Downloading Cinder

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Downloading Cinder

Click on the Download link in the main menu and choose one of the following two versions depending on your operating system of choice:

  • Cinder for Mac OS X (Mac OS X)
  • Cinder for Visual C++ 2010 (Windows)


We will be using the packed Cinder Version 0.8.4 throughout this book, but some differences between it and the newest Cinder Version 0.8.5 will be pointed out.

Now we are going to split the Cinder setup in two groups: Mac OS X and Windows. This is because of the configuration process, which is a bit different for each platform. You will get up and running faster if you use Mac OS X, but it is not blamable in case you appear to use Windows—just get yourself a good Internet connection and you are good to go!

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