
I’m grateful for the assistance of several important people who have helped to bring this book to see the light of day.

My wife Theresa has been patient and supportive of my work for almost 20 years. Were it not for this support, I could not have started this project or completed it.

I’d also like to express my gratitude to my parents for instilling within me a strong work ethic and for tolerating me as I chase rainbows.

Adam the AussieNinja, Thomas Dylan Daniel, M.A., and Paul Savage (aka @Quillfire) provided great insight and feedback on this manuscript, helping to improve it beyond my own capabilities.

I’d also like to thank readers at Publish0x, Voice, and Trybe (before it rebranded as Loop Markets) for their encouragement and engagement while sharing my ideas on the concepts and projects discussed in this book. The Cryptowriter team was immensely helpful in allowing me to test my material on their audience. Thomas Wolf, in particular, was very encouraging and supportive. Thanks for sending me that Voice invite and introducing me to Cryptowriter.

Also, a great big thanks to George Popescu for asking me to edit Blockchain Times, an opportunity that introduced me to the vast world of cryptocurrencies and which kickstarted my cryptosocial adventure.

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