As always, to Elizabeth Minnich, whose extraordinary thinking, spirit, and love enrich and inform everything I do.

To our next generations: Gabe Kahn, David Fernandes, Jesse M. Kahn, Anthea Chan, Simon P. Kahn, and beyond.

To my wonderful sister Jenette Kahn, who is always there for me, and who helps me remember.

To the Grassroots Leadership board and staff, present and past, who have made my work and life so rich over these past thirty years, with special thanks to those who put so much time into helping edit this book: Marianna Dorta, Les Schmidt, Bob Libal, Carol Sawyer, Naomi Swinton, and LaWana Mayfield.

For above-the-call editorial, research, and design assistance: Debbie Alicen, Judith Brown, Dave Beckwith, Rebecca Buckwater-Poza, Elisa Cooper, Matthew Gossage, Tom Hanchett, Linda Jupiter, Lauren Martin, Elizabeth Minnich, Steve Piersanti, Pam Rogers (who compiled “Creative Community Organizing’s Top 20”), Frappa Stout, and Paul Wright.

The many friends and coworkers who provided critique, feedback, support, and assistance: Scott Ainslie, Janet Bell, Heather Booth, Joanie Bronfman, Melody Byrd, Katy Chevigny, Carmen Agra Deedy, Eleni Delimpaltadaki, Sandra Dunn, Michael Edwards, Steve Eulberg, Cathy Fink, Danny Goldberg, Bev Grant, John Grooms, Anton Gunn, Geraldine Laybourne, Linda Levine, Mara Levine, Steve Mayer, Chandra Talpade Mohanty, Stephen Nathan, Mitty Owens, Marcia Peters, June Rostan, Julie Rowe, Ellen Ryan, John Ruoff, Carol Sawyer, Dan Schatz, Nancy Schimmel, Bob Skloot, Mary Snow, Micah Solomon, Janet Stecher, Norm Stockwell, Neil Tudiver, Deborah Van Kleef, Jill Williams, Tawana Wilson-Allen.

Angela Davis and Jim Hightower for writing the forewords.

Everyone who wrote the wonderful blurbs that helped make me truly glad I wrote this book.

The musical, theatrical, and personal support team who help me keep going: David Glenn Armstrong, Barbara Ballard, Janice Bane, Allen Bromberger, Marsha Brooks, Cathy Fink, Steve Grauberger, Pieter Groenveld, Mimi Huntington, Rienk Janssen, Don “Bogey” Jones, Jens Krüger, Uwe Krüger, Joel Landsberg, Marcy Marxer, Kathy Mattea, John McCutcheon, Darlyne Menscer, Amy Merrill, Mac Pirkle, Janice Soled, Brenda Mountjoy Sorkin, Jon Vezner, and Philip Zanon.

At Berrett-Koehler, an author’s dream of a publishing house: Everyone. I started to list them by name, and then realized I was recognizing the entire staff. I have rarely worked with any group of people who balance sheer professionalism and personal support so well.

My wonderful creative support team: Josh Dunson at Real People’s Music in Chicago, who represents me internationally for concerts, music and literary festivals, workshops, speaking engagements, and residencies (; [email protected]).

Chris Wade of ADASTRA Arts and Leisure in Yorkshire, England, who represents me artistically in Europe (; [email protected]).

Jesse M. Kahn, for elegant graphic design, photography, and production of my CDs over many years.

Kari Estrin of Kari Estrin Management and Consulting in Nashville, who provides career consulting and creative radio promotion for my CDs (; [email protected]).

Gail Leondar-Wright, who does stellar radio promotion for my books (

Researcher Debbie Alicen, who tracks down the most obscure references with speed and grace ([email protected]).

Web designer Mary Snow for making my work look good in cyberspace.

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