Fitness Function with a Contact Book Application

We have already seen that in test-driven development, it is common to start development by designing and writing acceptance tests to define what the software should do and then dive into the details of how to do it with lower-level tests. That frequently is the foundation of Acceptance Test-Driven Development (ATDD), but more generally, what we are trying to do is to define a Fitness Function for our whole software. A fitness function is a function that, given any kind of solution, tells us how good it is; the better the fitness function, the closer we get to the result.

Even though fitness functions are typically used in genetic programming to select the solutions that should be moved forward to the next iteration, we can see our acceptance tests as a big fitness function that takes the whole software as the input and gives us back a value of how good the software is.

All acceptance tests passed? This is 100% what it was meant to be, while only 50% of acceptance tests have been passed? That's half-broken... As far as our fitness function really describes what we wanted, it can save us from shipping the wrong application.

That's why acceptance tests are one of the most important pieces of our test suite and a test suite comprised solely of unit tests (or, more generally, technical tests) can't really guarantee that our software is aligned with what the business really wanted. Yes, it might do what the developer wanted, but not what the business wanted.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Writing acceptance tests
  • Using behavior-driven development
  • Embracing specifications by example

Technical requirements

We need a working Python interpreter with the PyTest framework installed. For the behavior-driven development part, we are going to need the pytest-bdd plugin.

pytest and pytest-bdd can be installed using the following command:

$ pip install pytest pytest-bdd

The examples have been written on Python 3.7, pytest 6.0.2, and pytest-bdd 4.0.1, but should work on most modern Python versions. You can find the code files present in this chapter on GitHub at

Writing acceptance tests

Our company has just released a new product; it's a mobile phone for extreme geeks that will only work through a UNIX shell. All the things our users want to do will be doable via the command line and we are tasked with writing the contact book application. Where do we start?

The usual way! First, we prepare our project skeleton. We are going to expose the contact book application as the contacts package, as shown here, and we are going to provide a main entry point. For now, we are going to invoke this with python -m contacts, but in the future, we will wrap this in a more convenient shortcut:

├── src
│ ├── contacts
│ │ ├──
│ │ └──
│ └──
└── tests
├── functional
│ └──
└── unit

For now, all our modules are empty, just placeholders are present, but the first thing we surely want to have is a location where we can place our acceptance tests. So, the test_acceptance module is born. Now, how do we populate it?

Our team applies an agile approach, so we have a bunch of user stories like stickers, with things such as As a user, I want to have a command to add a new entry to my contact book, so that I can then call it without having to remember the number, or As a user, I want to have a way to remove contacts that I no longer require from my contact book, so that it doesn't get too hard to spot the contacts I care about. While they might be enough for us to start imagining what the application is meant to do, they are far from being something that describes its behavior well enough to act as a fitness function.

So we pick one story, the one about being able to add new entries to the contact book application, and we start writing a set of acceptance tests for it that can describe its behavior in a more detailed way.

Writing the first test

So, we open the tests/functional/ file and we write our first acceptance test. It has to run some kind of command line and then check that after a contact has been added to the list of contacts:

import contacts

class TestAddingEntries:
def test_basic(self):
app = contacts.Application()"contacts add NAME 3345554433")

assert app._contacts == [
("NAME", "3345554433")

We decide that will be the entry point of our application, so we just pass what the user wrote on the shell and it gets parsed and executed, and also decide that we are going to somehow store the contacts in a _contacts list. That's an implementation detail that we can change later on as we dive into the details of implementation, but for now it is enough to state that somehow we want to be able to see the contacts that we stored.

Acceptance tests are meant to exercise the system from the user point of view and through the interfaces provided to the user. However, it is generally considered acceptable if the setup and assertion parts of the test access internals to properly prepare the test or verify its outcome. The important part is that the system is used from the user point of view.

Satisfied with the fact that we are now clear in our mind how we want the software to behave at a high level, we are eager to jump into the implementation. But remember that our acceptance tests are only as good because they are a proper fitness function.

Getting feedback from the product team

Our next step is to go back to someone from our product team and share our acceptance test with one of its members to see how good it is.

Luckily for us, our product team understands Python and they get back with a few points as feedback:

  • People usually have a name and a surname and even middle names, so what happens when NAME contains spaces?
  • We actually want to be able to store international numbers, so make sure you accept a "+" at the beginning of the phone numbers, but don't accept any random text. We don't want people wondering why their contacts don't work after they did a typo.

These points are all new acceptance criteria. Our software is good only if it's able to satisfy all these conditions. So, we go back to our editor and tweak our acceptance tests and we come back with the following:

class TestAddingEntries:
def test_basic(self):
app = contacts.Application()"contacts add NAME 3345554433")

assert app._contacts == [
("NAME", "3345554433")

def test_surnames(self):
app = contacts.Application()"contacts add Mario Mario 3345554433")"contacts add Luigi Mario 3345554434")"contacts add Princess Peach Toadstool 3339323323")

assert app._contacts == [
("Mario Mario", "3345554433"),
("Luigi Mario", "3345554434"),
("Princess Peach Toadstool", "3339323323")

def test_international_numbers(self):
app = contacts.Application()"contacts add NAME +393345554433")

assert app._contacts == [
("NAME", "+393345554433")

def test_invalid_strings(self):
app = contacts.Application()"contacts add NAME InvalidString")

assert app._contacts == []

The test_surnames function now verifies that names with spaces work as expected, and that we also support multiple spaces for middle names and multiple surnames.

The test_international_numbers function now verifies that we support international phone numbers, while the test_invalid_strings function confirms that we don't save invalid numbers.

This should cover a fairly comprehensive description of all the behaviors our product team mentioned. Before declaring victory, we go back to our product people and review the acceptance tests with them.

One of the product team members points out that a key feature for them is that contacts have to be retained between two different runs of the application. As obvious as that might sound, our acceptance tests don't in any way exercise that condition, and so is an insufficient fitness function. A sub-optimal solution that lacks a major capability, such as loading back the contacts when you run the app the second time, would still pass all our tests and thus get the same grade as the optimal solution.

Back to our chair, we tweak our acceptance tests and add one more test that verifies that loading back contacts leads to the same exact list of contacts that we had before:

class TestAddingEntries:

def test_reload(self):
app = contacts.Application()"contacts add NAME 3345554433")

assert app._contacts == [
("NAME", "3345554433")


assert app._contacts == [
("NAME", "3345554433")

The test_reload function largely behaves like our test_basic function up to the point where it clears any list of contacts currently loaded and then loads it again.

Note that we are not testing whether Application._clear does actually clear the list of contacts. In acceptance tests, we can take it for granted that the functions we invoke do what they are meant to do, but what we are interested in is testing the overall behavior and not how the implementation works.

The functional and units tests will verify for us whether the functions actually work as expected. From the acceptance tests, we can just use those functions, taking it for granted that they do work.

Now it is time for one more review with someone who has the goals of the software clear in mind and we can confirm that the acceptance tests now look good and cover what everyone wanted. The implementation can now start!

Making the test pass

Running our current test suite obviously fails because we have not yet implemented anything:

$ pytest -v
.../ FAILED [ 25%]
.../ FAILED [ 50%]
.../ FAILED [ 75%]
.../ FAILED [100%]
def test_basic(self):
> app = contacts.Application()
E AttributeError: module 'contacts' has no attribute 'Application'

The failed tests point us in the direction that we want to start by implementing the Application itself, so we can create our tests/unit/ file and we can start thinking about what the application is and what it should do.

As usual, we start by writing a bunch of functional and unit tests that drive our coding and testing strategies as we also grow the implementation. We then continue to add more unit and functional tests and implementation code until all our tests and acceptance tests pass:

$ pytest -v 
functional/ PASSED [ 5%]
functional/ PASSED [ 10%]
functional/ PASSED [ 15%]
functional/ PASSED [ 20%]
functional/ PASSED [ 25%]
unit/ PASSED [ 30%]
unit/ PASSED [ 35%]
unit/ PASSED [ 40%]
unit/ PASSED [ 45%]
unit/ PASSED [ 50%]
unit/ PASSED [ 55%]
unit/ PASSED [ 60%]
unit/ PASSED [ 65%]
unit/ PASSED [ 70%]
unit/ PASSED [ 75%]
unit/ PASSED [ 80%]
unit/ PASSED [ 85%]
unit/ PASSED [ 90%]
unit/ PASSED [ 95%]
unit/ PASSED [100%]

For the sake of shortness, I won't report the implementation of all the tests that comprise our test suite. You can imagine that all unit tests had the purpose of checking the overall implementation and some specific corner cases.

The implementation of our Application class is fairly minimal. As we are going to evolve it with more tests in the next sections, we will make the implementation available here, allowing you to have a better understanding of the next sections:

class Application:
PHONE_EXPR = re.compile('^[+]?[0-9]{3,}$')

def __init__(self):

def _clear(self):
self._contacts = []

def run(self, text):
text = text.strip()
_, cmd = text.split(maxsplit=1)
cmd, args = cmd.split(maxsplit=1)

if cmd == "add":
name, num = args.rsplit(maxsplit=1)
self.add(name, num)
except ValueError as err:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid command: {cmd}")

def save(self):
with open("contacts.json", "w+") as f:
json.dump({"_contacts": self._contacts}, f)

def load(self):
with open("contacts.json") as f:
self._contacts = [
tuple(t) for t in json.load(f)["_contacts"]

def add(self, name, phonenum):
if not isinstance(phonenum, str):
raise ValueError("A valid phone number is required")

if not self.PHONE_EXPR.match(phonenum):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid phone number: {phonenum}")

self._contacts.append((name, phonenum))

The Application.add method is the one that is explicitly in charge of adding new contacts to the contacts list, and it's what most of our tests rely on when they want to add new contacts. The and Application.load methods are now in charge of adding a persistence layer to the application. For the sake of simplicity, we just store the contacts in a JSON file (in the real world, you might want to change where the contacts are saved or make it configurable, but for our example, they will just be saved locally where the command is invoked from).

Finally, is the user interface to our software. Given any command in the form "executablename command arguments", it parses it and executes the correct command. Currently, only add is implemented, but in the following sections, we will implement the del and ls commands, too.

Now we know that acceptance tests are vital in the feedback cycle in the case of people that understand the goals of the software well. Next, we need to focus on how to improve that communication cycle. In this example we were lucky that our counterpart understood Python, but what if they didn't? It's probably common that the people who understand the business well don't know a thing about programming, and so we need a better way to set up our communication than using Python.

Using behavior-driven development

For the first phase of our contact book application, we took it for granted that the people we had to speak with understood the Python language well enough that we could share with them our acceptance tests for review and confirm that we were going in the right direction.

While it's getting more and more common that people involved in product definition have at least an entry-level knowledge of programming, we can't take it for granted that every stakeholder we need to enter into discussions with knows Python.

So how can we keep the same kind of feedback loop and apply the strategy of reviewing all our acceptance tests with other stakeholders without involving Python?

That's what Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) tries to solve. BDD takes some concepts from Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Domain-Driven Design (DDD) to allow all stakeholders to speak the same language as the technical team.

In the end, BDD tries to mediate between the two worlds. The language becomes English, instead of Python, but a more structured form of English for which, in the end, a parser can be written and developers embrace the business glossary (no more classes named User and PayingUser if the business calls them Lead and Customer) so that the tests that the developers write make sense for all other stakeholders, too.

This is usually achieved by defining the tests in a language that is commonly named Gherkin (even though BDD doesn't strictly mandate Gherkin usage) and, luckily for us, the pytest-bdd plugin allows us to extend our test suite with tests written in a subset of the Gherkin language that coexists very well with all the other pytest plugins or features we might be using.

Our application is able to add contacts, but it still doesn't allow us to delete or list them, so it's not very useful. So, the next step is to implement a delete contacts feature, and we decide to do so by using BDD.

To get started using BDD, we will create a new tests/acceptance directory, where we are going to put all the acceptance tests for our features. Thus, the final layout of our test suite will appear as follows:

└── tests
├── acceptance
│ └── ...
├── functional
│ └──
└── unit
└── ...

Then we can create a tests/acceptance/delete_contact.feature file that will contain all our acceptance scenarios for the deleting contacts feature.

Defining a feature file

We start the file by making it clear that it covers the deletion of contacts:

Feature: Deleting Contacts
Contacts added to our contact book can be removed.

Now that we have a location where all our testing scenarios can reside, we can try to add the first one. The basics of the Gherkin language are fairly easy to grasp. In the end, it is meant to be readable by everyone without having to study a programming language. So, the core words are the Given, When, Then, and And keywords that start every step in our scenarios, and to start a new scenario we just use Scenario.

Declaring the scenario

After the feature definition, we declare that our first scenario tries to delete a basic contact and see that things work as expected:

Scenario: Removing a Basic Contact
Given I have a contact book
And I have a "John" contact
When I run the "contacts del John" command
Then My contacts list is now empty

The scenario is written in fairly plain English so that we can review with other stakeholders without having to understand software development or programming languages. Once we agree that it represents correctly what we expect from the software, then we can turn it to code by using pytest-bdd.

pytest-bdd is based on PyTest itself, so each scenario is exposed as a test function. To signal that it's also a scenario, we add the @scenario decorator and point it to the feature file.

In our tests/functional/ file, we are going to add a test for our Removing a Basic Contact scenario that we described in the tests/acceptance/delete_contact.feature file using the Gherkin language:

from pytest_bdd import scenario

"Removing a Basic Contact")
def test_deleting_contacts():

Unlike the standard PyTest test, a scenario test is usually an empty function. We can perform additional testing within the function, but any code that we add will run after the scenario has been completed.

The test itself is loaded from the feature file looking for a scenario that has the same name as the one we provided in the decorator (in this case,"Removing a Basic Contact"). Then, the scenario text is parsed and each step defined in it is executed one after the other.

But how does PyTest know what to do in order to perform the steps? Our scenario starts by ensuring that we have a contact book with one contact inside named "John":

Given I have a contact book
And I have a "John" contact

How does pytest-bdd even know what a contact book is and how to add a contact to it? Well, it doesn't.

Running the scenario test

If we try to run our scenario test at this point, as shown here, PyTest will just report errors complaining that it doesn't know what to do with the first step that it encounters:

$ pytest -v -k deleting
.../ FAILED [100%]
StepDefinitionNotFoundError: Step definition is not found: Given "I have a contact book". Line 5 in scenario "Removing a Basic Contact" in the feature "/tests/acceptance/delete_contact.feature

We have to tell pytest-bdd what to do when it faces a step. So, in our, we must provide the code that has to be executed when a step is met and link it to the step using the @given decorator, as shown in the following code block:

from pytest_bdd import scenario, given

@given("I have a contact book", target_fixture="contactbook")
def contactbook():
return contacts.Application()

Every time pytest-bdd finds"I have a contact book" as a step in a scenario, it will invoke our contactbook function. The contactbook function doesn't just tell PyTest how to run the step, but thanks to the target_fixture="contactbook" argument of @given, it's also a fixture that provides the contactbook dependency every time it is requested by another step. Any other step of the scenario that requires a contactbook can just refer to it and they will get back the Application that was created by the "I have a contact book" step.

Further setup with the And step

For now, the contact book is totally empty, but we know that the next step is to add a contact named "John" to it:

And I have a "John" contact

In this case, we have to tell pytest-bdd how to add contacts to a contact book and that John is the name of the contact that we want to add. This can be done by using another @given decorator (And is an alias for the previous keyword we just used):

from pytest_bdd import parsers

@given(parsers.parse("I have a "{contactname}" contact"))
def have_a_contact(contactbook, contactname):
contactbook.add(contactname, "000")

We are also relying on parsers.parse provided by pytest-bdd to let the step definition know that "John" is not part of the step itself, but that it's actually a variable. It can be John, it can be Jane, it can be any name, and they will all go to this same step. The name of the contact will be extracted from the step and will be passed as an argument to the function in charge of executing the step.

Our function then only has to take that name and add it to the contact book. But where does the contact book come from? When we declared the "I have a contact book" step, we said that steps can also be PyTest fixtures, so when our have_a_contact function finds the need for a contactbook argument, the PyTest dependency injection will resolve it for us by providing what the contactbook fixture that was associated with the just executed "I have a contact book" step returned.

Hence, to the contactbook provided by the fixture, we invoke the add method, passing the contactname provided by the parser. In this scenario, we don't care for phone numbers, so the contact is always added with "000" as its phone number.

Performing actions with the When step

Moving forward, our next step in the scenario is a When step. These are no longer steps associated with preparation for testing; they are intended to perform the actions we want to perform (remember the Arrange, Act, and Assert pattern? Well, we could consider the Given, When, and Then steps as the three BDD counterparts to the pattern):

When I run the "contacts del John" command

Just like the previous two steps, we are going to link a function in charge of executing the code that has to happen when this step is found, in this case using the pytest_bdd.when decorator:

from pytest_bdd import when

@when(parsers.parse("I run the "{command}" command"))
def runcommand(contactbook, command):

As we did for the have_a_contact function, runcommand needs the contactbook against which it has to run the command and can rely on parsers.parse to retrieve the command that has to be executed on the contact book.

It's not uncommon that the Given and When steps can be reused across multiple scenarios. Making those steps parametric using parsers allows their implementation functions to be reused more frequently. In this case, we will be able to reuse the same step definition independently from the command we want to run, thus allowing us to implement scenarios for other features too, and not just for deleting contacts.

In this case, as our step was I run the "contacts del John"command, the function will run the contacts del John command as this is the one we have provided in the step.

Our final step in the scenario is the one meant to verify that the contact was actually deleted as we expect once the command is performed:

    Then My contacts list is now empty

Then, steps usually translate into the final assertion phase of our tests, so we are going to verify that the contact book is really empty.

Assessing conditions with the Then step

In this case, there is no need to parse anything, but our function will still need the contactbook for which it has to verify that it is actually empty:

from pytest_bdd import then

@then("My contacts book is now empty")
def emptylist(contactbook):
assert contactbook._contacts == []

Now that we have provided the entry point for our scenario and the implementation of all its steps, we can finally retry running our tests to confirm that the scenario actually gets executed:

$ pytest -v -k deleting
.../ FAILED [100%]

E ValueError: Invalid command: del
src/contacts/ ValueError

Our scenario steps were all properly executed, but, as expected, our test has not passed. It choked on the When I run the "contacts del John"command step because our contacts application doesn't yet recognize the del command.

Making the scenario pass

So, our next steps will involve diving into the functional and unit tests that we need to define how the del command has to behave while providing an implementation for it.

As that's a part that we already know from the previous chapters of the book, we are going to provide the final resulting implementation here directly:

class Application:

def run(self, text):
text = text.strip()
_, cmd = text.split(maxsplit=1)
cmd, args = cmd.split(maxsplit=1)

if cmd == "add":
name, num = args.rsplit(maxsplit=1)
self.add(name, num)
except ValueError as err:
elif cmd == "del":
raise ValueError(f"Invalid command: {cmd}")


def delete(self, name):
self._contacts = [
c for c in self._contacts if c[0] != name

Now that our implementation is in place and the "del" command is dispatched to the Application.delete function, it will remove anyone matching the provided name from the list of contacts. We can check that our acceptance test passes and that our contacts book application is actually doing what we meant it to do:

$ pytest -v -k deleting
.../ PASSED [100%]

Our scenario was executed and our implementation satisfied it. The steps were executed by the functions we provided in our file:

"Removing a Basic Contact")
def test_deleting_contacts():

@given("I have a contact book", target_fixture="contactbook")
def contactbook():
return contacts.Application()

@given(parsers.parse("I have a "{contactname}" contact"))
def have_a_contact(contactbook, contactname):
contactbook.add(contactname, "000")

@when(parsers.parse("I run the "{command}" command"))
def runcommand(contactbook, command):

@then("My contacts book is now empty")
def emptylist(contactbook):
assert contactbook._contacts == []

The problem with this approach is that if we have multiple scenarios, then it can tend to get confusing. It's already hard to spot out of the box the order of execution of this code, or the relations between the functions. We would have to constantly jump back and forth to the .feature file in order to understand what's going on.

This is especially the case if we have multiple different scenarios from unrelated features that can become hard to navigate, making it difficult to even distinguish between scenarios that are related to the same feature.

For this reason, people tend to split the features into multiple Python modules. Each Python module will contain the functions implementing the scenarios and steps that are only related to that, usually leading to a layout that is similar to tests/acceptance/, tests/acceptance/, and so on.

Now that we know how to write acceptance tests in a more shareable way, we are going to lower the barrier of how easy they are to understand and verify for a human by introducing specification by example, a practice that tries to ensure that what the software has to do is not only expressed and verified, but that it is also expressed in a way that is less subject to misunderstandings.

With BDD, we might all agree on what's written in the acceptance tests and say that it expresses perfectly the specifications of our software, but the translation phase from the Gherkin syntax to code based tests can lead to misunderstandings. Specifications by example try to solve these kinds of issues by relying on clear examples that should be hard to misunderstand and by providing multiple examples for each scenario to further reduce doubts.

Embracing specifications by example

A common problem with acceptance tests is that it takes some effort to understand what's going on. If you are not already familiar with the domain, it can be easy to misunderstand them, thus leading to the wrong checks being performed even if everyone that reviewed it agreed with the original acceptance tests.

For example, if I read an acceptance test such as the following:

Given a first number 2
And a second number 3
When I run the software
Then I get 3 as the output

I might be tempted to understand it as, Oh, ok! The test is meant to verify that given two numbers, we print the highest one.

But that might not be the requirement; the requirement might actually be, Given two numbers, print the lowest one plus one. How can I understand which one that test was actually meant to verify?

The answer is to provide more examples. The more examples we provide for our tests, the easier it is to understand them.

Examples are provided in a table-like format, where columns are meant to show the data involved in our examples and the resulting outcomes. In general, we can say that the columns should describe the state of the system for that example:

Number1 | Number2 | Result
2 | 3 | 3

If, by having only 2 and 3 as numbers and 3 as the result, both understandings of the test would be acceptable, the moment I expand my examples with one more, it becomes immediately obvious which one of the two I meant.

So we can add one more row to our examples table to add an example that further reduces the uncertainty regarding what the expected behavior is:

Number1 | Number2 | Result
2 | 3 | 3
5 | 7 | 6

The second example makes it possible to understand that we are not printing the highest of the two numbers, but that we are actually printing the lowest plus one.

What if I have further doubts? Maybe it's not the lowest plus one; maybe it's the first of the two numbers plus one!

Number1 | Number2 | Result
2 | 3 | 3
5 | 7 | 6
8 | 4 | 5

With the third example, we made it clear that we actually want the lowest of the two numbers and not the first one. Just add more examples until the reading of the test becomes fairly obvious for every reader.

That's the core idea behind specification by example: the behavior of a software can be described by providing enough examples that make it obvious to see what's going on.

Instead of having to write tens of pages trying to explain what's happening, given enough examples, which can be automatically verified, the reader can easily see what's going on.

Generally, there are many benefits to this approach, including the following:

  • We don't have the specification and the test: the specifications are testable by definition.
  • Tests that were easy to misunderstand can easily be made more obvious by adding more examples, which are cheaper to add than more tests.

  • You can't change the behavior of the software without updating the specifications. The specifications are the examples used to verify the software; if they don't verify, then the updated tests would not pass.

As the specifications are meant to be human-readable, the Gherkin language is a good foundation for writing the specifications themselves making sure that they can be verified. We just need to add a section where we provide a list of all the possible examples for a scenario.

For example, we might write the final feature of our software: Listing the contacts using this model. To do so, let's write a scenario with two examples of possible contact lists to print:

Feature: Listing Contacts
Contacts added to our contact book can be listed back.

Scenario: Listing Added Contacts
Given I have a contact book
And I have a first <first> contact
And I have a second <second> contact
When I run the "contacts ls" command
Then the output contains <listed_contacts> contacts

| first | second | listed_contacts |
| Mario | Luigi | Mario,Luigi |
| John | Jane | John,Jane |

Compared to the scenarios we wrote before, the main difference is that we used some placeholders contained within angular brackets (<first>, <second>, and <listed_contacts>), and then we have a list of examples at the end of the scenario.

This whole feature description with its examples becomes our specification and sole document that we discuss with all stakeholders. If we have doubts, we add more examples and scenarios to the feature until it becomes obvious to everyone how the software should behave.

We save our feature description as "tests/acceptance/list_contacts.feature" and, as we did for the previous cases, we start by adding a test for our scenario so that PyTest knows that we have one more test to run:

"Listing Added Contacts")
def test_listing_added_contacts(capsys):

As we have to check the output of the command (which will print the contacts), this time, our test explicitly mentions the capsys fixture, so that output starts to be captured when the test is run.

The first step of our scenario is "Given I have a contact book", which we had already implemented for our previous contacts deletion test, so in this case we have nothing to do. pytest-bdd will reuse the same test implementation as the step is the same.

Going further, we have two steps in charge of adding the two contacts from the examples into our contact list:

    And I have a first <first> contact
And I have a second <second> contact

These translate into two new steps, and both of these are in charge of adding one contact to the contact book, as shown in the following code block:

@given("I have a first <first> contact")
def have_a_first_contact(contactbook, first):
contactbook.add(first, "000")
return first

@given("I have a second <second> contact")
def have_a_second_contact(contactbook, second):
contactbook.add(second, "000")
return second

As the two tests have the same exact implementation, you might be wondering why we made two different Given steps instead of a single one with a parser.

The reason is because Given steps, in BDD, are meant to represent data that is needed to perform the test. They state what you have in a way that should make it possible to look up any of the given things explicitly. If, in any other step, we want to know what's the name of the first person that was added to the contact book, that step would only have to refer to the given test by the name of the function, and the given step would behave as a fixture providing that specific entity.

To make it easier to understand, if we want to get back the name of the first contact added to the contact book, we just have to add a have_a_first_contact argument to the function implementing the step that needs that name. As the have_a_first_contact function returns a value, that value would be associated with any have_a_first_contact argument name in any other step.

In the same way, if we want to refer to the second person in our contact book, we just have to require the have_a_second_contact argument.

If, instead of having those two separate Given steps, we had a single have_a_contact step that used a parser, and we used it twice to add two contacts, which one of the two would the have_a_contact argument refer to? It would be ambiguous, and that's why pytest-bdd prevents reuse of the same Given step twice in the same scenario. Each Given step must be unique so that the data it provides is uniquely identifiable by the step name.

The same doesn't apply to other kinds of steps. For example, it's perfectly possible to reuse the same When step multiple times in a scenario. That's because When steps are not meant to represent data and so have no need to be uniquely identifiable.

Now that we have our Given steps in place, the next step is the When step, which is meant to run the command that lists our contacts:

When I run the "contacts ls" command

This again is a step that we already implemented in our previous delete contact scenario. In the scenario, the When step we implemented there accepted a command to run as an argument, and so it's able to run any command. pytest-bdd will be able to reuse it, and hence we don't have to implement anything.

The final step is the one meant to verify that the command actually did what we expect, the Then step:

Then the output contains <listed_contacts> contacts

This step will have to check the output provided by the command and ensure that the contacts we wrote in our example actually exist in the output:

@then("the output contains <listed_contacts> contacts")
def outputcontains(listed_contacts, capsys):
expected_list = "".join([
f"{c} 000 " for c in listed_contacts.split(",")
out, _ = capsys.readouterr()
assert expected_list == out

We already know that we need capsys to be able to read the output of a program being tested. Apart from capsys, our step also requires the list of contacts that it has to check. Those are coming from the Examples section in the scenario.

In the Examples entry, listed_contacts were provided as comma-separated ("Mario,Luigi"), so the first thing we do is to split them by the comma so that we can get back all the contacts. Then, as our program is going to print them in separate lines with their phone numbers, we append the phone number at the end of the line (which is hardcoded at "000" as that's what we had in our two have_a_first_contact and have_a_second_contact steps). The expected_list variable is meant to contain the list of contacts, one by line with their phone number. For the "Mario,Luigi" example, the content would thus be as follows:

Mario 000
Luigi 000

Once we have the expected_list variable containing the properly formatted text, we only have to compare it to the actual output of the application to confirm that the application printed the two contacts we expected with their phone numbers.

Now that we have translated our steps to code, we can run our test suite to confirm that the test is actually verifying our implementation:

$ pytest -v
.../[Mario-Luigi-Mario,Luigi] FAILED
.../[John-Jane-John,Jane] FAILED
E ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)

As expected, since we haven't yet implemented any support for listing contacts, the software crashed, but at least we know that pytest-bdd was able to identify the code for all the steps, translate them, and run the scenario for both our examples (as we have the same test_listing_added_contacts test performed twice, one for Mario-Luigi-Mario,Luigi and one for John-Jane-John,Jane).

As usual, we can jump to our functional and unit tests to drive the actual implementation, and a possible edit to our Application object could be to handle commands that don't have any args, and then call a printlist function when the command is "ls":

class Application:

def run(self, text):
text = text.strip()
_, cmd = text.split(maxsplit=1)
cmd, args = cmd.split(maxsplit=1)
except ValueError:
args = None

if cmd == "add":
name, num = args.rsplit(maxsplit=1)
self.add(name, num)
except ValueError as err:
elif cmd == "del":
elif cmd == "ls":
raise ValueError(f"Invalid command: {cmd}")


def printlist(self):
for c in self._contacts:
print(f"{c[0]} {c[1]}")

The printlist function simply iterates over all contacts and prints them with their phone numbers.

As we have the implementation in place, our acceptance test should pass and confirm that it behaves like it is meant to:

$ pytest -v
.../[Mario-Luigi-Mario,Luigi] PASSED
.../[John-Jane-John,Jane] PASSED

Now that the acceptance tests pass for the examples we provided, we know that the implementation satisfies what our team wanted so far.


In this chapter, we saw how we can write acceptance tests that can be shared with other stakeholders to review the behavior of the software and not just be used by developers as a way to verify that behavior. We saw that it's possible to express the specifications of the software itself in the form of scenarios and examples, which guarantees that our specifications are always in sync with what the software actually does and that our software must always match the specifications as they become the tests themselves.

Now that we know how to move a project forward in a test-driven way using PyTest, in the next chapter we are going to see more essential PyTest plugins that can help us during our daily development practice.

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