provides a -- status option to allow you to monitor the progress of streaming.

Most nodetool commands operate directly on the node identified via the -h flag. The syntax of the removenode command is a bit different, because it has to run on a node which is not the one being removed.

If you’re following along, you can simulate a node being down by stopping it using the nodetool stop command on the actual node, for example ccm node3 nodetool stop.

Rather than the IP address, the target node is identified via its host ID, which you can obtain via the nodetool status command:

$ nodetool status
Datacenter: datacenter1
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
--  Address    Load        Tokens  Owns (effective)  Host ID       Rack
UN  712 KiB     256     100.0%            9019859a-...  rack1
UN  773.07 KiB  256     100.0%            5650bfa0-...  rack1
DN  770.18 KiB  256     100.0%            158a78c2-...  rack1

$ nodetool removenode  158a78c2-4a41-4eaa-b5ea-fb9747c29cc3

Assassinating a node

If the nodetool removenode operation fails, you can also run nodetool assassinate as a last resort. The assassinate command is similar to removenode, except that it does not re-replicate the removed node’s data. This leaves your cluster in a state where repair is needed.

Another key difference from removenode is that the assassinate command takes the IP address of the node to assassinate, rather than the host ID:

$ nodetool assassinate

Don’t Forget to Clean Up Seed Node Configuration

Whenever you remove a seed node, make sure you update the cassandra.yaml files on remaining nodes to remove the IP address of the node that was removed. You’ll also want to make sure you still have an adequate number of seed nodes (at least two per data center).

Removing a Data Center

Should you wish to reduce the capacity of your cluster by eliminating an entire data center, the procedure uses commands you’ve already learned. Before starting, you’ll want to make sure that no clients are connecting to nodes in the cluster. One way check this would be to query the system_views.clients virtual table on each node, as you learned in Chapter 11. You’ll want to run a full repair to make sure that all data from the data center being decommissioned is preserved.

To begin decommissioning the data center, alter all of the keyspaces that reference the data center. Then stop each of the nodes and run a nodetool assassinate for each node. Assassinating nodes is preferable in this case since you don’t intend to stream any data. You can check your work when complete using nodetool status.

Upgrading Cassandra

Because Cassandra continues to thrive and grow, new releases are made available on a regular basis, offering new features, improved performance, and bug fixes. You’ll want to plan your adoption of these releases to take advantage of these improvements. As with any software upgrade, it’s highly recommended to put the new version through its paces on your workload on development and test clusters before you move to deployment on production systems.

When you determine it is time for an upgrade, be careful to consult the NEWS.txt file found in the base directory of the new release and follow the upgrade instructions for releases between your current and new releases. An upgrade can be a complex process and it’s easy to cause a lot of damage to your cluster if you don’t follow the instructions carefully.

A Cassandra cluster is upgraded via a process known as a rolling upgrade, as each node is upgraded one at a time. To perform a rolling upgrade:

  1. First, run a nodetool drain on the node to clear out any writes that still need to be flushed to disk and stop receiving new writes.

  2. Stop the node.

  3. Make a backup copy of configuration files such as cassandra.yaml and so they don’t get overwritten.

  4. Install the new version.

  5. Update the configuration files to match your specific deployment.

Upgrading a major version number (and some minor version upgrades) requires you to run the nodetool upgradesstables command to convert your stored data files to the latest format. As with other nodetool commands we’ve examined, you can specify a keyspace or even tables within a keyspace to be upgraded, but in general you’ll need to upgrade all of the node’s tables. You can also update a node’s tables when it is offline via the bin/sstableupgrade script.

These steps are repeated for each node in the cluster. Although the cluster remains operational while the rolling upgrade is in process, you should carefully plan your upgrade schedule, taking into account the size of the cluster. While the cluster is still being upgraded, you should avoid making schema changes or run any repairs.

Backup and Recovery

Cassandra is built to be highly resilient to failure, with its support for configurable replication and multiple data centers. However, there are still a number of good reasons for backing up data:

  • Defects in application logic could cause good data to be overwritten and replicated to all nodes before the situation becomes known.

  • SSTables can become corrupted.

  • A multi–data center failure could wipe out your disaster recovery plan.

Cassandra provides two mechanisms for backing up data: snapshots and incremental backups. Snapshots provide a full backup, while incremental backups provide a way to back up changes a little at a time.

Cassandra’s snapshots and backups are complementary techniques that are used together to support a robust backup and recovery approach.

Both the snapshot and backup mechanisms create hard links to SSTable files, which avoids creating extra files in the short term. However, these files can accumulate over time as compaction occurs and files that are deleted from the data directory are still preserved via the hard links.

The tasks of copying these files to another location and deleting them so they do not fill up disk space are left to the user. However, these tasks are easy to automate and there are various tools that support this such as Medusa or Jeremy Grosser’s Tablesnap.

Taking a Snapshot

The purpose of a snapshot is to make a copy of some or all of the keyspaces and tables in a node and save it to what is essentially a separate database file. This means that you can back up the keyspaces elsewhere or leave them where they are in case you need to restore them later. When you take a snapshot, Cassandra first performs a flush, and then makes a hard link for each SSTable file.

Taking a snapshot is straightforward:

$ nodetool snapshot
Requested creating snapshot(s) for [all keyspaces] with snapshot name
  [1576202815095] and options {skipFlush=false}
Snapshot directory: 1576202815095

Here, a snapshot has been taken for all of the keyspaces on the server, including Cassandra’s internal system keyspaces. If you want to specify only a single keyspace to take a snapshot of, you can pass it as an additional argument: nodetool snapshot reservation. Alternatively, you can use the -cf option to list the name of a specific table.

We can list the snapshots that have been taken with the nodetool listsnapshots command:

$ nodetool listsnapshots
Snapshot Details:
Snapshot name Keyspace name      Column family name             True size  Size on disk
1576202815095 system_schema      columns                        12.66 KiB  12.69 KiB

Total TrueDiskSpaceUsed: 160.66 MiB

To find these snapshots on the filesystem, remember that the contents of the data directory are organized in subdirectories for keyspaces and tables. There is a snapshots directory under each table’s directory, and each snapshot is stored in a directory named for the timestamp at which it was taken. For example, we can find the reservations_by_confirmation table snapshots at:


Each snapshot also contains a manifest.json file, that lists the SSTable files which are included in the snapshot. This is used to make sure that the entire contents of a snapshot are present.

Point-in-Time Snapshots Across Multiple Nodes

The nodetool snapshot command only operates on a single server. You will need to run this command at the same time on multiple servers if you want a point-in-time snapshot, using a parallel ssh tool such as pssh or one of the utilities listed above.

Cassandra also provides an auto snapshot capability that takes a snapshot on every DROP KEYSPACE, DROP TABLE, or TRUNCATE operation. This capability is enabled by default via the auto_snapshot property in the cassandra.yaml file to prevent against accidental data loss. There is an additional property, snapshot_before_compaction, which defaults to false.

Clearing a Snapshot

You can also delete any snapshots you’ve made, say, after you’ve backed them up to permanent storage elsewhere. It is a good idea to delete old snapshots before creating a new one.

To clear your snapshots, you can manually delete the files, or use the nodetool clear snapshot command, which takes an optional keyspace option.

Enabling Incremental Backup

After you perform a snapshot, you can enable Cassandra’s incremental backup using the nodetool enablebackup command. This command applies to all keyspaces and tables in the node.

You can also check whether incremental backups are enabled with nodetool status backup and disable incremental backups with nodetool disablebackup.

When incremental backups are enabled, Cassandra creates backups as part of the process of flushing SSTables to disk. The backup consists of a hard link to each data file Cassandra writes under a backups directory—for example:


To enable backups across a restart of the node, set the incremental_backups property to true in the cassandra.yaml file.

You can safely clear incremental backups after you perform a snapshot and save the snapshot to permanent storage.

Restoring from Snapshot

The process of restoring a node from backups begins with collecting the most recent snapshot plus any incremental backups since the snapshot. There is no difference in how data files from snapshots and backups are treated.

Before starting a restore operation on a node, you will most likely want to truncate the tables to clear any data changes made since the snapshot.

Don’t Forget to Restore the Schema!

Be aware that Cassandra does not include the database schema as part of snapshots and backups. You will need to make sure that the schema is in place before doing any restore operations. Fortunately, this is easy to do using the cqlsh’s DESCRIBE TABLES operation, which can easily be scripted.

If your cluster topology is the same as when the snapshots were taken, there have been no changes to the token ranges for each node, and there are no changes to the replication factor for the tables in question, you can copy the SSTable data files into the data directory for each node. If the nodes are already running, running the nodetool import command will cause Cassandra to load the data. In releases prior to Cassandra 4.0 you’ll use nodetool refresh instead.

If there has been a change to the topology, token ranges, or replication, you’ll need to use a tool called sstableloader to load the data. In some ways, the sstableloader behaves like a Cassandra node: it uses the gossip protocol to learn about the nodes in a cluster, but it does not register itself as a node. It uses Cassandra’s streaming libraries to push SSTables to nodes. The sstableloader does not copy SSTable files directly to every node, but inserts the data in each SSTable into the cluster, allowing the partitioner and replication strategy of the cluster to do their work.

The sstableloader is also useful for moving data between clusters.

SSTable Utilities

There are several utilities found in the bin and tools/bin directories that operate directly on SSTable data files on the filesystem of a Cassandra node. These files have a .db extension. For example:


In addition to the sstablemetadata, sstableloader, and sstableupgrade tools we’ve seen already, here are a few other SSTable utilities:

  • The sstableutil utility will list the SSTable files for a provided table name.

  • The sstabledump utility will output a given SSTable file in JSON format.

  • The sstableverify utility will verify the SSTable files for a provided keyspace and table name, identifying any files that exhibit errors or data corruption. This is an offline version of the nodetool verify command.

  • The sstablescrub utility is an offline version of the nodetool scrub command. Because it runs offline, it can be more effective at removing corrupted data from SSTable files. If the tool removes any corrupt rows, you will need to run a repair.

  • The sstablerepairedset is used to mark specific SSTables as repaired or unrepaired to enable transitioning a node to incremental repair. Because incremental repair is the default as of the 2.2 release, clusters that have been created on 2.2 or later will have no need to use this tool.

Several of the utilities help assist in managing compaction, which we’ll examine further in Chapter 13:

  • The sstableexpiredblockers utility will reveal blocking SSTables that prevent an SSTable from being deleted. This class outputs all SSTables that are blocking other SSTables from getting dropped so you can determine why a given SSTable is still on disk.

  • The sstablelevelreset utility will reset the level to 0 on a given set of SSTables, which will force the SSTable to be compacted as part of the next compaction operation.

  • The sstableofflinerelevel utility will reassign SSTable levels for tables using the LeveledCompactionStrategy. This is useful when a large amount of data is ingested quickly, such as with a bulk import.

  • The sstablesplit utility is used to split SSTables files into multiple SSTables of a maximum designated size. This is useful if a major compaction has generated large tables that otherwise would not be compacted for a long time.

Under normal circumstances, you probably won’t need to use these tools very often, but they can be quite useful in debugging and gaining a greater understanding of how Cassandra’s data storage works. Utilities that modify SSTables such as sstablelevelreset, sstablerepairedset, sstablesplit, sstableofflinerelevel must be run when Cassandra is not running on the local host.

Maintenance Tools

While it is certainly possible to maintain a Cassandra cluster entirely via nodetool, many organizations, especially those with larger installations, have found it helpful to make use of advanced tools that provide automated maintenance features and improved visualizations. In addition to Reaper and Medusa, there are other community tools available.

Netflix Priam

Priam is a tool built by Netflix to help manage its Cassandra clusters. Priam was the King of Troy in Greek mythology, and the father of Cassandra. Priam automates the deployment, starting, and stopping of nodes, as well as backup and restore operations.

Priam is also well integrated with the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud environment, although AWS deployment is not required. For example, Priam supports deployment of Cassandra in auto-scaling groups (ASGs), automated backup of snapshots to the Simple Storage Service (S3), and configuration of networking and security groups for Cassandra clusters that span multiple regions.

While Priam does not include a user interface, it does provide a RESTful API that you can use to build your own frontend or access directly via curl. The API provides the ability to start and stop nodes, access nodetool commands (with JSON-formatted output), and perform backup and restore operations.

DataStax OpsCenter

DataStax OpsCenter is a web-based management and monitoring solution for clusters using the DataStax Enterprise distribution of Cassandra. OpsCenter provides metrics dashboards for tracking cluster health and various services to automate automates maintenance tasks including those discussed in this chapter including the Repair Service and Backup Service.

Cassandra Sidecars

Cassandra has traditionally been known as extremely powerful, but difficult to operate. One difficult is the number of different tools, interfaces (JMX, CQL) and configuration files (XML, YAML, properties files) that an operator must learn. In addition to the configuration, monitoring and management of each individual node, there are activities that involve interactions between multiple nodes in a cluster. For example, deploying a cluster involves planning which nodes will be seeds, token assignments (for single token clusters), setting topology properties. Upgrading the Cassandra version across a cluster involves rolling restarts as individual nodes are updated, and so on.

Many Cassandra operators have built tools that automate specific cluster maintenance activities, and we’ve cited several of them in this chapter. Many of these tools require a co-process or sidecar that is resident on the same host as the Cassandra daemon.

In 2018, community members articulated multiple competing proposals for an official Cassandra sidecar. Several of these began collaborating toward a unified approach which became the first Cassandra Enhancement Proposal, also known as CEP-1. The goals of this enhancement proposal are to produce a minimum viable product (MVP) implementation, with other CEPs likely to extend the performance of the sidecar. This initial implementation will be an experimental feature and is expected to automate:

  • health checks for determining if a node can serve as a coordinator or receive writes, or if a cluster can achieve required consistency for a given keyspace

  • bulk commands to be executed on some or all nodes, such as getting and retrieving settings

  • lifecycle commands to start and stop nodes according to best practices, for example, executing a drain during stop

  • desire-based orchestration such as rolling restarts, or in the future, a rolling version upgrade

  • automating scheduled maintenance such as cleanup in the initial implementation, and compaction and backups in future releases

  • exposing a standard metrics agent such as Prometheus

Design constraints for sidecars include:

  • Sidecar processes should be separately installable / deployable from the Cassandra daemon and run in their own JVM.

  • Changes to the Cassandra daemon should be minimized.

  • Sidecars should expose HTTP-based RESTful APIs for maximum accessibility by other tools and avoid usage of SSH and JMX due to the security vulnerabilities of these interfaces.

The Cassandra sidecar(s) will provide a much needed building block for improving the management of Cassandra including integrability with other management tools and frameworks.

Cassandra Kubernetes Operators

We’ve previously discussed the deployment of Cassandra nodes in Docker containers in Chapter 3 and creating clusters of these nodes in Chapter 10. Now it’s time to learn about managing containerized Cassandra clusters in Kubernetes.

Kubernetes (or K8s for short) is a system for automating the deployment and management of containerized applications. It is an open source system based on Borg, Google’s system built up over many years to run and manage billions of containers within its internal infrastructure. Kubernetes has become the leading platform, surging in popularity ahead of similar platforms such as Docker Swarm or Apache Mesos.

Kubernetes provides the building blocks for describing distributed systems that are portable across cloud providers and supports hybrid-cloud and multi-cloud deployments. These building blocks include automated deployment and scaling, self healing, service discovery, load balancing, secret management, and others.

Figure 12-1 shows a few key K8s concepts and how they apply to managing a Cassandra cluster. This is not intended as prescriptive but only to illustrate K8s features and concepts that are useful for managing Cassandra.

cdg3 1201
Figure 12-1. Running Cassandra in Kubernetes

A Kubernetes cluster is composed of master and worker nodes. A worker node is a physical or virtual machine that can host pods, the basic execution unit of a K8s application. A pod can run a single container or multiple related containers, for example Cassandra and sidecars could run in a single pod.

Kubernetes does not provision nodes; they must be created externally and registered with the Kubernetes master. Each node has an agent known as a kubelet that is responsible for running pods that are allocated to it on an underlying container runtime such as Docker, as well as agents that support cross-cutting concerns such as logging.

A Kubernetes application consists of a collection of pods that together provide some logical capability. Applications can expose services, and you can define namespaces to help define application boundaries.

The Kubernetes control plane consists of the Kubernetes Master and the kubelet running on each node. The master is typically run on dedicated hardware (although it is not required to do so), and you can run multiple masters for high availability. The K8s master contains an API server for the K8s API, a data store (typically etcd) used to track cluster status, a scheduler, and controllers. You use the kubectl client to communicate with the master.

Kubernetes is a declarative system - you specify the desired state of your cluster rather than providing the detailed instructions for how to get there. A controller is a loop that observes the K8s cluster to detect differences between the current and desired state and executes actions that move toward the desired state. There are controllers that manage the deployment of pods to nodes, tracking node health, the configuration of networking and load balancers, exposing pod interfaces as services, interfacing with cloud infrastructure, and more.

While Kubernetes can be used to deploy infrastructure such as messaging frameworks or databases, it does not know how to operate this infrastructure. A Kubernetes operator represents an implementation of the knowledge human operators typically have about deploying applications, their expected behavior, and how to detect and correct issues.

An operator consists of a controller and a custom resource definition (CRD). Thus, a Cassandra operator would consist of a Cassandra controller and a CRD that defines the contents of a Cassandra cluster, consisting of multiple pods, network infrastructure and storage. A CRD allows the definition of a cluster as a single resource based on a provided cluster name, Kubernetes namespace, node count, persistent volumes to use and custom Cassandra configuration settings for the cassandra.yaml file. These parameters are used to configure each pod via the kubelet. Cassandra CRDs typically use a feature called anti-affinity to ensure that nodes in a Cassandra cluster are started on separate worker nodes to ensure high availability.

A Kubernetes deployment describes how to deploy pods based on a provided container image, where each pod is essentially the same and could be deployed to any worker node or even replaced by a pod running the same container image on another node at the direction of the scheduler. A stateful set is similar to a deployment but includes the ability to have a fixed identity for each pod with stable network endpoints and persistent storage.

Cassandra and the origin of stateful sets

The concept of stateful sets was added to facilitate the deployment of Cassandra and other databases. In fact, Cassandra is now the featured database in the Kubernetes tutorial on stateful sets:

For storage, Kubernetes provides volumes that have the same lifecycle as the pod, but for Cassandra nodes you’ll need storage that is more long lasting. Thankfully, Kubernetes also includes allows you to configure persistent volumes representing external storage provided as a resource to the Kubernetes cluster. A Cassandra CRD can define a persistent volume claim for each Cassandra pod that Kubernetes will use to allocate storage on a persistent volume.

A service is an abstraction of an application interface, where the implementation might consist of multiple pods behind a load balancer. A Cassandra CRD can describe a service which represents exposed endpoints of one or more Cassandra nodes for your client applications to use as contact points.

You could attempt to write your own Cassandra operator to automate the maintenance operations discussed in this chapter, such as scaling clusters up and down, performing automated repair and backup, restarting or replacing downed nodes, and rolling restarts and upgrades. You could also provide a script known as a Helm chart to describe a typical deployment using a Cassandra operator. Fortunately, several organizations have already undertaken efforts to build Kubernetes operators:

  • Orange has released an operator called KassCop. This is arguably the most mature of the operators, with an extension of for managing multi-region clusters in progress. You can read more about this Operator on the blog.

  • The Instaclustr Cassandra Operator leverages experience from providing Cassandra-as-a-Service on multiple clouds. You can read more about this operator and its design on DZone.

  • DataStax has released a preview of its operator for DataStax Enterprise at DataStax Labs. The DataStax Blog provides an overview of the available functionality and a quick tutorial.

This is an area of rapid iteration and change, and several teams have begun to collaborate to work toward a single operator which can be developed through the Cassandra Enhancement Proposal (CEP) process. Development of a standard operator will also likely coincide with maturation of Cassandra sidecars discussed above, so it’s anticipated the operator will support pluggable integration of these sidecars.


In this chapter, we looked at some of the ways you can interact with Cassandra to perform routine maintenance tasks; add, remove, and replace nodes; back up and recover data with snapshots, and more. We also looked at some tools that help automate these tasks to speed up maintenance and reduce errors. Now you’re ready to apply the knowledge you’ve obtained about configuring, monitoring and maintaining Cassandra clusters to tune your clusters for optimal performance.

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