
Decades of Differences:

Ken Gronbach’s Website:

Executive Development Associates Website

EDA on Twitter—Leadership Thought of the Day:

Trends in Executive Development:


Advanced Numerical Reasoning Appraisal

•   Description: The Advanced Numerical Reasoning Appraisal (ANRA) measures higher-level numerical reasoning and is the equivalent of Watson-Glaser “with numbers.” Numerical reasoning ability is vital for employees who need to make decisions using financial statements, trends and statistics, sales data, performance metrics, and other information. ANRA can accurately predict a candidate's ability to identify the most important information from a set of data, compare complex quantitative information, and break down information into essential parts.

•   Where to buy:

The California Psychological Inventory™ (CPI™) Assessment

•   Description: The exceptional history, validity, and reliability of the California Psychological Inventory (CPI) assessment make it one of the most respected assessments in the world. Its 3 Structural Scales, 20 Folk Scales, and 13 Special Purpose Scales provide a detailed portrait of an individual’s professional and personal styles. Built on more than 50 years of research, the CPI 434 tool offers rich descriptive commentary for the administrator in such useful areas as interpersonal style, approach to leadership, motivation, and approach to structure and rules, as well as a number of personal characteristics.

•   Where to buy:

The CPI 260® Assessment:

•   Description: The CPI 260 assessment objectively describes individuals the way others see them. It builds on the exceptional history, validity, and reliability of the California Psychological Inventory (CPI) assessment, transforming this trusted resource into a leadership development tool for today’s organizations. Its 260 items measure more than two dozen scales in such areas as dealing with others, self-management, motivation, thinking style, personal characteristics, and work-related characteristics. Built on more than 50 years of research, the CPI 260 assessment is designed for straightforward, easy administration that respects the time constraints of business. Organizations use this tool in such applications as management training, coaching, organization development, and performance improvement.

•   Where to buy:

Dealing with Conflict:

•   Dealing with Conflict is a 15-minute, online or paper assessment that determines how you use five styles to deal with conflict: accommodate, avoid, compromise, compete or collaborate. Dealing with Conflict compares participant’s scores to the scores of the general population, and teaches participants to use the optimal conflict style, for each situation. Trainers appreciate this instruments ease-of-use and comprehensive support materials.

•   Where to buy:

DiSC® Inventory:

•   Description: DiSC Classic, Personal Profile System (A plan to understand yourself and others) is the original DiSC Profile survey assessment paper version by Inscape Publishing, formally Carlson Learning Company. DiSC Classic Profile is a behavioral personality assessment. This four quadrant behavioral personality profile test provides an understanding of people through awareness of temperament and behavioral styles. The DiSC Profile is a learning instrument designed to help people realize to what degree they utilize each behavior style bases on their personality and the situation they find themselves in.

•   Where to buy: profile.asp


•   DISCStyles is a validated, 10–15 minute, online or paper DISC assessment that produces results in three interpersonal settings (work, home, social). Participants learn their preferred style from three graphs useful for determining strengths and weaknesses, resolving conflict, improving interpersonal communication, uncovering career development opportunities, and improving professional relationships in all life areas.

•   Where to buy:

The Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation– Behavior® (FIRO-B®) Assessment:

•   Description: The Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation–Behavior (FIRO-B) assessment helps people understand their own behavior and that of others in interpersonal situations. For more than 40 years, this classic 54-item assessment has been used to clarify human interactions in personal and business situations. It explores three basic interpersonal needs: Inclusion, Control, and Affection, along two dimensions: Expressed and Wanted. The FIRO-B assessment can be used as an integral part of team-building initiatives, personal development plans, and communication workshop

•   Where to buy:

The Golden Personality Type Profiler™:

•   Description: Unlike more simplistic assessments, Golden identifies both a Jungian 4-letter type and a 5th element for stress, as well as provides scores for 18 traits (facets) that help describe the unique personality of each person. Questions relate to five areas:

–   Where you focus your energy (Extraverting vs Introverting)

–   How you gather information (Sensing vs iNtuiting)

–   How you make decisions (Thinking vs Feeling)

–   How you approach life (organiZing vs Adapting)

–   How you respond to stress (Tense vs Calm)

•   Where to buy:

The Hogan Personality Inventory:

•   Description: The Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) is a measure of normal personality and is used to predict job performance. The HPI is an ideal tool to help you strengthen your employee selection, leadership development, succession planning, and talent management processes. The HPI was the first inventory of normal personality based on the Five-Factor Model and developed specifically for the business community.

•   Where to buy:

Insight Inventory®:

•   The Insight Inventory is a quality psychometric instrument that provides work and personal style profiles on four highly-valid behavioral scales in just 20 minutes. Insight breaks ranks with DISC, MBTI and other personality tests that designate “type” labels. Instead, Insight displays your profile in such a way that you see the extent to which you exercise opposing behavioral patterns. This results in the most accurate understanding of a person’s behavioral tendencies.

•   Where to buy:

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®)

•   Description: The MBTI assessment is used to develop individuals, teams, and organizations to meet today’s challenges in such areas as communication, team building, leadership, and career management. Individuals and organizations, including many Fortune 500 companies, use more than 2 million assessments worldwide each year. Form M of the instrument has 93 items and provides the basic MBTI four-letter type, while Form Q has 144 items and provides not only the four-letter type but also results for 20 facets of that type.

•   Where to buy:

Psychological Type Indicator™:

•   The Psychological Type Indicator (PTI) is a carefully crafted online or paper personality measure designed to provide guidance on psychological (Jungian) types using the sixteen types (INTJ, ENTP, etc.) first presented by Carl Jung. The feedback report identifies your primary type and your least used type, and provides comprehensive information to help you understand all 16 types to facilitate better communication and improve working relationships.

•   Where to buy:


•   Developed by renowned selection test experts, Dr.’s Bartram and Lindley, PREVUE is a one-hour long, online selection assessment anchored by a valid, automated method for creating job specific “ideal profile ranges” on 20 dimensions that include abilities, interests and personality traits. A hiring manager can then use a single summary metric to pick the best candidate, or review report narrative to more fully understand and evaluate each candidate's strengths, weaknesses and working characteristics. Organizations use PREVUE to assist in selection decisions, build teams, plan succession, and match employees with managers.

•   Where to buy:

Raven’s Progressive Matrices:

•   Description: Raven’s APM measures high-level observation skills, clear thinking ability, and intellectual capacity. This untimed test is designed to differentiate between people at the high end of intellectual ability. When administered under timed conditions, the APM can also be used to assess intellectual efficiency—quick and accurate high-level intellectual work. The APM score can be used as an indication of a candidate’s potential for success in high-level technical, professional, and executive positions that require high levels of clear and accurate thinking, problem identification, holistic situation assessment, and monitoring of tentative solutions for consistency with all available information.

•   Where to buy:

Strategic Leadership Type Indicator™ (SLTi):

•   The Strategic Leadership Type Indicator (SLTi) is a 15-minute, online or paper assessment that determines the degree to which a supervisor or manager uses coaching, teaching, relating or delegating styles in correct alignment with the capability and motivation of their direct reports. The SLTI combines proven, contemporary leadership strategies with the breakthrough concept initially commercialized by Situational Leadership™ that “one leadership strategy does not fit all situations”. Each supervisor has to understand the needs and capabilities of each direct report to manage that person optimally.

•   Where to buy:

Strong Interest Inventory®:

•   Description: For nearly 80 years, the Strong Interest Inventory assessment has provided time-tested, research-validated insights to help individuals in their search for a rich, fulfilling career. As one of the most respected and widely used career planning instruments in the world, it has been used extensively in organizations and educational institutions of all sizes.

•   Where to buy:

Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI)

•   Description: The 30-item, forced-choice inventory identifies a person’s preferred conflict-handling mode, or style, and provides detailed information about how he or she can effectively use all five modes—competing, collaborating, compromising, avoiding, and accommodating. Using the TKI, individuals can learn to move beyond conflict and focus on achieving organizational goals and business objectives. Organizations can apply the TKI to such challenges as change management, team building, leadership development, stress management, negotiation, and communication.

•   Where to buy:

Thurstone Test of Mental Alertness (Thurstone TMA™):

•   Description: The Thurstone Test of Mental Alertness (TMA) helps measure an individual’s ability to learn skills quickly, adjust to new situations, understand complex or subtle relationships, and think flexibly. Developed by renowned psychologists L.L. Thurstone and T.G. Thurstone, the TMA assessment can help support more informed external hiring and internal placement decisions in a wide range of occupations.

•   Where to buy: [email protected]

Watson-Glaser II Critical Thinking Appraisal®:

•   Description: The Watson-Glaser series is the gold standard for measuring and developing critical-thinking ability—the foundation of better decision making, problem solving, and career success in the 21st century.

–   Measures thinking, reasoning, and intelligence

–   Predicts judgment, problem solving, creativity, and more

–   Classifies individuals as having low, average, or high critical-thinking ability

–   Questions separate “bright” from “exceptional”

•   Where to buy: pricing.php

Wechsler Adult Scale of Intelligence®–IV (WAIS®-IV):

•   Description: In recognition of emerging demographic and clinical trends, the WAIS-IV was developed to provide you with the most advanced measure of cognitive ability and results you can trust when addressing the changing clinical landscape.

•   Where to buy: Cultures/en-us/Productdetail.htm?Pid=015-8980-808

Work/Life Values Checklist:

•   Description: Identify your clients’ most important values in work and life. Help your clients better understand themselves and make more informed decisions about their preferred work environment. This 38-item online tool takes just 15 minutes.

•   Where to buy:

360Degree Surveys


•   Description: A comprehensive 360-degree assessment tool for experienced managers that measures 16 skills and perspectives critical for success, as well as five possible career derailers. Benchmarks offers an in-depth look at development by assessing skills developed from a multitude of leadership experiences, identifying what lessons may yet to be learned, and helping the executive determine what specific work experiences need to be sought out in order to develop critical skills for success.

•   Where to buy:

VOICES®, Lominger

•   Description: VOICES utilizes Lominger’s Leadership Architect® Library as the foundation for assessment. The Library contains 67 Competencies (characteristics generally considered beneficial for career success) and 19 Career Stallers and Stoppers (characteristics generally considered harmful to career success).

•   Where to buy:

Leadership Effectiveness Survey® (LES):

•   Description: The Leadership Effectiveness Survey (LES) is a 360-degree multi-rater feedback process that provides experienced professionals with an opportunity to receive feedback on their job performance from the people around them—their manager, peers, subordinates, and customers. There are two surveys to choose from, each measuring 10 areas perceived skills and abilities. Custom 360-degree surveys are also available upon request.

•   Where to buy:


•   Description: The PROFILOR® is a comprehensive 360-degree feedback tool designed specifically for training and development purposes. It is customized to your organization’s development goals and business objectives.

•   Where to buy:

Performance Skills™ (PS) Leader:

•   PS Leader is a research-based, 82-item, online assessment that provides leaders an objective analysis of their leadership effectiveness in 24 crucial competencies. The assessment helps leaders identify development priorities and determine their known and unknown strengths by comparing their own self-perceptions to those of their supervisor, direct reports, and peers.

•   Where to buy:


•   Description: A straightforward 360-degree feedback tool assesses 15 key job-related skills essential for managerial success. SKILLSCOPE provides insightful feedback on job-related strengths and weaknesses.

•   Where to buy:


Business Simulation:

•   Description: Business Simulation offers experiential learning and performance solutions. Platforms incorporate innovative learning content and cutting-edge methodologies whose efficacy has been proven through successful implementation with leading organizations around the world. Simulation tools allow companies to develop the skills and capabilities within all levels of their organization, and these competencies ultimately drive improved business results.

•   Where to buy:

Crucial Conversations® Book and Workshops:

•   Description: Get unstuck with best practice skills for high-stakes interactions. Whenever you’re not getting the results you’re looking for, it’s likely that a crucial conversation is keeping you stuck. Whether it’s a problem with poor quality, slow time-to-market, declining customer satisfaction, or a strained relationship, if you can’t talk honestly with nearly anybody about almost anything, you can expect poor results. Make crucial conversations skills your best practices and everything gets better.

•   Where to buy:

The Recruiting Funnel:

•   Description: Study and learn your objectives, develop your candidate profile, understand your hiring process, and discover the main selling points of your opportunity.

•   Where to buy:

Tuck Executive Education at Dartmouth:

•   Website:

Penn State Smeal College of Business:

•   Website:

Wharton Executive Education at the University of Pennsylvania:

•   Website:

Harvard Business School Executive Education:

•   Website:

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