6 Unit tests

Programming at a coffee shop

This chapter covers

  • Generation of the minimal data input for a test case
  • Comparison of the output of a function with the expected output
  • Guidance about the quality and the quantity of the test cases

In a data-oriented system, our code deals mainly with data manipulation: most of our functions receive data and return data. As a consequence, it’s quite easy to write unit tests to check whether our code behaves as expected. A unit test is made of test cases that generate data input and compare the data output of the function with the expected data output. In this chapter, we write unit tests for the queries and mutations that we wrote in the previous chapters.

6.1 The simplicity of data-oriented test cases

Theo and Joe are seated around a large wooden table in a corner of “La vie est belle,” a nice little French coffee shop, located near the Golden Gate Bridge. Theo orders a café au lait with a croissant, and Joe orders a tight espresso with a pain au chocolat. Instead of the usual general discussions about programming and life when they’re out of the office, Joe leads the discussion towards a very concrete topic—unit tests. Theo asks Joe for an explanation.

  THEO   Are unit tests such a simple topic that we can tackle it here in a coffee shop?

    JOE   Unit tests in general, no. But unit tests for data-oriented code, yes!

  THEO   Why does that make a difference?

    JOE   The vast majority of the code base of a data-oriented system deals with data manipulation.

  THEO   Yeah. I noticed that almost all the functions we wrote so far receive data and return data.

?Tip Most of the code in a data-oriented system deals with data manipulation.

    JOE   Writing a test case for functions that deal with data is only about generating data input and expected output, and comparing the output of the function with the expected output.

The steps of a test case

  1. Generate data input: dataIn

  2. Generate expected output: dataOut

  3. Compare the output of the function with the expected output: f(dataIn) and dataOut

  THEO   That’s it?

    JOE   Yes. As you’ll see in a moment, in DOP, there’s usually no need for mock functions.

  THEO   I understand how to compare primitive values like strings or numbers, but I’m not sure how I would compare data collections like maps.

    JOE   You compare field by field.

  THEO   Recursively?

    JOE   Yes!

  THEO   Oh no! I’m not able to write any recursive code in a coffee shop. I need the calm of my office for that kind of stuff.

    JOE   Don’t worry. In DOP, data is represented in a generic way. There is a generic function in Lodash called _.isEqual for recursive comparison of data collections. It works with both maps and arrays.

Joe opens his laptop. He is able to convince Theo by executing a few code snippets with _.isEqual to compare an equal data collection with a non-equal one.

Listing 6.1 Comparing an equal data collection recursively

  "name": "Alan Moore",
  "bookIsbns": ["978-1779501127"]
}, {
    "name": "Alan Moore",
    "bookIsbns": ["978-1779501127"]
// → true

Listing 6.2 Comparing a non-equal data collection recursively

  "name": "Alan Moore",
  "bookIsbns": ["978-1779501127"]
}, {
    "name": "Alan Moore",
    "bookIsbns": ["bad-isbn"]
// → false

  THEO   Nice!

    JOE   Most of the test cases in DOP follow this pattern.

Theo decides he wants to try this out. He fires up his laptop and types a few lines of pseudocode.

Listing 6.3 The general pattern of a data-oriented test case

var dataIn = {
  // input
var dataOut = {
  // expected output
_.isEqual(f(dataIn), dataOut);

?Tip It’s straightforward to write unit tests for code that deals with data manipulation.

  THEO   Indeed, this looks like something we can tackle in a coffee shop!

6.2 Unit tests for data manipulation code

A waiter in an elegant bow tie brings Theo his croissant and Joe his pain au chocolat. The two friends momentarily interrupt their discussion to savor their French pastries. When they’re done, they ask the waiter to bring them their drinks. Meanwhile, they resume the discussion.

    JOE   Do you remember the code flow of the implementation of the search query?

  THEO   Let me look again at the code that implements the search query.

Theo brings up the implementation of the search query on his laptop. Noticing that Joe is chewing on his nails again, he quickly checks out the code.

Listing 6.4 The code involved in the implementation of the search query

class Catalog {
  static authorNames(catalogData, authorIds) {
    return _.map(authorIds, function(authorId) {
      return _.get(catalogData, ["authorsById", authorId, "name"]);
  static bookInfo(catalogData, book) {
    var bookInfo =  {
      "title": _.get(book, "title"),
      "isbn": _.get(book, "isbn"),
      "authorNames": Catalog.authorNames(catalogData,
        _.get(book, "authorIds"))
    return bookInfo;
  static searchBooksByTitle(catalogData, query) {
    var allBooks = _.get(catalogData, "booksByIsbn");
    var matchingBooks = _.filter(allBooks, function(book) {
      return _.get(book, "title").includes(query);
    var bookInfos = _.map(matchingBooks, function(book) {
      return Catalog.bookInfo(catalogData, book);
    return bookInfos;
class Library {
  static searchBooksByTitleJSON(libraryData, query) {
    var catalogData = _.get(libraryData, "catalog");
    var results = Catalog.searchBooksByTitle(catalogData, query);
    var resultsJSON = JSON.stringify(results);
    return resultsJSON;

6.2.1 The tree of function calls

The waiter brings Theo his café au lait and Joe his tight espresso. They continue their discussion while enjoying their coffees.

    JOE   Before writing a unit test for a code flow, I find it useful to visualize the tree of function calls of the code flow.

  THEO   What do you mean by a tree of function calls?

    JOE   Here, I’ll draw the tree of function calls for the Library.searchBooksByTitleJSON code flow.

Joe puts down his espresso and takes a napkin from the dispenser. He carefully places it flat on the table and starts to draw. When he is done, he shows the illustration to Theo (see figure 6.1).

Figure 6.1 The tree of function calls for the search query code flow

  THEO   Nice! Can you teach me how to draw a tree of function calls like that?

    JOE   Sure. The root of the tree is the name of the function for which you draw the tree, in our case, Library.searchBooksByTitleJSON. The children of a node in the tree are the names of the functions called by the function. For example, if you look again at the code for Library.searchBooksByTitleJSON (listing 6.4), you’ll see that it calls Catalog.searchBooksByTitle, _.get, and JSON.stringify.

  THEO   How long would I continue to recursively expand the tree?

    JOE   You continue until you reach a function that doesn’t belong to the code base of your application. Those nodes are the leaves of our tree; for example, the functions from Lodash: _.get, _.map, and so forth.

  THEO   What if the code of a function doesn’t call any other functions?

    JOE   A function that doesn’t call any other function would be a leaf in the tree.

  THEO   What about functions that are called inside anonymous functions like Catalog .bookInfo?

    JOE   Catalog.bookInfo appears in the code of Catalog.searchBooksByTitle. Therefore, it is considered to be a child node of Catalog.searchBooksByTitle. The fact that it is nested inside an anonymous function is not relevant in the context of the tree of function calls.

►Note A tree of function calls for a function f is a tree where the root is f, and the children of a node g in the tree are the functions called by g. The leaves of the tree are functions that are not part of the code base of the application. These are functions that don’t call any other functions.

  THEO   It’s very cool to visualize my code as a tree, but I don’t see how it relates to unit tests.

    JOE   The tree of function calls guides us about the quality and the quantity of test cases we should write.

  THEO   How?

    JOE   You’ll see in a moment.

6.2.2 Unit tests for functions down the tree

    JOE   Let’s start from the function that appears in the deepest node in our tree: Catalog.authorNames. Take a look at the code for Catalog.authorNames and tell me what are the input and the output of Catalog.authorNames.

Joe turns his laptop so Theo can a closer look at the code. Theo takes a sip of his café au lait as he looks over what’s on Joe’s laptop.

Listing 6.5 The code of Catalog.authorNames

Catalog.authorNames = function (catalogData, authorIds) {
  return _.map(authorIds, function(authorId) {
    return _.get(catalogData, ["authorsById", authorId, "name"]);

  THEO   The input of Catalog.authorNames is catalogData and authorIds. The output is authorNames.

    JOE   Would you do me a favor and express it visually?

  THEO   Sure.

It’s Theo’s turn to grab a napkin. He draws a small rectangle with two inward arrows and one outward arrow as in figure 6.2.

Figure 6.2 Visualization of the input and output of Catalog.authorNames

    JOE   Excellent! Now, how many combinations of input would you include in the unit test for Catalog.authorNames?

  THEO   Let me see.

Theo reaches for another napkin. This time he creates a table to gather his thoughts (table 6.1).

Table 6.1 The table of test cases for Catalog.authorNames




Catalog with two authors

Empty array

Empty array

Catalog with two authors

Array with one author ID

Array with one author name

Catalog with two authors

Array with two author IDs

Array with two author names

  THEO   To begin with, I would have a catalogData with two author IDs and call Catalog.authorNames with three arguments: an empty array, an array with a single author ID, and an array with two author IDs.

    JOE   How would you generate the catalogData?

  THEO   Exactly as we generated it before.

Turning to his laptop, Theo writes the code for catalogData. He shows it to Joe.

Listing 6.6 A complete catalogData map

var catalogData = {
  "booksByIsbn": {
    "978-1779501127": {
      "isbn": "978-1779501127",
      "title": "Watchmen",
      "publicationYear": 1987,
      "authorIds": ["alan-moore", "dave-gibbons"],
      "bookItems": [
          "id": "book-item-1",
          "libId": "nyc-central-lib",
          "isLent": true
          "id": "book-item-2",
          "libId": "nyc-central-lib",
          "isLent": false
  "authorsById": {
    "alan-moore": {
      "name": "Alan Moore",
      "bookIsbns": ["978-1779501127"]
    "dave-gibbons": {
      "name": "Dave Gibbons",
      "bookIsbns": ["978-1779501127"]

    JOE   You could use your big catalogData map for the unit test, but you could also use a smaller map in the context of Catalog.authorNames. You can get rid of the booksByIsbn field of the catalogData and the bookIsbns fields of the authors.

Joe deletes a few lines from catalogData and gets a much smaller map. He shows the revision to Theo.

Listing 6.7 A minimal version of catalogData

var catalogData = {
  "authorsById": {
    "alan-moore": {
      "name": "Alan Moore"
    "dave-gibbons": {
      "name": "Dave Gibbons"

  THEO   Wait a minute! This catalogData is not valid.

    JOE   In DOP, data validity depends on the context. In the context of Library .searchBooksByTitleJSON and Catalog.searchBooksByTitle, the minimal version of catalogData is indeed not valid. However, in the context of Catalog.bookInfo and Catalog.authorNames, it is perfectly valid. The reason is that those two functions access only the authorsById field of catalogData.

?Tip The validity of the data depends on the context.

  THEO   Why is it better to use a minimal version of the data in a test case?

    JOE   For a very simple reason—the smaller the data, the easier it is to manipulate.

?Tip The smaller the data, the easier it is to manipulate.

  THEO   I’ll appreciate that when I write the unit tests!

    JOE   Definitely! One last thing before we start coding: how would you check that the output of Catalog.authorNames is as expected?

  THEO   I would check that the value returned by Catalog.authorNames is an array with the expected author names.

    JOE   How would you handle the array comparison?

  THEO   Let me think. I want to compare by value, not by reference. I guess I’ll have to check that the array is of the expected size and then check member by member, recursively.

    JOE   That’s too much of a mental burden when you’re in a coffee shop. As I showed you earlier (see listing 6.1), we can recursively compare two data collections by value with _.isEqual from Lodash.

?Tip We can compare the output and the expected output of our functions with _.isEqual.

  THEO   Sounds good! Let me write the test cases.

Theo starts typing on his laptop. After a few minutes, he has some test cases for Catalog .authorNames, each made from a function call to Catalog.authorNames wrapped in _.isEqual.

Listing 6.8 Unit test for Catalog.authorNames

var catalogData = {
  "authorsById": {
    "alan-moore": {
      "name": "Alan Moore"
    "dave-gibbons": {
      "name": "Dave Gibbons"
_.isEqual(Catalog.authorNames(catalogData, []), []);
  ["Alan Moore"]);
_.isEqual(Catalog.authorNames(catalogData, ["alan-moore", "dave-gibbons"]),
  ["Alan Moore", "Dave Gibbons"]);

    JOE   Well done! Can you think of more test cases?

  THEO   Yes. There are test cases where the author ID doesn’t appear in the catalog data, and test cases with empty catalog data. With minimal catalog data and _.isEqual, it’s really easy to write lots of test cases!

Theo really enjoys this challenge. He creates a few more test cases to present to Joe.

Listing 6.9 More test cases for Catalog.authorNames

_.isEqual(Catalog.authorNames({}, []), []);
_.isEqual(Catalog.authorNames({}, ["alan-moore"]), [undefined]);
_.isEqual(Catalog.authorNames(catalogData, ["alan-moore", 
  "albert-einstein"]), ["Alan Moore", undefined]);
_.isEqual(Catalog.authorNames(catalogData, []), []);
_.isEqual(Catalog.authorNames(catalogData, ["albert-einstein"]),

  THEO   How do I run these unit tests?

    JOE   You use your preferred test framework.

►Note We don’t deal here with test runners and test frameworks. We deal only with the logic of the test cases.

6.2.3 Unit tests for nodes in the tree

  THEO   I’m curious to see what unit tests for an upper node in the tree of function calls look like.

    JOE   Sure. Let’s write a unit test for Catalog.bookInfo. How many test cases would you have for Catalog.bookInfo?

Listing 6.10 The code of Catalog.bookInfo

Catalog.bookInfo = function (catalogData, book) {
  return  {
    "title": _.get(book, "title"),
    "isbn": _.get(book, "isbn"),
    "authorNames": Catalog.authorNames(catalogData, 
      _.get(book, "authorIds"))

Theo takes another look at the code for Catalog.bookInfo on his laptop. Then, reaching for another napkin, he draws a diagram of its input and output (see figure 6.3).

Figure 6.3 Visualization of the input and output of Catalog.bookInfo

  THEO   I would have a similar number of test cases for Catalog.authorNames: a book with a single author, with two authors, with existing authors, with non-existent authors, with ...

    JOE   Whoa! That’s not necessary. Given that we have already written unit tests for Catalog.authorNames, we don’t need to check all the cases again. We simply need to write a minimal test case to confirm that the code works.

?Tip When we write a unit test for a function, we assume that the functions called by this function are covered by unit tests and work as expected. It significantly reduces the quantity of test cases in our unit tests.

  THEO   That makes sense.

    JOE   How would you write a minimal test case for Catalog.bookInfo?

Theo once again takes a look at the code for Catalog.bookInfo (see listing 6.10). Now he can answer Joe’s question.

  THEO   I would use the same catalog data as for Catalog.authorNames and a book record. I’d test that the function behaves as expected by comparing its return value with a book info record using _.isEqual. Here, let me show you.

It takes Theo a bit more time to write the unit test. The reason is that the input and the output of Catalog.authorNames are both records. Dealing with a record is more complex than dealing with an array of strings (as it was the case for Catalog.authorNames). Theo appreciates the fact that _.isEqual saves him from writing code that compares the two maps property by property. When he’s through, he shows the result to Joe and takes a napkin to wipe his forehead.

Listing 6.11 Unit test for Catalog.bookInfo

var catalogData = {
  "authorsById": {
    "alan-moore": {
      "name": "Alan Moore"
    "dave-gibbons": {
      "name": "Dave Gibbons"
var book = {
  "isbn": "978-1779501127",
  "title": "Watchmen",
  "publicationYear": 1987,
  "authorIds": ["alan-moore", "dave-gibbons"]
var expectedResult = {
  "authorNames": ["Alan Moore", "Dave Gibbons"],
  "isbn": "978-1779501127",
  "title": "Watchmen",
var result = Catalog.bookInfo(catalogData, book);
_.isEqual(result, expectedResult);

    JOE   Perfect! Now, how would you compare the kind of unit tests for Catalog .bookInfo with the unit tests for Catalog.authorNames?

  THEO   On one hand, there is only a single test case in the unit test for Catalog.bookInfo. On the other hand, the data involved in the test case is more complex than the data involved in the test cases for Catalog.authorNames.

    JOE   Exactly! Functions that appear in a deep node in the tree of function calls tend to require more test cases, but the data involved in the test cases is less complex.

?Tip Functions that appear in a lower level in the tree of function calls tend to involve less complex data than functions that appear in a higher level in the tree (see table 6.2).

Table 6.2 The correlation between the depth of a function in the tree of function calls and the quality and quantity of the test cases

Depth in the tree

Complexity of the data

Number of test cases







6.3 Unit tests for queries

In the previous section, we saw how to write unit tests for utility functions like Catalog .bookInfo and Catalog.authorNames. Now, we are going to see how to write unit tests for the nodes of a query tree of function calls that are close to the root of the tree.

    JOE   Theo, how would you write a unit test for the code of the entry point of the search query?

To recall the particulars, Theo checks the code for Library.searchBooksByTitleJSON. Although Joe was right about today’s topic being easy enough to enjoy the ambience of a coffee shop, he has been doing quite a lot of coding this morning.

Listing 6.12 The code of Library.searchBooksByTitleJSON

Library.searchBooksByTitleJSON = function (libraryData, query) {
  var catalogData = _.get(libraryData, "catalog");
  var results = Catalog.searchBooksByTitle(catalogData, query);
  var resultsJSON = JSON.stringify(results);
  return resultsJSON;

He then takes a moment to think about how he’d write a unit test for that code. After another Aha! moment, now he’s got it.

  THEO   The inputs of Library.searchBooksByTitleJSON are library data and a query string, and the output is a JSON string (see figure 6.4). So, I would create a library data record with a single book and write tests with query strings that match the name of the book and ones that don’t match.

Figure 6.4 The input and output of Library.searchBooksByTitleJSON

    JOE   What about the expected results of the test cases?

  THEO   In cases where the query string matches, the expected result is a JSON string with the book info. In cases where the query string doesn’t match, the expected result is a JSON string with an empty array.

    JOE   Hmm ...

  THEO   What?

    JOE   I don’t like your answer.

  THEO   Why?

    JOE   Because your test case relies on a string comparison instead of a data comparison.

  THEO   What difference does it make? After all, the strings I’m comparing come from the serialization of data.

    JOE   It’s inherently much more complex to compare JSON strings than it is to compare data. For example, two different strings might be the serialization of the same piece of data.

  THEO   Really? How?

    JOE   Take a look at these two strings. They are the serialization of the same data. They’re different strings because the fields appear in a different order, but in fact, they serialize the same data!

Joe turns his laptop to Theo. As Theo looks at the code, he realizes that, once again, Joe is correct.

Listing 6.13 Two different strings that serialize the same data

var stringA = "{"title":"Watchmen","publicationYear":1987}";
var stringB = "{"publicationYear":1987,"title":"Watchmen"}";

?Tip Avoid using a string comparison in unit tests for functions that deal with data.

  THEO   I see... . Well, what can I do instead?

    JOE   Instead of comparing the output of Library.searchBooksByTitleJSON with a string, you could deserialize the output and compare it to the expected data.

  THEO   What do you mean by deserialize a string?

    JOE   Deserializing a string s, for example, means to generate a piece of data whose serialization is s.

  THEO   Is there a Lodash function for string deserialization?

    JOE   Actually, there is a native JavaScript function for string deserialization; it’s called JSON.parse.

Joe retrieves his laptop and shows Theo an example of string deserialization. The code illustrates a common usage of JSON.parse.

Listing 6.14 Example of string deserialization

var myString = "{"publicationYear":1987,"title":"Watchmen"}";
var myData = JSON.parse(myString);
_.get(myData, "title");
// → "Watchmen"

  THEO   Cool! Let me try writing a unit test for Library.searchBooksByTitleJSON using JSON.parse.

It doesn’t take Theo too much time to come up with a piece of code. Using his laptop, he inputs the unit test.

Listing 6.15 Unit test for Library.searchBooksByTitleJSON

var libraryData = {
  "catalog": {
    "booksByIsbn": {
      "978-1779501127": {
        "isbn": "978-1779501127",
        "title": "Watchmen",
        "publicationYear": 1987,
        "authorIds": ["alan-moore",
    "authorsById": {
      "alan-moore": {
        "name": "Alan Moore",
        "bookIsbns": ["978-1779501127"]
      "dave-gibbons": {
        "name": "Dave Gibbons",
        "bookIsbns": ["978-1779501127"]
var bookInfo = {
  "isbn": "978-1779501127",
  "title": "Watchmen",
  "authorNames": ["Alan Moore",
    "Dave Gibbons"]

    JOE   Well done! I think you’re ready to move on to the last piece of the puzzle and write the unit test for Catalog.searchBooksByTitle.

Because Theo and Joe have been discussing unit tests for quite some time, he asks Joe if he would like another espresso. They call the waiter and order, then Theo looks again at the code for Catalog.searchBooksByTitle.

Listing 6.16 The code of Catalog.searchBooksByTitle

Catalog.searchBooksByTitle = function(catalogData, query) {
  var allBooks = _.get(catalogData, "booksByIsbn");
  var matchingBooks = _.filter(allBooks, function(book) {
    return _.get(book, "title").includes(query);
  var bookInfos = _.map(matchingBooks, function(book) {
    return Catalog.bookInfo(catalogData, book);
  return bookInfos;

Writing the unit test for Catalog.searchBooksByTitle is a more pleasant experience for Theo than writing the unit test for Library.searchBooksByTitleJSON. He appreciates this for two reasons:

  • It’s not necessary to deserialize the output because the function returns data.

  • It’s not necessary to wrap the catalog data in a library data map.

Listing 6.17 Unit test for Catalog.searchBooksByTitle

var catalogData = {
  "booksByIsbn": {
    "978-1779501127": {
      "isbn": "978-1779501127",
      "title": "Watchmen",
      "publicationYear": 1987,
      "authorIds": ["alan-moore",
  "authorsById": {
    "alan-moore": {
      "name": "Alan Moore",
      "bookIsbns": ["978-1779501127"]
    "dave-gibbons": {
      "name": "Dave Gibbons",
      "bookIsbns": ["978-1779501127"]
var bookInfo = {
  "isbn": "978-1779501127",
  "title": "Watchmen",
  "authorNames": ["Alan Moore",
    "Dave Gibbons"]
_.isEqual(Catalog.searchBooksByTitle(catalogData, "Watchmen"), [bookInfo]);
_.isEqual(Catalog.searchBooksByTitle(catalogData, "Batman"), []);

    JOE   That’s a good start!

  THEO   I thought I was done. What did I miss?

    JOE   You forgot to test cases where the query string is all lowercase.

  THEO   You’re right! Let me quickly add one more test case.

In less than a minute, Theo creates an additional test case and shows it to Joe. What a disappointment when Theo discovers that the test case with "watchmen" in lowercase fails!

Listing 6.18 Additional test case for Catalog.searchBooksByTitle

_.isEqual(Catalog.searchBooksByTitle(catalogData, "watchmen"),

    JOE   Don’t be too upset, my friend. After all, the purpose of unit tests is to find bugs in the code so that you can fix them. Can you fix the code of CatalogData.searchBooksByTitle?

  THEO   Sure. All I need to do is to lowercase both the query string and the book title before comparing them. I’d probably do something like this.

Listing 6.19 Fixed code of Catalog.searchBooksByTitle

Catalog.searchBooksByTitle = function(catalogData, query) {
  var allBooks = _.get(catalogData, "booksByIsbn");
  var queryLowerCased = query.toLowerCase();              
  var matchingBooks = _.filter(allBooks, function(book) {
    return _.get(book, "title")
  var bookInfos = _.map(matchingBooks, function(book) {
    return Catalog.bookInfo(catalogData, book);
  return bookInfos;

Converts the query to lowercase

Converts the book title to lowercase

After fixing the code of Catalog.searchBooksByTitle, Theo runs all the test cases again. This time, all of them pass—what a relief!

Listing 6.20 Additional test case for Catalog.searchBooksByTitle

_.isEqual(Catalog.searchBooksByTitle(catalogData, "watchmen"),

    JOE   It’s such good feeling when all the test cases pass.

  THEO   Sure is.

    JOE   I think we’ve written unit tests for all the search query code, so now we’re ready to write unit tests for mutations. Thank goodness the waiter just brought our coffee orders.

6.4 Unit tests for mutations

    JOE   Before writing unit tests for the add member mutation, let’s draw the tree of function calls for System.addMember.

  THEO   I can do that.

Theo takes a look at the code for the functions involved in the add member mutation. He notices the code is spread over three classes: System, Library, and UserManagement.

Listing 6.21 The functions involved in the add member mutation

System.addMember = function(systemState, member) {
  var previous = systemState.get();
  var next = Library.addMember(previous, member);
  systemState.commit(previous, next);
Library.addMember = function(library, member) {
  var currentUserManagement = _.get(library, "userManagement");
  var nextUserManagement = UserManagement.addMember(
    currentUserManagement, member);
  var nextLibrary = _.set(library, "userManagement", nextUserManagement);
  return nextLibrary;
UserManagement.addMember = function(userManagement, member) {
  var email = _.get(member, "email");
  var infoPath = ["membersByEmail", email];
  if(_.has(userManagement, infoPath)) {
    throw "Member already exists.";
  var nextUserManagement =  _.set(userManagement,
  return nextUserManagement;

Theo grabs another napkin. Drawing the tree of function calls for System.addMember is now quite easy (see figure 6.5).

Figure 6.5 The tree of function calls for System.addMember

    JOE   Excellent! So which functions of the tree should be unit tested for the add member mutation?

  THEO   I think the functions we need to test are System.addMember, SystemState .get, SystemState.commit, Library.addMember, and UserManagement .addMember. That right?

    JOE   You’re totally right. Let’s defer writing unit tests for functions that belong to SystemState until later. Those are generic functions that should be tested outside the context of a specific mutation. Let’s assume for now that we’ve already written unit tests for the SystemState class. We’re left with three functions: System.addMember, Library.addMember, and UserManagement.addMember.

  THEO   In what order should we write the unit tests, bottom up or top down?

    JOE   Let’s start where the real meat is—in UserManagement.addMember. The two other functions are just wrappers.

  THEO   OK.

    JOE   Writing a unit test for the main function of a mutation requires more effort than writing the test for a query. The reason is that a query returns a response based on the system data, whereas a mutation computes a new state of the system based on the current state of the system and some arguments (see figure 6.6).

Figure 6.6 The output of a mutation is more complex than the output of a query.

?Tip Writing a unit test for the main function of a mutation requires more effort than for a query.

  THEO   It means that in the test cases of UserManagement.addMember, both the input and the expected output are maps that describe the state of the system.

    JOE   Exactly. Let’s start with the simplest case, where the initial state of the system is empty.

  THEO   You mean that userManagementData passed to UserManagement.addMember is an empty map?

    JOE   Yes.

Once again, Theo places his hands over his laptop keyboard, thinks for a moment, and begins typing. He reminds himself that the code needs to add a member to an empty user management map and to check that the resulting map is as expected. When he’s finished, he shows his code to Joe.

Listing 6.22 Test case for Catalog.addMember without members

var member = {
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "password": "my-secret"
var userManagementStateBefore = {};
var expectedUserManagementStateAfter = {
  "membersByEmail": {
    "[email protected]": {
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "password": "my-secret"
var result = UserManagement.addMember(userManagementStateBefore, member);
_.isEqual(result, expectedUserManagementStateAfter);

    JOE   Very nice! Keep going and write a test case when the initial state is not empty.

Theo knows this requires a few more lines of code but nothing complicated. When he finishes, he once again shows the code to Joe.

Listing 6.23 Test case for Catalog.addMember with existing members

var jessie = {
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "password": "my-secret"
var franck = {
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "password": "my-top-secret"
var userManagementStateBefore = {
  "membersByEmail": {
    "[email protected]": {
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "password": "my-top-secret"
var expectedUserManagementStateAfter = {
  "membersByEmail": {
    "[email protected]": {
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "password": "my-secret"
    "[email protected]": {
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "password": "my-top-secret"
var result = UserManagement.addMember(userManagementStateBefore, jessie);
_.isEqual(result, expectedUserManagementStateAfter);

    JOE   Awesome! Can you think of other test cases for UserManagement.addMember?

  THEO   No.

    JOE   What about cases where the mutation fails?

  THEO   Right! I always forget to think about negative test cases. I assume that relates to the fact that I’m an optimistic person.

?Tip Don’t forget to include negative test cases in your unit tests.

    JOE   Me too. The more I meditate, the more I’m able to focus on the positive side of life. Anyway, how would you write a test case where the mutation fails?

  THEO   I would pass to UserManagement.addMember a member that already exists in userManagementStateBefore.

    JOE   And how would you check that the code behaves as expected in case of a failure?

  THEO   Let me see. When a member already exists, UserManagement.addMember throws an exception. Therefore, what I need to do in my test case is to wrap the code in a try/catch block.

    JOE   Sounds good to me.

Once again, it doesn’t require too much of an effort for Theo to create a new test case. When he’s finished, he eagerly turns his laptop to Joe.

Listing 6.24 Test case for UserManagement.addMember if it’s expected to fail

var jessie = {
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "password": "my-secret"
var userManagementStateBefore = {
  "membersByEmail": {
    "[email protected]": {
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "password": "my-secret"
var expectedException = "Member already exists.";
var exceptionInMutation;
try {
  UserManagement.addMember(userManagementStateBefore, jessie);
} catch (e) {
  exceptionInMutation = e;
_.isEqual(exceptionInMutation, expectedException);

  THEO   Now, I think I’m ready to move forward and write unit tests for Library.addMember and System.addMember.

    JOE   I agree with you. Please start with Library.addMember.

  THEO   Library.addMember is quite similar to UserManagement.addMember. So I guess I’ll write similar test cases.

    JOE   In fact, that won’t be required. As I told you when we wrote unit tests for a query, when you write a unit test for a function, you can assume that the functions down the tree work as expected.

  THEO   Right. So I’ll just write the test case for existing members.

    JOE   Go for it!

Theo starts with a copy-and-paste of the code from the UserManagement.addMember test case with the existing members in listing 6.23. After a few modifications, the unit test for Library.addMember is ready.

Listing 6.25 Unit test for Library.addMember

var jessie = {
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "password": "my-secret"
var franck = {
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "password": "my-top-secret"
var libraryStateBefore = {
  "userManagement": {
    "membersByEmail": {
      "[email protected]": {
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "password": "my-top-secret"
var expectedLibraryStateAfter = {
  "userManagement": {
    "membersByEmail": {
      "[email protected]": {
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "password": "my-secret"
      "[email protected]": {
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "password": "my-top-secret"
var result = Library.addMember(libraryStateBefore, jessie);
_.isEqual(result, expectedLibraryStateAfter);

    JOE   Beautiful! Now, we’re ready for the last piece. Write a unit test for System .addMember. Before you start, could you please describe the input and the output of System.addMember?

Theo takes another look at the code for System.addMember and hesitates; he’s a bit confused. The function doesn’t seem to return anything!

Listing 6.26 The code of System.addMember

System.addMember = function(systemState, member) {
  var previous = systemState.get();
  var next = Library.addMember(previous, member);
  systemState.commit(previous, next);

  THEO   The input of System.addMember is a system state instance and a member. But, I’m not sure what the output of System.addMember is.

    JOE   In fact, System.addMember doesn’t have any output. It belongs to this stateful part of our code that doesn’t deal with data manipulation. Although DOP allows us to reduce the size of the stateful part of our code, it still exists. Here is how I visualize it.

Joe calls the waiter to see if he can get more napkins. With that problem resolved, he draws the diagram in figure 6.7.

Figure 6.7 System.addMember doesn’t return data—it changes the system state!

  THEO   Then how do we validate that the code works as expected?

    JOE   We’ll retrieve the system state after the code is executed and compare it to the expected value of the state.

  THEO   OK. I’ll try to write the unit test.

    JOE   Writing unit tests for stateful code is more complicated than for data manipulation code. It requires the calm of the office.

  THEO   Then let’s go back to the office. Waiter! Check, please.

Theo picks up the tab, and he and Joe take the cable car back to Albatross. When they’re back at the office, Theo starts coding the unit test for Library.addMember.

  THEO   Can we use _.isEqual with system state?

    JOE   Definitely. The system state is a map like any other map.

?Tip The system state is a map. Therefore, in the context of a test case, we can compare the system state after a mutation is executed to the expected system state using _.isEqual

Theo copies and pastes the code for Library.addMember (listing 6.21), which initializes the data for the test. Then, he passes a SystemState object that is initialized with libraryStateBefore to System.addMember. Finally, to complete the test, he compares the system state after the mutation is executed with the expected value of the state.

class SystemState {
  get() {
    return this.systemState;
  commit(previous, next) {
    this.systemState = next;
window.SystemState = SystemState;

Listing 6.27 Unit test for System.addMember

var jessie = {
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "password": "my-secret"
var franck = {
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "password": "my-top-secret"
var libraryStateBefore = {
  "userManagement": {
    "membersByEmail": {
      "[email protected]": {
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "password": "my-top-secret"
var expectedLibraryStateAfter = {
  "userManagement": {
    "membersByEmail": {
      "[email protected]": {
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "password": "my-secret"
      "[email protected]": {
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "password": "my-top-secret"
var systemState = new SystemState();            
systemState.commit(null, libraryStateBefore);   
System.addMember(systemState, jessie);          

Creates an empty SystemState object (see chapter 4)

Initializes the system state with the library data before the mutation

Executes the mutation on the SystemState object

Validates the state after the mutation is executed

    JOE   Wow, I’m impressed; you did it! Congratulations!

  THEO   Thank you. I’m so glad that in DOP most of our code deals with data manipulation. It’s definitely more pleasant to write unit tests for stateless code that only deals with data manipulation.

    JOE   Now that you know the basics of DOP, would you like to refactor the code of your Klafim prototype according to DOP principles?

  THEO   Definitely. Nancy told me yesterday that Klafim is getting nice market traction. I’m supposed to have a meeting with her in a week or so about the next steps. Hopefully, she’ll be willing to work with Albatross for the long term.

    JOE   Exciting! Do you know what might influence Nancy’s decision?

  THEO   Our cost estimate, certainly, but I know she’s in touch with other software companies. If we come up with a competitive proposal, I think we’ll get the deal.

    JOE   I’m quite sure that after refactoring to DOP, features will take much less time to implement. That means you should be able to quote Nancy a lower total cost than the competition, right?

  THEO   I’ll keep my fingers crossed!

Moving forward

The meeting with Nancy went well. Albatross got the deal, Monica (Theo’s boss) is pleased, and it’s going to be a long-term project with a nice budget. They’ll need to hire a team of developers in order to meet the tough deadlines. While driving back to the office, Theo gets a phone call from Joe.

    JOE   How was your meeting with Nancy?

  THEO   We got the deal!

    JOE   Awesome! I told you that with DOP the cost estimation would be lower.

  THEO   In fact, we are not going to use DOP for this project.

    JOE   Why?

  THEO   After refactoring the Library Management System prototype to DOP, I did a deep analysis with my engineers. We came to the conclusion that DOP might be a good fit for the prototype phase, but it won’t work well at scale.

    JOE   Could you share the details of your analysis?

  THEO   I can’t right now. I’m driving.

    JOE   Could we meet in your office later today?

  THEO   I’m quite busy with the new project and the tough deadlines.

    JOE   Let’s meet at least in order to have a proper farewell.

  THEO   OK. Let’s meet at 4 PM, then.

►Note The story continues in the opener of part 2.


  • Most of the code in a data-oriented system deals with data manipulation.

  • It’s straightforward to write unit tests for code that deals with data manipulation.

  • Test cases follow the same simple general pattern:

    a) Generate data input

    b) Generate expected data output

    c) Compare the output of the function with the expected data output

  • In order to compare the output of a function with the expected data output, we need to recursively compare the two pieces of data.

  • The recursive comparison of two pieces of data is implemented via a generic function.

  • When a function returns a JSON string, we parse the string back to data so that we deal with data comparison instead of string comparison.

  • A tree of function calls for a function f is a tree where the root is f, and the children of a node g in the tree are the functions called by g.

  • The leaves of the tree are functions that are not part of the code base of the application and are functions that don’t call any other functions.

  • The tree of function calls visualization guides us regarding the quality and quantity of the test cases in a unit test.

  • Functions that appear in a lower level in the tree of function calls tend to involve less complex data than functions that appear in a higher level in the tree.

  • Functions that appear in a lower level in the tree of function calls usually need to be covered with more test cases than functions that appear in a higher level in the tree.

  • Unit tests for mutations focus on the calculation phase of the mutation.

  • The validity of the data depends on the context.

  • The smaller the data, the easier it is to manipulate.

  • We compare the output and the expected output of our functions with a generic function that recursively compares two pieces of data (e.g., _.isEqual).

  • When we write a unit test for a function, we assume that the functions called by this function are covered by the unit tests and work as expected. This significantly reduces the quantity of test cases in our unit tests.

  • We avoid using string comparison in unit tests for functions that deal with data.

  • Writing a unit test for the main function of a mutation requires more effort than for a query.

  • Remember to include negative test cases in your unit tests.

  • The system state is a map. Therefore, in the context of a test case, we can compare the system state after a mutation is executed to the expected system state using a generic function like _.isEqual.

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