About the Authors

Justin Zappulla

Managing Partner, Janek Performance Group

Justin Zappulla's career has been highlighted by remarkable performance in sales, sales management, and sales operations. Along the way, he has made a rapid climb from sales to corporate leadership positions and into sales performance consulting roles. Today, Justin, managing partner at Janek Performance Group, is considered one of the top authorities and thought leaders in corporate sales strategy and sales performance improvement.

Justin began his work at Janek Performance Group working face-to-face with a global clientele across a variety of industries and business segments, including technology, finance, insurance, health care, consumer goods, and manufacturing. With sales consulting, training, and coaching expertise, he has worked with hundreds of companies to develop and implement strategic sales performance solutions and has trained and coached more than 15,000 sales and sales management professionals worldwide.

Justin is an active member and supporter of several sales and learning communities, including the Association for Talent Development, and participates in both the Chief Learning Officer Business Intelligence and Human Capital Executive Research Boards. Justin was a key contributor to the popular sales book Mastering the World of Selling, and as an often-quoted authority on sales and sales management practices, Justin has widely been recognized as one of the biggest names in sales.

Previously, Justin served as the international director of sales for the largest privately held telecommunications company in North America. In that role, he was responsible for B2B and B2C sales efforts and was a key player in launching and supporting the company's two international telesales centers, in Egypt and the Philippines.

Justin brings a drive and focus to everything he does, whether he's in the boardroom or on the golf course. A native of Las Vegas, Nevada, Justin lives with his wife, Megan, and two daughters, Alaina and Aubrey. Justin has deep connections to his community, which he has seen grow into one of the world's most vibrant cities.

Nick Kane

Managing Partner, Janek Performance Group

Nick Kane has maintained an escalating career in sales, sales management, and as a sales executive leading a variety of sales initiatives both domestically and abroad. Nick Kane serves as managing partner at Janek Performance Group, where is recognized as a thought leader and sales performance expert, guiding numerous organizations in improving their sales effectiveness. Prior to his role as managing partner, Nick served as senior vice president of Sales & Marketing at Janek, overseeing sales across all Janek offerings, including corporate sales training to a wide range of verticals, nationwide sales seminars, and sales strategy consulting. In that position, he was responsible for working with corporate clients to develop sales strategies and implement sales training programs. He also led efforts to expand Janek's training offerings, enhance service levels and client satisfaction, and cultivate a more client-focused environment, all of which are part of his current focus as well.

Previously, Nick served as director of national sales for the largest privately held telecommunications company in North America. In that role, he managed sales and marketing initiatives for business clients in the United States. In addition, he was involved in the development and implementation of sales training and performance improvement initiatives within the organization, which included cold-call outbound sales, inbound sales, large account management, customer service, and customer retention departments.

A member of the Association for Talent Development, Nick has trained more than 15,000 sales professionals worldwide during the course of his career, and he is passionate about helping sales professionals improve their selling careers—and, as a result, their lives.

A self-professed die-hard Lakers fan, Nick also enjoys a variety of other sports, as well as travel and automobiles. He is very involved in his community of Henderson, Nevada, where he has lived for more than 20 years.

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