Abdal, Pir Sultan, 163–164

Acceptance, 4

of children, 112, 113–114, 118

desire for, 39, 42, 44, 47

Action plan, see Personal futures plan

Addressees, 53

ADHD, see Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Adjacency triad, see Request-response-evaluation (RRE)

Adjectives, 8

Administrativeness, 174, 181

Adult-controlled intervention, 292

Adverbs, 8, 14

Adversarial relationships, 274–284

African-American English (AAE), 197, 209

African-American speech events, 200–201

copping a plea/gripping, 214

playing the dozens, 201–202, 205, 207, 214, 215–216

preschoolers, 205–206

rapping, 203–204, 206, 207, 215

signifying, 202–203, 214

tomming, 214


cultural identity and language, 198–201, 207

language testing in children, 198–200, 206–213

Agendas, report writing and, 22–23, 224–225, 238–242, 243

Aggression studies, 113

Albanians, 155

ALDA, see Association for Late-Deafened Adults (ALDA)

Alexander Graham Bell Association, 131

Alienation, 4, 12, 17, 21, 42

of nonmembers, 127, 128–130, 133–134

Alignment, 187–190

Alphabet boards, 50, 59, see also Augmentative communication devices

constraints of, 60–62

gender and use of, 63, 64

nurse/patient interaction with, 62–64

Ambivalence metaphors, 254–255

American culture, compared with Ottoman, 151

American Sign Language (ASL), 128, 139, 142, see also Sign language

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), 31

Animal metaphors, 252, 253t, 254

Aphasia therapy, 20

asymmetrical roles in, 313–314, 316–317

conflict within, 320–335

institutional practices of, 315–326, 330, 334

Appraisal, 5

Argument, discourse of, 330–335

Ascribed identities, 145–146

ASL, see American Sign Language (ASL)

Association for Late-Deafened Adults (ALDA), 133

Assumptions, 44

incorrect, 30–31

Asymmetries, 23, 149

physician/patient, 258, 263, 284

therapist/client, 313–314, 316–317, 345

Asynchronous movement, 9

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 17

collaborative diagnosis, 264–274, 283

controversial diagnosis, 264–266

Attitude, 5, 9

Attribution theory, 18

Audiences, 20, 21

Audiologically deaf, 133

Augmentative communication devices, 51, 55, 65, 72, see also under individual device

limitations of, 78

selective use of, 75–76

Augmented communication, 4, 55

communication rates, 66–70

constraints in, 54–62, 69, 70–72, 77, 78

suggestions/strategies for, 56, 57, 72, 74, 76

Authentic nurses, 62–64

Authority hierarchies, see Asymmetries

Autism, see Children with pervasive developmental disorders (PDD)


Baba Rexheb, 152, 156–157

Back on the Block (album), 204

Barrier structure metaphors, 248, 249t

Bebe’s Kids (film), 201, 215–216


cultural construct of, 113

popularity and, 112

Behavioral cues, 60, 74


cultural beliefs, 155–156

practices of repair, 150, 152–167

Belongingness, see Acceptance

“Birdland,” 204

Blending, sound, 16

Blending subtest, 171–172, 173, 174n.7

Body movements, see also Gaze behaviors; Nonverbal behaviors

child during educational testing, 183–187, 189, 192, 293

clinician during educational testing, 180–183, 192

constraints in, 59–60

evaluation and, 9–10

Brigance Diagnostic Inventory of Early Development, 171n.2

Broken bone metaphors, 252, 253t


Call and response, 207

Cancer metaphors, 252

Casual conversations, 315–316

CHAT, 136n.11


ADHD diagnosis in, 264–265


language testing, 198–200

speech events, 205–206

educational placement, 19–20, 272n.5, 273

social rules for, 121

Children with pervasive developmental disorders (PDD), 29, 30

desire for acceptance from, 39, 42, 44, 47

eye gaze, 36–37, 44–45, 47

focus on objects, 36, 37–38, 46, 47

judgment standards of, 34–36

perceived rejection from, 40–41, 44, 46, 47

verbalizations of, 42

Children with specific language impairment (SLI)

evaluating social competence (approaches to), 111–114, 122

evaluating social competence (study), 114–122

perceived incompetence of, 114

Claiming, 117

Clear communication, 141, 143

Clerc, Laurent, 139

Clerc Day, 139

Clients, see also Patients

asymmetries with therapist, 313–314, 316–317, 345

incompetence construction of, 15, 23, 62, 343–344, 345–359

role in psychotherapy, 13, 344

Co-construction of conversation, 56, 57–58, 66–68, 70, 77

Co-orientation, in testing, 173–174, 181, 184, 187, 189

Cognition and language, models of, 300–301

Cognitive scientists, 5

Cogswell, Alice, 139

Collaborative conversation, see Co-construction of conversation

Collapsed test sequences, 176–177, 187, 191

Common ground, 53, 57, 68, 79


clear, 141, 143

real, 141, 144, 146

Communication boards, 65, 75, see also Augmentative communication devices

collaborative use of, 67–68, 70

selective use of, 75, 76

Communication competence, definition of, 83–84

Communication rates, of augmented communicators, 66–70

Communicative failure, recycling, 355–359

Competence, see also Incompetence; Social competence

classifications, 19

communication, 5, 83–84

comparisons, 16–17

components of, 19

as containment, 18–20

feelings of, 5, 102, 105–106, 107

conversational partners and, 94–97, 100, 103

loss of/lack of. see Incompetence, feelings of

patient, 259

perceived, in SLI children, 118, 122–123

physician, 258–259

testing, 19

Competence construction, 5–6

components of, 7–18

Competence judgments, 5–6, see also Gaze behaviors; Negative evaluations; Positive evaluations

conditional, 17

hidden factors influencing, 20–21

of patients, 12, 259, 269, 284

of PDD children, 34–36

reports and, 6, 231–238

Competency-lowering, in TBI patients, 294–295, 303–304, 307–308

Compliance, patient, 17, 259, 282, 284, 318

Computerized communication devices, 55, 65

Conditional judgments, 17

Confidence, see Competence, feelings of

Constructing Panic (Capps & Ochs), 351

Container view, 18–20

Context, 18

histories and, 9, 10

language and, 197–198

Contextual constraints

augmented communication, 57–58, 62, 72, 74

rehabilitation therapy for TBI patients, 308–309

Conversation, see also Conversational partners casual, 315–316

interlocutors’ co-construction of, 56, 57–58, 66–68, 70

tracking, 5–6

Conversational Analysis

aphasia therapy, 314–315, 332

Bektashi practice, 150, 152–154, 157–159, 161, 164–166

medical encounters, 262–263

turn taking, 357

Conversational partners, 98–99

feelings of competence/incompetence, 94–97, 100, 103

importance of, 144

Coordination devices, 58

Coping, metaphor and, 245–246, 250–252

Copping a plea, 214

Correction, 152, see also Repair

distinguished from repair, 150

embedded, 153, 158–159, 164–165

exposed, 153, 157–158, 160, 161–164, 164–165

master-initiated master-correction, 159

master-initiated repair of other-initiated other-correction, 163–164

other-correction, 152

other-initiated other-correction, 158–159, 163–164, 165

other-initiated self-correction, 153, 154, 157

self-correction, 154, 156, 164

self-initiated self-correction, 158, 160

student-initiated self-correction, 160–161

Crutches metaphor, 254


behavioral, 60, 74

helper-helpee relationships, 320

importance of, 60, 74

repair and, 293

in testing, 173–176, 179, 180

Cultural agencies, 146

Cultural constructs, 50, 145

behavior and, 113

competence judgments and, 5, 20

language disorders and, 22, 208–213

Cultural identities

deaf communities, 127–128, 133–137, 140–142, 144, 146–147

disabled, 261n.1

effective communication and, 63–64, 79, 144

language and, 198–201, 207

Cultural pragmatics, 146, 147

Culturally hearing, 133

Culture, shared, see Cultural identities

Cyclert, 264


Deaf, see also Sign language

among hearing parents, 125, 138, 141, 144

audiological, 133

hard-of-hearing, 128, 133

oral, 128, 131n.8, 132

real, 128, 147

signing, 127, 147

Deaf American Monograph, 139

Deaf Comedy Club, 135

Deaf communities

cultural identities of, 127–128, 133–137, 140–142, 144, 146–147

nonmembers, 127, 128–130, 132, 135, 142, 146

alienation, 133–134

Deaf Life, 135

Deaf Way, 137, 140

“Deaf way, the,” 137

Deafies, 138


as communication, 140

as ethos, 140

as history, 138–140

paradox of, 127–128, 133–134

as territorial, 137

Deficit frustration, 326

Delayed communication, 60, 69, 70–71, 78

Delayed speech, 50, 52, 53

Diagnosis, 19–20, 257–258, 260, 263, see also Evaluation reports

adversarial relationships in, 274–284

controversial (ADHD), 264–266

emotional impact of, 23

metaphor and, 248–250

physician/patient collaboration in, 264–274, 283

significance of, 259–260, 273–274

as situated practice, 22–23

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 30

Diagnostic evaluations, see Diagnosis

Diagnostic reports, see Evaluation reports

Dilemma metaphors, 254t

Directives, 317–318

Disability Rag, 261n.1

Disability Studies Quarterly, 261n.1

Disabled identities, see Identities, disabled

Disattention, of interlocutors, 69, 78

Discourse markers, 163, 258, 266n.4, 293, 304, 317, 329

Domains of evaluations, 15–16

Door metaphors, 248

Dozens, see Playing the dozens

Dynavox, 65, 68–69, 70–72, see also Augmentative communication devices

picture of, 82f

selective use of, 75–76


Ebonics, see African-American English (AAE)

Echolalia, 30, 31

Ecological assessments, 199–200

Educable Mental Impairment (EMI), 272n.5

Educational placement, 19–20, 272n.5, 273

Educational testing

children during, 183–187

clinicians during, 180–183

examiner/examinee interaction, 171, 172, 173–174

feedback during, 191–192

instructional sequences, 174–175

interactional substrate, 172, 174, 177–178, 184, 190, 192, 193

learning during, 190–191

recipiency and alignment, 187–190

repair in, 176, 178–180

smiling sequences, 192

testing instruments, 171n.2, 172n.4

testing sequences, 171, 172, 175–177, 187, 191

local history of, 178–180

Elaborated testing sequences, 176

Eliciting language, 208

Embedded corrections, 153, 158–159, 164–165

Embodied behaviors, see Body movements

Emotional impact, of diagnosis, 23

Emotional reactions, judgments based on, 45–46

Emotions, reauthoring of, 351–352

English language

African-American English (AAE), 197, 209

learning & importance of conversational partners, 94–97, 98–99, 100, 103

speaking & feelings of incompetence, 90–97, 103–104, 106–107

Standard American English (SAE), 197

Environmental stimuli, failure to respond to, 37–38

Epithets, 8

Ethnomethodologists, 5

Evaluation reports, 15, 223, 224

compared with progress reports, 12, 22–23, 231–239, 242–243

organization of, 226–229

Evaluations, 3–4, see also Competence judgments

competence comparisons and, 16–17

effects of, 12, 17–18

interactant positions and, 11–14

locally determined, 14–15

resources for expressing, 7–11

scope & domain of, 15–16

situated, 17–18

Evaluative markers, see Discourse markers

Evaluative standards, 10

of children with PDD, 34–38

Evaluative terms, 8

Evidentials, 14

Expectancy theory, 18

Expectations, 13, 16–17

and evaluation of PDD children, 34–36

identity and, 146

time, 21

Expert-to-novice stance, 346–349

Exposed correction, 153, 157–158, 160, 161–164, 164–165

Eye contact, see Gaze behaviors

Eye rolls, 10


Face, see Saving face

Face-to-face interaction, 6, 77

through lip movements, 59

Fairy tale metaphors, 250, 251t, 252

Feedback, see also Negative feedback; Positive feedback

boosting self-image, 99

diminishing self-image, 99, 100, 102, 106

disbelief in, 92–93, 96

during educational testing, 191–192

as a learning tool, 102, 105

Fitzgerald, Edward, 156

Flying nurses, 62–64

Fog metaphors, 249

Footing, 11, 13, 166

Fragmentation orientation, 308


Gallaudent University, 127, 135, 137, 139

Game metaphors, 174n.7

Games for TBI patients, 299–300

Going to the Moon, 301–307, 308

rules of, 294, 299, 304, 305–306

Gaullaudet, Thomas, 139

Gaullaudet Day, 139

Gaze behaviors, 9–10

aversion, 36, 44–45

educational testing and, 181–187, 189

effect on competence judgments, 20–21, 36–37, 44–45, 47

Gaze membership, 79

Gender (non-disabled), use of alternative communication, 63, 64

Gestures, see Nonverbal behaviors

Ghost responses, 325

Going to the Moon, 301–307, 308

Good (discourse marker), 14, 15, 179, 191

“Good Organizational Reasons for Bad Clinic Records” (Garfinkel), 173

Grammar, 8–9

Gripping, 214

Grounding, 53

Group membership, 79–80, see also Common ground; Cultural identities

Groups, problems of, 130–133

Guessing, 68, 70


Habits of the Heart, 138

Hard-of-hearing, 128, 132, 133

Hasidic communities, 149, 155

Head-mounted pointers, 55

Health care insurance, patient concerns of, 315, 329, 331

Health care providers, 296

Hearie, 130

Hearing, culturally, 133

Hearing loss, 128, 142, see also Deaf communities, nonmembers

Helper-helpee relationships, 320

Heuristics, 52

Hidden factors, competence judgments and, 20–21

Hirka, 153


context and, 9, 10

of deafness, 138–140

testing sequences and, 178–180

Hyperkinesis, 264

Hypothetical dialogue, 352–355


Identities, see also Alienation; Competence; Cultural identities; Incompetence, feelings of

ascribed, 145–146

augmented communication and, 78

construction of, 84, 85, 86, 92, 108

disabled, 6, 133–134

effect of evaluations on, 17–18, 20

as evaluative, 4

expectations and, 146

footing shifts, 166

reconstruction of, 90–94, 97, 98, 99, 100–102, 106, 107, 109

social participation and, 126, 144, 145, 146

TBI patients’, 298

watershed experiences and, 90, 100–102, 104

Illness metaphors, 252, 253t

Iman Ali, 153

Immediacy premise, 52, 53–54

Implicatures, 8

Incompetence, see also Competence; Competency-lowering; Repair(s)

construction of client, 15, 23, 62, 343–344, 345–359

construction of patient, 277–284, 321–330

feelings of, 4, 5, 6, 17, 18, 98, 103–104

augmented communicators, 56

conversational partners and, 94–97, 100, 103

negative feedback and, 99, 100, 102, 106

speaking English, 90–97, 103–104, 106–107

speech-language pathology students, 35, 38, 39

patient, 259

perceived, 90, 92, 114

public construction of, 151, 163–164, 166

record keeping, 173

reports & construction of, 231–236

Individualized habilitation plan (IHP), 240

Inheritance, 145

Institutional practices, 6, 17, 23, 262

constraints of, 295–296, 314, 334

failed communication and, 59–60

of interaction, 50

of therapy, 295–296, 315–326, 330

Instruction, overt, 346

Instructional sequences, 174–175

Insults, exchange of, see Playing the dozens; Signifying

Insurance, see Health care insurance

Interactants, positioning of, 11–14

Interactional substrate, 172, 174, 177–178, 184, 190, 192, 193

Interjections, 8

Interlocking of sequences, 177

Interlocutors, 51

alphabet boards and, 60, 61

co-construction of conversation, 56, 57–58, 66–68, 70

disattention and, 69, 78

Internet, see World Wide Web (WWW)

Interpretation, 9, 11, 21, 85–86, see also Assumptions; Social constructionism

of evaluations, 12–13

of social competence, 122–123

Intersubjectivity, 30

Intervention, as situated practice, 23–24

Intonation, 9–11

Islamic Ottoman culture, 155

compared with American, 151, 167

Isolation, see Alienation


Jargon, 346, 347–349, 355–356

Joint actions, 51–52, 53, 55, 56, 77

with communication boards, 70

faileed, 59

Jones, John W., 139

Jones, Quincy, 204

Journal of Compliance in Health Care (JCHC), 259

Journey metaphors, 250, 251t

Judgments, see Competence judgments


Khayyam, Omar, 156


Label quests, 198–199

Labeling theory, 18

Labels, diagnostic, 273–274

Languaculture, 145


as an object of play, 200–204, 214–216

eliciting, 208

joint actions. see Joint actions

metaphoric. see Metaphors

social context of, 197–198

speech events. see African-American speech events

testing in African-American children, 198–200, 206–213

Language and cognition, models of, 300–301

Language competence, 19

Language disorders

cultural considerations and, 22, 208–213

measuring social competence in children with, 112–113

testing based on Standard American English (SAE), 197

Language incompetence, reinforcement of, 345–359

Language therapy, 23

Late-deafened adults, 133

Learned-helplessness, 18

Learning disorders, 112–113

Lexicon, 8

“Life as a Spectator Sport” (Heppner), 143

Linguistics, 8–9, see also Metalinguistics

Linguists, systemic, 5

Lip movements, 59

Lists, 305

Logic of Nonstandard English (Labov), 198

Loudness, 9


Mainstream, 261n.1

Markers, see Discourse markers

Master-initiated master-correction, 159

Master-initiated repair of other-initiated other-correction, 163–164

Master-student relationships, see Student-master relationships

Medical metaphors, 252, 253t

Medical model of disabilities, 281–282, 284, 344


gaze, 79

group. see Group membership

Memory games, see Games for TBI patients

Memory skills, 300

Men (non-disabled), use of alternative communication, 63, 64

Mental status exams, 180n.15, 180n.17

Metapragmatics, 206

Metacommunicative devices, 207

Metalinguistics, 200, 206, 207, 349–351

Metaphor(s), 8, 15, 23

clinicians’ use of, 246

container view, 18–20

coping and use of, 245–246, 250–252

describing ambivalence, 254–255

diagnosis and use of, 248–250

game, 174n.7

personification, 252–254

Mindlessness/mindfulness theory, 18

Minimal brain damage, 264

Mishearings, 179n.13, 180

Miss Deaf America, 135

Misunderstanding, of PDD children, 30–31, 44

Mo’ Yo’ Mama! (Pop & Rank), 202

Mockery, 14

Modification, 152

Modifiers, 8

Mouth-speech communication, 54, 66n.6

Movements, see Body movements

Muhammad, 153

Muslim traditions, 151, 155 Bektashi. see Bektashi

Mutual sense-making, 30, 31


Nachman, Rabbi, 167n.7

“Name that Tune,” 151, 167

Natural disaster metaphors, 249–250

Nature metaphors, 248, 249, 249t

Neck rolls, 10

Negative evaluations, 12, 20

of clients, 15

of patients, 274, 278–283, 284

of PDD children, 41, 44–45

in reports, 23, 233–236, 243

Negative feedback

diminishing self-image, 99, 100, 102

as a learning tool, 102

Negative judgments, see Negative evaluations

Negative politeness, 150n.3, 152, 153

Neurobehavioral exams, 174–175, 180

Nightmares, 248

Nominals, 8

Nommo, 200

Non-face-to-face interaction, 6

Nonverbal behaviors, 9, 47, 65, see also Body movements; Gaze behaviors

children during educational testing, 183–187, 192, 293

clinicians’ during educational testing, 180–183, 191–192

and social acceptance of children, 114, 117–118

Nonmembers, see Deaf communities, nonmembers

Normal development, as a judgment standard, 34–35

“Not-knowing approach,” 344, 352

“Not now,” 14, 61, 62

Noun phrases, 8

Nouns, 8

Nurses, interacting with Robillard, 62–64


Object-oriented thinking, 46


PDD children’s focus of, 36, 37–38, 46, 47

strategies for obtaining, 117–118


constraining device, 281, 283

discourse marker, 15, 179, 191, 304, 317

Ongoing Developmental Assessment Tool, 171n.2

Oral deaf, 128, 131n.8, 132

Ostracism, see Alienation

Other-correction, 152

Other-initiated other-correction, 158–159, 163–164, 165

master-initiated repair of, 163–164

Other-initiated self-correction, 153, 154, 157

Ottoman culture, 155

compared with American, 151, 167

Overt instruction, 346


Parables, 157–158, 165

Paralinguistic signals, 9–11

Partial understandings, 179n.13

Participation possibilities,” 192

Passive voice, 9

Patient/physician asymmetries, see Physician/patient asymmetries

Patient/physician collaboration, see Physician/patient collaboration

Patients, see also under individual disorder

competence judgments of, 12, 259, 269, 284

competency-lowering in, 294–295, 303–304, 307–308

compliance of, 17, 259, 282, 284, 318

as the expert, 344

health insurance concerns, 315, 329, 331

incompetence construction of, 277–284, 321–330

interpretation of evaluations, 12–13

Pauses, 52

PDD, see Children with pervasive developmental disorders (PDD)

PDD-NOS, see Children with pervasive developmental disorders (PDD)

Peer acceptance, see Acceptance

Peer-rating studies, 112, 113

Perception, self, see Identities

Personal futures plan, 225, 240–242, 243

Personification, 252–254

Perspective-display series, 258

Pervasive developmental disorders, see Children with pervasive developmental disorders (PDD)

Pervasive developmental disorders not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS), see Children with pervasive deevelopmental disorders (PDD)

Physical body metaphors, 252, 253t

Physical distance, 9

Physician/patient asymmetries, 258, 263, 284

Physician/patient collaboration, 258, 259–260

in ADHD diagnosis, 264–274, 283


competence of, 258–259

judging patients’ competence, 12, 259, 269, 284

Pitch, 9

Playing the dozens, 201–202, 205, 207, 214, 215–216

Popularity, 112

Porch Index of Communicative Ability, 314

Positive evaluations, 11, 12, 23

of patients, 273, 284

in reports, 23, 233–235, 236–238, 243

Positive feedback

boosting self-image, 99

disbelief in, 92–93, 96

Positive judgments, see Positive evaluations

Positive politeness, 150n.3, 152, 153, 157

“Postmodern turn,” 84

Pragmatics, 207

cultural, 146, 147

Pre-stored utterances, 72, 74

Preconceptions, 44

Preposed adverbials, 8

Previous evaluation, impact of, 12

Progress reports, 12, 22, 223, 224–225

compared with evaluation reports, 12, 22–23, 231–239, 242–243

organization of, 229–231

Prompt (in three-part turn), 14

Pronouns, proper/improper use of, 349–350

Prophet Muhammad, 153

Psychoeducational Profile, 171n.2


clients’ role in, 13, 344

construction of client incompetence, 15, 343–344, 345–359

language use in, 343

“not-knowing approach,” 344, 352

“Pygmalion effect,” 18, 192


Questions, 317–318

Quincy Jones, 204

Qur’an, 153, 155


Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav, 167n.7

Ranchos Los Amigos Scale, 294

Rappin’ and Stylin’ Out (Kochman), 200, 215

Rapping, 203–204, 206, 207, 215

Rates, augmented communication, 66–70

Ratified position, 11

Reading, evaluations and, 12

Real communication, 141, 144, 146

Real deaf, 128, 147

Real time, 50, 59, 61, 77

Recipiency, 6, 174, 183–184, 187–190

Recipient design, 5, 12

Reconstructed perception, 90–94

Record keeping, incompetent, 173

Recycling communicative failure, 355–359

Redundancy, 204


of nonmembers, 130

perceived, 40–41, 44, 46, 47

of requests, 321, 323–325, 328

Religious metaphors, 250, 251t

Remote evaluations, 12

Repair(s), see also Correction

augmented communication, 70, 71, 78

Bektashi practices of, 150, 152–154

construction of incompetence in, 163–164

defined, 150, 152

forms of, 157–164

opportunity space in, 165

recognition of, 154

in testing, 176, 178–180

tikkun, 167

“trainer-oriented approaches” and, 292–293

turn taking, 153–154, 175n.9

Repertoire, 7

Repetition, 9–11, 204

Reports, see also Evaluation reports; Personal futures plan; Progress reports

agendas and, 22–23, 224–225, 238–242, 243

comparison of, 12, 22–23, 231–239, 242–243

competence judgments and, 6, 231–238

prescriptive formats in, 224–225, 242–243

types of, 223–225

Request-response-evaluation (RRE), 318–320, 322–325, 330

Requests, 317–318

rejection of, 321, 323–325, 328


call and response, 207

Response Elaboration Therapy, 321

Response Elaboration Training, 315


constructed, 6

ghost, 325

negotiated, 22

of PDD children, 41–42

to requests, 318, 321

in testing. see Cues, in testing

three-part turn, 14

Rhyme, 201, 204

Rhythm, 201, 204

Ritalin, 264–265

Roles, social, see also Asymmetries

evaluation and, 12, 20, 21

shifting of, 320–330

subordinate, 16–17

violation of, 13, 331–333

Routine event metaphors, 250, 251t

Royal “we,” 317, 346, 347


game. See Games for TBI patients, rules of

for children, 121, 122, 123


Sampling, 204

Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, 349, 350–352

Saving face, 20, 21, 150n.3, 154

Scope, of evaluations, 15–16

Self, situated, 5, 6, 7, 108

Self-correction, 154, 156, 164

Self Help for the Hard of Hearing (SHHH), 131, 132

Self-identity, see Identities

Self-initiated self-correction, 158, 160

Seminal events, see Watershed experiences


instructional, 174–175

interlocking of, 177

request-response-evaluation (RRE), 318–320, 322–325, 330

testing, 171, 172, 175–177

local history of, 178–180

Severe Mental Impairment (SMI), 272n.5

Shared culture, and effective communication, 63–64, 79

Shared knowledge, and effective communication, 268–271, 283, 284

Sharing, see also Cultural identities as a social rule, 121, 122, 123

Shehadah, 155

Shyness and sensitivity studies, 113

Sign language, 142–143, 144, 146

American Sign Language (ASL), 128, 139, 142

Signal-messages, 57, 58

Signifying, 202–203, 214

Signing deaf, 127, 147

Silent pauses, 52

Situated evaluations, 17–18

Situated practice

diagnosis as, 22–23

intervention as, 23–24

Situated self, 5, 6, 7, 108

Sleep state metaphors, 248, 249t

SLI, see Specific language impairment (SLI)

Smiling, 192, 293

Snaps, 202

Snaps (Percelay et al.), 202

Social acceptance, see Acceptance

Social competence

evaluating children with SLI (approaches to), 111–114

evaluating children with SLI (study), 114–122

interpretation of, 122–123

Social constructionism, 149

psychotherapy and, 343–360

suppositions of, 84–86, 107–109

Social context, of language, 197–198

Social incompetence, see Incompetence

Social roles, see also Asymmetries

evaluation and, 12, 20, 21

shifting of, 320–330

violation of, 13, 331–333

Social rules, 121, 122, 123

Social stigmatization, 78

Socially consensual “real time,” 50, 59, 61, 77

Sociocultural factors, in interaction, 62–64, 79

Solitariness, see Alienation

Sound blending, 16

Speaker initiation, 6

Speakers, 5, 51

Speaking, act of, 51

Special education

assessment tests, 171n.2

placement categories, 19–20, 272n.5, 273

Specific language impairment (SLI), 113

evaluating social competence of children (approaches to), 111–114, 122

evaluating social competence of children (study), 114–122

perceived incompetence of children with, 114

Speech, delayed, 50, 52, 53

Speech communities, 149

African-American, 200–201

Speech events, African-American, see African-American speech events

Speech-language pathologists (SLPs), 29, 223, 292, 313

Speech-language pathology students, 29, 31, 47

desire for acceptance, 39, 42, 44, 47

evaluation of PDD children, 34–43

feelings of incompetence, 35, 38, 39

perceived rejection of, 40–41, 44, 46, 47

Speech-language therapy, 292, 313

Speech synthesizers, 55, 65

Spiraling of stories, 165

Spiritual master-student relationships, see Student-master relationships

Standard American English (SAE), 197

Standardized tests, 19, 190

Standards, evaluative, 10, 34–38

Stanford-Binet IQ Test, 272n.5

Stigmatization, 78

Stimulus-response model, 171

Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 214

Student-initiated repair of the master, 161–163

Student-initiated self-correction, 160–161

Student-master relationships, 149n.2, 150, 152, 156–157, 158, 165, 166–167

master-initiated master-correction, 159

master-initiated repair of other-initiated other-correction, 163–164

student-initiated repair of the master, 161–163

student-initiated self-correction, 160–161

Students, see also Speech-language pathology students

evaluation of, 12

interpretation of teacher’s evaluation, 13

prompt-response-evaluation exchange and, 14–15

Sufi traditions, 155

Symbols, 145

Synchronous communication, 53

with communication boards, 70

inhibitors of, 60

Synthesized speech output, 55, 65

Systemic linguists, 5


Talk-in-interaction, 320, 321, 333

TBI, see Traumatic brain injury (TBI)

Teachers, evaluation of, 6, 12

Tempo, prompt-response-evaluation exchange and, 15

Temporal constraints, 61–62, 69, 71–72, 77, 78

Temporal coordination, 70

Temporal imperative, 9–11, 14, 20, 49–50, 51, 52, 54, 56, 58, 66–67, 69, 77, see also Timing

Temporal order, see Time orders

Testers, 14–15


competence, 19

educational. see Educational testing

negotiated responses in, 22

three-part turn in, 14–15

Testing sequences, 171, 172, 175–177

collapsed, 176–177, 187, 191

local history of, 178–180

Themes, of institutional interactions, 263

Therapeutic Discourse (Labov & Fanshel), 343

Therapeutic Ways with Words (Ferrara), 343

Therapy, see also Psychotherapy

asymmetrical roles in, 313–314, 316–317

conflict within, 320–335

goals of rehabilitative, 298–301, 314

institutional practices of, 295–296, 315–326, 330, 334

language, 23

Therapy as Social Construction (McNamee & Gergen), 343

This Mouth Has a Brain, 261n.1

Three-part turns, 14–15, 175–176, 175n.9, 191, 292

elimination of, 176–177, 184

request-response-evaluation (RRE), 318–320, 322–325, 330

Tightrope metaphors, 254

Tikkun, 167

Time expectations, 21

Time orders

alternative, 69, 77

conversation, 50, 52, 64, 69

failed communication and, 60

“real time” distinguished from, 61

Timing, 9–11, see also Temporal imperative

constraints, see Temporal constraints

defined, 55–56

Timing strategies

pre-stored utterances, 72, 74

word prediction display, 65

Tomming, 214

Tracking, 5–6

Trainable Mental Impairment (TMI), 272n.5

“Trainer-oriented” intervention, 292–293

Traumatic brain injury (TBI), 20, 23

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients, see also Games for TBI patients

characteristic problems of, 296–298

competency-lowering in, 294–295, 303–304, 307–308

institutional constraints in therapy, 295–296

therapy goals, 298–301

Triple Snaps (Percelay et al.), 202

Turn taking, 54, 153–154, 165, 357, see also Three-part turns

two-part, 175n.9


Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 214


guessing, 68

pre-stored, 72, 74


Verbal assertiveness studies, 113

Verbal intentions, for obtaining objects, 117

Verbalization, of PDD children, 42

Verbs, 8

Visual cues, importance of, 60, 70

Visual modalities, 128


Watershed experiences, 16, 17

self-identity and, 90, 100–102, 104

Web pages, see World Wide Web (WWW)

Women (non-disabled), use of alternative communication, 63, 64

Woodcock Johnson Blending Subtest, 173

Woodcock Johnson Psychoeducational Battery, 171, 191

Word prediction display, 65

World Wide Web (WWW), 135

Writing, report, see Reports

WWW, see World Wide Web (WWW)

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