We’ve been placing special emphasis on diversity programs for years, and it’s time to make them pay off. In a strange and unfortunate twist, new research from George Mason University indicates “…that workplace discrimination actually increases in an economic downturn. A recent study by Eden King, an assistant professor of psychology at the Fairfax, Virginia, college, found that competition for fewer jobs and resources often forces minority groups to the outside. For instance, King and her coresearchers found that when white women and men were told that the economy was going to tank and were then asked to evaluate four equally qualified job candidates, the majority selected the white male candidate. When they were told that the economy would improve, however, they tended to favor the female Hispanic candidate.” Smart organizations will use the increased number of high-quality diverse candidates available to acquire great talent and build their leadership “bench strength.”5

In spite of organizations’ reaction to the economy and trying to return to their comfort zone when it comes to choosing white, middle-aged males, the research indicates that “by the year 2050, people of color will make up significantly more than half the U.S. population.”6 It is imperative that leadership ranks shift to reflect the more ethnically diverse nation as well, and tapping the organization’s own as well as external diversity talent pools is one way to acquire highly developed and ethnically diverse leaders.

Tips for Recruiting Diverse Leaders:

•   Establish the organization both in action and reputation as one that hires and promotes diverse talent.

•   Work with Marketing and the HR Department to create a message that accurately reflects the organization in this area.

•   Set diversity goals and create a reward system to reinforce both recruiting and internal promotion goals.

•   Cascade the message consistently and hold leaders accountable, ensuring that hiring profiles reach the desired supply and delivery goals.

•   When recruiting a leader, begin by looking in the organization’s diversity programs even if no one has officially put his/her hat in the ring for the position.

•   Work with recruiters who specialize in diversity recruiting.

•   Tap professional institutions, graduate schools, and universities.

Recruit Women Leaders

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