Gen Y

Let’s go back to our foundational understanding of who they are. Gen Y is a massive group, even larger than the Boomers. They are entering the workforce as an organized, multitasking, technosavvy mass that has. They have been pampered, nurtured, and programmed. They are both high-performance and high-maintenance. Here’s the high level:

•   What are they best at?

–   techno-savvy

–   organized

–   demanding

–   problem solvers

•   What gets them going?

–   validation

–   contributing by doing interesting work with a collaborative team and solving important problems

–   their friends

–   flexibility

–   personal growth

How can we use this information to drive revenue? Well, it doesn’t look that hard when we break it down like this. We would first try to create an environment where Gen Yers feel valued. To do this, we would listen to their suggestions and implement them when feasible. We would give Google-type benefits as this gives them a sense of the company caring about them as people and valuable assets not just tools. We would also create a Results Only Work Environment or get as close to it as possible depending on necessary shift work, etc.

Next, we would encourage Gen Y to get their friends to apply for open positions. If we hire smart people, chances are they hang around other smart people. With Gen Yers, allowing them to work with their friends is going to go a lot further than trying to prevent it or not paying attention.

We would try to find out what they are most interested in working on and get them into positions to work on those things as soon as possible, realizing that it may be a period of time before the right position opens.

Finally, we would put them in small teams and give them important problems to solve and a structure and timeframe within which to operate. We would give them as many tools as possible with guidance and mentoring as needed. We would allow them creative freedom, and when they bring infeasible solutions, we would gently teach and coach, explaining barriers and problems with the solution and then give it back to them to resolve.

When they resolve important problems (even small ones in the beginning), we would give them ample feedback and pats on the back and, if appropriate and possible, a reward that is meaningful to each one as an individual.

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