

  • Active listening:
    • asking questions after
    • for content, meaning, and feeling
    • in discovering phase
    • identifying vocal qualities and body language with
    • importance of
    • and remembering customer's words
    • summarizing and validating in
  • Added value
  • Addressing:
    • alternative options
    • customer priorities
    • objections
  • Advisors, trusted, see Trusted advisor(s)
  • Advocating your solution
  • Agenda, pushing your own
  • Aggressive sales tactics
  • Agreement:
    • confirming
    • empathy vs.
  • Alliant Credit Union
  • Alternatives:
    • addressing
    • asking customers questions about
    • comparing price with
    • considering, in presentation planning
    • offering
  • “Always be closing,”
  • American Express
  • Angie's List
  • Appropriate objectives
  • Asking for business
  • Asking for feedback:
    • in closing phase
    • importance of
    • on lost sales
    • in opening phase
    • in presenting phase
  • Asking questions:
    • about critical areas of focus
    • about readiness to move forward
    • building relationships by
    • confirming known needs by
    • in customer-focused sales approach
    • in discovering phase
    • follow-up questions
    • helping customers acknowledge consequences by
    • and implementation of Critical Selling framework
    • interrogating customers vs.
    • at The McCrone Group
    • phrasing for
    • in presenting phase
    • responding to objections by
    • soliciting feedback by
  • Assumptions:
    • about readiness to move forward
    • about status on Relationship Continuum
    • and active listening
    • in discovering phase
    • and handling of objections
  • Attitude:
    • about change
    • for dealing with objections
    • performance and
  • Authenticity


  • Balance Sheet Close
  • Banter
  • Benefits, see Features and benefits discussions
  • Ben Franklin Close
  • Best-in-class organizations:
    • continuous improvement at
    • practice at
  • Body language:
    • in active listening
    • mirroring customers’
    • and presence
  • Broadridge
  • Bryant, Kobe
  • Business, asking for
  • Business-oriented customer style
  • Buyers. See also Customers
    • becoming a trusted advisor to
    • and changes in buying/selling
    • characteristics of today's
    • in Critical Selling framework
    • customer-focused sales approach for
    • evolution of
    • perceptions of salespeople by
    • premium on time for
  • Buyer's remorse
  • Buying, changes in
  • Buying decision:
    • asking questions about
    • consequences of delaying
    • helping customers with
    • impact of
    • people and relationships involved in
    • process for making
    • research on
  • Buying opportunities
  • Buying process:
    • adding value throughout
    • asking questions about
    • customers’ position in
  • Buying signals, recognizing


  • Canned presentations
  • Cartier
  • Catalent
  • Cautious and skeptical customer style
  • Cespedes, Frank V.
  • Challenges:
    • asking questions about customers’
    • at The McCrone Group
  • Change:
    • assessing your readiness for
    • attitude about
    • commitment to
    • discomfort with
    • open-mindedness about
    • optimism about
    • pace of
    • patience with attempts at
    • resistance to
    • for sake of change
    • success and adapting to
  • Cialdini, Robert
  • Closed-ended questions:
    • about handling of objections
    • about readiness to move forward
    • open- vs.
  • Closed mindset
  • Closing phase
    • asking for feedback in
    • confirming responsibilities, tasks, and deadlines in
    • customers’ readiness for
    • defining next steps in
    • gaining commitment in
    • jumping ahead to
    • summarizing in
    • techniques for
    • timing of
  • Cognizant (company)
  • Collaboration, on solutions
  • Comfortable, making customers:
    • in discovering phase
    • and keeping in touch
    • in opening phase
  • Commitment. See also Time commitment
    • to change
    • to Critical Selling framework
    • gaining
  • Common interests, building rapport with
  • Communication:
    • active listening to improve
    • in discovering phase
    • and presence
  • Communication style:
    • adapting to customer's
    • and keeping in touch
    • in opening phase
    • in presenting phase
  • Complacency
  • Complicated sales, planning for
  • Confidence:
    • displaying, in opening phase
    • improving customers’
  • Confirmation:
    • and active listening
    • after dealing with objections
    • after presentations
    • of agreement
    • in closing phase
    • of known customer needs
    • in opening stage
    • in transitioning
  • Connecting with customers:
    • and becoming a trusted advisor
    • in implementation of Critical Selling framework
    • by listening
    • in opening phase
    • and presence
    • and Relationship Continuum
    • research for
  • Consequences, of unfulfilled needs
  • Contact, maintaining
  • Content, listening for
  • Context, listening for
  • Continuous improvement
  • Control, in selling
  • Cost(s):
    • of failing to plan
    • of resisting change
  • Cradle-to-Grave Close
  • Credibility:
    • and active listening
    • asking questions to build
    • and becoming trusted advisor
    • connecting with customers to build
    • and customer-focused selling
    • relationship building and
  • Critical Selling framework. See also specific phases, e.g.: Closing phase
    • becoming a trusted advisor with
    • benefits of
    • commitment to
    • components of
    • confirmations in
    • connections of phases in
    • customer-focused selling in
    • functions of
    • implementation of
    • improving sales performance with
    • at McCrone Group
    • mindset for
    • perseverance with
    • picking and choosing strategies from
    • planning and reflecting in
    • research in development of
    • sellers and buyers in
  • Critical Selling® Skills Planner:
    • postcall tool
    • precall tool
  • Culture, at McCrone Group
  • Cummins
  • Customers:
    • articulating objectives to
    • asking questions of, see Asking questions
    • body language of
    • building relationships with
    • building understanding of
    • communication style of
    • connecting with, see Connecting with customers
    • current situation of
    • energy level of
    • expectations of
    • focusing on
    • helping, with buying decision
    • improving confidence of
    • interactions between sales professionals and
    • interrupting
    • making customers comfortable
    • motivation of
    • objections by, see Objections
    • objectives of
    • opportunities, problems, and challenges for
    • position of, in buying process
    • priorities of, see Priorities, customer
    • questions from
    • readiness of, for closing
    • research by
    • research on
    • respecting time of
    • rushing of sales process by
    • solutions crafted by
    • tailoring sales approach to
    • thanking
    • thinking of
    • words used by
  • Customer-focused sales approach:
    • asking questions in
    • components of
    • at The McCrone Group
    • tactics in
    • for today's buyers
  • Customer needs, see Needs, customer
  • Customer values


  • Daimler Trucks America
  • Deadlines
  • Decision makers:
    • identifying
    • planning presentations for
  • Decision making, see Buying decision
  • Defensiveness:
    • about objections
    • in discussions of consequences
  • Delaying:
    • of buying decision
    • of price discussion
  • Differentiation:
    • with active listening
    • by asking questions
    • by building rapport
    • in customer-focused sales approach
    • product
    • by top performers
  • Discipline, for planning
  • Discomfort, with change
  • Discovering phase
    • active listening in
    • asking questions in
    • benefits of conducting
    • dealing with price requests in
    • follow-up questions in
    • importance of
    • at The McCrone Group
    • moving into presenting phase from
    • phrasing of questions in
    • pitfalls in
    • and presenting phase
    • reducing objections in
    • revisiting
    • six critical areas of focus in
    • transitioning from
  • Duke University


  • Easy success
  • Effectiveness, sales
  • Effective salespeople
  • Effortless perfection
  • E-mail, delivering LPSs via
  • Emotions, in sales process
  • Empathy:
    • in active listening
    • handling objections with
  • Enartis Vinquiry
  • Energy level, mirroring customers’
  • Engagement
  • Enthusiasm
  • Expectations:
    • aligning
    • of customers
    • and defining next steps
  • Experience, sales performance and
  • Expertise:
    • in customer-focused selling
    • of top performers


  • Fear:
    • about objections
    • and confirmation
  • Features and benefits discussions:
    • handling objections with
    • in presentations
  • Feedback. See also Asking for feedback
    • on lost sales
    • negative
    • neutral
    • positive
  • Feeling, listening for
  • Finalist presentations, planning for
  • Flexibility:
    • in opening phase
    • in presenting phase
  • Focus:
    • critical areas of
    • on customer
  • Follow-up questions:
    • about customer situation
    • in active listening
    • in discovering phase
  • Follow-up sales calls
  • Follow-up training, at McCrone Group
  • Forbes (magazine)
  • Framing:
    • of conversations about solutions
    • reframing objections
  • Freeway Insurance
  • Friendliness
  • Friendly and personable customer style
  • Friendly salespeople
  • Front-of-mind, remaining


  • Goldilocks moment, for closing
  • Goodwill, maintaining
  • Great Recession
  • Green, Charles
  • Greetings
  • Gretzky, Wayne


  • Handling objections:
    • attitude for
    • methods of
    • preparing for
  • Hidden needs
  • Hooke College of Applied Sciences, LLC (HCAS)
  • Hope, as strategy
  • HSBC


  • Implementation of Critical Selling framework
    • adjusting your attitude for
    • asking questions in
    • committing to change in
    • connecting with customers in
    • at McCrone Group
    • pitfalls with
    • planning in
    • and sales performance
  • Improvement, continuous
  • InfinityQS
  • Influence, six principles of
  • Information:
    • dealing with objections by giving more
    • from discovering phase
    • from open-ended questions
    • overloading customer with
  • Insight:
    • objections as opportunities for
    • and Relationship Continuum
    • sharing your
  • Intangibles, in price negotiations
  • Interrogations
  • Interrupting customers


  • Janek Performance Group
  • Jordan, Michael


  • King, Larry
  • Known needs


  • Leadership training
  • Learning, life long
  • Legitimate Purpose Statements (LPSs):
    • adjusting, based on feedback
    • confirmation after delivery of
    • in conversations with customers
    • e-mail and voice mail delivery of
  • LinkedIn
  • Listening. See also Active listening
    • during confirmation
    • connecting with customers by
    • for content, meaning, and feeling
    • for context and subtext
    • by top performers
  • Long-winded presentations
  • Lost sales:
    • feedback on
    • keeping in touch with customers after
    • and objections
    • thanking customers at end of
  • LPSs, see Legitimate Purpose Statements


  • McCrone Associates Inc. (MA)
  • The McCrone Group (TMG)
    • implementation of Critical Selling framework at
    • mindset at
    • planning and preparation at
    • practice sessions at
    • results for
    • sales challenges at
    • training sessions at
  • McCrone Microscopes & Accessories, LLC (MMA)
  • McGinn, Jeff
  • McKinsey & Company
  • Maister, David
  • Malshe, Avinash
  • Meaning:
    • listening for
    • of objections
  • Measurable objectives
  • Message, for connecting with customers
  • MGM Resorts International
  • Mindset:
    • closed
    • for Critical Selling framework
    • at The McCrone Group
    • for opening phase
    • and sales performance
  • Mindset of top performers
    • about tenure
    • continuous improvement in
    • open-mindedness about change in
    • patience in
    • and resistance to change
  • MMA (McCrone Microscopes & Accessories, LLC)
  • Motivation:
    • of customers
    • of top performers


  • National Motor Club
  • Natural closes
  • Needs, customer:
    • and buying opportunities
    • confirming understanding of
    • connecting solutions to
    • consequences of unfulfilled
    • as critical area of focus
    • in customer-focused sales approach
    • discovering. See also Discovering phase
    • drivers of
    • hidden
    • known
    • linking solution to
    • at The McCrone Group
    • objections based on
    • in planning for opening
    • and Relationship Continuum
    • and SAM objectives
    • summarizing solution and
    • tailoring presentations to
    • unknown
  • Negative feedback:
    • after presentations
    • objections as
  • Negotiations, price
  • Neutral feedback
  • Next steps, defining
  • Northrop Grumman


  • Objections
    • and asking for feedback on lost sales
    • attitude for handling
    • as battles between sales professionals and customers
    • drivers of
    • fear about
    • methods of handling
    • preparing to handle
    • in presenting phase
    • price-based
    • real
    • reasons customers raise
  • Objectives:
    • appropriate
    • articulation of
    • linking solutions to
    • measurable
    • setting of
    • specific
  • Online research, by customers
  • Open-ended questions:
    • about customer situation
    • about options and alternatives
    • closed- vs.
    • uncovering information with
  • Opening phase
    • adapting to customer's style in
    • asking for feedback during
    • connecting with customers in
    • creating connections in
    • delivering LPSs in
    • greetings in
    • importance of
    • managing presence in
    • planning for
    • reducing objections in
    • reflecting on
    • research on customers before
  • Open-mindedness
  • Opportunities:
    • asking questions about customers’
    • buying
    • objections as
    • poor openings as lost
  • Optimism, about change
  • Options:
    • addressing
    • asking customers questions about
    • offering
  • Option Close
  • Order takers
  • Overselling


  • Patience
  • Pauses, in speech
  • Perceived value
  • Perfection, effortless
  • Performance, see Sales performance
  • Perks, offering
  • Perseverance
  • Personable customer style
  • Personal attacks, objections as
  • Persuasion
  • Philips
  • Phrasing, of questions
  • Planning
    • articulating objectives in
    • for implementation of Critical Selling framework
    • importance of
    • at The McCrone Group
    • for objections
    • for opening phase
    • in presenting phase
    • and reflecting on sales calls
    • and sales
    • setting objectives in
    • skipping
    • thought process for
  • Positive attitude
  • Positive feedback
  • Postcall planning tool
  • Practice:
    • at The McCrone Group
    • for sales professionals
    • by top performers
  • Precall planning tool
  • Presence, vocal
  • Presentations:
    • canned
    • finalist
    • long-winded
    • recommendations in
    • social proof in
    • strengthening impact of
    • targeted
  • Presenting phase
    • asking for feedback in
    • delivering canned performances in
    • information from discovering phase in
    • linking solution to customer needs in
    • moving from discovering phase into
    • persuasion in
    • pitfalls with
    • planning in
    • reducing objections in
    • strengthening your solution in
    • tailoring your solution in
  • Price:
    • early requests for
    • negotiating on
    • objections based on
  • Price ranges
  • Priorities, customers’:
    • addressing
    • asking questions about
    • linking solutions to
    • planning for objections in terms of
  • Problems, customers’
  • Pro-con format for closes
  • Product differentiation
  • Professional background, building rapport over
  • Professional development
  • Professionalism, handling objections with
  • Progress monitoring:
    • measurable objectives for
    • and reflecting on sales calls
    • specific objectives for
  • Pryor, Susie
  • Puppy Dog Close
  • Purpose statements, see Legitimate Purpose Statements (LPSs)


  • Quantifiable evidence, of objectives
  • Questions. See also Asking questions; Targeted questioning
    • closed-ended
    • in discovering phase
    • follow-up
    • open-ended
    • phrasing of
    • responding to customers’


  • Rapport building:
    • with active listening
    • and becoming trusted advisor
    • connecting with customers for
    • in discovering phase
    • in opening phase
  • Realistic objectives
  • Real objections:
    • asking questions to uncover
    • recognizing
  • Recommendations
  • Reflections:
    • on opening phase
    • and planning
    • on sales calls
    • skipping
  • Reframing, of objections
  • Rejections, dealing with
  • Relationships, buying decision and
  • Relationship building:
    • with customers
    • in discovering phase
    • at The McCrone Group
  • Relationship Continuum:
    • assumptions about position on
    • levels of
    • for The McCrone Group
  • Research:
    • by buyers/customers
    • on buying decision
    • critical areas of
    • on customers
    • in development of Critical Selling framework
    • on discovering phase
    • on handling objections
    • before sales calls
    • on sales performance/effectiveness
    • on value of planning
  • Resistance, in opening phase
  • Resistance to change:
    • by lower performers
    • and mindset of top performers
    • as self-sabotage
    • and tenure
  • Respect, handling objections with
  • Responsibilities:
    • confirming
    • in defining of next steps
  • Return on investment (ROI)
  • Risks:
    • of delaying/not making buying decision
    • of failing to plan
  • ROI (return on investment)


  • Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de
  • Sales, planning and
  • Sales approach, making small changes to
  • Sales calls:
    • planning before
    • reflecting on
    • researching customers before
    • setting objectives for
    • “winging,”
  • Sales effectiveness
  • Sales organizations, successful
  • Salespeople. See also Sales professionals
    • buyers’ perceptions of
    • trusted advisors vs.
  • Sales performance:
    • and Critical Selling framework
    • and experience
    • importance of
    • improving
    • at The McCrone Group
    • and mindset
    • and tenure
  • Sales pitches:
    • buyers’ views of
    • tailoring
  • Sales process. See also specific phases, e.g.: Closing phase
    • accelerating
    • committing to
    • customers rushing of
    • emotions in
    • importance of opening in
    • role of planning in
    • rushing
    • setting appropriate objectives based on
    • trusted advisors in
    • trust in
  • Sales professionals. See also Top performers
    • adaptations to buyers by
    • interactions between customers and
    • objections as battles between customers and
    • practice for
    • as trusted advisors
  • Sales training
  • SAM (specific, appropriate, measurable) objectives:
    • articulating
    • setting
  • Scratch Events
  • Self-coaching
  • Self-sabotage
  • Sellers. See also Sales professionals
  • Selling:
    • changes in buying and
    • difficulties with
  • Selling cycle
  • Selling skills, view of
  • Sincerity
  • Six critical areas of focus
    • buying process
    • customer needs and challenges
    • customer situation
    • impact
    • options and alternatives
    • people and relationships
  • Six Principles of Influence
  • Skeptical and cautious customer style
  • Social media
  • Social proof
  • Solution(s):
    • advocating for
    • connecting customer needs to
    • customers’ crafting of
    • linking customer needs to
    • linking customer values to
    • objections regarding needs and
    • recommending
    • risks of rejecting
    • strengthening
    • summarizing customer needs and
    • tailoring
    • using objections to find
  • Specific objectives
  • Status quo trap
  • Strategic questioning
  • Subtext, listening for
  • Success
  • Summarizing:
    • in active listening
    • in closing phase
  • Sympathy Close
  • Synonyms, using


  • Take-Away Close
  • Targeted presentations
  • Targeted questioning:
    • about critical areas of focus
    • about customer needs
    • about options and alternatives
    • following up with
  • Tasks, confirming
  • Technical products
  • Technology
  • Tenure
  • Thanking customers
  • Thinking, customers’:
    • challenging
    • changing
  • Thought process:
    • for active listening
    • for planning
  • Time:
    • buyers’ premium on
    • respecting customers’
  • Time commitment:
    • for discovering phase
    • for making change
    • for planning
    • for presenting phase
  • Timing, of closing phase
  • TMG, see The McCrone Group
  • Tone of voice
  • Top performers:
    • adaptations by
    • attitudes of
    • characteristics of
    • closing phase for
    • confirmation by
    • connections with customers of
    • credibility and relationship building by
    • critical areas of focus for
    • customer-focused sales approach of
    • differentiation by
    • discovering phase for
    • expertise of
    • feedback solicitation by
    • habits of
    • handling of objections by
    • incorporation of change by
    • legitimate purpose statements of
    • listening by
    • mindset of
    • motivation of
    • objectives of
    • opening phase for
    • planning by
    • practice by
    • presenting phase for
    • professional development by
    • questions asked by
    • reflection on sales calls by
    • selling by
    • strengthening of solutions by
    • tailoring of solutions by
    • timing of closing for
  • “Touching base,” calls for
  • Training:
    • at The McCrone Group
    • ongoing
  • Transactional sales
  • Transitioning, to presenting phase
  • TripAdvisor
  • TriZetto
  • Trust:
    • earning
    • objections as sign of
    • in sales process
  • Trusted advisor(s):
    • active listening by
    • addressing alternative options as
    • asking for feedback as
    • assumptions about status as
    • becoming
    • benefits of being
    • closing phase for
    • handling objections as
    • at The McCrone Group
    • positioning yourself as
    • questions asked by
    • on Relationship Continuum
    • sales professionals as
    • tailored solutions from
  • The Trusted Advisor (David Maister and Charles Green)


  • Unfulfilled needs
  • Unknown needs
  • Unknown unknowns


  • Validation
  • Value:
    • added
    • customer objections about
    • emphasizing
    • of planning
    • price and perceived
    • of sales call
  • Values, customers’
  • Visa
  • Visionary customer style
  • Vocal presence
  • Vocal quality:
    • and active listening
    • and presence
    • in presentations
  • Voice mail, delivering LPSs via


  • Walters, Barbara
  • Wells Fargo
  • “What's in it for me?” attitude about change
  • Wiley, David
  • Williams, Serena
  • Williams, Ted
  • Williams, Venus
  • Winfrey, Oprah
  • “Winging” sales calls
  • Word choice:
    • in dealing with objections
    • and presence
    • in presentations
    • repeating customer's words


  • Yelp
  • “Yes, and” response
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