
Here are just a few of our 100+ colleagues on the VitalSmarts team who are as committed to this work as any of the authors:

James Allred, Terry Brown, Mike Carter, Lance Garvin, Jeff Gibbs, Justin Hale, Emily Hoffman, Jeff Johnson, Todd King, Brittney Maxfield, Mary McChesney, John Minert, David Nelson, Stacy Nelson, Rich Rusick, Andy Shimberg, Mindy Waite, Yan Wang, Steve Willis, Mike Wilson, Paul Yoachum, and Rob Youngberg.

Thanks also to our U.S. associates who are gifted teachers and powerful influencers:

Doug Finton

Ilayne Geller

Tamara Kerr

Richard Lee

Simon Lia

Murray Low

Jim Mahan

Margie Mauldin

Paul McMurray

Jim Munoa

Larry Peters

Shirley Poertner

Mike Quinlan

Kurt Southam

Neil Staker

And finally we express gratitude to the partners and friends who have supported our work around the globe:

Australia—Geoff Flemming and Grant Donovan

Brazil—Josmar Arrais

China—Jenny Xu

Egypt—Hisham El Bakry

France—Cathia Birac and Dagmar Doring

India—Yogesh Sood

Indonesia—Nugroho Supangat

Italy—Giovanni Verrecchia

Malaysia—V. Sitham

Netherlands—Sander van Eijnsbergen and Willeke Kremer

Poland—Marek Choim

Singapore—James Chan

South Africa—Helene Vermaak and Jay Owens

South Korea—Ken Gimm

Switzerland—Arturo Nicora

Thailand—TP Lim

U.K.—Grahame Robb and Richard Pound

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