Recruit People Over 55

Okay, now we don’t mean to kick any sacred cows here, but we really have to address a workplace bias. People over 55 are often passed over for leadership positions because of their “short runway” (time left in the workplace) or lack of techno savvy. In today’s marketplace, the technology piece is central, but it is a learnable skill. Leaders over 55 who desire to stay relevant will have already tackled this objection or will be in the process of tackling it by the time they come to an organization for a potential leadership position. The bigger issue is the “short runway.” In the United States, we typically look at people over 55 as being on the downhill slide to retirement, and for some, this is true, but for those who like to work and want to work, they can be key contributors for many years. Think of leaders like Margaret Thatcher, Ted Kennedy, and Alan Greenspan who served effectively well into their 70s. Seasoned leaders such as these can offer true benefits to the workplace, including experience, industry relationships, company loyalty, and strong work ethic to name a few.

There are many people over 55 who are seeking leadership positions and being turned down over and over again in spite of stellar records of achievement and career success. However, there are companies that have already figured this out and are moving strategically to tap the high-quality over-55 talent supply.

In an interview, Dan Smith, Senior Vice President of Human Resources at Borders Group, explained “why the retail giant has its eye on staffing its stores with the older demographic category and the unique approaches and benefits involved in employing a ‘silver collar’ workforce. With the Boomers nearing retirement age, the pending exodus of the whopping generation that accounts for roughly 80 million workers is predicted to drastically impact the composition and productivity of the American workforce. While most of corporate America is passively bracing for the upcoming shift and sweeping economic impact, Borders has taken a proactive approach to minimize future worker shortage and capitalize on the shifting workforce demographics by driving an initiative to attract and retain workers over the age of 50. With 1,200 retail stores and more than 34,000 employees worldwide, Borders has strategically positioned itself to reap the benefits of employing this demographic to help ring in store sales.”11

Borders may be onto something. Time will tell, but we believe this strategy will pay off.

Tips for Recruiting People Over 55:

•   Create a low-stress environment. Only a few Type As thrive in high-stress environments, and even Type As have usually had enough by age 55. Create an enjoyable work environment that includes

a.   flexible scheduling;

b.   a sense of safety;

c.   a connection to other employees and to the community;

d.   intellectual stimulation.

•   Put an emphasis on your benefits and conducive environment. In addition to the more intrinsic needs, this age group also has financial and benefit needs:

a.   They will need to be compensated equally to their peers in like positions.

b.   They need health insurance and financial investment options.

Recruit Gen Y

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