Chapter 8. Reflection

D supports limited runtime reflection out of the box as well as rich compile-time reflection that can be used in code generation efforts, custom semantic checks, building additional runtime reflection information, and more. In this chapter, we'll be covering the following recipes:

  • Getting dynamic runtime type information
  • Getting a list of child classes
  • Determining whether a module is available
  • Getting a list of all methods or fields in a module or an object
  • Inspecting function overloads
  • Determining names, types, and default values of function parameters
  • Getting components of complex types
  • Using user-defined attributes
  • Implementing a custom lint-style check for virtual functions
  • Extending the runtime type information
  • Creating a command-line function caller


Reflection is commonly associated with virtual machines of interpreted languages, but D proves it can work well with a natively compiled language too. D provides some built-in runtime reflection, a lot of compile-time reflection, and ways to make the compile-time information available at runtime to bridge the gap while only paying for what you use.

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