
Note: Page numbers followed by b indeicate boxes, f indicate figures and t indicate tables.


Agile methodology
architectural practice in, 172–174
architecture scrums interlocking
architecture and implementation track, 208f
Bank4Us, pilot project, 213–215
EA dashboard, 215–216
future sprint, 209
implementation and architecture sprint planning, 209
iteration zero, 209
MobileDevGuide, 206–207, 207f
scrum patterns for, 209–215
sprint 5, 208
sprint planning phase, 208, 209f
sprints 2 to 4, 208
definition, 163–165
development methods, 280
EA Kanban board, TOGAF ADM
architectural levels, 224–226
breadth-first approach, 227
card location, 227f
depth-first approach, 229
design in progress (DIP) limit, 229
EA team and implementation projects, 231, 232f
levels of granularity, 230–231, 231f
Miller’s Application Rationalization Program, 225t
principle, 226, 226f
rectangular, 230, 230f
requirement cards, 227
rules for, 226–230
task cards, 227
EA transition, 203–204
foundations, collaborative EA, 138
principles, 162–163
requirements management
architecture landscape, TOGAF, 218–219, 219f
capability architecture, 220
detail and time horizons translation, 218–219, 218f
enterprise strategic architecture, 219
levels of, 220–221
TOGAF ADM iterations, 221–222
software development
Agile Manifesto, 167–168, 167b
“anti-establishment” approach, 166–167
complexity, 169
Safeguard Ballistic Missile Defense System, 166
short development cycles, 168
traditional waterfall approach, 165–166
technical obstacles
budget-planning process, 172
organizational resistance, 171
outsourcing, 172
process incompatibilities and culture clash, 171
role definitions, 171
scaling agile methods, 171
test automation, 171
ArchiMate modeling standard
description, 54
design, 54
disadvantages, 55
pickup and delivery process, 54, 55f
taxonomy, 54–55, 56t
Architectural conformance review (ACR), 85
applications, 33–34
architectural thinking
communication, 33
modeling, 32
relevance of, 32, 33f
visualization, 33
blueprint, 35
business-IT management, 35b
definition of, 32
software-intensive systems, 31
stakeholders, 32
Architecture capability framework
aspects of, 118
board, 116
compliance, 117
contract, 117
maturity model, 118
skills framework, 118
description, 115–118
Architecture capability maturity model (ACMM)
capability areas, 131
criteria, 131, 131t
description, 130
maturity levels, 130–131
Architecture content framework
content meta model
categories, 114–115
description, 114
entity-relationship diagram, 114, 116f
representation, 114, 115f
viewpoints, 115, 117f
description, 114
Architecture continuum mashup (ACM), 265–270, 277
application landscape mashup and microblog, 268f, 269f
benefits, 270, 278
common system architectures, 266
Design and design, boderline, 266f
foundation architectures, 266
industry architectures, 267
microblogging, 270
Open Group, 267f
organization-specific architectures, 267
Architecture development methodology (ADM)
description, 111
iterations, 111, 113f
module, 113
phases of, 110, 112f
requirements management, 111, 112f
waterfall software development life cycle, 111, 111f
Ashby’s law, 143–144, 146


Capability maturity model (CMM), 123
Change management microblog, 270–276, 277
change activities, 273f
collaborative EA, 283
cumulative side effects, 272f
filter criteria, 274
fine-tune processes and information flows, 272
integration scenarios, 274, 276, 276f
IT Infrastructure Library, 274
Cluster diagram, 51, 52f
Collaborative EA, 283–293
building blocks, 281t
change management, 283
elephant and rider metaphor, 285–286
foundations, see also (Foundations, collaborative EA)
EA dashboard, 152–157
reflections on complexity, 139–151
fundamental attribution error, 284
guidelines, 138f, 280
agile, 138
Enterprise 2.0, 138
lean, 137
lack of clarity, 284
laziness and exhaustion, 284
mapping activities EA-1 to EA-8, 282t
people factors and situational constraints, 284
success factor, 137
Common requirements vision (CRV), 120
complex systems
Ashby’s law, 145
coevolution, 143
cybernetic control system, 144, 144f
edge of chaos, 146
Law of Requisite Variety, 143–144
management, 145
vs. simple system, 141t, 143–144
structure and behavior, 140–141
management capabilities
balanced hierarchy, 147, 148f
connectivity, 151
degree of autonomy, 147–148
exponential growth, 148, 149f
hierarchical organizations, 146, 151
Law of Requisite Variety, 146
manager illustration, 147, 147f
managers network, 149, 149f, 150
Metcalfe’s law, 150
network organizations, 146
system adaptability factors, 151
Zipf’s law, 150
management principles, 141–146
structure and behavior, complex phenomena, 140–141
threshing machine
description, 139
Laplace demon, 140
model of, 139, 139f
Complex systems
Ashby’s law, 145
coevolution, 143
cybernetic control system, 144, 144f
edge of chaos, 146
Law of Requisite Variety, 143–144
management, 145
vs. simple system, 141t, 143–144
structure and behavior, 140–141
Content framework, see Architecture content framework
Content meta model
categories, 114–115
description, 114
entity-relationship diagram, 114, 116f
representation, 114, 115f
viewpoints, 115, 117f


Design structure matrix (DSM), 201
Dilbert Test, 42, 42f


EA dashboard
cardboard edition, 287
edge of chaos, 152, 152f
governance dimension criteria, 155t
perspective dimension criteria, 154t
representation, 153, 153f
strategy dimension criteria, 156t
transformation dimension criteria, 157t
potential impacts, 281f
EA Kanban board, TOGAF ADM
architectural levels, 224–226
breadth-first approach, 227
card location, 227f
depth-first approach, 229
design in progress (DIP) limit, 229
EA team and implementation projects, 231, 232f
levels of granularity, 230–231, 231f
Miller’s Application Rationalization Program, 225t
principle, 226, 226f
rectangular, 230, 230f
requirement cards, 227
rules for, 226–230
task cards, 227
Edge of chaos
complex systems, 146
EA dashboard, 152, 152f, 280
Elephant and rider metaphor
analysis paralysis, 285
direct the rider, 285
collaborative EA vision, 289–290
concrete directives, 290
find the bright spots, 289
motivate the elephant, 285
achievable goal, 288
Analyze, Think, Change pattern, 286
EA value stream analysis tools, 287
EA waste matrix, 287
entry level, collaborative EA, 287–288
miracle question, 288
see, Feel, Change pattern, 286
shape the path, 286
build and maintain alliances, 292
build habits, 293
issues, 291
mood and confidence, 291, 292f
Enterprise 2.0
McAfee’s definition, 243
participation in decisions, 258–264
diagnostic process landscape, 259–260
EA dashboard, 264
ITO bazaar, 261–263
participation in knowledge
collaborative data modeling, 249–251
EA dashboard, 256–257
landscape map, 251–256
strategy blog, 247–249
participation in transformation
architecture continuum mashup, 265–270
change management microblog, 270–276
EA dashboard, 277–278
practices, EA activities, 27–28
weaknesses and threats, 245–246
flame wars, 245
inappropriate content, 245
wrong content, 246
Web 2.0, 237
advantages, 245
aspects and gravitational core, 238f
blogosphere, 239
bull’s eye, 243, 244f
description of, 237
folksonomies, 242
long tail, 240f
perpetual beta, 239
remixability, 239
social software, 241, 242–243
software principles, 239
tag cloud, 238f
viral marketing, 240
Enterprise architecture (EA)
agile EA, see (Agile methodology)
applicability and use, 36–38
application rationalization
constraints, 64
description, 58–59
KPIs, 58–61
reassessment of transformation, 64, 64f
treatment strategies, 63f
Ward-Peppard classification, 61–62, 62f
architecture blueprint, 35
Bank4Us technology products and standards list, 81, 82t
Enterprise 2.0 practices, 28, 28t
guidelines, 27b
lean and agile practices, 28, 28t
community of practices, 73–74
competence development, 69–74
competency area
business acumen, 70
capability streams, 70–71
description, 70–71
evaluation criteria, 71
job rotation, 73
organizational leadership, 71
process excellence, 70
skill profile, Ian Miller, 71, 71t
technical expertise, 70
complexity, 280
core concept, 34–35, 34f
definition, 34–35
description, 1
design structure matrix, 201
EA dashboard, 281f
EA value stream, 196–197
EA waste matrix, 193–195, 195t
analysis paralysis phenomenon, 21
caricatures, 14, 15t
change requests, 22
chief technology mechanic, 17
Cloud Cuckoo Land, 16
commodities, 18
decision-making body, 19
Ever-Growing Backlog, 25
Global Spark program, 23–24
governance, 19–21
in organizational units, 11–12
over-ambition, 24
overstrained technical advisors, 20
perspective, 14–18
pet programs, 24
poor program management, 24
short-term strategies, 22
strategy, 21–22
between success and disappointment, 12–14
technology risks, 24
transformation, 23–25
team composition, 75
team organization, 74–75
functional roles and responsibilities, 76t
goals and benefits
aligning business and IT, 9–11
controlling IT complexity, 6–9
integrated tool, 57, 57f
interim project reviews, 85
IT management, 35, 36f
IT risks
business objectives, 101, 102f
categories, 100, 101f
FAIR’s taxonomy, 104
response types, 103–104
roles, 103
subdomains, 103
IT strategy
business goal, 42–43
business maxims, definition of, 43
competitive strategy, 45
cost efficiency, 45
differentiation, 45
focus strategies, 45
fundamental business outlooks, 44–45
Gartner grid, 46–48
governance, 45
initiatives, identification of, 48–49
IT maxims, 43–44
management by maxims process, 43
operating models, 44, 44f
role of, 49
TOGAFT framework, 46
IT transformations, 66–67
leading/coaching projects, 98–100
lean, agile and Enterprise 2.0 practices
activities, 27–28
challenges, 26–27
chaos and order, 25
EA dashboard, 26, 26f
guidelines, 27b, 28
lean and agile
development methods, 280
EA transition, 203–204
lean software development, see (Lean software development)
application roadmap, 51–52, 53f
cluster diagram, 51, 52f
description, 49–50
flip-book visualization, 52, 53f
modeling standards, 52–58
process map, 51, 51f
vs. views, 50
visualization, 51–52
need for, 2
Open Certified Architect (Open CA) program, 72–73
orange-squeezing effect, 18
organization structure, team position, 76–77
pipeline response matrix, 201–203
primary task, 279
process activity mapping, 197–201
key performance indicators, 198–199
MobileDevGuide, 199–201, 200f
notation, 198f
timeline, 198–199
project portfolio management
auditing, 93–98
description, 86
IT-focused effort, 89–90
IT management, 87, 87t
planning process, 87–92, 88f
portfolio governance process, 93, 93f
project prioritization, 90–92, 91t
seven wastes
defects, 191–193, 192t
delays, 191, 192t
handoffs, 187–190, 189t
overarchitecting, 186–187, 186t
partially done work, 184–185, 185t
redundant processes, 187, 188t
task switching, 190, 190t
single point of contact (SPOC), 81
SOA transformations, 67–69
socio-technical system, 35
standards and guidelines
bottom-up approach, 79
enforcement, 83–86
new architectural paradigms, 83
organizational dynamics, 84–85
outright denial, 84
subsurface resistance, 84
technology classification, 79, 80f
top-down approach, 78, 79
streamlining architecture process, 182–205
techniques, 3
top-down approach, 14, 17
Web 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0 participation concepts, 280
widespread acceptance scenario, 84
Enterprise architecture management (EAM)
complexity of IT, 293
core activities, 39–40, 40t
definition, 35
TOGAF, 110–118
Enterprise governance, 45
Enterprise service bus (ESB), 249


Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA), 107, 127
Flip-book visualization, 52, 53f
Folksonomies, 242
Foundations, collaborative EA
complexity management principles, 141–146
complex systems
Ashby’s law, 145
coevolution, 143
cybernetic control system, 144, 144f
edge of chaos, 146
Law of Requisite Variety, 143–144
management, 145
vs. simple system, 141t, 143–144
structure and behavior, 140–141
EA dashboard
edge of chaos, 152, 152f
governance dimension criteria, 155t
perspective dimension criteria, 154t
representation, 153, 153f
strategy dimension criteria, 156t
transformation dimension criteria, 157t
management capabilities
balanced hierarchy, 147, 148f
connectivity, 151
degree of autonomy, 147–148
exponential growth, 148, 149f
hierarchical organizations, 146, 151
Law of Requisite Variety, 146
manager illustration, 147, 147f
managers network, 149, 149f, 150
Metcalfe’s law, 150
network organizations, 146
system adaptability factors, 151
Zipf’s law, 150
structure and behavior, complex phenomena, 140–141
threshing machine
description, 139
Laplace demon, 140
model of, 139, 139f
description, 106
FEA, 107
future specifications, 107–108
Gartner methodology
CRV, 120
description, 119
effort in EA, 120
top-down approach, 119
methods, 106–107
role and use, 121
architecture capability framework, 115–118
architecture content framework, 114–115
basic parts, 110
description, 110
Zachman framework
classification schema, 110
composite model, 110
description, 108
representation, 108, 109f
rules, 109–110
Fundamental attribution error, 284


Gartner methodology
common requirements vision (CRV), 120
description, 119
effort in EA, 120
Gartner grid, 46–48
top-down approach, 119


Ian’s landscape map
application catalogue site, 255f
in architecture SSP, 253f
comments, 254f
FinS application, 256
hybrid wikis, 256
portal applications, 252f
Information technology (IT)
aligning business
benefits, 9–10
customer-facing business processes, 10
description, 9
goal, 9
hygiene factor, 11
controlling IT complexity
benefits, 8
complexities, 6–7
goals, 6
immature software engineering practices, 7
system redundancy, 8
infrastructure portfolio quality, 129
investment patterns, maturity models, 132–133
project portfolio management
IT-focused effort, 89–90
IT management, 87, 87t
business objectives, 101, 102f
categories, 100, 101f
FAIR’s taxonomy, 104
response types, 103–104
roles, 103
subdomains, 103
business goal, 42–43
business maxims, definition of, 43
competitive strategy, 45
cost efficiency, 45
differentiation, 45
focus strategies, 45
fundamental business outlooks, 44–45
Gartner grid, 46–48
governance, 45
initiatives, identification of, 48–49
IT maxims, 43–44
management by maxims process, 43
operating models, 44, 44f
role of, 49
TOGAF framework, 46
transformations, 66–67
Internet protocol version 6 (IPv6), 128
IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL), 274
IT opportunity (ITO), 261


Key performance indicators (KPIs)
fan-in and fan-out, 60
formulation, 67
strategic fit (SF), 59
total cost of ownership (TCO), 59
value contribution (VC), 59


Law of Requisite Variety, 143–144, 146
Lean, agile and Enterprise 2.0 practices, EA
activities, 27–28
challenges, 26–27
chaos and order, 25
Dashboard, 26, 26f
guidelines, 27b, 28
Lean methodology
development methods, 280
EA transition, 203–204
optimization framework, 182
production steps, 194
removal of waste, 196
waste types, 183
Lean software development
vs. agile
dissimilarities, 181, 182
similarities, 180–181, 181t
definition, 163–165
principles, 162–163
seven principles, 175b, 176t
build quality in statement, 177
create knowledge principle, 177–178
defer commitment, 178
deliver fast principle, 178
Optimize the whole approach, 179
Respect People principle, 179
Software Kanban, 179, 180f
waste elimination, 175–177
Toyota production system, 174, 175
Long tail, Web 2.0, 240, 240f
Loss event frequency (LEF), 104


Maturity models
capability areas, 131
criteria, 131, 131t
description, 130
maturity levels, 130–131
assessment result, 124, 125t
CMM, 123
collaboration and reuse, 128
continuous maturity approach, 125
cost savings and cost avoidance, 129
CPIC integration, 128
description, 124
EA program value measurement, 129
IPv6, 128
IT infrastructure portfolio quality, 129
limitations, 134–135
maturity assessment
acedemic, 134
bureaucratic, 134
manipulative, 134
misleading, 135
subjective, 134
superfluous, 135
Maturity Grid, 124, 124t
mission performance, 129
MIT Center for Information System Research
IT investment patterns, 132–133
management practices, 133, 133t
notional state, 127
assessment criteria, 129, 129t
categories, 127
completion capability area, 128
description, 127
results capability area, 129
use capability area, 128–129
order taker, 127
performance improvement integration, 128
rule of thumb, 126–127
scorecard, 124
staged maturity approach, 125
US Department of Commerce, ACMM, 130–131
uses, 126
Metcalfe’s law, 150
MIT Center for Information System Research
IT investment patterns, 132–133
management practices, 133, 133t
MobileDevGuide, 200f


ObjectPedia, 249–251
charter, 249–251
objectives, 249
SSP functions, 249
OMB Enterprise Architecture Assessment Framework (OMB EAAF)
assessment criteria, 129, 129t
categories, 127
completion capability area, 128
description, 127
results capability area, 129
use capability area, 128–129
Open Certified Architect (Open CA) program, 72–73


in decisions, 258–264
diagnostic process landscape, 259–260
EA dashboard, 264
ITO bazaar, 261–263
in knowledge
collaborative data modeling, 249–251
EA dashboard, 256–257
landscape map, 251–256
strategy blog, 247–249
in transformation
architecture continuum mashup, 265–270
change management microblog, 270–276
EA dashboard, 277–278
Perpetual beta, Web 2.0, 239
Pipeline response matrix, 201–203
Post-implementation review (PIR), 85–86
Probable loss magnitude (PLM), 104
Process activity mapping, 197–201
key performance indicators, 198–199
MobileDevGuide, 199–201, 200f
notation, 198f
timeline, 198–199
Process map, 51, 51f
Project portfolio management
auditing, 93–98
description, 86
IT-focused effort, 89–90
IT management, 87, 87t
planning process, 87–92, 88f
portfolio governance process, 93, 93f
project prioritization, 90–92, 91t


Remixability, Web 2.0, 239
Rule of thumb, 126–127


Safeguard Ballistic Missile Defense System, 166
Service-oriented architecture (SOA) transformations
advantages, 68
architecture paradigm, 67–68
Software development life cycle (SDLC), waterfall, 111, 111f
Strategy blog, 247–249
customer empowerment, 247
Oscar’s blog post, 247, 248f


The open group architecture framework (TOGAF)
description, 111
iterations, 111, 113f
module, 113
phases of, 110, 112f
requirements management, 111, 112f
waterfall software development life cycle, 111, 111f
architecture capability framework
aspects, 118
description, 115–118
architecture content framework
content meta model, 114, 115f, 116f, 117f
description, 114
basic parts, 110
description, 110
framework, 46
Threshing machine
description, 139
Laplace demon, 140
model of, 139, 139f


Unified Modeling Language (UML), 52–54


Viral marketing, Web 2.0, 240


Ward-Peppard classification of applications, 61–62, 62f
Waste matrix, EA, 193–194
Waterfall software development life cycle (SDLC), 111, 111f
Web 2.0, 237
advantages, 245
aspects and gravitational core, 238f
blogosphere, 239
bull’s eye, 243, 244f
description of, 237
folksonomies, 242
long tail, 240f
perpetual beta, 239
remixability, 239
social software
company portals, 241
identity and network management, 242
information management, 242
interaction and communication, 242
platform, 241
Tom Coates definition, 241
software principles, 239
tag cloud, 238f
viral marketing, 240


Zachman framework
classification schema, 110
composite model, 110
description, 108
representation, 108, 109f
rules, 109–110
Zipf’s law, 150
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