End-to-End Testing with the Robot Framework

In the previous chapter, we saw how to test web applications and, in general, applications that rely on the HTTP protocol, both client and server side, but we were unable to test how they perform in a real browser. With their complex layouts, the fact that CSS and JavaScript are heavily involved in testing your application with WebTest or a similar solution might not be sufficient to guarantee users that they are actually able to work with it. What if a button is created by JavaScript or it's disabled by CSS? Those conditions are hard to test using WebTest and we might easily end up with a test that clicks that button even though the button wasn't actually usable by users.

To guarantee that our applications behave properly, it is a good idea to have a few tests that verify at least the more important areas of the application using a real browser. As those kinds of tests tend to be very slow and fragile, you still want to have the majority of your tests written using solutions such as WebTest or even unit tests, which don't involve the whole application life cycle, but having the most important parts of the web application verified using real browsers will guarantee that at least the critical path of your web application works on all major browsers.

The Robot framework is one of the most solid solutions for writing the end-to-end tests that drive web browsers and mobile applications in the Python world. It was originally developed by Nokia and evolved under the open source community, and is a long-standing and solid solution with tons of documentation and plugins. It is therefore battle tested and ready for your daily projects.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Introducing the Robot framework
  • Testing with web browsers
  • Extending the Robot framework

Technical requirements

We need a working Python interpreter with the Robot Framework installed. To run tests with real browsers, we are also going to use the robotframework-seleniumlibrary and the webdrivermanager utilities. To record videos of our tests, we are going to need the robotframework-screencaplibrary library. robotframework, robotframework-seleniumlibrary, robotframework-screencaplibrary, and webdrivermanager can be installed with pip, in the same way as all other Python dependencies:

$ pip install robotframework robotframework-seleniumlibrary webdrivermanager robotframework-screencaplibrary

The examples have been written on Python 3.7, robotframework 3.2.2, robotframework-seleniumlibrary 4.5.0, robotframework-screencaplibrary 1.5.0, and webdrivermanager 0.9.0, but should work on most modern Python versions.

You can find the code present in this chapter on GitHub at https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Crafting-Test-Driven-Software-with-Python/tree/main/Chapter12.

Introducing the Robot Framework

The Robot Framework is an automation framework mostly used to create acceptance tests in the Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) and Behavior Driven Development (BDD) styles. Tests are written in a custom, natural English-like language that can be easily extended in Python, so Robot can, in theory, be used to write any kind of acceptance tests in a format that can be shared with other stakeholders, pretty much like what we have seen we can do with pytest-bdd in previous chapters.

The primary difference is that Robot is not based on PyTest, it is a replacement for PyTest, and is widely used to create end-to-end tests for mobile and web applications. For mobile applications, the Appium library allows us to write Robot Framework tests that control mobile applications on a real device, while the Selenium library provides a complete integration with web browsers, which means that the Robot Framework allows us to write tests that drive a real web browser and verify the results.

Robot Framework tests are written inside .robot files, which are then divided into multiple sections by the section headers. The most frequently used section headers are the following:

  • *** Settings ***: This contains options to configure Robot itself.
  • *** Variables ***: This contains variables to reuse across multiple tests.
  • *** Test Cases ***: This contains our tests.
  • *** Keywords ***: This contains our own custom commands.

So, the minimum content of a .robot file is usually a Test Cases section with a test inside. Each test is then a collection of commands for the Robot Framework that are provided by keywords made available by libraries for the Robot Framework itself.

The only library automatically available by default in the Robot Framework is the Builtin one (Builtin library reference: https://robotframework.org/robotframework/latest/libraries/BuiltIn.html), which provides some generally helpful commands such as Should Contain to check the content of a variable, or Expression to run any Python expression and assign the result to a variable.

Further libraries can be imported explicitly with the Library command in the Settings section. Without involving explicit libraries that add more commands, Robot itself can't do much.

For example, if we want to create a very basic test where we save the "Hello World" string into a file and verify its content, we would have to involve the OperatingSystem library (OperatingSystem library reference: https://robotframework.org/robotframework/latest/libraries/OperatingSystem.html), which makes available commands to interact with files, directories, and the system shell.

To create such a test, we would make a hellotest.robot file, where we can declare the instruction for the Robot Framework. At the beginning of the file, we would declare a Settings section, where we use the Library command to make the OperatingSystem library available:

*** Settings ***
Library OperatingSystem
In Robot, multiple spaces perform separate commands from their arguments.

Through the OperatingSystem library, we will get the Run and Get File commands, which we need to write our actual test.

Subsequently, we will declare the Test Cases section, where we can put all our tests. In this case, we are going to place only one test, entitled Hello World.

The test itself will create a new file with the "Hello World" string inside, and will then read it back and check that the content contains the string "Hello":

*** Test Cases ***
Hello World
Run echo "Hello World" > hello.txt
${filecontent} = Get File hello.txt
Should Contain ${filecontent} Hello

The first line of our test uses the Run keyword to invoke the echo command in a shell (if you are on a *nix system, such as Linux or macOS X), and the echo command is invoked with the Hello World argument and redirection is effected to the hello.txt file so that the output of the command actually goes into that file.

Once that file is created, on the second line we use the Get File keyword to read the content of the hello.txt file and assign what we read to the ${filecontent} variable.

Finally, we check through the Should Contain keyword that the variable contains the string Hello.

Once we have saved all this as hellotest.robot, we should be able to run it by invoking the robot command and see that our test is executed and passes:

$ robot hellotest.robot 
Hello World | PASS |
Hellotest | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed

If we wanted to see what happens when our tests fail, we could change the Should Contain line to a different string, for example, Should Contain ${filecontent} Bye and see what happens when we rerun our test:

$ robot hellotest.robot 
Hello World | FAIL |
'Hello World' does not contain 'Bye'
Hellotest | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed

Details about what precisely went wrong are then made available in the log.html file, where each command that Robot performed is recorded with debugging information. Opening such a file in a browser will indicate explicitly that the command that failed is Builtin.Should Contain and that it failed with the 'Hello World' does not contain 'Bye' error:

Figure 12.1 – Detailed log of our test execution from log.html

Now that we know how the Robot Framework works, we can move on to the next steps and see how we can use it to test web applications with a real browser.

Testing with web browsers

We have seen how, using libraries, we can extend Robot with additional commands that allow us to write most different kinds of tests. One of the most frequent use cases for Robot is actually web development as it has a very convenient SeleniumLibrary library that provides many commands to control a real web browser and perform tests that can involve JavaScript (Selenium library reference: https://robotframework.org/SeleniumLibrary/SeleniumLibrary.html).

Once we have installed the robotframework and robotframework-seleniumlibrary Python distributions, in order to be able to write tests that involve a real browser, we will need to enable the web drivers for the browsers we want to use. So, we will need those browsers to be available and then, through the webdrivermanager utility that we installed previously, we can enable the drivers for all the browsers we have available:

$ webdrivermanager firefox chrome
Downloading WebDriver for browser: "firefox"
2588kb [00:01, 1978.35kb/s]
Driver binary downloaded to: "./venv/WebDriverManager/gecko/v0.28.0/geckodriver-v0.28.0-linux64/geckodriver"
Symlink created: ./venv/bin/geckodriver

Downloading WebDriver for browser: "chrome"
5979kb [00:01, 3615.18kb/s]
Driver binary downloaded to: "./venv/WebDriverManager/chrome/87.0.4280.88/chromedriver_linux64/chromedriver"
Symlink created: ./venv/bin/chromedriver
Notice that the examples take for granted the fact that everything is happening inside a Python virtual environment, so keep in mind that when using a virtual environment, the drivers are only available inside that environment, and if you create a new one you will need to enable the drivers again.

Once we have the drivers available, Robot will be able to control the browsers for which we provided the drivers (in this case, Chrome and Firefox), so we can go back to our editor and create a new test to establish how Robot works.

In this case, we are going to create a test where we search on Google for a famous person and verify that Wikipedia is included in the results returned. To do so, let's create a searchgoogle.robot file were we are going to enable the SeleniumLibrary library so that browser-related commands become available:

*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary

The next step is then to write the test itself to open Google with Chrome, accept the privacy policy, perform the search, and then check that Wikipedia is included in the results:

*** Test Cases ***
Search On Google
Open Browser http://www.google.com Chrome
Wait Until Page Contains Element cnsw
Select Frame //iframe
Submit Form //form
Input Text name=q Stephen Hawking
Press Keys name=q ENTER
Page Should Contain Wikipedia
Close Window

If we run our test, a Chrome window will pop up, perform the search, and then close again, with our test regarded as having passed if everything went right:

$ robot searchgoogle.robot 
Search On Google | PASS |
Searchgoogle | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed

Our test might look a bit complex, and that's because the Google website requires us to accept a privacy policy before we can start searching. So, the first commands are related to opening Google itself using Chrome and then waiting for the privacy policy (with id=cnsw in HTML) to appear:

     Open Browser    http://www.google.com    Chrome
Wait Until Page Contains Element cnsw

Once the browser opens the Google website, we should be greeted by the privacy policy acceptance box:

Figure 12.2 – Google website with the policy acceptance request
In case you don't see the privacy policy when opening the Google website, don't worry. Google decides if to show the privacy policy or not based on the country and browser you are connecting from. If you country doesn't have any privacy policy requirement, Google might not show the policy. In such case you can omit the three "Wait Until Page Contains Element", "Select Frame" and "Submit Form" commands related to managing the privacy policy or just read further until we tackle headless browser later in the chapter and run the examples using Google Chrome browser in headless mode.

Once the privacy policy is visible, we are going to pick the iframe within which it gets displayed and submit the first form that exists within it:

     Select Frame    //iframe
Submit Form //form

Submitting the form will make the privacy policy alert disappear and will finally reveal the search box:

Figure 12.3 – Google website once the privacy policy has been accepted

At this point, we just have to write the name of the person we want to search for in the search box (which has name=q in HTML) and submit it by pressing the ENTER key:

     Input Text    name=q    Stephen Hawking
Press Keys name=q ENTER
Notice that we had to escape the space between the first name and surname of Stephen Hawking, and that's because spaces are used to separate arguments of commands in Robot, so we wanted the name and surname to figure together as a single argument of the Input Text command instead of them being treated as separate arguments.

At this point, if everything worked correctly, we should see the search results showing Wikipedia as one of them, if not the first:

Figure 12.4 – Google search results for "Stephen Hawking"

As we are writing a test, the subsequent line is meant to assert the condition for our test, so it's going to check that Wikipedia is one of the results:

Page Should Contain    Wikipedia

Once we have verified that everything worked as expected, as we have nothing else to do, we can submit the last command to close the browser window and move forward:

Close Window

Recording the execution of tests

As we have seen, while tests are running, the browser window is on screen and every action we perform is visible. As we obviously don't want to stare at our tests while they run, it would be convenient to have recordings of them available, so that we can see what happened during those tests in case of a failure.

Luckily for us, the Robot Framework has a ScreenCapLibrary library that allows screenshots and video recordings of our tests to be made. Once the robotframework-screencaplibrary Python distribution is installed with pip, we will be able to use its commands by adding it to our test's *** Settings *** section:

*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary
Library ScreenCapLibrary

To record the execution of a test, we just have to begin it with a Start Video Recording command and then end it with a Stop Video Recording one:

*** Test Cases ***
Search On Google
Start Video Recording
Open Browser http://www.google.com Chrome
Wait Until Page Contains Element cnsw
Select Frame //iframe
Submit Form //form
Input Text name=q Stephen Hawking
Press Keys name=q ENTER
Stop Video Recording
Page Should Contain Wikipedia
Close Window

Screenshots and videos taken with the test are embedded within the log.html document, so we can see the result of our recording by looking at the log file:

Figure 12.5 – Test execution log with video recording embedded

ScreenCapLibrary recordings will be available only if the step that saves them succeeds. Therefore, we need to pay attention when writing our tests to ensure that recordings are saved (which means stopping the recording before any assertion). In our short test, for example, we placed the Stop Video Recording command before the Page Should Contain Wikipedia one. This ensures that even if Wikipedia is not included in the results, the recording will still be visible:

Figure 12.6 – Test execution log with the recording even if the test assertion failed

At the other end, in the event of any failure, the SeleniumLibrary library will make a screenshot of the web browser. So, even if our video doesn't get recorded, we will always have available screenshots of the state of the browser at the time the command failed.

A more robust approach for handling recording is to rely on the Test Setup and Test Teardown phases of Robot so that we can start and stop the recording on every test automatically and even in case of failures. So if, for example, we move our Start Video Recording and Stop Video Recording commands into those two phases within the Settings section, we will have a reliable recording even in the event of failures:

*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary
Library ScreenCapLibrary

Test Setup Start Video Recording
Test Teardown Stop Video Recording

*** Test Cases ***
Search On Google
Open Browser http://www.google.com Chrome
Wait Until Page Contains Element cnsw
Select Frame //iframe
Submit Form //form
Input Text name=q Stephen Hawking
Press Keys name=q ENTER
Page Should Contain Wikipedia
Close Window

Now, our recording will be started automatically on all tests and stopped when they end, even if they fail.

It's generally a good idea to make sure that your test suite has a Suite Teardown step with a Close All Browsers command in the *** Settings *** section. This will ensure that all browser processes and windows are properly destroyed when the test suite finishes running. Some browsers tend to leave behind running processes after the tests have run, and so might slow down your system if you run the test suite multiple times.

Testing with headless browsers

Even if it's convenient to be able to see what's going on during tests, during our daily development cycle, we don't want to have browser windows popping up in the middle of our screen and preventing us from doing anything else apart from looking at our tests running.

For this reason, it's frequently convenient to be able to run tests without real browser windows opening. This can be done by using a headless browser, in other words, a browser without a UI.

With Chrome, for example, this can be done in the Open Browser command by choosing the headlesschrome browser instead of Chrome. Using headlesschrome will prevent browser windows from popping up, but will still retain the majority of the features:

*** Test Cases ***
Search On Google
Open Browser http://www.google.com headlesschrome
Wait Until Page Contains Element cnsw
Select Frame //iframe
Submit Form //form
Input Text name=q Stephen Hawking
Press Keys name=q ENTER
Page Should Contain Wikipedia
Close Window

Unfortunately, while Robot will retain the same behaviors when running with a headless browser, the websites themselves might not. So, for example, in our case, the test will fail because Google won't show up the privacy policy acceptance dialog when running with a headless browser:

$ robot searchgoogle.robot 
Search On Google | FAIL |
Element 'cnsw' did not appear in 5 seconds.
Searchgoogle | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed

To address this issue, we can make the commands related to the privacy policy conditional and only run them when a normal browser is in use. To do so, the first step is to refactor the selected browser into a variable so that we can more easily change which browser we are going to use:

*** Variables ***
${BROWSER} chrome

*** Test Cases ***
Search On Google
Open Browser http://www.google.com ${BROWSER}

Now that we can easily change which browser we use just by changing the ${BROWSER} variable, we can check whether that variable contains "headlesschrome" to skip the privacy policy part in the case of the Chrome browser in headless mode.

To make an instruction conditional, we can use the Run Keyword If command. Tweaking our test that way will make sure that it succeeds both when using a real browser or a headless one:

*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary
Library ScreenCapLibrary
Test Setup Start Video Recording
Test Teardown Stop Video Recording

*** Variables ***
${BROWSER} headlesschrome
${NOTHEADLESS}= "headlesschrome" not in "${BROWSER}"

*** Test Cases ***
Search On Google
Open Browser http://www.google.com ${BROWSER}
Run Keyword If ${NOTHEADLESS} Wait Until Page Contains Element
Run Keyword If ${NOTHEADLESS} Select Frame //iframe
Run Keyword If ${NOTHEADLESS} Submit Form //form
Input Text name=q Stephen Hawking
Press Keys name=q ENTER
Page Should Contain Wikipedia
Close Window

To avoid repeating the condition over and over, we also refactored the "headlesschrome" not in "${BROWSER}" expression into a variable so that we can just check for that variable.

Now that we have conditional execution of the instructions that caused problems when using a headless browser, we can rerun our test:

$ robot searchgoogle.robot 
Search On Google | PASS |
Searchgoogle | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed

Now, our tests finally passed using a headless browser and we learned how to use variables and conditional execution in Robot tests.

Testing multiple browsers

Now that we know how to run tests in Chrome, headless or not, it might be reasonable to feel the need to verify that our web application actually works on other browsers, too. So the question might be how we can also verify it on Firefox or Edge.

Luckily for us, we just refactored the browser in use to be a variable, so we can just change that variable and have all our tests run on one browser or the other.

But if we want to make this part of our CI, it's not very convenient to change the tests file in the middle of our CI runs. For this reason, Robot allows the provision of variable values through the command line using the --variable option. For example, to use Firefox, we could pass --variables browser:firefox:

$ robot --variable browser:firefox searchgoogle.robot 
Search On Google | FAIL |
Element with locator 'name=q' not found.
Searchgoogle | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed

Surprisingly, when run with Firefox, our test failed. This is not only because websites might behave differently when using different browsers, but also because the browsers themselves might behave differently.

For example, Firefox didn't select back the primary page after we accepted the privacy policy, so it's still trying to act inside the iframe that contained the privacy policy. This makes it impossible for the browser to find the input with name=q, where it's meant to write the query string, and so the test is failing.

To fix this, we can modify our test slightly to Unselect Frame after we have finished with it:

*** Test Cases ***
Search On Google
Open Browser http://www.google.com ${BROWSER}
Run Keyword If ${NOTHEADLESS} Wait Until Page Contains Element
Run Keyword If ${NOTHEADLESS} Select Frame //iframe
Run Keyword If ${NOTHEADLESS} Submit Form //form
Unselect Frame
Input Text name=q Stephen Hawking
Press Keys name=q ENTER
Page Should Contain Wikipedia
Close Window

This will make sure that the test is able to accept the privacy policy and go back to the search field in both Chrome and Firefox, thus solving our problem. Now that we are able to perform the search, let's go back to our tests and see what happens when rerunning them:

$ robot --variable browser:firefox searchgoogle.robot 
Search On Google | FAIL |
Page should have contained text 'Wikipedia' but did not.
Searchgoogle | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed

Another apparent failure is that even though the search happened correctly, the browser was unable to find Wikipedia in the results.

In this case, the log.html output can immediately help us understand what's going wrong. If we look at it, we will see that the problem is that by the time our test checks for "Wikipedia", the web page has not yet loaded the results themselves. The search box is still visible in the screenshot that the log file contains:

Figure 12.7 – The log for our test that failed because Firefox was slower than the test itself

We can fix this by waiting for the search results to appear before performing the assertion, so let's tweak our search test a bit more to include an explicit wait for the results:

*** Test Cases ***
Search On Google
Open Browser http://www.google.com ${BROWSER}
Run Keyword If ${NOTHEADLESS} Wait Until Page Contains Element
Run Keyword If ${NOTHEADLESS} Select Frame //iframe
Run Keyword If ${NOTHEADLESS} Submit Form //form
Unselect Frame
Input Text name=q Stephen Hawking
Press Keys name=q SPACE
Press Keys name=q ENTER
Wait Until Page Contains Element id=res
Page Should Contain Wikipedia
Close Window

This last version of our test is finally able to pass in connection with all the browsers we were concerned with, Firefox and Chrome, with both of them in headless mode too:

$ robot --variable browser:headlessfirefox searchgoogle.robot 
Search On Google | PASS |
Searchgoogle | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed

At this point, we know how to write tests in Robot and how to write them so that we can verify them using multiple different browsers.

Extending the Robot Framework

As we have seen, Robot can be expanded with libraries that can add more keywords. That can be a convenient feature also for us when writing tests. If we have a set of instructions that we are going to repeat frequently in our tests, it would be convenient to factor them into a single keyword that we can reuse. Furthermore, Robot can be expanded with new custom commands that we can implement in Python.

Adding custom keywords

To see how extending Robot with custom keywords works, we are going to create a very simple customkeywords.robot test file, where we are going to write a basic script that only greets us:

*** Test Cases ***
Use Custom Keywords
Echo Hello

Running the script will fail as we have not yet implemented the Echo Hello keyword, so how can we provide it? For this purpose, Robot supports a *** Keywords *** section, where we can declare all our custom keywords, so let's declare our keyword there:

*** Keywords ***
Echo Hello
Log Hello!

*** Test Cases ***
Use Custom Keywords
Echo Hello

The Echo Hello keyword is just going to invoke the built-in Log keyword, passing a hardcoded greeting string, so it's not very helpful, but we could actually list any kind or amount of commands within a custom keyword, so we could make it do whatever we needed.

Now that we have provided a declaration for the Echo Hello command, rerunning the tests will succeed:

$ robot customkeywords.robot
Use Custom Keywords | PASS |
Customkeywords | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed

The output of our logging is not visible on the shell from which we started the Robot command, but if we open the log.html file, we will see that the string was correctly logged in that document.

Extending Robot from Python

Going further, we can expand Robot with new libraries that we can implement in Python. To do so, we have to create a Python package with the name of the library and install it. All the non-internal functions we declare in the installed library will become available in our Robot scripts once we enable the library itself with the usual Library command.

So, let's replicate what we just did using Python. The first step is to create the distribution for the library so that it can be installed. Therefore, we are going to create a hellolibrary directory where we are going to put our hellolibrary/setup.py file:

from setuptools import setup

setup(name='robotframework-hellolibrary', packages=['HelloLibrary'])

Within this directory, we need to create a HelloLibrary package. This will be what gets installed and what gets loaded using the Library command in Robot. So let's create a hellolibrary/HelloLibrary/__init__.py file so that the nested directory gets recognized as a package by Python.

Inside the __init__.py file, we are going to declare the HelloLibrary class with a say_hello method. The say_hello method, as a public method, will be automatically exposed in Robot as the Say Hello keyword of the library:

class HelloLibrary:

def say_hello(self):
print("Hello from Python!")

Now that all the pieces are in place, we can install our library so that it becomes available to Robot for installation using pip, as we would for any other Python distribution:

$ pip install -e hellolibrary/
Obtaining file://hellolibrary
Installing collected packages: robotframework-hellolibrary
Running setup.py develop for robotframework-hellolibrary
Successfully installed robotframework-hellolibrary

Once our library is installed, we can use it as we would for any other Robot library. Adding a Library HelloLibrary instruction to our Settings section will make the Say Hello keyword available for our own use:

*** Settings ***
Library HelloLibrary

*** Keywords ***
Echo Hello
Log Hello!

*** Test Cases ***
Use Custom Keywords
Echo Hello
Say Hello

We can confirm that everything worked as expected by rerunning Robot. If we didn't make any error and the library was installed correctly, our tests should succeed again:

$ robot customkeywords.robot
Use Custom Keywords | PASS |
Customkeywords | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed

Like we did for the Echo Hello keyword, we can verify that our Say Hello keyword worked properly and logged the "Hello from Python!" message by looking at the log.html file:

Figure 12.8 – Log of the test using our custom commands

By default, a new library object is created for every test, so a new instance of our HelloLibrary class would be made on every test. In case we needed to share a single object across all tests, we could set the HelloLibrary.ROBOT_LIBRARY_SCOPE = "SUITE" class attribute, which would signal to Robot to create only once instance and share it across all tests of the same suite. Furthermore, we could set that attribute to ROBOT_LIBRARY_SCOPE = "GLOBAL" and make the instance unique for the whole test run. This allows us to share the internal state of our library object across multiple tests in case we need to preserve any information.


In this chapter, we saw how we can go further and not only test the responses that our web applications provide, but also that those responses work for real once they are handled by a web browser.

Now that we have covered Robot, we have all the tools we need to test our web applications across all stack levels. We know how to use PyTest for building block unit tests, WebTest for functional and integration tests, and Robot for end-to-end tests involving real browsers. So we are now able to write fully tested web applications, paired with the best practices for TDD and ATDD, which we learned in earlier chapters, and we should be able to build a solid development routine that allows us to create robust web applications that are also safe to evolve and refactor over time.

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