Managing multiple clusters with Cloudera Manager

Organizations could have multiple teams and each team could have a dedicated cluster. Cloudera Manager provides a feature to manage multiple clusters efficiently. In this section, we will walk through the following steps to configure a second cluster running CDH:

  1. Navigate to the Home page and click on the drop-down button in the Status section. Select Add Cluster as shown in the following screenshot:
    Managing multiple clusters with Cloudera Manager
  2. You will be prompted to search for the nodes for the new cluster as shown in the following screenshot:
    Managing multiple clusters with Cloudera Manager

    For this demonstration, let's add node3.hcluster and node4.hcluster as hosts for the new cluster. Here I am using a pattern to search for node3.hcluster and node4.hcluster. Type in the pattern or enter the hostnames in the search box and click on the Search button.

  3. Select the node3.hcluster and node4.hcluster hosts as shown in the following screenshot. Click on Continue.
    Managing multiple clusters with Cloudera Manager
  4. Select the repository for the new cluster as shown in the following screenshot and click on Continue:
    Managing multiple clusters with Cloudera Manager
  5. Next, you will be prompted to configure Java encryption as shown in the following screenshot. For now, we can skip this configuration and click on Continue.
    Managing multiple clusters with Cloudera Manager
  6. Next, provide the root password for the new host/hosts as shown in the following screenshot. Click on Continue.
    Managing multiple clusters with Cloudera Manager
  7. The next screen displays the cluster installation progress:
    Managing multiple clusters with Cloudera Manager

    Once the installation completes, click on Continue.

  8. The next screen installs the parcels for the hosts on the new cluster. The following is the screenshot of the parcel installation progress:
    Managing multiple clusters with Cloudera Manager

    Once the parcel installation completes, click on Continue.

  9. The next screen will inspect the newly added hosts. On successful completion of inspection, click on Finish to select the services for the new cluster as shown in the following screenshot:
    Managing multiple clusters with Cloudera Manager

    Select the services you would like to install on the new cluster and click on Continue. Here, HDFS has been selected as the service for the new cluster.

  10. The next screen will prompt you to customize role assignments as shown in the following screenshot. Click on Continue.
    Managing multiple clusters with Cloudera Manager
  11. The next screen will prompt you to review the default configurations. Once you are done reviewing, click on Continue.
  12. The next screen will display the Cluster Setup progress as shown in the following screenshot:
    Managing multiple clusters with Cloudera Manager
  13. Once the installation completes, click on Continue. You should see a message as shown in the following screenshot on successful completion:
    Managing multiple clusters with Cloudera Manager
  14. Click on Finish. You will be forwarded to the Home screen and you should see two clusters listed as shown in the following screenshot:
    Managing multiple clusters with Cloudera Manager


For demonstration purposes, only two hosts were added as part of the new cluster—Cluster 2. In real production environments, several hosts would be added as part of a cluster.

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