
Places of Worship

1. Seville Cathedral

Seville’s most striking architectural masterpiece is its vast cathedral. Inside are soaring columns, precious artworks and the world’s largest altarpiece (for further details see Seville Cathedral & La Giralda).

2. La Mezquita, Cordoba

This spectacular mosque may have been savagely reconsecrated but visitors can still see its Byzantine mosaics and other exquisite marvels (for further details see La Mezquita, Córdoba).

3. Mosque, Almonaster la Real

Virtually unchanged for 1,000 years, this is one of the few surviving rural mosques in Andalucía and has the oldest mihrab (Mecca-facing prayer niche) in Spain.prac_infoOpen 9am–7:30pm daily • Ayuntamiento 95914 30 03 • Free

4. Oratorio de San Felipe Neri, Cadiz

As the commemorative plaques adorning the façade reveal, this fine Baroque church is one of the most significant buildings in Spain. On 29 March 1812 a group of Spanish patriots defied a Napoleonic blockade and met here to compose the country’s first constitution. The document’s liberal ideas have inspired fledgling democracies ever since.prac_infoPlaza San Felipe Neri • Open 10am–1:45pm & 5–7:45pm Mon–Fri, 10am–1:45pm Sat, 11am–1:45pm Sun • 697 95 97 27 • Adm

5. La Colegiata de Santa Maria de la Asuncion, Osuna

From its hilltop, this massive Spanish Renaissance church dominates the town. Its austere façade is relieved by a fine Plateresque portal, the Puerta del Sol. Inside, treasures include five masterpieces by José de Ribera, a Crucifixion sculpture by Juan de Mesa, beautiful Renaissance ornamentation and a wonderfully high-spirited Baroque altarpiece (for further details see Osuna).

6. Iglesia de San Mateo, Lucena

It’s intriguing to find one of the masterpieces of Andalucían Rococo design in this industrial town – especially because Lucena was famous for having been a virtually independent Jewish enclave during Moorish rule. The gem of this 15th-century church is its 18th-century octagonal sacristy and the complex decoration of the chapel and its dome.prac_infoOpen during services • Free

7. Capilla Real and Catedral, Granada

Although not without aesthetic merit, these two structures are more about Christian triumph and royal ego than they are about spirituality. At the Royal Chapel’s sarcophagi, note how Queen Isabel’s head presses more deeply into her marble pillow than that of King Fernando – said to indicate greater intelligence. In the cathedral is the equestrian statue of El Matamoros (“The Killer of Moors”) by Alonso de Mena (for further details see Cathedral & Capilla Real, Granada).

8. Monasterio de San Jeronimo, Granada

This Renaissance magnum opus is largely the creation of Diego de Siloé, one of the great masters of the age. The façade’s upper window is flanked by sinuous mythological animals and medallions. Inside, the altar is complex and monumental, consisting of row upon row of high reliefs framed by columns.prac_infoC/Rector López Argueta 9 • Open 10am–1:30pm & 4–7:30pm Mon–Sat, 11am–1:30pm & 4–7:30pm Sun; • 958 27 93 37 • Adm

9. Catedral de Jaen

The cathedral was primarily the work of famed Renaissance architect Andrés de Vandelvira, although the west façade was designed later, decorated with Baroque sculptures by Pedro Roldán. Each Friday, at 10:30am–noon and 5–6pm, one of Spain’s, one of Spain’s holiest relics, the Reliquía del Santo Rostro de Cristo, is brought out for the faithful to kiss. It is believed to be the cloth that St Veronica used to wipe Christ’s face on the road to Calvary. An impression of the holy face is said to have been miraculously left upon it (for further details see Jaén City).

10. Capilla del Salvador, Ubeda

Designed by Siloé and Vandelvira, this masterpiece of Andalucían Renaissance was commissioned as a family pantheon and is still privately owned. The sacristy is the highlight, employing caryatids and atlantes as columns and pilasters. It was once embellished by a Michelangelo sculpture, a sad casualty of the Spanish Civil War (for further details see Plaza de Vázquez de Molina, Úbeda).

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