Chapter 5. Using Cloudera Manager

With the knowledge acquired so far, you are now equipped with all the steps and operations needed to set up a cluster via the command line. Up until now, we performed all the operations and configurations manually from the terminal. This is doable when the number of nodes in a cluster is few. But as the number of nodes in a cluster grows, installing CDH and its components manually on all the nodes would be a cumbersome task. Moreover, managing those nodes would be difficult. To solve these problems, Cloudera built Cloudera Manager. In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Understanding the architecture of Cloudera Manager
  • Installing Cloudera Manager
  • Navigating Cloudera Manager Web Console
  • Configuring HDFS HA using Cloudera Manager

Introducing Cloudera Manager

Cloudera Manager is a web-browser-based administration tool to manage Apache Hadoop clusters. It is the centralized command center to operate the entire cluster from a single interface. Using Cloudera Manager, the administrator gets visibility for each and every component in the cluster.

A few of the important features of Cloudera Manager are listed as follows:

  • It provides an easy-to-use web interface to install and upgrade CDH across the cluster.
  • Each node in the cluster can be assigned roles and can be configured accordingly. It allows the starting and stopping of services across all nodes from a single web interface.
  • It provides complete information for each node, for example, CPU, memory disk, and network statuses.

Cloudera Manager is available in the following two editions:

  • Cloudera Manager Standard (free)
  • Cloudera Manager Enterprise (licensed)

Cloudera Manager Standard Edition, though free, is a feature packed tool that can be used to deploy and manage Apache Hadoop clusters with no limitation on the number of nodes. However, there are a few features that are not part of the standard edition. These are as follows:

  • Lightweight Directory Access Protocol ( LDAP ) authentication
  • Alerts via SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
  • Operational reports and support integration
  • Enhanced cluster statistics
  • Disk quota management

These features and a few more are part of the enterprise edition. To get the Cloudera Manager Enterprise Edition, you need to purchase a license. However, as of now, you can try the Enterprise Edition free for 60 days.

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