
abstraction, 33, 34

levels of, 7

access tier, 118–19

activity-based costing, 122

agile, 198–203

and project overhead, 202–3

versus waterfall, 195–98

aging information, 165–68

Air Jordan, 64

allocated costing, 122

Alltel Mobile Enterprise Data Warehouse subject areas, 123

analytical disk solutions, 232

analytical layer, 111

analytical repositories, 111

annualized models, 122

appliance solutions, 157

application and information architects, 31

application domain, 171

lifecycles of, 171

security, 156–57

application extracts, 141–42


distributed, 209

Application-specific Data Mart (ADM), 111


need for, 45–47

architectural review, 175–77

architecture, 44–45, 45–47, 55

information systems in, 55

architecture or governance

functional hierarchy and, 44

archiving information, 165–68

audit trail, 156

best-of-breed solutions, 138

big data, 102–4

business cases for, 102

big data repository, 102

billing and sales

as business functions, 172

blockchain, 89, 90

Boyce, Raymond F., 116

broad focus versus deep focus people, 221–24

business architect, 25, 30, 33, 34, 73, 74–75

business architecture

in EAG program, 74–78

business compliance

oversight and, 76

business domain, 73–74

function, 79

business functions, 78–81, 172

business intelligence

solutions, 137–41

business intelligence (BI), 137

business logic

configure, 152

business objectives

communicating, 74–75

Business Process Management (BPM), 210

business projects

hijacking, 52–54

Business Service Management (BSM), 16

business solutions

and relational databases, 103

designing, 77

campaign management, 146

Center of Excellence (CoE), 58

central business table, 120

Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency (CCTA), 15

chain of custody, 156

change management, 187, 211–12

Chief Analytics Officer (CAO), 87

Chief Data Officer (CDO), 86

COBIT, 13–14, 20

Codd, Edgar F, 116

column-based storage, 230–31


phases of, 90

conflict avoiders versus embracers, 215–16

contact management, 218–19

contextual data, 97

adding, 131–34

contract management, 181–83

Contract Management lifecycle, 181

Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies, 13–14

Corporate Information Factory, The (Imhoff & Inmon), 115

corporate policies

compliance with, 176

cube viewing, 139

Customer Data Integration (CDI), 169

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, 63, 85

cycle objectives

and the tactical roadmap, 51

data, 131

data architects, 83

Data as a Service (DaaS), 85, 107, 108, 142–43, 170

data center processes and roles, 56–57

data dictionary, 154, 164

data discovery, 164

and mining, middle management, 138–40

data genealogy, 154

data glossary, 153–54

data label definition, 164

data lake, 102

data layers

distribution tier, 116–18

staging tier of, 115

transform tier, 116

data lineage/genealogy, 164

data marts, 111–13

data modeling, 98, 125, 151

data monetization, 94–95

data profiling/discovery, 150–51

data quality, 151

dimensions of, 147–50

data quality function requirements, 127

data security, 151

classifications, 163–64

compliance, approach to, 164–65

function requirements, 127

data security labels, 157–63

data velocity, 130

data veracity, 130

data volume, 128

data warehouse, 114–15

Data Warehouse Institute (TDWI), 115

DataOps, 136

decision support, 143–45

decisions, 98

deep focus versus broad focus people, 221–24

de-identification techniques, 160

departmental architecture and governance functional framework, 43

department-level hierarchy of functions, 41–43

de-provisioning and provisioning, 186

descriptive models, 144

desktop services

processes and roles, 56

standard, 56

DevOps, 136, 187

Dewey Decimal System, 35

dimensional modeling/models, 119, 120–21

disk solutions

analytical, 232

distributed applications, 209

distributed future

developing for, 209

distributed information, 209

distributed technology, 210

distribution tier, 116–18


internal, 152

domain security

application, 156–57

domains, 11

EA program, 12

EAG issues, 26

EAG program, 12

business architecture and, 74–78

EAG Program Architects, 30–31

EAG program director, 29, 32–34

EAG program domain leads, 29

EAG program roles, 28–32

EAG program architects, 30

executive sponsor, 28

program director, 29, 32–34

program domain leads, 29

project manager, 31

technical writer, 31

EAG project manager, 31

EAG technical writer, 31

embracers versus conflict avoiders, 215–16

enablers and micromanagers, 59–60

end of life

hardware, 232–33

software, 188–90

end user reporting, 152

end-of-life function requirements, 127

enterprise architecture

obstacles of some frameworks for, 16

enterprise architecture and governance (EAG), 84

enterprise architecture and governance functional framework, 41

Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP), 10–11

levels of, 11

enterprise architecture rollout, 32

Enterprise Data Marts (EDM), 114, 118

enterprise data warehouse, 113

information tiers, 115

Enterprise Logical Data Model (ELDM), 98, 113, 153

enterprise modeling guidelines, 123–27

enterprise scalability, 177

Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), 85, 108–11, 109

enterprise warehouse tiers, 118

enterprise-level architecture and governance framework

generic, 21

enterprise-level architecture and governance program

roles in, 28–32

enterprise-level architecture and governance programs

generic, 18–21

reasons for failure of, 17–18

enterprise-level hierarchy of functions, 40–41

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), 7

executive and operational governance, 58

executive dashboards, 137–38

executive governance, 58

executive governance rollout, 32

executive sponsor, 28

executive versus operational governance, 58–59


competing on, 88–89

file transfer area, 111

FitSIM (lightweight service management), 16

Forrester Research, 232

Framework for Information Systems Architecture, A (Zachman), 7

framework hierarchy

sample enterprise-level, 40

front line operational reporting, 140


what is it, 21

functional framework, 20

domain level of, 25, 34, 51

level of, 23

minimum complexity and, 44

organization layer and, 23–25

unconnected to organizational charts and, 44

functional hierarchy, 44

management of, 39–40

not about architecture or governance and, 44


and projects and time, 23

as organization independent, 22

bottom-up approach, 35, 36

department-level hierarchy of, 41–43

enterprise-level hierarchy of, 40–41

hierarchy of, 34–36

managing, 44–45

organizing, 23

real world approach, 36–38

top-down approach, 34–35

what they are, 44


requirements, 203–7

genealogy, 156, 164

data, 154

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), 94

governance, 44–45, 55–57

information systems in, 57–58

governance policy templates, 239–43


virtualization of, 233–34

hardware acquisition, 224–25

hardware configuration, 226

hardware end of life, 232–33

hardware licensing, 225

hardware life cycle functions, 224

hardware maintenance, 226

hardware stack, 226–28

hardware standup, 225–26

hardware tuning, 226

Health Insurance Industry Data Warehouse Subject Areas, 124

IBM Rational suite, 8

IBM Systems Journal, 7

implement and enforce, 164

Indian Appropriations Act, 87


analyzing, 135–36

archiving, 165–68

as business data, 83

competing on, 89–90

competitive differentiator and, 87–91

delivering, 136

distributed, 209

enhancing, 130–31

layers of, 105–11

quality of, 147–50

securing, 155–68

zones of, 104–5

information architect, 25

information architecture

EA program and, 84–87

information domain, 83–84, 95

information domain security, 156

information exchange layer, 108

information life cycle, 96

functions, 95–98

information security, 39

information services functions, 168–70

information systems, 55

in governance, 57–58

Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), 15–16

information tiers, 115

information zones

samples of, 105

within a repository, 104

Information, types of, 97

InformationWeek, 94


competiting on, 87–88

infrastructure organization, 24

innovation-oriented versus process-oriented people, 199–202

integrated functional framework, 207–9

International Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA), 13

ISO 9000, 213

ISO 9126, 213

ISO/EIC 20000, 16

isolated architects, 27

IT concerns

communicating, 75–76

IT functions

as organization independent, 22

managing, 47, 48

IT management solution

importance of planning to, 17

IT organization

layers of, 24

IT policies, 60–64

IT Service Management (ITSM), 16

IT Support Tasks, 31

ITIL library, 15, 20

job scheduling, 187

Jordan, Michael, 64

Kimball, Ralph, 119

knowledge, 97

adding, 134–35

knowledge sharers versus knowledge hoarders, 91–92

land rush, 88

Lee, Harper, 236

lifecycle information

functions of, 92–94

Massively Parallel Processing (MPP), 229–30

master customer index, 169

Master Data Management (MDM), 168

matrixed reporting structure, 27–28

MBPS, 228, See megabytes per second

metadata, 151

micromanagers versus enablers, 59–60

Microsoft Operations Framework (MOF), 16

middle management data discovery and mining, 138–40

minimum complexity, 44

modeling guidelines

enterprise, 123–22

modeling information, 98–101

modeling techniques, 119–27

annualized models and, 122

dimensional models and, 120–21

relational models and, 119–20

statistical models and, 121

MOLAP, 139

monitoring and control, 165

motivated versus unmotivated people, 190–93

MPP storage, 228

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 98

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) model, 9–10

network edge

disappearance of, 214–15

neural nets, 134

NIST Cyber Security Framework (NIST CSF), 9

NIST Enterprise Architecture Model, 10

NIST Enterprise Logical Data Model, 99

NIST framework, 19, 25

normalized models, 116, 117, 119

OLAP. See Online Analytical Processing

OLTP. See Online Transaction Processing

Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), 228

Online Transaction Processing (OLTP), 228

on-the-fly decisions, 146

Open Group Architectural Framework (TOGAF), 12–13

Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual (OSSTMM), 213

operational and analytical functions

and information life cycle, 92–94

Operational Data Store (ODS), 108, 115

operational governance, 58–59

operational layer, 107–8

operational repositories, 107, 111

operational requests, 187


and the functional framework, 23–25

organization layer, 24

organization structure

and data quality dimensions, 149

organizational charts

unconnected to, 44

party key, 169

Payment Card Industry Information (PCI), 162


need for, 45–47

Personal Health Information (PHI), 161–62

Personally Identifying Information (PII), 158–61

person-lifecycle management, 38

physical security, 157

policies, 60–64

policy metrics

guidelines for, 63

policy templates, 247–48

Policy Waiver, 243

power user ad-hoc query, 141

predictive models, 144–45

prescriptive models, 145

process documentation, 66

process owner, 68

processes, 66–67

process-oriented versus innovation-oriented people, 199–202

production environment support, 187

production job support, 187

Project Management Office (PMO), 200


initiating and tracking, 193–95

proof of concept (POC), 93, 103

provisioning and de-provisioning, 186

query accuracy and performance

improving, 152

RACI matrix, 68, 69

RACI method, 67

raw data, 97

real time decisions, 146–47

Records Retention Schedule (RRS), 166


eliminating, 176

reference tables, 120, 151–53

referential integrity, 152

relational databases

and business solutions, 103

relational models, 119–20

reporting and event notification, 165

requirements gathering, 203–7

researchers versus structured learners, 172–74

return on investment (ROI), 52, 54

role templates, 247–48

roles, 67–71

row-based versus column-based storage, 230–31

security classifications, 156

security labels, 156, 157, 163

data, 157–63

security provisioning and de-provisioning, 157

semantic/content organization, 24

Services Oriented Architecture (SOA), 108

SMP versus MPP storage, 228

software acquisition, 175

software as a service (SaaS), 108

software development, 207

software development (SDLC)

life cycle, 193–214

software development life cycle (SDLC), 8, 49, 171

software end of life, 188–90

software implementation and configuration, 184

software infrastructure lifecycle, 171, 184

functions, 174–90

software licensing, 184–85

software operations, 186–88

software release management, 184

software security, 185–86

software services functions, 217–18

software testing, 213–14

Spewak, Stephen, 10–11, 25, 26, 74

Spewak’s Levels of Enterprise Architecture Planning, 11, 19

staging tier, 115

standard templates, 243–46

standards, 64–66

Star Schema, 120

statistical models, 121

Stern, David, 64

stewardship, 58, 124, 209

strategic plan, 48–50

strategic vision

alignment with, 175

structured learners versus researchers, 172–74

System Integration Testing (SIT), 213

System of Access (SoA), 108

System of Insight (SoI), 111

System of Record (SoR), 107

systems services functional area, 38

tactical IT projects

justification for, 52

tactical roadmap, 50–55

Target Information Model (TIM), 99


distributed, 210

technology architects, 26, 80

technology domain, 26, 221–34

issues and, 26

security, 157

TeleManagement Forum, 187


governance policy, 239–43

policy and role, 247–48

standards, 243–46


software, 213–14

stages of, 213

TOGAF, 12–13, 19, 31

TOGAF Architecture Development Methodology, 13

TOGAF model, 33

TPS, 228, See transactions per second

transform tier, 116

trend, 214–15, 214–15

tuning, 226–28

hardware, 226

Turing, Alan, 234

Unit Testing (UT), 213

unmotivated versus motivated people, 190–93

US Zip Codes, 159

User Acceptance Testing (UAT), 213

vendor selection, 177–80

virtualization, 233–34, 233–34

WannaCry ransomware attack, 154

Zachman Framework, 7–8, 8, 10, 20, 31, 33

Zachman, John, 7, 10, 25

zones of information, 104–5

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