Appendix A


Appendix A contains examples of data integrity rules to show the types and formats of the various data integrity rules. For a detailed description of data integrity rules, refer to Data Resource Simplexity.

Data Integrity Rule Symbols

Mathematical symbols:

+ addition

- subtraction

* multiplication

/ division

** exponentiation

= equals

Logical symbols:

< less than

> greater than

<= less than or equal to

>= greater than or equal to

= equal to

<> not equal to

>< must be equal to, or must be

^ hierarchy (parent – child)

& logical and

| logical or

|| concatenated with

:: valid for

~ relationship

<< comes from, translates from

>> goes to, translates to

Blank means a blank data value

‘ ‘ means a blank data value

Set symbols:

{  } a set

n{  }m a set with minimum and maximum values

(   ) grouping of elements

n   m substring from n to m

Data Integrity Rule Common Words

Cardinality! Proactive Update!

Constraint! Rederivation!

Change! Retroactive Update!

Comment: Selection!

Condition! Source!

Constraint! Translation!

Delete! Unique!

Derivation! Violation!





Street Segment

Cardinality 1!

Cardinality 2!


Inactive Delete!

Active Delete!


Product. Market Value

Domain! 1 <= integer <= 1000

Need! Required

Class – Student



Data Value Rules

20 <= Trailer. Length <= 60

Trailer. Length

Domain! 20 <= Integer <= 60

Company. Name

Domain! 5 characters <= Text <= 30 characters & first            character <> Blank

Domain! 5 <= alphanumeric characters <= 128 & right justified

Domain! -180.0 <= real <= +180.0

Driver. Birth Date, Domain! >< Valid Date

Candidate. Birth Date

Domain! January 1, 1996 <= Date <= December 31, 1998

Sample Tree. Height, Domain! 36.75 <= Real <= 72.25

Product. Audit Indicator

Domain! {‘Y’ | ‘N’}   Default ‘N’

When default value entered

Product. Audit Indicator Default Value Entry = “Y”

Region. Code

Domain! {‘AK’ | ‘BK’ | ‘CD’ | ‘RQ’ | ‘XT’}


Region. Code, Domain >< Region. Code

Conditional Data Value Rules

Need! Region. Code is Required

Need! 1{Region. Code}1

Need! Prevented

Need! Region. Code is Optional

Need! 0{Region. Code}1

Need! Optional

Need! Region. Code is Prevented

Need! 0{Region. Code}0

Need! Prevented

Product Order. Value Condition!

When Product Status. Code = ‘Confirmed’

Product Order. Sale Date is Required

Product Order. Ship Date is Prevented

Product Order. Delivery Date is Prevented

When Product Status. Code = ‘Shipped

Product Order. Sale Date is Required

Product Order. Ship Date is Required

Product Order. Delivery Date is Prevented

When Product Status. Code = ‘Delivered

Product Order. Sale Date is Required

Product Order. Ship Date is Required

Product Order. Delivery Date is Required

Product Order. Value Condition!

Product Order. Ship Date >= Product Order. Sale Date

Product Order. Delivery Date >= Product Order. Ship Date

Employee Seniority - Employee Type Integrity!

When Employee Type. Code = ‘1’  Employee Seniority. Code >< ‘B’

When Employee Type. Code = ‘2’  Employee Seniority. Code >< {‘B’ | ‘C’}

And so on…

Domain! Employee Type. Code & Employee Seniority. Code ><

       Employee Seniority – Employee Type Integrity.

Employee Seniority – Employee Type Integrity

Employee Seniority – Employee Type Integrity. Begin Date

Need! Required

Employee Seniority – Employee Type Integrity. End Date

When Employee Seniority – Employee Type is valid

Employee Seniority – Employee Type. End Date is Prevented

When Employee Seniority – Employee Type is not valid

Employee Seniority – Employee Type. End Date is Required

Data Structure Rules

Stream - Stream Segment Cardinality!

1{Stream}1 ~ 2{Stream Segment}M


Employee. Social Security Number

Need! Required

Department. Number

Need! Required

Domain! Department: Department. Number

Ethnicity. Code

Need! Optional

Domain! {Blank | Ethnicity: Ethnicity. Code}

Employee – Ethnicity Cardinality!

1{Employee}1 ~ 0{Ethnicity}1

Class ~ Professor Cardinality!

1{Professor}1 ~ 0{Class}3

Conditional Data Structure Rules

Degree ~ Student Cardinality!

When a Student is an Undergraduate Student a Degree is    Prevented.

When a Student is a Graduate Student a Degree is Required.

Student >< {[Undergraduate] Student | [Graduate] Student}

Degree ~ [Undergraduate] Student. Cardinality!

1{[Undergraduate] Student}1 ~ 0{Degree}0

Degree ~ [Graduate] Student. Cardinality!

1{[Graduate] Student}1 ~ 1{Degree}M

Prospective Student ~ Student Constraint!

Prospective Student <> Student

Data Derivation and Data Rederivation Rules


Employee. Age, Years- Derivation!

Employee. Age, Years = Current Date - Employee. Birth Date

Well Type. Code, Derivation!

Derive: On initial data entry

Rederive:  When contributor’s data value changes

When Well Casing Type  Code = ‘Black Steel’ & Well. Depth <= 10 Feet

Well Type. Code = ‘1’

When Well Casing Type  Code = ‘Black Steel’ & Well. Depth > 11 Feet & <= 100 Feet

Well Type. Code = ‘2’

When Well Casing Type  Code = ‘Black Steel’ & Well. Depth > 300 Feet

Well Type. Code = ‘3’

And so on…

Product Shipment

Product Shipment. Product Count, Derivation!

Product Shipment. Product Count = Count of unique Products in Product Shipment

Derive:  When Product Shipment Status. Code =’C’

Rederive: None

Product Shipment. Total Weight, Derivation!

Product Shipment. Total Weight = Sum of all Product Load. Weight in Product Shipment

Derive:  When Product shipment Status Code = ‘C’

Rederive:  None

Product Shipment. Average Product Weight, Derivation!

Produce Shipment. Average Product Weight = Product Shipment. Total Weight / Product Shipment. Product Count

Derive: When contributors have been derived.

Rederive:  None


Vehicle. Yearly Miles, Derivation!

January 1 {Sum Vehicle Trip. Miles} December 31

Derive:  January 15 of following calendar year

Rederive:  None

Data Retention Rules


Employee. Name, Change!

Move Employee. Name to Employee History. Name

Enter effective date of name change in Employee History. Date

Enter new employee name in Employee. Name


Employee. Name, Change!

Move Employee to Employee History

Enter effective date of name change in Employee History. Date

Enter new employee name in Employee. Name


Employee. Birth Date, Change!

Change allowed with no History

Customer. Retention!

Customer. Inactive!

When Customer has not Purchased a Product for 12 months

Delete Customer

Customer. Left Country!!

When Customer has left the country

Delete Customer

Customer. Deceased!!

When Customer has deceased

Delete Customer

Customer. Delete!

Move Customer to Customer History

Enter current data in Customer History. Date

Delete Customer

Customer History

When Current Date >= Customer History. Date + 36 Months

Delete Customer History

Data Selection Rules

[Retirement Eligible] Employee. Selection!

Employee. Age, Years >= ‘50’ & Employee. Service Years >= ‘25’

[Management Level] Employee. Selection!

Management Level. Code = {‘2’ | ‘4’ | ‘5’}

[Preferred] Employee. Selection!

[Retirement Eligible] Employee & [Management Level] Employee

Product. Style, Selection!

3 Product. Comment 8

Data Translation Rules


Pole. Length, Inches- Translation!

Pole. Length, Meters * 39.39


Product. Price, US Dollars- Translation!

Exchange Rate. Euro = current exchange rate

Exchange Rate. Date = current Date

Product. Price, Euro = Product. Price, US Dollars * Exchange Rate. Euro

Traffic Accident

Traffic Accident. Location, State Plane Coordinate- Translation!

Traffic Accident. Location, Latitude Longitude- = Traffic Accident. Traffic Accident Location, State Plane Coordinates- & Geographic Coordinate. Algorithm Six.


Translation. Algorithm Twelve


Driver. Complete Name, Inverted- Translation!

Driver. Complete Name, Normal- & Translation. Algorithm Twelve


Translation. Miles – Kilometers

Translation. Meters – Feet

And so on.

Road Segment

Road Segment. Length, Kilometers- Translation!

Road Segment. Length, Miles- & Translation. Miles - Kilometers

Translation. Pi, Seven Decimals = 3.14159623

Road Segment

Road Segment. Length, Kilometers

Road Segment. Length Significant Digits



Coordinate. Longitude Degree,  Domain!

-180.0 <= value <= 180.0

Well Head

Well Head. Longitude Degrees,  Domain! >< Longitude. Degree, Domain!


Coordinate. Longitude Degrees, Washington Federal- Domain!

122.234 <= value <= 123.615

Coordinate. Longitude Degrees, Washington State- Domain!

122.197 <= value <= 123.675

Well Head

Wellhead. Longitude Degrees, Domain! >< Coordinate. Longitude Degrees, Washington Federal- Domain!



Customer. Left Country Duration! <Pre-1995>

Customer. Left Country Duration! <January 1995>


Student. Name

Student. Name, Change! < Through 1997>

Student. Name, Change! <1998>


Customer. Deceased Retention! <Pre-2001>

Customer. Left Country Retention! <Pre-2001>

Customer. Inactive Retention! <2001>

Class ~ Professor. Cardinality! <Pre 2007>

1{Professor}1 ~ 0{Class}3

Class ~ [Full] Professor. Cardinality! <2007>

1{Professor}1 ~ 0{Class}2

Class ~ [Associate] Professor. Cardinality! <2007>

1{Professor}1 ~ 0{Class}4

Failure and Notification

Trailer. Length

Domain! 20 <= Integer <= 60

Violation! Move Trailer to Trailer Suspense


Violation! Move Trailer to Trailer Suspense

Trailer. Length

Domain! 20 <= Integer <= 60

And so on.


Violation! Move Trailer to Trailer Suspense

Notification! Entry into Vehicle Error Log.

Trailer. Length

Domain! 20 <= Integer <= 60

Data Source Rules

     Employee: Race. Code

          Source! << PYRL.EMPL_RACE

     Employee. Name

          Source ! When Employee. Hire Date >= ‘January 1, 1990’

                        & <= ‘December 31, 1999’ << PYRL.EMPL_NM

                        When Employee. Hire Date >= January 1, 2000

                        << AA.EMP_NAME

     Employee. Birth Date

          Source! When Department. Identifier ^ Employee = ’62’ | ‘63’ | ‘64’

                        << PYRL_EMPL_BD

                        When Department. Identifier ^ Employee <> ’62’ | ‘63’ | ‘64’

                        << TRAIN.EMPLYE_BDATE

     Employee. Birth Date

          Source! When Department. Identifier ^ Employee = ’62’ | ‘63’ | ‘64’

                        << PYRL_EMPL_BD

                        When Department. Identifier ^ Employee <> ’62’ | ‘63’ | ‘64’

                        << TRAIN.EMPLYE_BDATE

           When TRAIN.EMPLYE_BDATE = ‘ ‘ << PYRL.EMPL_BD

           When PYRL.EMPL_BD = ‘ ‘ << AA.EMP_BIRTH


The up-caret is used to denote a hierarchy. The example below is read as “Report is parent to Site Class, which is parent to Age Category, which is parent to Species, which is parent to Timber Stand.”  The hierarchy could also be read in the other direction as “Timber Stand is subordinate to Species, which is subordinate to Age Category, which is Subordinate to Site Class, which is subordinate to Report.

Report ^ Site Class ^ Age Category ^ Species ^ Timber Stand

University ^ Department ^ Course ^ Class ^ Section

Library ^ Wing ^ Floor ^ Section ^ Row ^ Shelf ^ Book

The hierarchy symbol can also be used for recursive data relations. The example below specifies that a parent organization unit cannot have the same identifier as the subordinate organization unit. In other words, an organization unit cannot report to itself.

Organization Unit. Identifier ^ <> Organization Unit. Identifier

The example below specifies that any organization unit in the hierarchy cannot have the same identifier as the subordinate organization unit. In other words, no parent, grandparent, great grandparent, and so on, can have the same identifier as the subordinate organization unit.

Organization Unit. Identifier ^^ <> Organization Unit. Identifier


Concatenations use the double parallel symbol. The example below shows that a person’s complete name in the normal sequence is obtained from the person’s individual name concatenated with a blank, concatenated with the person’s middle name, concatenated with a blank, concatenated with a person’s family name.

Person. Name Complete, Normal = Person. Individual Name || ‘ ‘

|| Person. Middle Name || ‘ ‘ || Person. Family Name

Person. Name Complete, Inverted = Person. Family Name || ‘, ‘

|| Person. Individual Name || ‘ ‘ || Person. Middle Name


Sub-stringing uses the back slashes with the ranges of the sub-stringing outside the back slashes and the data attribute inside the back slashes. In the example below, the vehicle’s manufactured date is obtained by sub-stringing fields 5 through 8 from the vehicle comment data attribute.

Vehicle. Year Manufactured = 5 Vehicle. Comment 8

Valid For

The valid for symbol specifies a constraint for a data value. The example below specifies that student type code contained in the student data entity must equal one of the type codes in the student type data reference set that is valid for the student’s registration date.

Student: Student. Type Code ><

Student Type. Code :: Student. Registration Date

Move To

The move to symbol specifies that data are moved from one location to another location. The example below specifies that the violation action for a data integrity rule failure of trailer data results in the trailer data record begin moved to the trailer suspense data entity.

Violation! Trailer >> Trailer Suspense

Data Reconstruction Rules


          Reconstruct! Current back through January 1984





            And so on.

Data Recast Rules

     Recast! 1970 through 1999 to 1970 using Recast Algorithm 6





       And so on.

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