
To the CMI staff, the most amazing people on the planet. You are a special and talented group of people. Shenanigans!

A very special thanks to Clare McDermott, who conducted most of the interviews for the book, to Michele Linn, who assisted in the development of the content, and to Joseph Kalinowski for the creative direction (to you, I will always be Chuke).

To Jim McDermott, my mentor and initial editor of this book. I’m here because of you.

To my parents, Terry and Tony, for always being there for me, no matter what I was doing.

To my Coolio friends in West Park. The best friends anyone could ever ask for.

To my boys, Adam and Joshua. Never settle. Don’t be normal. Follow your passion. I’m so proud of both of you.

To Pam. My best friend. With you, every day is better than the last. I love you.

Phil 4:13

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