Chapter 4. Introduction to core.async

Long gone are the days when programs were required to do only one thing at a time. Being able to perform several tasks concurrently is at the core of the vast majority of modern business applications. This is where asynchronous programming comes in.

Asynchronous programming—and, more generally, concurrency—is about doing more with your hardware resources than you previously could. It means fetching data from the network or a database connection without having to wait for the result. Or, perhaps, reading an Excel spreadsheet into memory while the user can still operate the graphical interface. In general, it improves a system's responsiveness.

In this chapter, we will look at how different platforms handle this style of programming. More specifically, we will:

  • Be introduced to core.async's background and API
  • Solidify our understanding of core.async by re-implementing the stock market application in terms of its abstractions
  • Understand how core.async deals with error handling and backpressure
  • Take a brief tour on transducers

Asynchronous programming and concurrency

Different platforms have different programming models. For instance, JavaScript applications are single-threaded and have an event loop. When making a network call, it is common to register a callback that will be invoked at a later stage, when that network call completes either successfully or with an error.

In contrast, when we're on the JVM, we can take full advantage of multithreading to achieve concurrency. It is simple to spawn new threads via one of the many concurrency primitives provided by Clojure, such as futures.

However, asynchronous programming becomes cumbersome. Clojure futures don't provide a native way for us to be notified of their completion at a later stage. In addition, retrieving values from a not-yet-completed future is a blocking operation. This can be seen clearly in the following snippet:

(defn do-something-important []
  (let [f (future (do (prn "Calculating...")
                      (Thread/sleep 10000)))]
    (prn "Perhaps the future has done its job?")
    (prn @f)
    (prn "You will only see this in about 10 seconds...")))


The second call to print dereferences the future, causing the main thread to block since it hasn't finished yet. This is why you only see the last print after the thread in which the future is running has finished. Callbacks can, of course, be simulated by spawning a separate thread to monitor the first one, but this solution is clunky at best.

An exception to the lack of callbacks is GUI programming in Clojure. Much like JavaScript, Clojure Swing applications also possess an event loop and can respond to user input and invoke listeners (callbacks) to handle them.

Another option is rewriting the previous example with a custom callback that is passed into the future:

(defn do-something-important [callback]
  (let [f (future (let [answer 42]
                    (Thread/sleep 10000)
                    (callback answer)))]
    (prn "Perhaps the future has done its job?")
    (prn "You should see this almost immediately and then in 10 secs...")

(do-something-important (fn [answer]
                          (prn "Future is done. Answer is " answer)))

This time the order of the outputs should make more sense. However, if we return the future from this function, we have no way to give it another callback. We have lost the ability to perform an action when the future ends and are back to having to dereference it, thus blocking the main thread again—exactly what we wanted to avoid.


Java 8 introduces a new class, CompletableFuture, that allows registering a callback to be invoked once the future completes. If that's an option for you, you can use interop to make Clojure leverage the new class.

As you might have realized, CES is closely related to asynchronous programming: the stock market application we built in the previous chapter is an example of such a program. The main—or UI—thread is never blocked by the Observables fetching data from the network. Additionally, we were also able to register callbacks when subscribing to them.

In many asynchronous applications, however, callbacks are not the best way to go. Heavy use of callbacks can lead to what is known as callback hell. Clojure provides a more powerful and elegant solution.

In the next few sections, we will explore core.async, a Clojure library for asynchronous programming, and how it relates to Reactive Programming.

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